Designing A Dream Classroom

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Stephanie Kurvers

I will be sharing what I would like my classroom to look like and the function of
each area in the classroom. For this assignment I am imagining that I have a
kindergarten or first grade classroom. I will go in wall by wall sections to describe. After
each wall then I will describe all the areas in the middle of the classroom.
I am going to start my description of my dream classroom from the door moving
towards the small group table. The small group table is where I as the teacher will be
working with children throughout the day. During these meeting times we will be working
on reading and math concepts. The small groups will be divided by the level that the
students are at. So for example, I would have a group of low, average, and high groups
of students to work with. Behind the table is a whiteboard that I will be able to write on to
assist the students with anything that we could be working on. Around the table there
are a bunch of pink circles. All the pink circles on this drawing represent seating of
many varieties. Next to the table is a poster of expectations that the students are
expected to follow during small group time. The next part of the drawing that I am going
to talk about is the three brown shelves by the small group table. All of these shelves
will be floor to ceiling to maximize the storage space. The shelf closest to the small
group table will have some teacher materials on the top where students cannot reach.
These will be things like booklets for small group readings and other materials that
might be needed for small group times. On the lower half of the shelf where students
can reach will be where they can store their workbooks. They are stored on this shelf so
that their table workspace will not be cluttered. The second shelf will have teacher
materials on the top. The lower half of the shelf will contain student resources like math
games, puzzles, and other station works for small group work times. This brings us to
the third shelf. On this shelf will be all things for the teacher. It will have paperwork,
curriculum needs, and anything else that I as the teacher will have.
The next wall starts with the bulletin board. This will contain the calendar for
students to see the date and it will also have the teachers calendar with all the important
dates that need to be remembered. The bulletin board will be connected to the first part
of the whiteboard. This is where the announcements will be made for the students. Next
to that is the smartboard. This is what I as the teacher will use to help teach my
students. I will use this in many different ways. Next to the smartboard is the second
half of the whiteboard. Next to the whiteboard is where the poster/sign will be displayed
of the classroom expectations. This list was made with the students' input. On the other
side of the poster is the first bookshelf for the book nook corner of the classroom. In the
book nook there will be a comfy rug where students can relax and read a book from one
of the shelves. There will also be some pillows for alternative seating and some stuffed
animals for when students want to read with a friend but it is silent reading time.
The next wall continues with the other bookshelf from the book nook. Next to that
is a large window to get some natural light in the classroom. COnnecting to the window
is two tables. A rectangle one and a small round one. These tables are for student work
time and when station rotation times. Next to those is a student shelf. This is a two
sided shelf. The side facing the table stations contains materials for the students. It has
extra supplies that the students might need on top of the shelf. For example, some
pencils, coloring supplies, scissors, ect. Inside the shelf will be where students can keep
their materials like their pencil boxes and headphones if they have them. On the other
side of the shelf there are calming materials to help students if they need a break.
Which is why the rug is there as well. This will be the break corner. Students can come
here if they need a restart. It can help regulate the students and will help keep some of
the behaviors down in the classroom. Students will be able to sit in this corner and when
they are ready they will be able to join the class once again.
This brings the design to the last wall. Next to the rug in the calming corner there
is a storage cabinet that is floor to ceiling. In this cabinet there will be space for me as
the teacher to store things like my jacket and backpack and anything else that I might
bring with me to the classroom. This cabinet will also contain some extra art materials
and some game materials. It will also contain some other classroom materials for me as
the teacher and for the students to use. One the counter space there is a place for
student mailboxes. This is where students will place their folders. Important information
will be placed in their mailboxes for them to bring home. Next to this is the counter
space that has storage above and below the counter top. Some of this storage will be
used for holding snack food for students that need snacks because they forgot them at
home or were not able to bring one. This way everyone can have a snack during snack
time. It will also contain an area where materials can be brought in for a classroom
store. On the counter there will be a sink present. This is where students will be
washing their hands many times throughout the day. It will also have a water fountain
attached. I will have cups available for my students to use but I prefer if they bring their
own water bottles. This will help keep sanitation and germs from spreading. Next to the
counter is where the emergency station will be. This is where all the information will be
for lockdowns, tornado drills, fire drills, and any emergency equipment that the teacher
and the students will need. Then this brings us back to the door of the classroom.
The next part of my classroom that I am going to share is everything in the
middle of the room. I am going to start with the teacher's desk. Here is the work space
that I will have as the teacher. Next to the desk is a small shelf. This shelf will have
multi-colored drawers and it will also be on wheels. This will help me as the teacher
plans the week out. In front of the teacher desk is another table station. This table
station will be used as extra work space and used as a writing station during the literacy
rotation. The next thing I will be discussing is the big rug in the front of the classroom.
This rug has a row that matches a color table. I will have students rotate on the rug so
that everyone has a chance to sit in different seats. The red circle table is low to the
ground and uses pillow like stools to sit on. The yellow table is a regular rectangle table.
The desk on the end is raised up higher than the table. Students use a tall stool and a
wobble pad to sit on at this desk. The blue table is the same as the yellow table. The
green and purple tables are regular rectangle tables.
This is an overview of my dream classroom that I would like to have for myself
and my students. I understand that it may take me many years to get to this point but it
is my ultimate goal to have a classroom like this one. I hope that my students will be
able to enter this classroom and enjoy being there. I want my students to be able to
come to me with anything and enjoy their time in my room.

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