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Given -

Public Supply
Year Population Wihdrawal, lpcd
1950 151325798 53000000 350.24
1960 179323175 79500000 443.33
1970 203302031 102000000 501.72
1980 226542203 129000000 569.43
1990 248709873 146000000 587.03
2000 281421906 164000000 582.75

Chart Title







1945 1950 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005

Based on the graph the value for per capita daily water withdrawal for public supply in the
United States in 2005 is about 650 lpcd after extrapolation.
Given – No. of houses – 280 (in planning)
American Water Works Association average daily household consumption = 1320
Additional average daily water production = 280*1320 = 369600 litres/day.

Given – Dripping Rate from faucet = 1 drop per second
Each drop contains = 0.15 ml
Litres of water lost in 1 year = 0.15*365*24*60*60/1000 = 4730.4 litres

Given – 100 Watts bulb
Time – 1 hour
Efficiency of plant = 35%
Transmission losses = 10% of delivered power
Heating value of coal = 12000 BTU/lb

Power consumed in 1 hour = 100/1000 = 0.1 kWh = 0.1*3413 = 341.3 BTU

Also considering the transmission loss of 10% = 341.3*1.1 = 375 BTU
Plant Efficiency (35%) = 375*1.35 = 507 BTU
Therefore, the coal burned = 507/12000 = 0.042 lb

Given – Life of Nuclear Power Station = 25 years
Production of useful energy = 750 MW/year
Energy Cost – Lost in distribution = 150 MW
To mine the fuel = 20 MW
To enrich the fuel = 50 MW
To build the plant = 80 MW
Lost in heat = 290 MW

Efficiency of Plant = Useful Energy (output)/Energy input (cost)

= (750-440)/(750) *100 = 41%
Efficiency of Plant (including distribution losses) = Useful Energy (output)/Energy input
= (750-590)/(750) *100 = 21.3%

Given – Sample weight – 1 gram
Fuel – unknown
2-L Equivalent calorimeter

From the table ΔT = (20 – 18.5) = 1.5° C

Energy Out = (4.184 J/g/K)* (1 g/ml)*(2000 ml) * (1.0° C)
= 8368 Joules
= 8.368 KJ
Heating Value of this fuel in kilojoules per kilogram = 8.368*1000 g = 8368 Joules per Kg

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