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Adjust → Cambiar, modificar, ajustar

Crash diet → Dieta de choque

Disorder → Trastorno
Dosage → Dosis
Drowsy → Somnoliento
Gain weight → Ganar peso
Out of breath → Sin aliento
Out of shape → En baja forma
Overcome → Recuperarse de
Overweight → Sobrepeso
Quick fix → Solución rápida
Quit → Dejar
Recover → Recuperarse
Relapse → Recaída
Side effect → Efecto secundario
Slim down → Adelgazar
Well-being → Bienestar
Workout → Entrenamiento

Boost → Mejorar
Feast on → Banquete de
Go beyond → Ir más allá de
Incurable → Incurable
Life-threatening → Potencialmente mortal
On the verge of → A punto
Overreact → Reaccionar de forma exagerada
Stage → Etapa
Swap → Intercambiar
Vanish → Desaparecer
Wipe out → Acabar con

Ban on → Prohibición de
Demand for → Demanda de
Impact on → Impacto en
Increase in → Incremento de
Play a role in → Desempeñar un papel en
Protection from → Protección frente a
Revolution in → Revolución en
Solution to → Solución para
Use of → Consumo

Break out → Desencadenarse

Come down with → Contraer
Kick in → Empezar a hacer / surtir efecto
Look after → Cuida a / de
Pass away → Fallecer
Pass out → Desmayarse
Pull through → Recuperarse
PAST PERFECT CONTINUOUS: had + been + main verb ending in -ing

PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS: have /has + been + main verb ending in -ing
pag 95 wb

Zero If / Unless + subject + present simple Subject +
If you heat water to 100º, it boils
First If / unless + subject + present simple Subject +
future simple
If you study, you will pass the test
Second If / unless + subject + past simple, Subject +
would + infinitive
If you studied, you would pass
Third If + subject + past perfect, Would
have `past participle
If you had called me, I would have helped you

wish: ojala
as soon us → when

I wish I had bought the car last year.

I wish I could go an a trip to New York
I wish I could go to the toilet
I wish I had

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