CLP Assessment

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+ 1, Use Model 1 co show which atoms are presen in each type of molecule by listing the symbol for each acom included. Carbohydeate has been dane for you, a. Carbohydrace— C, H, O © Amino aid— 4, Lipid— 4. Nucleic acid— eee eee Which cype of molecule includes an example with a long-chain carbon backbone? In che molecule referred co ia the previous question, what is the dominant element attached to the carbon backbone? 4, The Farry acid chain of the lipids is often referred to asa hydsocarbon chain, Biseutewith-your ame why che chain is given this name and write a one-sentence definition for a hydrocarbon, 5.-Which molecule has a central carbon atom with four differenc components around it? eee nese 6. Which molecule has a 3 1, nitrogenous base, and phosphate group? 7, Binet poee prone membeeseneaue sicnilaricies among all four types of molecules, Listas cvany a5 704 can, . 3) 8. Whac is the chemical formula of the first carbohydrate molecule shown? es 9, What chree structural groups shown do all amino acids have in common? 10. Thece are 20 naturally-occurring amino acids, and each one only varies in che structure of the R side chain. Two amino acids are shown in Model 1. What are the R side chains in each? A= R= sRead This! During chemical reactions, che bonds in molecules are continually broken and reformed. To breaka p< bond, energy rust be absorbed. When bonds are formed, energy is released, If more energy is released S than absorbed during a chemical change, the process can be used as a source of energy. A general rule for y processes such a5 respiracion is the more carbon acoms there are in a molecule, che more energy that molecule can provide to the organism when ic is used as food. p z TSI. Using the information from above, is a carbohydrate or a lipid more likely to be a goad source of cneigy for anorganism’ why 2 synpond <— ze coin)” Ban = hog : = vd? t a \ a anol f apuaiisoucyy AAO 4 eaaaeecee ye Jsuoporay pronusyporg ~ 7 [POW i 7 12. Whar are che reactants of reaction A? 13. Whac are the products of reaction A? & seep ee regenese cere eee fees HH. Each of che reactants in reaction A is a single sugar molecule also called a monosiccharide. What Prefix before saccharide would you use to describe sucrose? 15, What are the reactants of reaction B? & EE 16, When the ovo molecules in rsaction B ae joined together, whae other two molecules are pro- duced? = ————— 17. Whar product do all eheee reactions in Model 2 have in common? : meneame eee - Read This! When sugars are joined cogecher the new bond that forma ea slycosidic bond. When amino acids are Joined the new bond chat forms isa peptide bond, When fato ids an joined to a glycerol the bond thar holds them isa ester bond, 18. On the diagrams in Model 2, circle and label the glycosi “9. These reactions are all referred co as dehydcation synthesis or condensation reactions, ter develop an explanacion for why chese terms are used to deserikn these reactions, cs peptide, and ester bonds, 20. These reactions can also be reversed, breaking the large molecule inco its individual molecules ‘What substance would need co be added in otdet to eeverse he reaction? Se 21. Lyrsmeans ro spit or sepacace. Whar prefix would you add ta lysis ca mean separate or splic using water? 22. Using your answers co che previous ewo questions, whae word is used to describe the reaction that uses water to break apart a large molecule? az] sun F 01 a uz0jsue 02 fo 2UE|d v 01 SuOp 2q 02 aATY pipers aeyye stusa9 sejnaojou ajduuys uy wyejdx -posn Ajppia se you axe pure sonst yppeay] aaneSou {pia pareposse usaq aacy siny sven S024 2uac02 Uy ‘sasodind Surpfeq soy a]qeuins wou aru 02 Peytpros Ayprognse are 2eyp sjjo aue|d ase siey suey “10 2]qriafan se ypns ‘so wo puE PIN 220u oye sary paresmaesun seasoypa ‘sanng pur pe] step ouNUe yp ayy] “ae pljos axe s1ey poremaeg “97 pry Grey paemesuy pry meg paeanieg oma 2ip us9902g suargyEp axp s} 3ey,y\ “pavesnresun pure pareanses ‘nojaq spioe A277 Jo sodA ow a4 3B 400] 4 suodss2 20K wy ABojourwusea aypustos pur seoustuas a12]dus0d sp) gary weyp sayes AB1ou2 yomb Jo amos © st posn aze sexespAyoques yuryp nos op Ayigy “We 242 U>'E “BioUD , yb, Jo amos ese ITY 2omnos areapayoqins axp sasn ay aup |e aquosop o1 pam wud aaisr2y]02 24D st WSTOGTIAFY “EZ suonsangd) vorsuaaxy

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