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Abstraction of Language:

Significantly focusing on the lecture provided, it is about the abstraction of

language. In addition to the initial focal point, it denotes that there are two
method descriptions, which are symbolic language and body language.
Considering the most substantial insights, the symbolic system was
developed when people tried to communicate with each other. In
conclusion, body language also facilitated the development of sign
language, which popularly became hand words.

2.Australian Housing price:

Significantly focusing on the lecture provided, it is about Australian

housing price. Additionally, it denotes that Australian housing price has
increased significantly in the past 15 years. Considering the most
substantial insights, there are three factors behind this increase, which are
rate of mortgage by banks, more purchasing power of the people and
federal immigration policy. In conclusion, these three factors are
responsible for increasing housing price in Australia.

3. Theatre study
Significantly focusing on the lecture provided, it is about the study of
theatre. In addition to the initial focal point, it denotes that theatre study
would be the most difficult academic study for students. Considering the
most substantial insights, theatre study is the mixture of literature and
personal life experience. In conclusion, to study this subject, one needs to
have knowledge in language and sociology.

4. Happiness
Significantly focusing on the lecture provided, it is about the study of
happiness. Additionally, it denotes that there are several reasons why
people are happy around the world. Considering the most substantial
insights, one of the reasons for happiness is consistent pattern, which
includes basic things such as income, employment and marital status. In
conclusion, the others reasons that makes people happy are environment,
quality of life and natural instinct.

5. Truism
Significantly focusing on the oration provided, it is about the role of
government in disclosing the information. In addition to the initial focal
point, it denotes that truism is revealing the information to the citizen,
which they deserve to know. Considering the most substantial insights, the
government of western societies make policy and interpret information
wrongly. In conclusion, they only disclose the information that is
convenient and advantageous to them.
6. Human brain cells
Significantly focusing on the lecture provided, it is about the relationship
between human and brain cells. In addition to the initial focal point, it
denotes that what makes human different from animals is the connection
of human brain cells. Considering the most substantial insights, unlike
animals, our brain cells depend on our acquired experience and the
surroundings. In conclusion, if you adapt to the special surrounding and
situations, you would become unique individual.

7. Global climate change

Significantly focusing on the lecture provided, it is about the reality of the
global climate change. In addition to the initial focal point, it denotes that
greenhouse gases are released rapidly into the atmosphere worldwide.
Considering the most substantial insights, governments around the world
are in a mass panic state about what to do. In conclusion, major
precipitation changes are taking place globally.

8. Motivation
Significantly focusing on the lecture provided, it is about the research on
motivation. In addition to the initial focal point, it denotes that there are
two types of motivation, which are internal motivation and external
motivation. Considering the most substantial insights, many factors affect
motivation, such as interest, value and inspiration. In conclusion,
motivation changes over time, and reward and punishment can also affect
our mind and behaviour.

9. Consumer
Significantly focusing on the lecture provided, it is about the importance of
consumer in business. In addition to the initial focal point, it denotes that
they are the core section of any business, and manufacturers must meet
their expectations. Considering the most substantial insights, consumers
are smart, and they are willing to pay more for the quality products. In
conclusion, brand image and engineering of product are crucial factors.

10. Estimation of Height

Significantly focusing on the lecture provided, it is about the estimation of
a person's height. In addition, it denotes that an experiment was
conducted at Oxford University to estimate a gentleman's height.
Considering the most substantial insights, the gentleman's height was over
estimated when he was introduced as a professor compared to when he
was introduced as a student. In conclusion, height of a person is based on
their reputation.
11. What is risk?
Significantly focusing on the lecture provided, it is about the definition of
risk. In addition to the initial focal point, it denotes that there are two
definitions of risk in dictionary. The first one is the situation of being in
danger, and the other is the consequence of being in danger. Considering
the most substantial insights, risk includes both safe and safety. In
conclusion, safe means being out of danger situation, where safety is the
condition of being safe and secure.

12. Music Recorder

Significantly focusing on the lecture provided, it is about the invention of
the first music recorder. In addition to the initial focal point, it denotes that
Thomas Edition invented phonograph in 1877. Considering the most
substantial insights, music can be recorded on phonograph and disk, which
can preserve music for future generations. Development of painting during
Edition’s time was crucial. In conclusion, music recorder even allows us to
listen the voice of deaths.

13. Translators and Interpreter

Significantly focusing on the lecture provided, it is about the difference and
similarity between a translator and an interpreter. In addition, it denotes
that they both do the same task. Considering the most substantial insights,
they both require different skills, excellent knowledge of native language,
qualification and experience. In conclusion, translator translates the
written tasks, whereas interpreter translates the verbal communication.

14. History of money

Significantly focusing on the lecture provided, it is about the history of
money. In addition to the initial focal point, there was no money at the
beginning, and people used barter trade to exchange goods. Considering
the most substantial insights, people saw money as a time or a piece of
paper. In conclusion, people consider anything valuable as a form of
money to interchange and trade, which needs to be valuable.

15. Earthquake
 The relationship between fault line and earth’s crust in earthquake
 The focal point of earthquake is epicentre, which is vertically
beneath the interior of the earth’s crust
 The faults are the fracture on the earth’s crust,
 Rocks are located several hundred kilometres vertically down to the
earth’s crust
 The position of the epicentre can be identified by the fault map
16. Death of language
 Death of language, which is under the danger situation
 Language is so far outside the mindset of many people, and they
have to change these mindsets
 People need to think language more enthusiastically
 They need willingness to focus on general issues of language

17. HTML
 Hypertext Markup Language
 HTML is a computer based language to create web pages
 It was created by a group of people while making advertisement
 The web pages can be viewed by anyone who is connected to
 Because of HTML, people have access to web pages

18. Children’s Depression

Significantly focusing on the lecture provided, it is about the study on
children’s depression. In addition, the first concept of depression was
discovered in the 16th century. Considering the most substantial insights, it
is still puzzle for scientists as each child behaves and responds differently
to the medical treatment. In conclusion, children’s depression needs to
resolve sooner rather than later.

19. The Big Bang Theory

 Theory of Big Bang
 The universe is 50 billion years old
 Cosmological models state that it was about 13.7 billion years ago
 The newest found star is roughly 30 billion years old
 The future of the universe is really unknown

20. History and Journal writing

The similarities between history and journal papers are much focused in
this specific lecture, and it comprises that the qualities of history and
journal writing need similar resource and evidence, attention of logic, style
as well as writing. In addition, it also denotes that these qualities are
crucial for quality academic writing and journal papers. Considering the
insights, there is no line between history and journal writing.

21. African Economy

Significantly focusing on the oration provided, it is about African economy,
which is one of the poorest continents in the world. In addition, it denotes
that there is relation between food and income, and most people suffer
from poverty. Considering the most substantial insights, fish is the main
source of food, protein and income. Fish attracts tourists in Africa. In
conclusion, income is closely associated with food.

22. Human rights in the UK

The positive and negative aspects of human rights in the UK are focused in
this lecture, and it comprises that the UK signed the European Convention
on Human Rights to protect human rights in 1951 and set up a minimum
standard. Also, the positive aspect includes right to marry, freedom of
religion and voting, but negative aspects include equality of sex. Hence, the
Human Rights Act 1998 sets out the fundamental rights in the UK.

23. Genes
 Research on human behaviour
 There is correlation between human behaviour and physical
 Genes as well as human behaviour are responsible for physical
appearance such as height and hair colour
 The research states that person’s habit can change physical features
of human.
 Variety of scientific fields like Biology, Sociology, Psychology and
Neuroscience has tremendous interests in the fact.

24. Explicit and Implicit memory

 Types of memory
 Psychologists categorized memory into two types, which are explicit
memory and implicit memory
 Explicit memory consists of personal experience relating to time,
space and people
 Implicit memory is the functional forms of memory like using
language naturally
 Explicit memory is totally different from implicit memory

25. Industrialization
 The impact of industrialization during 18th and 19th century
 The creation of power machines and factories generated more
 Industrialization resulted in pollution.
 There were legislations about improving environment and working
 Industrialization resulted in urbanization as people preferred to live
near industry for their work.

26. Abstraction- description

 Discussion on abstraction, which is commonly known as description
 There are two methods description, which are symbolic language
and body language
 Symbolic language was developed when people tried to
communicate with each other.
 The physical movement of body is sign language, which is popularly
known as hand word.

27. Epidemic transmission

 Discussion on epidemic transmission by the government of the
United States.
 The government is trying to prevent this epidemic transmitting by
using anti-viral drug.
 It is possible for US government to prevent this epidemic
transmission because of abundant resources compared to
developing countries.
 It is difficult for developing countries to control epidemic
transmitting due to lower number of resources.

28. Water purification

 Global problem of water purification
 Increasing water pollution is creating challenges in purifying water
 Unlike underdeveloped countries, developed countries are
fortunate to have bottled water and access to tap water.
 C.B.A.M foundation introduced nanotechnology in both countries to
find corresponding solutions, and the problem could be solved very

29. Misuse of drugs

 Misuse of drugs
 Sometimes children may accidentally take drugs, and it should be
avoided soon by keeping them in a box.
 Some drugs can be allergic to people, which may be dangerous.
 A course should be offered to make people aware about the use of

30. Political ideology

 Origin and concept of political ideology
 There are two main concepts, which are the left side and right side
 The concepts of socialism and communism began in the eighteenth
 The left side is also known as left wing, which is aggressive
 The right side is known as conservative, which is the part of old
31. Architectural design
 Book about architectural design of a building
 Poor design of a building can have negative influence on people
 Different architects have different perspectives on beauty, which is
arrogant word as beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder
 It is difficult for architects to realise a bad architectural design.

32. Canadian researches research on diet

 Canadian researchers research on diet
 31 women volunteers participated in the research
 They participated in exercise without changing diet
 Some volunteers’ body fat changed after 6 months and their body
mass decreased
 Those who do not loss their weight have eaten more diet and
psychological reasons of not believing in losing weight

33. Concept of contract and theory of social contract

 A contract is an agreement between two parties
 If a party violet the terms and conditions, there will be no longer
 Societies are controlled by government
 Theory of social contract provides a framework on how people and
government should interact.
 People benefit living together in societies such as protection, in
return, they should contribute in making society stable, wealthy and

34. Royal Academy Museum

 Unpleasant experienced by the speaker at Royal Academy Museum
in London
 Her family was thrown out of museum as her youngest child
shouted looking at a monster statue.
 She wrote an article about this event in the newspaper, which
received positive feedbacks and launched Museum Campaign to
make it family friendly
 The Royal Gallery welcomed the campaign

35. Fossil fuel

 Visualizing life without fossil fuel
 It is not sustainable, and developed world gets 80-90% is entire
energy from fossil fuel.
 The speaker talked about three reasons for avoiding fossil fuel,
which are it is finite resource, setting fire on fossil fuel release
carbon dioxide and shortage of it
 One country need to depend on others
36. Sea creature – devices
 Sea creature inspiring latest devices that harness wave power
 The speaker talked about three devices that are inspired by sea
 Oyster inspired device generate energy when waves pass over
 Anaconda snake inspired device power turbine in its tail
 The latest device made from steel derive hydraulic system to power
electric generator
 These are the viable source of green energy

37. Einstein theory of the universe

 The theory of the universe by Einstein and Hubble
 The universe is neither contracting nor expanding
 Einstein abandoned the Hubble’s theory and proved that the earth is
continuously under dynamic change
 These two methods are later developed that was the main stream of
scientific view.

38. Indian peasants

 Struggle of Indian peasants
 The debts of Indian peasants have increased by more than 2000%,
which is unlikely to be paid
 Peasants borrow from the companies, which sell them seeds and
 The effect of globalization makes this issue more severe.

39. Artificial intelligence

 Working of artificial intelligence with symbols
 Human tells computer what to do and how to do different things
 Computer operates with the meaning of given words
 Computer works with bits and bites, which is similar to human
 There is possibility of development of artificial intelligence due to

40. the rules of language

 The rules of language
 These rules are reflected by convention
 Language is not translatable as the meaning of different languages
are not exactly the same
 Experts need to document different languages as human heritage.

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