Met o 218 Midterm Hatulan

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Course Outcome Portfolio


Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements of the Course

Under the Program

Bachelor of Science in Marine Transportation

DATE: November 18, 2022

SUBJECT: MET-O 218 (Meteorology & Oceanography)

NAME OF STUDENT: Hatulan, Dominic B.


INSTRUCTOR: Capt. JoRam C. Trimañez

DEAN: CE Jeynard Moller Tan

Course Outcome 1: Interpret area weather using a synoptic chart and to
forecast area weather, taking into account local weather conditions and
information received from weather fax.

LO2.2.1 Explain the classification of tropical cyclones including its origin, tracks,
movement, development and the statistics

 Classification of Tropical Cyclones (TC)

Tropical cyclones derive their energy from the latent heat of condensation, so
they exist only over the ocean and quickly disappear over land. One of its
distinguishing features is a mid-sea level pressure below 900 mb and surface
winds often exceeding 100 knots. They reach their maximum intensity when
they are over warm tropical waters and begin to decline as they move inland.
The classification of tropical cyclones by associated wind strength adopted
by PAGASA on 23 March 2022 is as follows


A tropical storm with maximum sustained winds less than 62 kilometers per
hour (km/h) or 34 nautical miles per hour (knots)

TROPICAL STORM (TS) - a tropical cyclone with maximum wind speed of 62

to 88 kph or 34 - 47 knots.

SEVERE TROPICAL STORM (STS) a tropical cyclone with maximum wind

speed of 87 to 117 kph or 48 - 63 knots.

TYPHOON (TY) - a tropical cyclone with maximum wind speed of 118 to 184
kph or 64 - 99 knots.

SUPER TYPHOON (STY) - a tropical cyclone with maximum wind speed

exceeding 185 kph or more than 100 knots.

 Origin, Tracks, Movement and Development of TC

Origin - The existence of tropical cyclones is due to the release of latent heat
from strong convection. This convection relies on eddy transfer and radiation
effects of heat, moisture, and momentum at the sea surface, and the tropical-
cyclone-scale circulation itself.

Tracks - Tropical cyclones tend to move westward in both the northern and
southern hemispheres and slowly move poleward. Most of their movement is
due to the general circulation of the Earth's atmosphere. Tropical surface

winds, known as trade winds, blow from east to west and are responsible for
the general westward movement of tropical cyclones. Two other factors
account for the polar migration. One is the presence of large areas of
depleted air known as subtropical anticyclones over the oceans poleward of
the trade winds. These high atmospheric pressure regions have anticyclonic
circulations (that is, clockwise circulation in the Northern Hemisphere and
counterclockwise circulation in the Southern Hemisphere), so the winds at
the western end of these large circulations move toward the poles. doing.

Development - The main source of energy for tropical cyclones is water

vapor, which is abundant in oceans and oceans. When the sun heats the
earth's surface, water vapor evaporates into the atmosphere and condenses
into water droplets, releasing a large amount of thermal energy trapped in
the water vapor.

 TC Statistics - Tropical cyclones are one of the greatest threats to life and
property, even in the early stages of development. They cover a range of
hazards, each of which can have serious consequences for life and property,

B. Storm surges, floods, high winds, tornadoes, and lightning strikes. These
hazards combine and interact to greatly increase the likelihood of death or
property damage.

LO2.3.1 Explain the hurricanes and its wind and pressure including the eye and the
wall based on the national hurricane center (NHC) projection.

A hurricane is a cyclonic system of organized thunderstorm activity that occurs in

tropical or subtropical waters. They are also commonly called tropical cyclones.
Warm sea waves give them energy. Surface winds are constantly swirling as the
storm system intensifies into a hurricane. This pattern, called "closed circulation" by
meteorologists, leads to the development of the "eyes" characteristic of hurricanes.
This is the center of calm, clear storms surrounded by eyewalls where the winds are
strongest. The direction of circulation depends on where the storm is.
Counterclockwise in the northern hemisphere, clockwise in the southern

 Wind - cause most tropical storms such as hurricanes, cyclones, and

typhoons. These storms are caused by fluctuations in atmospheric pressure
over the ocean. Storms can intensify as they collide with wet, dense and dry
winds along the coast.

 Pressure - Atmospheric pressure and wind speed depend on the diameter of
the hurricane. The figure below shows the approximate profile of surface
pressure and wind speed over a hurricane. Winds are strong enough to be
classified as tropical storms within 100-200 kilometers of the eye. Compared
to the center of the storm, the pressure here is still high, around 990-1010
mbar. However, closer to the eye wall, the pressure gradually decrease and
the wind speed increases. Strong fluctuations in pressure and wind speed
occur only in the last 50-100 kilometers.

 The Eye - The eye becomes visible when some of the updraft within the
eyewall is pushed toward the center of the storm instead of the outside. From
all sides this air moves towards the center. This convergence actually causes
the air to sink in your eyes.

 The Wall - Eye walls get their name from how frequently a vertical wall of
clouds surrounds the eye. The thick ring encircling the eye in the image
above is the eye wall. The National Hurricane Center (NHC) is responsible
for forecasting all tropical cyclone activity in the Atlantic and eastern Pacific
waters near North America. The NHC forecasts tropical cyclone track,
strength, size, structure, storm surges, rainfall, tornadoes, and the likelihood
of tropical cyclone formation within the next 48 hours. The section on
Hurricane Forecasting Model Accuracy discusses general forecasting
capabilities. When a tropical cyclone develops, NHC staff follows a set of
protocols to create a set of forecast results and share them with the outside
world every six hours. Although the focus here is on the NHC's forecasting
process, other organizations are responsible for forecasting tropical cyclones
in other regions. However, the policies of these organizations are customized
to the needs of their respective areas of responsibility and are influenced by
their local ability to disseminate observations, modeling and projections.

LO2.4.1 Explain the different side of a tropical storm and its trapped fetch

 Side of a Tropical Storm - The dirty side of a hurricane or tropical system is

the right side of the storm relative to the direction of travel. So as the system
moves north, the dirty side is usually to the right or east of the system. If the
storm is heading west, the dirty side will be up or north. Meteorologists call it
the dirty side because it's where the most worrying weather occurs. Every
part of a tropical storm or hurricane is dangerous, but the dirty side usually
brings out the worst.

The dirty side is most likely to experience storm surges, extreme winds, and
heavy rain belts that can cause floods and even tornadoes. Storm surges are
present on the dirty side because the wind moves counterclockwise around
the storm. That is, the wind blows over the land and pushes water into the
land in that sector. Generally, the higher the wind speed and forward motion
of a hurricane, the higher the storm surge.

 Trapped Fetch - developed for North Atlantic hurricane wave prediction is

applied to typhoon impacts in the Western North Pacific (WNP). A
comparison with the Korea Meteorological Administration (KMA) Operational
Numerical Ocean Wind Wave Prediction System was studied. When applied
to the WNP Typhoon, TFWM was shown to outperform the normal
operational spectral wave model. Third-generation full-spectrum numerical
wave models can provide reliable wave field predictions, but they are of little
value if atmospheric models fail to adequately predict the location and
intensity of the affected storms and tropical cyclones. Analysis of the TFWM
output should lead forecasters back to a more detailed examination of the
overall spectral wave model output, resulting in improved forecast results. As
a guidance tool to assist ocean forecasters, TFWM has demonstrated its
uniqueness and necessity.

LO2.4.1 Explain the maneuvering of storm avoidance

The term "TRS" or tropical rotating storm is familiar to all seafarers. A TRS is a
violently rolling depression, or area of low surface pressure, that forms over tropical
oceans. It consists of a rotating mass of warm, moist air that produces
thunderstorms with strong winds, heavy rainfall, high waves, destructive storm
surges, etc. Convective forces are at work, usually extending from the surface of the
depression to the tropopause. . In the event of a storm, our ships must take many
precautions. Although it is rare for ships to navigate through storms with all
navigational aids and communications systems in place, shore personnel will
normally coordinate with the company and assigned routes to avoid such storms.
devise an alternative navigation plan for However, if the TRS is right in front of you,
you may be completely at the mercy of the water, or the threat may not be as great
and can be dealt with by the captain's expertise and understanding. To avoid the
storm entirely, the cops must learn as much as possible about it.

LO3.1.1 Determine the causes, wind-driven and density of the ocean currents
including regions of primary ocean currents

 Causes, Wind-driven and currents related to density differences

- Ocean surface currents are driven by global wind systems powered by
solar energy. Surface current patterns are determined by wind direction,
the Coriolis force due to the Earth's rotation, and the location of features
that interact with currents. Ocean currents driven by surface winds
combine with topography to produce upwelling currents that produce
deep ocean currents.

 Primary Ocean - Primary Ocean develops macroalgae (algae) cultivation and

treatment systems to protect the ocean, soil and air. Algae are one of the
oldest, most renewable and renewable biomass resources on earth.
Cultivated, they can remove up to 14% more carbon than rainforests,
mitigate ocean acidification, and anchor ecosystems through primary
production and habitat creation. Processed algae products can offset major
petrochemical pollutants such as fossil fuels, plastics and pesticides

Primary Ocean’s first commercial product is an incredibly effective crop

input(fertilizer). Primary's agricultural products reduce water, fertilizer and
pesticide requirements, regenerate eroded soils and greatly improve farmers'
crop yields, quality, and profits in both conventional and organic farming

 Currents (Region 1, 2, 3 and 3)

- The joint research center's study area II was located along the west coast
of Luzon and Palawan islands in the Philippines' exclusive economic
zone. The bathymetric topography of the area indicated a bottom depth of
over 4000 m. The region is part of the South China Sea and is connected
to the Pacific Ocean to the north by the Bashi Strait and to a lesser extent
by the Visayan Sea. It is also connected to the Sulu Sea to the south.
Hydrological circulation in the near-surface mixed layer in southern China
is strongly influenced by prevailing winds (Asian monsoon and Pacific
trade winds).

In general, surface water flows north during the southwest monsoon and
counterclockwise during the northeast monsoon. However, the topographic

effect of nearby land masses on the Ekman circulation in the study area is
LO3.2.1 Explain the oceanic circulation of the currents

Ocean circulation is primarily the result of winds pushing on the water surface and
density differences between water masses. The Earth's rotation creates the Coriolis
force that deflects air and water currents toward or away from the poles.

 Southern Ocean
- The Southern Ocean surrounds Antarctica and separates the polar
regions from the warm tropical seas. It is home to the world's strongest
ocean current, the Antarctic Circumpolar Current, and a major place
where ancient deep ocean waters rush to the surface. The Southern
Ocean controls the natural release of CO2 from the ocean, helps her
absorb anthropogenic CO2, and regulates heat transport to the Antarctic
ice cap.

 Atlantic Ocean

- When the ocean basin formed after the collapse of Pangea, water from
rain and rivers entered. Winds began to move surface water . This
movement creates updraft and downdraft "cells" that drive global wind
patterns. The Earth's rotation shows that different parts of the Earth move
at different speeds. At the poles, air molecules simply rotate, but at the
equator in Quito, Ecuador, air particles travel 7,918 miles (12,742
kilometers) in one day.

As air moves over the surface of the ocean, water moves. This creates a
circulatory system of eddies or rotating currents that move clockwise in
the North Atlantic and counterclockwise in the South Atlantic. These
eddies are part of a global conveyor belt that transports and redistributes
heat and nutrients throughout the global ocean.

 Pacific Ocean

- The pattern is roughly symmetrical about the equator, except for

northward flows westward across the equator and southward flows
eastward. Dense water in the North Pacific is dominated by input from the
South Pacific, as water denser than about 26.8 at σ0 does not form in the
North Pacific. Deep sea salinity and oxygen are higher in the South

Pacific and nutrients are lower. The Pacific large-scale circulation
consists of two major anticyclonic circulations that contract poleward with
depth, two high-latitude cyclonic circulations.
 Indian Ocean

- Our understanding of the Indian Ocean is improving through collaborative

efforts to measure ocean circulation and air-sea exchange, detect
changes in water masses, and link physical processes to ecologically
important variables. it was done. New circulation pathways and
mechanisms have been discovered that control average atmospheric and
oceanic conditions and variability.

The Indonesian Throughflow (ITF) moves low-salinity tropical waters from

the Pacific Ocean through the Indonesian Sea to the Indian. The ITF is
the only tropical ocean pathway connecting ocean basins and plays an
important role in the global ocean circulation and climate system.
Simultaneous measurements at the exit channels of the ITF from the
International Nusantara Stratified Transport (INSTANT) program from
2004 to 2006 showed that the ITF average transport was 15, in the Indian

 Arctic Ocean

- The Arctic Ocean plays a dual role in global ocean circulation. It provides an ocean
route between the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. It also takes Atlantic input, modifies it,
and returns it to Atlantic. The Atlantic inflow is generally saltier (greater than 34 psu),
warmer (greater than 0 °C), and about 10 times larger in volume than the Pacific
inflow. The Atlantic inflow enters through both the Fram Strait (~350 km wide, ~2700
m deep) and the Barents Sea (mainly via the St. Anna Trough, ~200 km wide, ~600
m deep).

Other inputs to the North Pole are volumetrically small. Eurasian and Russian fluxes
(~0.1 Sv) and precipitation minus evaporation (~0.06 Sv). Together, however, they
contribute about two-thirds of the freshwater inflow to the Arctic, with the remaining
one-third coming from the Pacific, because the Pacific inflow is paler than the
average salinity of the Arctic Ocean, it refreshes the Arctic Ocean. This refreshment
can be quantified as the equivalent amount of pure freshwater.

LO3.3.1 Discuss the oceanic current phenomena including the use of nautical
publications and resources

Ocean water is moving, affecting the climate, local ecosystems, and the seafood
you eat.Abiotic features of the environment, ocean currents are the continuous and
directional movement of seawater. is. These currents are at the surface and in the
depths of the ocean and flow both locally and globally.

 Ocean Eddies and Rings

- The ocean is a huge body of water in constant motion. Common patterns

of ocean currents are called ocean currents. Occasionally, these currents
pinch sections, creating circular water currents called eddies. The swirling
motion of eddies in the ocean cause nutrients that are normally found in
colder, deeper waters to come to the surface. Significant eddies are
assigned names similar to hurricanes. In the U.S., an oceanographic
company called Horizon Marine assigns names to each eddy as they
occur. The names follow chronologically along with the alphabet and are
decided upon by staff at Horizon Marine. The staff try to think of creative
ways to assign names.

A cold core ring is a type of ocean circulation characterized as unstable,

time-dependent eddies, independent 'cells', separate from each ocean
current, and with different physical, chemical, and biological properties.
Go to the body of water [1]. They bring the physical, chemical and
biological properties of their source water to the water into which they

 Undercurrents

- Undercurrent is driven by an eastward pressure force and hence flows

downhill. An eastward equatorial surface jet, on the other hand, flows
uphill because the eastward winds that drive the jet also maintain a
westward pressure force that opposes the jet.

Undercurrents can dramatically affect weather, pulling clouds and storm

systems in unexpected directions. Many undercurrents have been
mapped so that meteorologists can take them into account when studying
weather phenomena, but they occur naturally in response to changing
climatic conditions, potentially wreaking havoc. There are also
possibilities. Undercurrents are part of a larger system of atmospheric
circulation, the patterns that produce global weather, why storm systems

move the way they do, and how weather is shaped in different parts of the

 Ocean Currents and Climate

- Water flows, or ocean currents, are essential to understanding how

thermal energy moves between the Earth's waters, land masses, and
atmosphere. The ocean covers 71% of the Earth's surface and contains
97% of its water, making it an important factor in the storage and transfer
of thermal energy around the world. This heat transfer by local and global
ocean currents contributes to the regulation of local weather conditions
and temperature extremes, stabilization of global climate patterns, gas
circulation, and the supply of nutrients and larvae to marine ecosystems.

The global conveyor belt contains both surface and deep ocean currents
that circulate around the Earth in 1,000-year cycles. The circulation of the
global conveyor belt is the result of two simultaneous processes.
Warm surface currents that carry less dense water from the equator
towards the poles and cold deep currents that carry more dense water
from the poles towards the equator. It plays an important role in
regulation, circulation of vital nutrients and gases.

 Ocean Current Observations

- NOAA's National Center for Environmental Information provides global

ocean current observations from a variety of instruments with varying
resolutions, accuracies, and responses to spatial and temporal variations
into a unified network in a common data format dedicated online data
discovery, NCEI of ocean current data provides access to hosted and
distributed data sources.

Potential users of the ocean current database include are ocean

modelers to assess model capabilities, scientists and researchers
studying the impact of ocean currents on climate change and safe
navigation and fuel optimal routes. For discoveries include the shipping
industry is marine resource managers planning optimal locations for
waste and sewage treatment and renewable hydrodynamic energy and
state and federal governments for search and rescue assistance.
Providing historical ocean circulation.

 Current information by the use of Stream Drift Chart, Pilot Charts, Sailing
Directions, Current atlases, nautical charts

- Tidal diamonds are symbols on the nautical chart that indicate the
direction and speed of tidal streams, consisting of a capital letter inside a
On any particular chart each tidal diamond will have a unique letter
starting from "A" and continuing alphabetically.

- Pilot charts provide average values to the navigator. Averages of

prevailing winds and currents, air and sea temperature, wave height, ice,
visibility, air pressure, and weather conditions. There are five volumes of
pilot charts, each a separate publication, each covering a specific region.
Each release is actually a compilation of 12 individual pilot cards, one for
each month of the year.

Typical wind conditions are one of the most important pieces of

information in a pilot chart. Every 5 degrees (300 miles), east and west,
north and south are compass roses. Understanding the wind rose is
important to properly using the pilot chart. There is a wind rose off the
coast of San Francisco. This rose can be difficult to read due to the
information printed on the ground and map, but let's try.First, let's look at
the wind arrows. There are eight of them, marking the origins (N, S, E, W)
and between origins (NW, SW, SE, NE). The length of the arrow's shaft
indicates the percentage chance of wind blowing from that direction.

- Sailing Instructions provide essential information to support port entry and

coastal navigation for all classes of vessels at sea. Divided into 75
volumes, it covers the world's major commercial routes and ports.

Information on navigational hazards, buoys, pilots, regulations, general

national precautions, port facilities, seasonal currents, ice and climatic
conditions. This information, when used in conjunction with the official
ADMIRALTY charts, can help improve situational awareness on bridges.
High-quality charts and photographs help bridge crews understand key
information during the planning stages of transits.

- Nautical charts are one of the most basic tools available to seafarers. A
map depicting the composition of the coastline and seafloor. This
includes depth, navigational obstructions, navigational aid position and
characteristics, anchorage, and other features.

Nautical charts are essential for safe navigation. Sailors use nautical
charts to plan their voyages and navigate their ships safely and
economically. Federal regulations require most merchant vessels to carry
electronic or paper charts when traversing US waters

The undersigned give PMI Colleges – Quezon City, College of Maritime Affairs, full
copyright permission to publish and use this paper.


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