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Task 1

The diagram illustrates the yearly rentals and sales in a particular store between
the years 2002 and 2011. We can see an upward trend in the DVD sales and blu-ray
sales, compared to downward trent for Rentals and VHS sales as the years pass by.
In the year 2002, annual number of rentals was much higher than VHS, DVD and Blu-
ray combined, with approximately 185,000 rentals in a year.But steadily decreased
to just over 50,000 sales in the year 2011. Blu-ray doesn't come to picture until
the starting of year 2007. we can see a steady increase in the sales for blu-ray
after the year 2007 reaching over 11000 in the year 2011. The sale for VHS has came
down drastically from over 80,000 to nearly zero by the year 2006. DVD sales peaked
at the year 2007 by just over 210,000 and is showing a slight downward trent in the
following years, in the year 2011, the total number of DVD sales was just below
Through the year, we can see people giving more important the quality of the
pictures that they are watching. The advancement in the technology paved way to
provide consumers with high quality pictures by options such as Blu-ray and DVD
compared to its predecessors such as VHS.

Task 2

In our society, almost every one is addicted to the consumer culture. As told in a
movie fight club, advertising has us chasing unwanted things and working jobs we
hate so we can buy things we don’t need. We are living in a capitalist world where
we are surrounded by advertisements and posters manipulating us to think that
something is essential for us. The rich has mastered the method to sell water to a
In our life, every were we can see Ads. We go to a town, there is advertisement,
take the news paper to read the news. there is ads. open social media, tailored
Advertisement specifically for us by monitoring our searches and likes. Slowly
slowly we are being victim to there crooked schemes. Subconsciously we will start
to thing there is a need for something we have been never heard anywhere else. We
will start to spent money on these thing. If we doesn't recognize our addiction, we
will start using credit card and even apply for loans for buying merchandise.
To solve this, people develop have financial literacy. Every time we are going to
buy something, we should stop and think wether we actually need that thing we are
planning to buy. If the answer is yes, the w should check if there any other place
where we can get the same thing at a cheaper prize or is there any other similar
product which is more durable. ask for someone who as already brought the product
to check if the item is useful and reasonably prize. Never get in to loan to by
liabilities only use loan to buy assets. We should consider all these things before
buying something

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