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KRA Key Result Areas refer to general areas of outputs or outcomes for which the departments role is responsible.

Key Result defined as Primary responsibilities of an Individual, the core area which each person is accountable. Set goals and objectives Prioritize their activities, and therefore improve their time/work management Make value-added decisions Clarify roles of department or individual Focus on results rather than activities Performance Appraisals: Bhaskar believes in KRA (Key Result Area) mode of evaluation. These KRAs are specific to the functional area and provided to each of the employee and to the new employees on joining by their immediate senior. The KRAs are in sync with the organizational goal, job responsibility and the performance expected from the employee. When is the appraisal carried out? Appraisal is carried out on an annual basis in March and October for the financial year gone by, or for the designated period on case to case basis. Employees joining Bhaskar are informed of their appraisal period in their offer letter. Example: for the employee joining 1st April to 30th September 2007, the appraisal will be in March 2008. On the other hand, for the employees joining between 1st October 2007 to 31st March 2008, the appraisal will be in October 2008 and then next in March 2009. Who does the appraisal? Appraisal is done by the immediate reporting designation. And any issue\disagreement is resolved in discussion with the next senior level. Training and Staff Development: Where does Training and Staff Development fit with Human Resources Planning?

When companies have well thought out and useful human resource plans, it allows them to move training and staff development from a hit or miss process to one that is also strategic, organized, and designed to contribute to the company's bottom line.

Much that passes for training in corporations yields no value at all to the company because training and staff development dangle unconnected to business needs, present and future.

Employees go to training because the seminar "sounds good", or "might be useful", and while it's sound to develop and train employees as an ends in itself, it also makes sense to choose the kinds of training that will result in employees being better contributors now, and also better contributors in the future.

A sound human resources plan will anticipate the skills that will be needed in the future, identify gaps in skills that are present, and will be needed, and then plan for the development of staff in advance, so that the skills will be available when required.

Training identification process:The department heads will identify training needs for various incumbents their respective departments at the time of performance appraisal. HR department schedule will be finalized after reviews and will be circulated to the various departments. A copy of the schedule will also be displayed on the company notice board. The HR department will consolidate the requests and notify the concerned departments of the final schedule. They will also make the necessary administrative arrangements. Every state and Unit has local training budget. Heads of the departments are advised to utilize the same in consultation with the State HR/corporate HR. Where will be the training program details are available?

The HR department will also, at regular intervals, forward details of external programs to all managerial staff (for nomination of self and colleagues). The HOD, in consultation with the functional head, will nominate employees for specific programs and route the request to corporate HR through state/Local HR. This nomination will be based on the training-needs analysis and a copy of the same will be attached with the nomination form. Is there a training feedback system? On completion of the training, all employees will submit training feedback forms to the Corporate/State HR department within 7 days.

What if feedback is not provided? If the same is not provided the employee forgoes the opportunity of being nominated for the next program for 1 year. Who assesses training programs effectiveness? The HOD/ immediate senior of the employee will assess demonstrated effectiveness of the training program. This assessment will be provided by the HOD/immediate senior within 3 months of the employee joining work.

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