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Roman Catholic Archbishop of Manila Educational System

Christian Living Education 11


NAME: Thrisha Alemany DATE: 3/12/21

GRADE & SECTION: 11-St. John TEACHER: Mrs. Melai

• Explain the Social teachings of the Church.
• Respond concretely to the challenges of the Social Teaching of the Church.
• Pray for God’s inspiration so that the Social teaching of the Church will be realized in our daily
II. CONTENT/TOPIC: The Social Teaching of the ChurchIII. KEY CONCEPTS:
• Jesus Christ: The Fulfilment of the Father’s Plan of Love (Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the
Church, #28-29,
pc_justpeace_doc_20060526_compendio-dott-soc_en.html); Additional Reading:
Luke 14:18-19 Interpretation and Implication
( ons)
• The Church: sign and defender of the transcendence of the human person (CSDC
• The Social Teachings of the Church
(; The Importance of
Catholic Social Teaching at this time -
(Youtube -
• The Content of the Social Teachings of the Church
• Rerum Novarum: The First Encyclical on Labour by Pope Leo XIII (CSDC # 88-91,
• Social doctrine, Evangelization and Human Promotion (CSDC # 66-68,


• Read the Gospel taken to St. Luke 4:18-19.
• Read the following:
 Jesus Christ: The Fulfilment of the Father’s Plan of Love (Compendium of the Social Doctrine
of the Church, #28-29,

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 Luke 14:18-19 Interpretation and Implication
( plications)
 by relating it to the given articles/readings.
 Write your analysis in the paper provided.

In analyzing this gospel Jesus declares that one of several aspects of his mission
is to preach good news to the poor. In so doing, he enchoes Isaiah’s theme of
good news about restoration and deliverance of God’s people. In relating it in
the reading the benevolence and mercy that inspire God's actions and provide
the key for understanding them become so very much closer to man that they
take on the traits of the man Jesus, the word made flesh. In the Gospel of Saint
Luke, Jesus describes his messianic ministry with the words of Isaiah which
recall the prophetic significance of the jubilee. The love that inspires Jesus'
ministry among men is the love that he has experienced in his intimate union
with the Father. Jesus announces the liberating mercy of God to those whom he
meets on his way, beginning with the poor, the marginalized, the sinners. He
invites all to follow him because he is the first to obey God's plan of love, and
he does so in a most singular way, as God's envoy in the world.

 Watch the video about the Social Teachings of the Church
(Read the
 The Church: sign and defender of the transcendence of the human person (CSDC
 The Social Teachings of the Church
 The Content of the Social Teachings of the Church
 The Importance of Catholic Social Teaching at this time -
(Explain the Social
Teachings of the Church.
Guide Questions:
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1. What is the role of the Church?
2. How do the Social Teachings help the Church to fulfil her role?

The basic function of the church is to be involved in every facet of the life of the believer.
Holding true to this mission, Christ looked at the needs of the people, provided it, and then
begun to preach out the good deeds. The church today must live up to its true billing
meeting the needs of the people. The social teachings help the church to fulfil her role by
proclaiming the respect for human life since this is the one of the most fundamental needs
in a world distorted by greed and selfishness. Also, the social teaching teaches that all
human life is sacred and that the dignity of the human person is the foundation for all
the social teachings and in this way social teachings can really help the church to fulfil her
role. Christians also believe that it is part of their duty to act in a moral way. This involves
helping others around them. The Church can play a vital role in assisting Christians to help
others by providing food banks and places where people living in poverty can go and
collect some food.

 Read:
 Rerum Novarum: The First Encyclical on Labour by Pope Leo XIII (CSDC # 88-91,
 Social doctrine, Evangelization and Human Promotion (CSDC # 66-68,
 Watch this Documentary Film: “Agrabiyado”
 Write your reaction paper regarding what you have read in Rerum Novarum and you watched a
short documentary film, “Agrabiyado.”
Use the following guide questions in writing your reaction paper:

1. What have you felt while you are watching the short documentary film?
- I feel so sad in while watching this video, the particular reason for this is that a lot of bad things are
happening in our country and it makes me feel so disappointed at the same.
2. How would the encyclical, Rerum Novarum respond to the labor issues had shown in the documentary film?
- The encyclical, Rerum Novarum respond is that the spirit of revolutionary change, which has long been
disturbing the nations of the world, should have passed beyond the sphere of politics and made its influence
felt in the cognate sphere of practical economics is not surprising. Therefore, venerable brethren, as on former
occasions when it seemed opportune to refute false teaching, We have addressed you in the interests of the
Church and of the common weal, and have issued letters bearing on political power, human liberty, the
Christian constitution of the State, and like matters, so have We thought it expedient now to speak on the
condition of the working classes. In any case we clearly see, and on this there is general agreement, that some
opportune remedy must be found quickly for the misery and wretchedness pressing so unjustly on the

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majority of the working class. To remedy these wrongs the socialists, working on the poor man's envy of the
rich, are striving to do away with private property, and contend that individual possessions should become the
common property of all, to be administered by the State or by municipal bodies.
3. How do you respond from that situations of the workers?
- For me, human rights is very important in this kind of situations. Respect for workers and not just only in the
work. Workers deserve better, they doing their best just to earned money so they obviously deserved the
benefits, right wage and etc. It’s very disappointing that this kind of situations are happening in our country.


Write True if the statement is correct; and False if the statement is incorrect.
1. Jesus Christ fulfilled the prophetic jubilee of Prophet Isaiah that He died on the cross to save us from
the bondage of sin. __True__
2. God called us to be his servants. ___True___
3. The principles of the Social Teachings of the Church are based in the teachings and examples of
Jesus Christ. ____True_____
4. The Social Teachings of the Church teach us the philosophy of activism and rebellion.
5. Rerum Novarum is the first encyclical wrote by Pope Leo XIII. __True__
6. Rerum Novarum defends more the rights of the capitalist against laborers because of raging
industrialization. ___True___
7. The root of the Catholic Social Teaching is the love of Jesus Christ to the poor. ___True___
8. Catholic Social Teaching promotes human dignity, so we have the right to condemn those people
who are doing injustices against their neighbors. ___True___
9. Every right has responsibility. __True__
10. Catholic Social Teachings are the best kept secret of the Church because they are difficult to
understand. ___False___


Write a short prayer asking the inspiration from the Holy Spirit to live out the essence of the Catholic Social
Teaching in everyday life.

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Content 3
Clarity 3 Dear Father, in the name of my Lord Jesus
Organization 3 Christ, I ask you to stir up within us the
fullness of your holy spirit. Help us to grow
Punctuality 1
in my relationship with the third person of
Total 10 your holy trinity and to live in his power and
use his gifts. Help us to do the right things in
our everyday life. Help us to remember that
we don’t know everything, and that this is
okay, because the holy spirit understands it
all. Fill us with the holy spirit and His
understanding of everything that is
happening in our life. Also, help us to apply
the catholic social teaching in our life.

Roman Catholic Archbishop of Manila Educational System

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Christian Living Education 11

NAME: Thrisha Alemany DATE: 3/12/21

GRADE & SECTION: 11-St. John TEACHER: Mrs. Melai

• Explain the Social teaching on Human dignity, solidarity, and subsidiarity.
• Participate actively in the work of protecting Human Dignity and promoting solidarity and subsidiarity.
• Thank God for the gift of human life and dignity and society in the Holy Eucharist.

II. CONTENT/TOPIC: The Foundations of the Social Teachings of the Church


• The Meaning of the Foundations of the Catholic Social Teaching: Human Dignity,
Common Good, Subsidiarity, Solidarity
• The Other Principles from the Foundations of Catholic Social Teachings
• Protecting Human Dignity and Promoting Common Good, Solidarity and Subsidiarity
 (
 (The Principles of Catholic Teaching -
Eucharist and Social Mission: We are salt and light


• Read Genesis 1:26-31 (The Creation of Man and Woman)
• Read the following and relate to Genesis 1:26-31
 The Meaning of the Foundations of the Catholic Social Teaching: Human Dignity, Common Good,
Subsidiarity, Solidarity
 The Other Principles from the Foundations of Catholic Social Teachings (

• Explain the Foundations of Catholic Social Teaching, such as Human Dignity, Common Good,
Subsidiarity and Solidarity by giving examples.

Foundation of Catholic Social Meaning Example/s


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The first social teaching proclaims Common good
Human Dignity the respect for human life, one of Dignity of the human person
the most fundamental needs in a
Economic justice
world distorted by greed and
selfishness. Participation

The sum total of social conditions Example of common goods include

Common Good which allow people, either as basic rights and freedoms, police
groups or as individuals, to reach and fire departments, national
their fulfilment more fully and defense, courts of law, highways,
more easily. The common public schools, safe food and water,
good applies to each human and natural resources.
What individuals can accomplish A classic example of the
Subsidiarity by their own initiative and efforts application of the principle
should not be taken from them by a of subsidiarity is the position of the
higher authority. Roman Catholic Church that
parents should have the maximum
reasonable amount of authority
over, and responsibility for, the
raising of their children.

Solidarity is about recognising An example of solidarity is a

Solidarity others as our brothers and sisters protest with a clear goal. Unity of
and actively working for their purpose, interest, or sympathy.
good. In our connected humanity, People gathered to
we are invited to build relationships show solidarity with the earthquake
and to understand what life is like victims.
for others who are different from


• Read the following:

Protecting Human Dignity and Promoting Common Good, Solidarity and Subsidiarity
 (
 (The Principles of Catholic Teaching -

• Explain the stand of the Catholic Church on the following social issues. What are your suggested
solutions for these issues to protects human dignity and promote the common good, solidarity and

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Social Issue Teaching of the Catholic Church Your Suggested Solutions

Pope Francis says human trafficking is Donate clothes and other goods to

Human Trafficking 'a crime against humanity' Pope Francis shelters for victims of human
has described human trafficking as "a trafficking. Also, encourage businesses
crime against humanity" as to give jobs to survivors, helping them
international police chiefs and religious get back on their feet and get a fresh
figures pledged in the Vatican to work start. If applicable, offering legal advice
together to fight modern-day slavery. ... to survivors allows them an opportunity
It is a crime against humanity." to not only move forward but to gain
In 2018, Pope Francis revised the The choice today for jurors, legislators,
Death Penalty Catechism of the Roman Catholic and the courts is between the death
Church, a doctrinal manual used for penalty and the sentence of life without
teaching  parole. All states that have the death
Catholic children and converts penalty also have a sentence of life
worldwide, to describe the death without parole. Victims' families often
penalty as “an attack on the prefer to the uncertainty and the
inviolability and dignity of the person” spectacle of the death penalty.
that is “inadmissible” in all cases.
The Catholic Church opposes all forms Abortion can be prevented through
Abortion of abortion procedures whose direct comprehensive sexuality education.
purpose is to destroy a zygote,
blastocyst, embryo or fetus, since it
holds that "human life must be
respected and protected absolutely from
the moment of conception.
The Compendium of the Social 1. The possible solution is to expose
Graft and Corruption Doctrine of the Church (447) corrupt activities and risks that may
recognizes that political corruption is otherwise remain hidden, keep the
one of the causes that greatly public sector honest, transparent and
contributes to underdevelopment and accountable, helps stop dishonest
poverty especially in developing practices, and ensure that public sector
countries. This is particularly true of employees act in the public interest.
countries that are in debt which are not
repayable in part due to corruption,
poor administration of public finances
or improper utilization of loans already
received (450). In these situations the
people who suffer the worst brunt of
political corruption are the poor and the

Consideration of poverty in Access to quality education which

Poverty Catholic social teaching begins with the provides children with the knowledge
foundation that each person is both and life skills they need to realize their
sacred and social, created in God's full potential. It’s also essential to
image, and destined to share in the creating change in a child’s life. Plan
goods of the earth as part of a International helps by training teachers,
community of justice and mercy. Their building new schools and breaking
poverty was often the result of unjust down barriers that prevent many
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oppression. children and girls in particular from
attending school and staying in school.
Access to health is essential. Plan
International helps communities build
health clinics, train health care workers
and invest in equipment and medicine,
so children can grow up healthy and

• Read: Eucharist and Social Mission: We are salt and light
• Compose your own Eucharistic Prayer for the Common Good and Solidarity of All People

My Eucharistic Prayer

Almighty and ever-living God, always help us in our life. May all
people always respect every human life. Give us rights and freedom.
Empower your one human family to join hands on our journey of
faith. Send us your spirit of hope and guide us so that we may work
to alleviate human suffering and foster charity and justice in our
world. In Jesus name, we pray, Amen.

Write True if the statement is correct and False if the statement is incorrect.
1. The foundation of the Catholic Social Teaching is Jesus’ commandment of love. _True_
2. Catholic Social Teaching is difficult to understand because of its theological foundations. _False_
3. The human dignity is inalienable which means that nobody can take away it no matter what happens in our
life. _True_
4. We have dignity because we are created according to the image and likeness of God. __True__
5. Euthanasia does not violate the dignity of the person because it promotes mercy to the sick who is
suffering much from his/her serious condition. _True_

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6. The Education Service Contracting (ESC) provided by the Department of Education to the high school
students who are studying in the private schools is the example of subsidiarity. __True__
7. Exercising the right to vote during election shows participation of every citizen to think about for self-
gratification. _True_
8. The principle of subsidiarity can be shown by giving the poor people the opportunity to enhance their
skills for their livelihood. _True_
9. The principle of solidarity is possible happened to those communities who are rich in potentials, education,
and culture. _False_
10. The Holy Eucharist challenges us to unify as one family of God. _True_


Design your own advocacy in protecting the human dignity and promoting the common good, subsidiarity
and solidarity. Do it in a separate sheet of MS Word Document. Follow this format:

The Title of My Advocacy: “Protect Human’s Dignity”

The Objectives/Purpose of My Advocacy: The objectives and purpose of my advocacy is to help people
whose dignity has been harmed by the denial of access to justice and human rights, to reach those rights
which naturally belong to them as human beings and are protected by international human rights law,
while seeking to increase awareness and promote education in human rights issues. Increasing awareness
and providing increase opportunities for discussion of human rights issues. I will work to maximise the
impact of their efforts not only to sustain those in need in the short term, but to promote and build for their

The Group of People who will benefit of my advocacy: It’s for all the people around the world.

The Principle/s of Catholic Social Teaching as foundation of my advocacy: Personhood, common

good, subsidiarity, and solidarity

The Expected Outcome of my advocacy: Having the basic human rights for all the people specially the
vulnerable people. Protected human’s dignity and equal rights for every person. Able to provide the needs
of local people.

Content 3 It is very good. It is good. It is fair.
Clarity 3 The message is very clear. The message is clear. The message is not so
Organization 3 The idea stated in the The idea stated in the The idea stated in the
reflection is well reflection is moderately reflection is poorly
organized. organized. organized.
Punctuality 1 Plus 1 point for those students who will submit their reflection punctually.

Total 10

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