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Understanding Dreams There are seven common categories

of dreams:
and Their Meaning 1. Dreams to reach your destiny. They are prophetic and
Dreams are the brain’s way of processing data and events. revelation dreams, calling dreams, courage dreams,
We know that God needs no rest and is as active when we direction dreams, invention and word of knowledge
sleep as when we are awake. Therefore, we may suppose dreams.
that divine influences may fashion our dreams as well as 2. Dreams to change your path. These are correction,
direct our waking thoughts. warning and self-conditioning dreams.
You can see it in both the Bible and history that from the 3. Dreams for healing and transformation.
times of the Old Testament, cultures were obsessed
4. Dreams from the enemy.
with connecting with their gods through dreams. The
interpretation of dreams was a significant form of divination 5. Dreams that are caused to be dreamt.
in the ancient world. As believers, we need to be very 6. Dreams to train you in spiritual obedience, i.e., spiritual
careful that our obsession with dreams does not lead us warfare and intercession dreams.
into deception. Deception is very prevalent among people
7. Dreams caused by changes in our body.
who are obsessed with dreams.

Interesting Statistics About Dreams There are three types of dreams:

1. Message dream – where God clearly speaks to you in
• We forget up to 95% of all our dreams shortly after
the dream. (Interpretation is not needed). We see this
waking up.
in the dream God gave to Joseph to take Mary as his
• We have between 4-6 dreams every night, which is 1460 wife. There is no analogy there. It is very clear and God
dreams a year. speaks directly.
• A typical dream lasts between 5 to 20 minutes. 2. Simple symbolic dream – where God uses symbols
• Blind people can dream. well known to you. (You get interpretation right away).
Joseph’s dream of the stars, sun and moon bowing to
• Animals dream too.
him is an example of this type of dream. This is how the
• There are many common dream experiences, many of Lord talks to you in a way that you understand.
which I believe to be demonic, including: being chased,
3. Complicated symbolic dream – where God uses
attacked, feeling frozen and unable to move, arriving late,
symbols that others can understand. (You need help
flying, being naked in public or falling in a dream.
with the interpretation).
Biblical Facts About Dreams: Now let us compare the Old and New Testament
regarding dreams.
• 120 references to dreams in the Old Testament: 52 come
from Genesis and 29 from the Book of Daniel.
• There are 21 recorded dreams in the Bible – 10 in the
book of Genesis, 6 dreamers were Kings, 1 was a woman,
2 were named Joseph and 6 were in the Gospel of
• During the approximate 1,000-year gap between Joseph
and Daniel, only two dreams were recorded in the Bible,
being Gideon’s and Solomon’s dream. The fact there
is such a large gap shows that the divinely significant
dreams do not come as frequently as some portray
them to.
• God still talks to people through dreams today.

warning God gave the children of Israel was to avoid
falling prey and becoming too desperate to hear
God through dreams because then, false prophets
New Testament Dreams can entrap you to the kingdom of darkness and
bring distraction or destruction upon your life. It is so
In the New Testament, dreams were mostly directions and
important for us to have our own relationship with the
Spirit of God. Allow the Holy Spirit to speak to you.
• Joseph was given a dream not to divorce Mary (Matthew When you learn to hear His voice and differentiate His
1:20-21). voice it will be easier for you to not be deceived.
• Wise men were warned not to return to Herod 5. The Lord God does indeed speak through dreams,
(Matthew 2). as He declared to Israel in Numbers 12:6. Dreams are
• Joseph was warned to run to Egypt with his family also one of the ways the Holy Spirit communicates
(Matthew 2:13). with believer’s today, (Acts 2:16-17). I believe there is not
so much emphasis on dreams in the New Testament
• Joseph was instructed to return to Israel but not Judea because now, we have the Holy Spirit who can guide
(Matthew 2). and lead us. Although our basis is the Word of God,
• Pilate’s wife warned her husband Jesus was innocent the Holy Spirit and the community of believers, but
due to her dream (Matthew 27:19). the Lord still communicates to His people through
dreams, visions and prophecy. One way to differentiate
Ten Things You Should Know About Dreams: between a dream and a vision is dreams are often seen
1. Dreams can come from three main sources: the devil, in first person perspective as if it is real time but visions
the soul – our will, mind and emotions - and the Lord. are often seen whereby you would see yourself in third
person view.
2. Dreams can also come from much activity,
(Ecclesiastes 5:3). This activity can result in our souls 6. Through dreams God can bypass our walls of self-
being burdened, overwhelmed or on the contrary, defence, (Job 33:14-18). This is to turn men from their
peaceful which will produce similar results. evil deeds, turn your life back from the pit, warnings,
protection, deposit instruction and directions in your
3. Dreams can come through incubation. This is where soul and protect you from pride.
due to the value of dreams, an individual attempts to
induce a dream by spending a night in a temple or holy 7. Having dreams that come true does not mean that
place. In the Bible we see the activities of King Saul, you are a Christian. (Matthew 27:19). Even if you get
Solomon, Ahaz and Hezekiah which may be similar a dream from God, it doesn’t mean you are walking
attempts to incubate a dream, (1 Samuel 28:6, 15; 1 with God, in the same way that Nebuchadnezzar and
Kings 3:4-15, 2 Chronicles 1:3-12, 2 Kings 16:15 and 2 Pharaoh got prophetic dreams from God but were
Kings 19:1,14ff). Incubation is not solely about where you not walking with Him. Equally, if you get attacked by
sleep at night. If you watch too many movies, you can demons in a dream, that does not mean you are on the
start to dream that kind of stuff that you fill your mind same side as the devil.
with. Samson fell asleep on the lap of Delilah and had 8. Jesus can visit people in dreams. I have heard
the world’s most expensive haircut. Jacob fell asleep testimonies, particularly from former Muslims who saw
on the rock and had a vision of God. The question is Jesus Christ appear to them in dreams, and tell them
when you are sleeping, are you sleeping on the lap of where they could go to be prayed for and find a church
Delilah or the Rock of Ages? During the day what are community.
you doing? How are you incubating – preparing your 9. God can minister to you in a dream. God can use a
mind and soul? Before you sleep, are you spending minister you know to deliver you in a dream. God can
time in the Word and prayer? warn you in a dream. We saw this in the case of Job
4. False prophets deceived people from devotion to God 33:17. God can reveal your calling in a dream. God
through dreams, (Deuteronomy 13:1-5, Zechariah 10:2 confirmed the calling of Gideon and Joseph in their
and Jude 8). This shows we have to be discerning dreams. You can also experience spiritual warfare in
towards dreams. Demonic dreams can also come dreams. The difference between spiritual warfare and
through somebody else who is connected to the demonic attacks – spiritual warfare in dreams is not
demonic or a familiar spirit. The emphasis of the a consistent thing. It brings awareness that you are
in a spiritual warfare and need to pray, fast more and Six Instructions To Help You Understand
increase your devotion. When a person has a demonic Your Dreams.
attack, there is a sense of fatigue, exhaustion and
giving up. 1. The same God who gave you the dream will give you
the interpretation, (Daniel 2:25-28). Joseph and Daniel
10. The devil can attack you in your dreams. Nightmares, are the main two dreamers in the Bible. Both Joseph
sleep paralysis, horror dreams, snakes, spiders and and Daniel received and interpreted a lot of dreams.
sexual dreams (Matthew 13:25). Attacks don’t mean When each man stood before the King, they answered
possession any more than a dream from God doesn’t that it is God who gives the interpretation.
equal salvation. However, a consistent recurring
tormenting dream could be a sign that you have a 2. Write down your dream and your initial interpretation,
demon. You cannot get a demon in a dream but you (Habakkuk 2:1-2).
can have a demon torment you in a dream if you have 3. Pay attention to symbols, numbers, colors and objects,
one. You can get demons through generational curses, if you saw people and what you felt. Then ask God
getting involved in the occult or through abuse. what they mean, (James 1:5).
4. Allow the Holy Spirit to assign meaning to those
symbols and parables in your dreams. So many people
Steps To Take If You’ve are too dependent on everyone else that they depend
very little on the Holy Spirit.
Been Attacked In Dreams: 5. If you can’t figure out interpretation, ask someone for
Take time before you go to sleep, even if its 20-30 minutes help and if they don’t know, move on. Don’t get stuck on
to saturate yourself in the Word of God and prayer. Go to a dream you don’t understand.
sleep on the Rock of Ages, not the lap of Delilah. 6. Pray about what this dream is trying to tell you to do.
Pray over your house and bed. You can even anoint them I believe that God gives us daily manna but the Bible does
with oil to sanctify them. A lot of times, there are demons not state that daily manna means dreams. Daily manna is
connected to people’s houses or belongings that cause God’s Word. God wants you to live in His Word, not in your
people to have nightmares and the moment they sanctify bed. When God does speak to you through dreams, He will
and dedicate everything to the Lord, they no longer bring direction and action - something you need to do.
experience those torments.
Sometimes, God can speak in a dream to someone to
When you wake up, I would encourage you to uproot give directions for a country or company but He does not
everything by repentance if sin during the day has created usually do this through random people. If you receive a
nightmares during the night. Then actively renounce and dream about a country, or your own country, it is often for
resist the dream. Remove it from your mind and continue to you to intercede and pray with for country, not for you to
live for the glory of God. share with the masses.
How To Understand Your Dreams To summarise everything, the Lord speaks through
dreams. We have to be careful that we walk in discernment
I believe God wants to speak to us through His Word and concerning dreams. If you become obsessed with dreams,
by the Holy Spirit. I do not see as huge an emphasis on God you can lose your discernment and end up in the shady
speaking to us through dreams in the Scripture as it is given waters of deception. You should be obsessed with the Holy
in Christian circles today. However, I am a fervent believer Bible. God can minister, bring healing and deliverance to
that God communicates to people through dreams. For you in dreams. You can be demonically attacked and you
people who don’t have their Bible open, don’t live in the can know if you have a demon by what happens in your
Word of God or prayer and just want to sleep their way to dreams.
revelation, I really encourage you to change that approach.

Lord Jesus, I ask for ever person who reads this, reveal
Yourself to them and speak to them through dreams in
Jesus’ name.
Give them prophetic dreams and dreams which boost their
faith and encourage them to take the step that they need to
take and bring them close to you, precious Holy Spirit.
For people who struggle with sleep, sleep apnoea, sleep
paralysis, need to take medication before they can sleep
and if you have children who can’t sleep, Lord, restore
their sleep. Let their nights be a time of peace, not a time
of pressure. Let their nights be a time of rest, not a time of
I break every grip of Delilah that seeks to cut their anointing
and vision as they sleep, in Jesus’ name.
I stop every work of the enemy that seeks to sow tares as
they are sleeping in Jesus’ mighty name.

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