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Enabling a Printer in the Cloud


There are 5 certificates required for enabling a printer in the Cloud. This is an example
of the EDC Manufacturing Printer TLS Certificate. This certificate is installed during
manufacturing. If your printer does not have this, then the Main Logic Board must be
replaced. For a printer with a valid EDC Manufacturing TLS Certificate, the Printer TLS
description for the Entrust TLS certificate will look like this. The CN field (in green) is
the key. An expiration date three years from the manufacturing date is another
indication of a valid EDC certificate. The next few slides will describe how to
determine if your printer has this certificate.

These are the cut in serial numbers for printers with D3 and R4 boards.
These serial numbers or newer all have valid Manufacturing Printer TLS
certificates in their boards. All Sigma printers are supported. Certificates
are issued with an expiration date 3 years into the future. An expired certificate is still
usable with the Instant ID Cloud Software as it ignores the expiration date. However,
the printer itself must have the correct date. These D3 board printers do not have a
real time clock and will most likely need their date set. The CR805 and Sigma printers
do have real time clocks and should already have the correct date.

Once you have a valid Manufacturing TLS certificate and the correct date
and time, the next thing to check is the printer’s FW revision. These are
the additional certificates required of the printer. For printers with a D3
board, these were included starting with Firmware D3.18.1-x. DRS
Printers started with firmware R4.10.1-x. All Sigma Printers should have
these certificates.

Additional Requirements are shown here.

This is the old method for checking the Manufacturing certificate. Engineering states
that this method cannot be trusted for accurate results. Do not use this method.

Use the new method. Begin by downloading the Deploy Cloud Ready
Utility from the Training files. It is also available on either PartnerPage or

Run the executable file to install the Utility.

When the utility opens, enter the IP Address of the Printer. Then click

The Discovered Printer information confirms your connection to the
printer. There are three buttons at the top right. Click Check Setup.

The status of the Cloud connection is reported. Here it is disabled.

Now click the Setup Cloud button. The utility checks the printer TLS
certificate, sets the printer clock on SD/CD Series printers, and then a
dialog box opens that allows you to select the Cloud Location. These are
the three Entrust Datacard locations. Select one.

The Cloud setup completes successfully and a Passed message is
displayed along with details. If you want, you can click the Save Log to
File button to save this information to your PC. You will need to supply
the AuthKey, which is the same as the printer’s Device ID, when
configuring the Instant ID Cloud Software.

If you run the Check Setup on a printer that is already successfully
connected to the Cloud, then this is the message that is displayed. Here
the Broker is the Entrust Datacard United States Broker.

If the printer is connected to a broker, other than one of the Entrust
Datacard broker’s, then Custom is displayed.

If you click the Remove Setup button the utility will disable the printer’s
Cloud connection and reset the Broker URI to the default setting.

This is the message displayed when the Setup Cloud fails due to a bad
Entrust Datacard certificate.

This failure is due to an unrecognized certificate.

An updated version of the utility has been released which supports the
Sigma and CR805 printers which have real time clocks. There is no
change to the way in which the utility is used.

Check Setup and Setup Cloud are unchanged.

This shows the Sigma Printer successfully setup for use with the United
States location.

The three steps required before onboarding the printer in the Adaptive
Issuance Instant ID as a Service are shown here.

First, launch Printer Manager. Login as Service or Admin. Go to Printer
Setting and then Communication. Check, or configure if using a custom
environment, the CloudMQttBrokerURI and CloudMQTTPort in Printer
Manager for your Cloud environment. Click Set Current.

If you configure your printer to use a Static IP Address you must be sure
to include the IP Address of the Domain Name Server (DNS).

Now go to Printer Setting and then Behavior. You can be logged in as
Service, Admin, or Operator. Ensure that the Cloud is enabled. If not, use
the drop down list to select Enable for the Cloud Enable setting. Then
click Set Current.

Still in Printer Manager, logged in as Service, Admin, or Operator. Go to
Status and then VPD. Under item 5 Serializations, record the value shown
for Auth Key. This is the same as the Device ID shown on the printer’s
display panel.

Now let’s look at the differences with a Sigma Printer. In Printer
Dashboard go to Settings and then Behavior. The Cloud Enable from
Printer Manager is called Cloud Connection in Dashboard and has the
same function. Cloud Location is a new setting. It is set to custom by
default, however the utility configured it to the United States as we
selected. This means that we are now 100% configured for operation in
the Cloud unless we want to use a Custom Broker. In that case use the
drop down list to change the Cloud Location to Custom.

Go to Communication in Dashboard and you will see that Cloud Custom
Location URI has replaced Cloud MQTT Broker URI. Enter your custom
location information. At some point in the future the firmware in the
SD/CD Series and the Desktop Retransfer Series printers will be updated
to use the exact same configuration settings as Sigma.

Enabling the Network Cloud and finding the Device ID can also be done using the
display panel. To obtain the printer’s Device ID, when Ready is displayed, begin
navigating by pressing the User Button. Suspended, Menu Available is displayed.
Press Enter to get to the Main Menu. There are four sub menu choices plus exit. Use
the up or down arrows to select the Status sub menu. With Status displayed, press
the Enter button to select the choice you desire.

The first selection in Status is the Serial Number, then Device ID which is the Auth
Key. Record this number. You will need it to onboard the printer in the ID Cloud
Issuance environment. Then press the down arrow to display Exit and press Enter.
Now navigate back to the Main Menu.

Go to the third submenu of the Main Menu, Configuration. Press the down arrow
twice to reach Network Cloud. Press Enter to select it. Then select Cloud Enable and
press Enter.

The Display Panel of the Sigma printer can also be used to Enable or Disable the

Log into your Instant ID Cloud Issuance website.

From your Dashboard select Printers.

To onboard the printer click the Plus sign.

Enter a unique printer name and the printer’s Device ID. The Location is
optional and does not need to be unique. Click Add.

The printer’s Display panel will show a Minus sign on the far right when
the Cloud has been enabled, but communication has not been established.
Once communication has been established the Minus sign will change to
a Plus. The printer will continue to try connecting to the Cloud until
communication is established. However, the delay between attempts will
increase with every attempt. Rebooting the printer will cause it to
immediately try to connect to the Cloud.

The Cloud Issuance website will show the printer’s Status. It should be
Idle unless printing. If Timeout is displayed that means the website is
unable to communicate with the printer.


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