KM S1 Projects User's Manual, June2022, V1.0

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KM Soft1 user’s manual

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1. Intro ................................................................................................................................................ 4
2. Record a new Project ..................................................................................................................... 4
2.1. General Data tab ........................................................................................................................ 6
2.1.1. Dates ....................................................................................................................................... 6
2.1.2. Offices ..................................................................................................................................... 6
2.1.3. Principals ................................................................................................................................ 6
2.1.4. Client Type .............................................................................................................................. 8
2.1.5. Forecast .................................................................................................................................. 8
2.1.6. Claimed Amount ..................................................................................................................... 8
2.1.7. Vessel ...................................................................................................................................... 8
2.1.8. Cargo (cargo related cases) .................................................................................................... 8
2.1.9. Case Type ................................................................................................................................ 8
2.1.10. Incident Description ............................................................................................................... 8
2.1.11. Site .......................................................................................................................................... 9
2.1.12. Persons ................................................................................................................................... 9
2.1.13. Status .................................................................................................................................... 10
2.2. Extra Info tab ............................................................................................................................ 11
2.2.1. Debited Client ....................................................................................................................... 11
2.2.2. Opponent interests .............................................................................................................. 11
2.3. Vessel Info tab .......................................................................................................................... 12
2.3.1. General Info .......................................................................................................................... 12
2.3.2. Engines .................................................................................................................................. 12
2.3.3. Other ..................................................................................................................................... 13
2.3.4. Comments............................................................................................................................. 13
2.4. Vessel Contacts tab .................................................................................................................. 14
2.4.1. Managers .............................................................................................................................. 14
2.4.2. Charterers ............................................................................................................................. 15
2.4.3. Shippers/Forwarders/Receivers/Stevedores/Carrier ......................................................... 15
2.4.4. Terminal ................................................................................................................................ 16
2.4.5. Yard ....................................................................................................................................... 17
2.4.6. Other Vessels ........................................................................................................................ 17
2.4.7. Other Parties ........................................................................................................................ 18
2.5. Timesheet tab ........................................................................................................................... 19
2.6. Project Team tab ...................................................................................................................... 20
2.7. Phase Analysis tab .................................................................................................................... 20

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2.7.1. Current Phase ....................................................................................................................... 21
2.7.2. Phase Analysis ...................................................................................................................... 21
2.8. Comments tab .......................................................................................................................... 22
2.9. Relative Files tab ...................................................................................................................... 22
2.10. Cross Sales tab ...................................................................................................................... 22
3. Filters page ................................................................................................................................... 23
4. Browsers ....................................................................................................................................... 24

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1. Intro

There are different access levels for each user in the Projects module according to his/her job
description, so you may not see all the fields described below. The following instructions refer to the
total of Projects Module fields.

2. Record a new Project

Select the “Projects” module from your Soft1 menu and then “New”.

Fill accordingly

Fields with red asterisk (*) are mandatory for the case to be saved.

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Code: Updated automatically when Project is saved.

Case Number: Check the last previous Case No and enter the next. If your case is a new part of a
previous one that is closed, give a new case number and do NOT re-open the case. You can select
the previous case in the “Part of a task” field (see below).

Case Decimal: Is used for interim invoices ONLY. When the first interim invoice is issued, then, for
the remaining of your case, open a new Project, with the same case number and name adding each
time the interim number in the description and in the case decimal.

So, if (for example) case “Blue Sky” with case number 321999 has 3 interims, then:

o First Interim: Case Name “Blue Sky, Int1”, Case Number “321999”, Case Decimal “1”
o Second Interim: Case Name “Blue Sky, Int2”, Case Number “321999”, Case Decimal “2”
o Third Interim: Case Name “Blue Sky, Int3”, Case Number “321999”, Case Decimal “3”

Case Client’s Ref.: Insert the client’s reference number, if any.

* Description: This is a mandatory field for the case to be saved.

Tip: If your case is Vessel related, enter the IMO/Vessel field first, so description fills
automatically with the Vessel’s name. Then, you can edit, if necessary.

If your case involves different tasks, for example H&M and P&I, and you need to open two different
cases with different case numbers, then make sure that you specify this in the description. For

o Case Name: “Blue Sky (H&M)”

o Case Name: “Blue Sky (P&I)”

Part of Task: If your new case is part of a previous one, select it here using the magnifying glass .

Case Folder button: Updated automatically from “Folders” module when the case is debited. Then,
if you have access to “Folders” modules, by clicking on “Case Folder” you access the debiting info.

Variation (Project): Is set to “Project” automatically.

Active (Yes): Is set as “active” automatically. If you project is cancelled change the phase to
cancelled, but do not inactivate it.

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2.1. General Data tab

2.1.1. Dates
Instructed on: The date that case instruction is received and is entered automatically when you
create a new Project. Can be edited if, for example, the date of instruction is prior to Project

Start date: The date of the first case related timesheet action and is entered automatically.

End date: The date of the last timesheet action and is entered automatically.

Debited: Updates automatically when debiting dept updates the status of the case to “debited”.

DN date: Updates automatically when debiting dept updates the status of the case to “debited”.

Calculate date button: calculates automatically the dates, taking information from the case related
records in Soft1 (eg. Timesheets).

Settled: When payment for the relevant debit note/invoice is received.

To be selected ONLY by the accounting department

Settled on: The date of payment.

To be filled ONLY by the accounting department

Reported: When applicable (eg. H&M cases), enter final date of the report issued to the client.

2.1.2. Offices
Branch: States the office that handles the case and is updated automatically, according to KM office

* Credited office: This is a mandatory field for the case to be saved. States the office close to the
area of the incident.

* Ordered office: This is a mandatory field for the case to be saved. States the office of the attending

Tip: For the countries with only one office Credited and Ordered offices are the same.

2.1.3. Principals
Group Name: Select from the list the group name of the Principal, using the magnifying glass .

* Name: Select from the list the name of the Principal, using the magnifying glass . This is a
mandatory field for the case to be saved.

PiC (Person in Charge): Select the PiC of the Principal from the list, using the magnifying glass .
If you first record the Name field, then only the People connected to the Principal (in name field)

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Tip: You can search by a) typing inside the field, b) clicking on the magnifying glass icon .
Default search table appears by order of code. If you click on the “Name” column, list will appear in
alphabetical order. This applies for all searches using drop-down lists. Furthermore, in Name search if
you type *Skuld instead of just Skuld, all results that contain Skuld will appear and not just what
starts from Skuld.

Tip: If you enter first the PiC, then Name & Group Name fill automatically as well as Debited
Client fields in “Extra Info” tab.

Tip: If you are sure the Name/PiC you want to select is not in the drop-down list, you can
add it yourself. How?

i. By clicking on the hyperlink (Underlined field “Name”), you go directly to the Customers
Module for “Name” and to Contacts Module for “PiC”.

ii. If you prefer, for Name, you can go directly to the Customers module and add, then come back
to your project and select it. For PiC, go to the Contacts module and add, then come back to
your project and select it.

In any case, make sure you link the Contact to the Customer

Assured/Insured: Select the name of the Assured/Insured company from the list. That is the
recipient of the Insurance in the case. If it is not clear from the case correspondence, who is the
Assured/Insured party, you can consult the case handler. The Assured/Insured Party, is also the
subject of the information gathered in the Cross Sales tab.

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2.1.4. Client Type
Level 1, Level 2, Level 3: Select from the drop-down list, according to your case, starting from Level
1, to reveal the relevant options in the next level.

2.1.5. Forecast
Estimated Revenue, Estimated Cost: To be filled when info is available (by commercial dept.), eg.
quoted cases.

2.1.6. Claimed Amount

Initial Amount, Final Amount: When a damage is involved, fill the initial claim amount and the final

2.1.7. Vessel
IMO/Vessel: Using the magnifying glass icon , search by IMO No or by Name, the Vessel you are
looking for. As IMO No is unique to the Vessel and never changes, always refer to this. Always check
and amend the available info if needed and then select again the amended Vessel for your case. If
you are sure the Vessel you are looking for does not exist, record the new one and then select it for
your case.

Tip: For detailed instructions and tips, refer to the Vessels manual.

Vessel Type: Is filled automatically when you select the vessel.

2.1.8. Cargo (cargo related cases)

Cargo: Select from the drop-down list, the closest description of your Cargo (Bananas, Crude Oil,

Cargo Type: Select from drop-down lists, the closest description of your Cargo Type (Container,
RoRo, Big Bag, etc).

Tip: If you are sure your Cargo or Cargo Type is not included in the list, contact us and we can
create it for you.

2.1.9. Case Type

Case Type A, B, C, D, E: Select from the drop-down list, according to your case, starting from Case
Type A, to reveal the options in the next level.

2.1.10. Incident Description

Describe the incident, giving relevant details. For example, if you have a Case of type B (Pollution), it
is essential to know what kind of pollution, etc. If administrator does not have a clear knowledge,
then he/she should ask the Case Handler. Mail title should not be entered here, but in Comments.

Carefully select the words, and info you record, as this field is searchable via active browser at
the top of your screen (when you list Projects). For example, if you list Projects and then type the
word (Collision), all projects that contain this word in the incident description field, will appear in
your list. Spelling is of high importance to get valid results. So, if you have misspelled the keyword

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(Colission or Colision), when you search for “Collision”, the results will come without the misspelled

Tip: If you want to search for more than one words in the active browser you can use quotes n
quotes, so your search will look only for this specific combination. Eg. “Superficial Hull Damage”.

It is also essential that incident description is checked by Handler/Surveyor. If a report is

written for the case, the case description of the report may also be helpful.

2.1.11. Site
Survey Country, Survey City: Select from the drop-down list, the country, and the city of the survey.

Tip: If you are sure the Country or City you want to select is not included in the drop-down list,
you can add it yourself. How? By clicking on the hyperlink (underlined “Name” field), add in the next
available line the Next City Code, i.e. 320 here, City Name, Country, save and exit. Then you can select
from the drop-down list. You can always ask us to add it for you.

Survey Place: If there is a special place (location) that the survey has taken place, type it here.

2.1.12. Persons
Nom. Case Handler 1: Select from the list the case handler in charge.

Ass. Case Handler: Select from the list the assisting or second case handler.

Nom. Surveyor: Select from the list the case surveyor in charge.

Ass. Surveyor: Select from the list the assisting or second case surveyor.

Subcontractor: If there is a subcontractor involved in the case, choose from the drop-down list .
If it is not known from the beginning when the case is opened, then Handler should inform the
administrator to add it later.

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Tip: If you are sure the subcontractor you want to select is not in the drop-down list, you can add
it yourself. How?

i. By clicking on the hyperlink (Underlined field name), you go directly to the Contacts Module
where you can add him/her.
ii. If you prefer, you can go directly to Contacts module and add, then come back to your project
and select it.
In any case, make sure you link the Contact to the Customer

2.1.13. Status
Field automatically updates when you open a case as “In Progress”. Then it automatically updates as
you update “Phase Analysis” tab.

Before marking as “To be debited”, it is essential that Handler of the case checks that all relevant
information of the case is recorded correctly

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2.2. Extra Info tab

2.2.1. Debited Client

Group Name: Field updates automatically when Contact is entered.

* Name: This is a mandatory field for the case to be saved and it updates automatically when
Contact is entered.

Contact: Updates automatically when you enter the PiC in the General Data tab / area “Principals”.

Before marking as “To be debited”, it is essential that the case Handler checks that the debited
client is recorded correctly

2.2.2. Opponent interests

Opposing Surveyor: If you have Opponent interest in your case, choose the Opposing Surveyor
company from the list.

Tip: If you are sure the Opposing Surveyor company you want to select is not included in the drop-
down list, you can add it. How? By clicking on the hyperlink (Underlined field name), you go directly
to the Customers Module add it there, save it and then select it using the magnifying glass .

Branch: Select the branch of the competitor company, if any. Field unlocks when you enter the
Competitor first.

Contact: Select the Contact person of the competitor company.

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2.3. Vessel Info tab
2.3.1. General Info

All Fields (marked with yellow) are automatically updated from Vessel’s record. Always check
that data is correct (as they are subject to change, except the IMO Number) and if any
amendments or updates are needed, go to the Vessel in "Projects -> General Data ->
IMO/Vessel" hyperlink, do the amendments and save. Then select the amended Vessel again in
your case, for the amended data to appear here.

Tip: For detailed instructions and tips, refer to the Vessels manual.

2.3.2. Engines

All fields (marked with yellow) are automatically updated from Vessel’s record. If any
amendments or additions are needed, go to the Vessel in "Projects -> General Data ->
IMO/Vessel" hyperlink, do the amendments and save. Then select the amended Vessel again.

Tip: For detailed instructions and tips, refer to the Vessels manual.

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Hull (record info if your case is relevant to H&M)

No. of cargo holds: Type the number of cargo holds.

Type of hatch covers: Select from the list the type of hatch covers.

Tip: If the type you need is not included in the list, let us know and we can add it for you.

No. of cargo tanks: Type the number of cargo tanks.

All remaining fields (marked with yellow) are automatically updated from Vessel’s record. If any
amendments or additions are needed, go to the Vessel in "Projects -> General Data ->
IMO/Vessel" hyperlink, do the amendments and save. Then select the amended Vessel again.

Tip: For detailed instructions and tips, refer to the Vessels manual.


Here you can enter relevant to the Vessel comments, if necessary.

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2.4. Vessel Contacts tab

Manager: Updates automatically from Vessel’s record. *

Branch: Choose from the list, if any.

Contact Person 1: Select the contact person of the Manager from the list.

Contact Person 2: Select a second contact person of the Manager from the list.

Superintendent Engineer: Select the contact from the list.

Owner Representative: Select the contact from the list.

P&I Club: Updates automatically from Vessel’s record. *

P&I Club PiC: Select the contact person in the P&I Club from the list.

H&M: Updates automatically from Vessel’s record. *

H&M PiC: Select the contact person in the H&M from the list.

LOH: Updates automatically from Vessel’s record. *

LOH PiC: Select the contact person in the LOH from the list.

Surveyor: Select the Surveyor Company from the list, if relevant to your case.

Surveyor PiC: Select the contact person in the Surveyor Company from the list.

Lawyer: Select the Lawyer Company from the list, if relevant to your case.

Lawyer PiC: Select the contact person in the Lawyer Company from the list.

Broker: Select the contact person in the Broker Company from the list, if a broker is involved.

Broker PiC: Select the contact person in the Broker Company from the list.

Agent: Select the contact person in the Agent Company from the list, if an agent is involved.

Agent PiC: Select the contact person in the Agent Company from the list.

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Tip: If you are sure that any Contact or Company are not in the lists, you can add them either by
clicking on the hyperlink or by adding it to the Contacts or Customers module respectively.

In any case, make sure you link the Contact to the relevant Company (Customer)

* If any of the fields above with asterisk does not come automatically, go to the Vessel’s record,
update, save, exit, and then select again the Vessel in your project. Then fields will update


If a Charterer and/or Sub-Charterer is/are involved, record those fields that are relevant to your case
by selecting from the lists using the magnifying glass .

Tip: If you are sure that any Contact or Company are not in the lists, you can add them either by
clicking on the hyperlink or by adding it to the Contacts or Customers module respectively.

In any case, make sure you link the Contact to the relevant Company (Customer)

2.4.3. Shippers/Forwarders/Receivers/Stevedores/Carrier

If Shippers/Forwarder/Receivers/Stevedores/Carrier are involved, record those fields that are

relevant to your case by selecting from the lists, using the magnifying glass .

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Tip: If you are sure that any Contact or Company are not in the lists, you can add them either by
clicking on the hyperlink or by adding it to the Contacts or Customers module respectively.

In any case, make sure you link the Contact to the relevant Company (Customer)

2.4.4. Terminal

If Terminal is involved, record those fields that are relevant to your case by selecting from the lists,
using the magnifying glass .

Tip: If you are sure that any Contact or Company are not in the lists, you can add them either by
clicking on the hyperlink or by adding it to the Contacts or Customers module respectively.

In any case, make sure you link the Contact to the relevant Company (Customer)

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2.4.5. Yard

If Yard is involved, record those fields that are relevant to your case by selecting from the lists, using
the magnifying glass .

Tip: If you are sure that any Contact or Company are not in the lists, you can add them either by
clicking on the hyperlink or by adding it to the Contacts or Customers module respectively.

In any case, make sure you link the Contact to the relevant Company (Customer)

2.4.6. Other Vessels

If another one or two vessels are involved (eg. Collision), record those fields that are relevant to your
case by selecting from the lists, using the magnifying glass .

Tip: If you are sure that any Contact or Company are not in the lists, you can add them either by
clicking on the hyperlink or by adding it to the Contacts or Customers module respectively.

In any case, make sure you link the Contact to the relevant Company (Customer)

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2.4.7.Other Parties

If other types of Subcontractors are involved (divers, tugboats, environmental issues companies,
etc), record those fields that are relevant to your case by selecting from the lists, using the
magnifying glass .

Tip: If you are sure that any Contact or Company are not in the lists, you can add them either by
clicking on the hyperlink or by adding it to the Contacts or Customers module respectively.

In any case, make sure you link the Contact to the relevant Company (Customer)

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2.5. Timesheet tab

Timesheet fields are filled in two ways:

a) Are updated automatically when each person working for the specific case enters the case
related jobs in the Personal Calendar.
b) You can enter your case related jobs directly here by selecting "New Action" and the
following screen will pop-up. The fields marked with yellow, will be filled automatically.

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2.6. Project Team tab

Here you can find the people involved in the specific case. Fields (marked with yellow) are
automatically updated from the timesheet entries.

2.7. Phase Analysis tab

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2.7.1.Current Phase

Project phase: When a case is created in Soft1, the field updates automatically to “In Progress”
(marked with yellow).
Prepaid / Prepayment Date / Formal Report: Fill according to your case.

2.7.2.Phase Analysis

In Progress: updates automatically the person that opened the case and the date.

The rest of the fields under this section, update automatically as the case proceeds and phase
analysis is updated in “General Data” tab in section “Status” at the bottom right part (item 1.1.13

Obligor / Payment Date: When the payment of the case is in instalments, the amount and the date
of payment are recorded here.

To be filled ONLY by the accounting department

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2.8. Comments tab

When opening a case, the following data is essential to be recoded here the soonest:

➢ Detailed Client’s invoicing data (mandatory) to be either filled-in by the debiting dept. or be
given to the administration that records the project. The assistance of the Case Handler or
commercial dept. may be requested in this respect, in case there is no sufficient information
in the relevant email correspondence. This information must be filled at least before “To be
debited” is selected.
➢ If the case is quoted, it must be stated here together with the exact agreed amount.

Any other needed info that cannot be entered anywhere else also can be recorded here. If you
used to enter here Cross Sales or Port Calls info, from now on, use the Cross Sales tab, or the Port
Calls module.

Tip: Dashboard comments area (marked with yellow) is searchable via Active Browser, so it will
help your searches, if you carefully select the words or phrases you enter.

Tip: If you want to search for more than one words in the active browser, you can use
quotes n quotes, so your search will look only for this specific combination. I.e. “Hull Damage”.

2.9. Relative Files tab

As case related files uploaded here are accessible only locally, it is not necessary to do so, unless it is
useful for you.

2.10. Cross Sales tab

Separate instructions exist.

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3. Filters page

You also can do searches using the Filters page of Projects, that is the first page.

You can select one or more filters combined and then “List”.

If you want to come back to the filters page, click on the filter icon on the blue bar on top.

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4. Browsers

Browsers are powerful information lists. If the existing ones do not fit your needs or you don’t know
how to use them, just let us know!

For example, using the browser named “Customers, Contacts, Vessels search” you can find if a
Customer, Contact or Vessel is involved in the cases of your country and which ones.

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