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At the end of this module, you will be able to:
 Understand the principles underpinning good citizenship, rights and responsibilities of
citizens, service, and volunteerism for national development;
 Describe and analyze issues that relate to the good citizenship values, rights, and
responsibilities of student-citizens in the country;
 Make reasonable decisions and address issues about exercise rights, fulfillment of
obligations, and promotion of values towards responsible citizenship;
 Give honor to the Philippine flag, National anthem, and other national symbols and
 Conduct capability enhancement for civic welfare services geared toward strengthening the
values and traits of the youth.

Understanding the Self, Citizenship and Good Governance


The citizenship education topic of the

National Service Training Program (NSTP)

allows the implementing institutions to

develop consciousness not only in national

terms but also in terms of global civic rights

and responsibilities.

The program components of NSTP are structured in a way that the student trainees' notion of

the relationship between the State and the people has changed and the service opportunities

have been a core means for learning how citizenship is applied.

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Good citizenship engenders a love of country making the seemingly gargantuan task of building the

nation easier. Through good citizenship, even the poor, the young, and the old can contribute to nation-

building. Likewise, good citizenship strengthens unity. As Filipinos, we have our shared values which

can be a strong force to unite us as a people despite our differences.

Our values as Filipinos define our identity as a people

so we must strictly impose these values on ourselves –

regardless of age, status, or religion. We must see to it,

that we as Filipino people observe these values in all our

actions, at all times, in all circumstances. Embodying

these values will not always be a piece of cake but, will

bring great rewards for us and our country soon.

NSTP, as citizenship training, focuses on translating the good citizenship values as reflected in the

Preamble of the 1987 Philippine Constitution into concrete actions in building a better Philippines.

This module shall emphasize the rights and responsibilities of citizens, more specifically, it
offers the following;

A. The Bill of Rights of Filipinos

B. Basic Values of Filipinos
C. Nationalism and Patriotism for national development
D. Community Service and Volunteerism

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In this portion of our lesson, we will be discussing good governance and citizenship, Bill of Rights
and Basic Values of the Filipinos.


What is Governance?

 Interaction between government and the public

where government opens up and reveals its

operations to the people and allows the people to

contribute to the effective and efficient delivery of



1.PARTICIPATION - participation by both men and women is a key cornerstone of


2. TRANSPARENCY - means that information should be provided in easily understandable

forms and media. That it should be freely available and directly accessible to those who will be

affected by governance policies and practices, as well as the outcomes resulting therefrom.

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3.RESPONSIVENESS - that organizations and their processes are designed to serve the best interests of stakeho

reasonable timeframe.

4.CONSENSUS ORIENTED - requires consultation to understand the different interests of stakeholders to

consensus of what is in the best interest of the entire stakeholder group, and how this can be achieved su


5.EQUITY AND INCLUSIVENESS - the government subsidizes education, housing, healthcare programs, etc

6.EFFECTIVENESS AND EFFICIENCY - means that the processes implemented by the organization to prod

results meet the needs of its stakeholders. Making the best use of its resources – human resources, technolo

natural, and environmental resources.

7.ACCOUNTABILITY - a key requirement of good governance.

 Who is accountable for what should be documented in policy statements.

 In general, an organization is accountable to those who will be affected by its decisions or acti

the applicable rules of law.

8.RULE OF LAW - fair legal frameworks that are enforced by an impartial regulatory body, for the full


 It also requires full protection of human rights particularly those of minorities.

 Have a fair justice system in place if political leaders wish to earn the trust of the people - th

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ordinary people confidence that if they will go to court, they will be treated no differently than

and the rich people.

Section 1. The following are citizens of the Philippines:

[1] Those who are citizens of the Philippines at the time of the adoption of

this Constitution;

[2] Those whose fathers or mothers are citizens of the Philippines;

[3] Those born before January 17, 1973, of Filipino mothers, who elect

Philippine citizenship upon reaching the age of majority; and

[4] Those who are naturalized under the law.

Section 2. Natural-born citizens are those who are citizens of the Philippines from birth without having to pe

to acquire or perfect their Philippine citizenship. Those who elect Philippine citizenship under paragraph

hereof shall be deemed, natural-born citizens.

Section 3. Philippine citizenship may be lost or reacquired in the manner

provided by law.

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Section 4. Citizens of the Philippines who marry aliens shall retain their citizenship, unless, by their act or om

are deemed, under the law, to have renounced it.

Section 5. Dual allegiance of citizens is inimical to the national interest and shall be dealt with by law.



 A set of prescriptions setting forth the fundamental civil and politic
individual, and imposing limitations on the powers of government as a mean
enjoyment of those rights.

 Defined as a declaration and enumeration of a person’s rights and priv

Constitution is designed to protect against violations by the government, or
groups of individuals.

 It is a charter of liberties for the individual and a limitation upon the power

1. Natural rights – they are those rights possessed by every citizen without being granted by
the state for they are conferred upon him by God as a human being so that he may live a
happy life (Example: the right to love and life)

2. Constitutional rights – they are those rights conferred and protected by the Constitution.
Since they are part of the fundamental law, they cannot be modified or taken by the law-
making body.
(Example: freedom of religion, freedom of speech to choose one’s residence, freedom from

3. Statutory rights – they are those rights that are provided by laws promulgated by the law- m
consequently, may be abolished by the same body.
(Example: Right to inherit property, minimum wage to go on strike for higher wage and better workin

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1. Political rights – granted by law to members of the community about their direct or
indirect participation in the establishment or administration of government (Example:
right of citizenship, suffrage, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, to petition the
government for a redress of grievances)

2. Civil rights – rights which municipal law will enforce at the instance of private
individuals, to secure them the enjoyment of their means of happiness (Example:
liberty of abode, right of life, to own property, to marry, to enter into any contracts, to
seek justice in the courts)

3. Social and economic rights – this pertains to the right to self-determination, which is the right to fr
their political status and freely pursue their social and cultural development (Example: the

4. Human rights – rights that are inherent without which we cannot live as human beings

5. Rights of the accused – they are the rights intended for the protection of a person accused of any c
the right to presumption of innocence)

Summary Bill of Rights

SECTION 1: Right to LIFE, LIBERTY and PROPERTY and Equal protection of the laws SECTION

Arrest, Search and Seizures, Probable Cause, Warrantless Arrest. SECTION 3: The Privacy of communicatio

SECTION 4: Freedom of Speech; Right to a Free Press; Freedom of Assembly; the Right of Petition

SECTION 5: The free exercise and enjoyment of religious profession &worship, w/o discrimination
SECTION 6: The liberty of abode and the right to travel.

SECTION 7: The right of the people to information on matters of public concern shall be

SECTION 8: The Right to Form Union SECTION 9: Right to Just Compensation SECTION 10: No

Clause SECTION 11: Free Access to Court

SECTION 12: Right of Person under Custodial Investigation

SECTION 13: The Right to Bail & Against Excessive Bail

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SECTION 14: Rights of the Accused (the right to be heard by himself and counsel, to be informed of th
cause of the accusation against him, to have a speedy, impartial, and public trial)

SECTION 15: The Writ of the Habeas Corpus

SECTION 16: The right to a speedy disposition of the cases

SECTION 17: The right against self-incrimination

SECTION 18: The Right to political beliefs and aspirations

SECTION 19: The prohibition against cruel, degrading, or inhuman punishment

SECTION 20: Non- Imprisonment for debts

SECTION 21: Right against double jeopardy


The given set of values is inherently within each Filipino. This part of the module aspires to awaken these va
us and hopefully, later on, inspire us to practice them in our everyday lives. These values, if carried out wi
can serve as a vehicle and reinforcement towards our goal of realizing social change and progress.

NSTP as a citizenship training scheme focuses on translating the good citizenship values as reflected in the
the Constitution into concrete action in building a better Philippines. Hence, emphasis in this input is plac
basic Filipino Values based on the 1987 Philippine Constitution.
Meaning of Preamble

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The term preamble is derived from the Latin word “preambular” which means “to walk before”. It is the pro
Constitution. Clustered below are the good citizenship values that are reflected in the Preamble of the 1987 P

The Maka- Diyos The Makabayan

Cluster TheMakatao Cluster
Faithinthe Unity Makakalikasan
Almighty God Love Equality Cluster
Respect for life Freedom Respect for the
Order Peace lawand
Work Truth government
Justice 1. Concern for the
Concern for the Patriotism
family and future Promotionof
common good


The Maka-Diyos Cluster

1. Faith in the Almighty God – A good Filipino obeys God and lives

according to His teachings. One of the identified strengths of the

Filipinos is their faith in God. In one way or another, Filipinos have a

basic concept of a Supreme Being who to them always gives a beacon

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of hope no matter how bleak the current situation may be. This makes

them resilient, driven by great hope stemming from their faith in


whom they believe has the power to deliver them from even the most miserable situation.

2. Respect for Life – A good Filipino recognizes the absolute value of human life and the human di

person including himself. Being pro-life doesn’t just mean not engaging in abortion nor being

Being pro-life includes valuing other people – how they feel, what could harm their physical, ment

spiritual well-being. Among the practices that show respect to others and their dignity as a p

smoking in public, not throwing litter that will cause accidents or put their health in peril, not sayi

hurt people and scar them for life.

3. Order – A good Filipino values orderliness. Valuing order means respecting laws, procedures.

these sets of laws and/or procedures in the home, school, and the community as a whole, he/sh

human rights of others and invites excellence in everything he /she does.

4. Work – A good Filipino values diligence and excellence in everything he/she does. He earns an

and does not engage in crime and corruption. He goes to school on time, does his homework, and

school activities. He does his best in everything and is not contented with the mediocre.

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As a worker, Filipinos are versatile, hardworking and creative.

5. Concern for the Family and Future Generations – A good Filipino looks after the welfare of

and the future generation. He/she helps in household chores, has a loving relationship with all th

his/her family, is kind and considerate to them, and shows a good example to the younger members

The Maka-Tao Cluster

1. Love – A good Filipino looks after the good and welfare of his/her fellow human beings. Love should

driving force when we want to achieve or do something. This does not refer to romantic love alone

family member, or a member of society, we can exercise the value of love. A heart motivated by lov

look after other people’s welfare. He/she is kind and compassionate, forgives offenses, andis not vengefu

is sacrificial and is always willing to extend help to the less fortunate.

2. Freedom – A good Filipino asserts his/her right especially if it means being able to do the right

respects the freedom of others; doesn’t impose his/her will on others; exercises his freedom respo

he/she will not harm anyone; does not use coercion or intimidation to make others do what he/she wan

or what he/she wants them to be.

3. Peace – A good Filipino lives and works in harmony with his/her fellow human beings. He/she avoids

a way of settling disputes and looks for ways to resolve conflict peacefully. He/she maintains a

relationship with others, at home, at work, in the community; and helps clear out misunderstand

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friends and family members.

4. Truth – A good Filipino stands up for the truth and avoids intrigue and mudslinging and values integ

life, family, work, and country. He/she observes proper pricing of goods and does not patronize n

cohort in fixing or bribing in business transactions. He/she admits his/her mistakes and does someth

his/her fault.

5. Justice – A good Filipino gives everyone their due even if it is difficult. He does not oppress or take

anyone. He/she is fair in all his/her dealings especially with the poor and powerless, not getting mor

rightfully his/hers.

The Maka-Bayan Cluster

1. Unity – A good Filipino works with and cooperates with others. Unity doesn’t mean a group of peop

the same nor should they sport the same hairstyle and wear the same clothing. Just imagine how chaot

if everyone wants and does the same thing.

2. Equality – A good Filipino treats others as brothers

and sisters being children of one God and one


He/she does not give preferential treatment to the rich and the po

everyone with respect regardless of status or position; and does not take advantage of anyone because

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ignorant, or powerless.

3. Respect for the Law and Government – A good Filipino obeys the laws of the land and support

programs. From simply no vandalism, to following traffic rules; to reporting lawbreakers, to promotin

of the nation, a good Filipino submits to the laws of his nation and will not engage in anything that

his/her Country.

4. Patriotism – A good Filipino places high regard for his/her country. He considers what is good for

his/her words and actions. This includes patronage of native products and promotion of his/her country

Promotion of the Common Good – A good Filipino puts the welfare of a greater number of people over his/her

Filipino is not greedy and selfish; instead, he/she considers the welfare of others in everything he/she does. Goo

this are businessmen who don’t mind foregoing the potential of earning a sizable income from a development pl

endangering nature and people’s health.

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