Diversity of Life

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Diversity of Life

Chapter · September 2005

DOI: 10.1038/npg.els.0004120

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1 author:

Alessandro Minelli
University of Padova


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Diversity of Life Introductory article

Alessandro Minelli, University of Padua, Padua, Italy Article Contents

. Why is Life so Diverse?
Diversity of life (or biodiversity) is the variety of existing organisms, including their . History of Life
diversity at the genetic level and the full range of ecological processes in which they . Estimates of Current Diversity
take part and of ecosystems to which they belong.

Why is Life so Diverse? All these species, whose geographic range may be restricted
to a few square kilometres, arose because of the physical or
Article 2 of the Convention on Biological Diversity (the ecological barriers that interrupted the genetic flow
so-called Rio Convention, 1992) defines biodiversity as between populations.
‘the variability among living organisms from all sources In oceanic archipelagos, this condition of geographical
including, inter alia, terrestrial, marine and other aquatic isolation may affect the whole biota. For instance, the
ecosystems and the ecological complexes of which they native fauna and flora of oceanic islands such as the
are part; this includes diversity within species, between Hawaiian chain is to a very large extent endemic: 89% for
species and of ecosystems’. According to this definition, angiosperms, 99% for insects. Moreover, within this single
three main levels of biological diversity can be identified: island chain a large number of species are confined to one
genetic diversity, species diversity and ecosystem single island, or even to a single district within one island,
diversity. due to the habitat fragmentation caused by local topo-
Genetic diversity is the heritable variation within a single graphy or by recent lava flows. It has been estimated that
species, including the differences among individuals in a the more than 10 000 animal and plant species now
local population. In an evolutionary perspective, this is the inhabiting the Hawaiian archipelago evolved there from
ultimate source of all kinds of diversity in the biosphere. On a few hundred successful colonizers, most of them of North
the other hand, ecosystem diversity is possibly the level of American origin.
biodiversity most obvious to the lay observer, because of The importance of geographical isolation in determining
the immediate visual impact of the differences among high levels of species diversity is also apparent in a
aquatic and terrestrial landscapes or vegetation types, such comparison between marine and freshwater fishes. Of all
as a pond and a seashore, a conifer forest and an alpine fish species described to date (some 25 000), those living in
meadow. However, its measurement suffers from major the sea are less than twice as numerous as those living in
problems of standardization. Most approaches to biolo- inland waters, although the total volume of oceanic waters
gical diversity therefore focus on species (or taxonomic) is about ten thousand times greater than the volume of
diversity; this operational choice will be followed in this inland waters. The relatively enormous diversity of fresh-
article. water fish species is explained by the fact that inland waters
A first-level explanation of the diversity of life on Earth are fragmented into thousands of more or less completely
is the diversity of Earth itself. There are two major aspects isolated basins, a condition largely facilitating allopatric
of geographical diversity of the physical environment that speciation.
allow living beings to become numerous. One aspect is In more general terms, it has been estimated that only
habitat heterogeneity at local, regional, continental and 15% of all living species described to date inhabit the sea. It
even global scale. Organisms successfully thriving in a wide is unlikely that future investigations will significantly alter
spectrum of different habitats are rare, the bulk of living this ratio. Likely explanations of this unbalanced distribu-
species being instead confined, more or less strictly, to a tion of diversity include the higher heterogeneity of
narrow set of environmental conditions. The physical continental environments and their higher structural
heterogeneity of the planet’s surface, however, does not (architectural) complexity with respect to the conditions
explain why similar habitats in different continents, and prevailing in the oceans. At a higher taxonomic level,
even in different regions within the same continent, are however, animal life is more diverse in the sea than on land.
inhabited by widely dissimilar species. This is explained, All animal phyla are represented in the sea and several
instead, by history. Physical or ecological barriers between phyla (e.g. echinoderms, ctenophores, sipunculans, bra-
similar habitat patches may interrupt gene flow to such an chiopods) are exclusively marine. This may be due, in part,
extent as to bring about allopatric speciation. Similar to the fact that life originated in the sea and remained
habitats in individual islands within an archipelago or on confined to this realm during much of its history; no less
individual peaks within a rugged mountain range are important, however, is the effect of the strict adaptations
commonly inhabited by related but different species of required for living in terrestrial (and, to a lesser degree,
sedentary animals, such as land snails or wingless beetles. freshwater) environments, adaptations that cannot be met

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Diversity of Life

by animals with body designs like those of a sea urchin or a different cichlid species, each of them with its strikingly
jellyfish. different morphological, ecological and behavioural adap-
A second major explanation of the diversity of life is tations, living alongside its closest relatives inhabiting the
found in the multiple adaptations developed by most living same lake. In the case of Lake Victoria, the cichlid species
beings in relation to the other organisms with which they flock developed from a single ancestor since the last
interact, be these competitors, prey, predators, hosts or dramatic desiccation of the whole basin dated c.12 000
symbionts. The relevance of these interactions for the years ago, a very short time span to account for the origin
evolution of biological diversity is particularly conspic- of some three hundred species from a single ancestor.
uous when two species interact so closely that each of them As insects represent more than one half of the total
represents a major selective agent in the evolution of the biological diversity on Earth, it is sensible to ask the
other, thus offering a case for coevolution. Interesting question, why are insects so numerous? A first explanation
examples of coevolution are found in the relationships of their unique diversity is to be found in their size. Insects
between flowering plants and their insect pollinators: in cannot be more than a few centimetres across, due to
many instances, the two partners are so closely specialized structural constraints such as the mechanical properties of
that size and shape of the insect’s mouthparts, temporal their exoskeleton and the efficiency of gas diffusion in their
flight schedules etc. are strictly matched by the shape of the tracheal system; on the other hand, their complex
corolla, the location of the nectaries, the length and shape architecture cannot be easily accommodated in much less
of the stamens, and the timing of flower opening. Large than 1 mm length. In fact, most insects are between 1 and
plant families such as orchids (around 18 000 species) and 20 mm long. Insects not being individually too big, do not
legumes (around 16 500 species), and large genera such as require large areas for populations to establish themselves,
Ficus (figs; around 800 species), owe much of their therefore no long-distance displacements are generally
conspicuous species richness to their strict interactions necessary for either feeding or reproduction. On the other
with specialized pollinators. hand, most insects are either too heavy or too fragile for
Interspecific relationships are also crucial in explaining long-distance passive transport. These conditions facilitate
the astonishing diversity found in several groups of the establishment of isolated populations, a prerequisite
parasites. Most parasites attack a very restricted number for allopatric speciation. A second major cause of insect
of host species, sometimes just one. This explains, for diversity is their feeding specialization. This is true for
example, the remarkable diversity found in Eimeria, a phytophagous species as well as for those living as
genus of sporozoan protists: more than one thousand parasitoids of other arthropods. In both cases, high degrees
species have been described to date and it has been of host specificity are quite common.
estimated that in this genus there may exist some 35 000
species, each of them attacking a selected group (mostly a
genus, or even a single species) of vertebrate (rarely
invertebrate) hosts. The same will possibly apply to other History of Life
groups of parasites, e.g. to several families of nematodes.
A similar degree of host specificity is often found in small A few major events punctuated the history of life on Earth.
animals (many groups of insects and mites) and fungi Some of these events were more or less particularly
(especially rusts, Puccinia and relatives) living on flowering instrumental for the resulting biological diversity. For a
plants. Adaptations to their hosts involve these parasites’ couple of billion years (roughly speaking, 3000 to 1000
specializations to exploit only selected parts of the host million years ago), life was represented only by prokar-
plant, e.g. young leaves, mature leaves, stem, roots, seeds yotic, mostly unicellular forms, later accompanied by the
etc., so that many dozen parasite species may attack the first, still unicellular, eukaryotes. Within this long time
same host without directly interacting with each other. span, two evolutionary transitions proved to be of
We must acknowledge, however, that neither geogra- fundamental importance for the subsequent history of
phical isolation nor specific adaptations to other organ- biological diversity: the origin of sex, with which it becomes
isms can help explain those extraordinary instances of meaningful to speak of biological species, and, later, the
biological diversity that are commonly known as species origin of multicellularity, a prerequisite for the evolution of
flocks. These are groups of dozens and even hundreds of complex and potentially diverse body plans such as those
species, all clearly derived from a single common ancestor of animals and plants. The few multicellular organisms
from which they diversified without perceptible geogra- found in rocks older than one billion years are simple algal
phical isolation and now all living in the closest geogra- threads composed of chain-linked single cells.
phical proximity within a restricted geographical area. The The first unequivocal metazoan-type fossils are those of
most species-rich and best investigated species flocks are the Vendian or Ediacaran age, c.620 to 550 million years
those of the African cichlid fishes living in three large ago. Their genealogical relations to modern phyla,
freshwater basins, Lake Victoria, Lake Tanganyika and however, are much disputed. According to some palaeon-
Lake Malawi. Each of these lakes hosts a few hundred tologists they represent an early, independent experiment

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Diversity of Life

in multicellularity, not belonging to the ancestry of the true Vertebrates came a bit later on the scene than
metazoans. These true metazoans suddenly appear at the arthropods. The earliest known land-dwelling vertebrates
base of the Cambrian strata, c.550 million years ago, in or tetrapods date from the Upper Devonian and the
what has been described as the Cambrian explosion of life. earliest flying vertebrates did not evolve before the late
Whether this stratigraphic evidence actually records an Triassic. These were pterosaurs, later to be joined by birds,
abrupt rise in biodiversity or merely the consequence of the in the late Jurassic, whereas the first flying mammals (bats)
development of the first mineralized (fossilizable) skeletons did not evolve before the Eocene. By that time, however,
is still a matter of dispute. However, this Cambrian event is most Recent orders of mammals had already differentiated
the single most dramatic event in the history of biodiversity from mammal origins in the late Triassic.
documented in the fossil record. A latecomer to the evolutionary scene are the angios-
The Cambrian explosion was soon followed by the perms, the earliest fossil evidence for this group only
diversification of the marine biota into four main dating from the early Cretaceous. Following this late
components: the infauna living within soft substrates, appearance, however, the flowering plants experienced a
the epifauna living at the surface of soft and especially rapid burst of differentiation, largely triggered by the
hard substrates, the plankton and, somehow later, the simultaneous explosion of insect diversity. The Palaeo-
necton, that is the complex of actively swimming animals, gene was the time of origin of grasses (Gramineae), a plant
many of them predators, including fishes and large family whose enormous success is due largely to their
arthropods such as the eurypterids. Most Recent animal habit of continuous growth. Finally, the Neogene was the
phyla were already present in the Cambrian, some of them age of herbaceous plants with the explosion of families
(e.g. arthropods) with a great number of different species such as the Compositae (daisies and sunflowers), but also
and body plans. of the passerine birds, whose diversification is probably
A further crucial event in the history of life was the related, on one hand, to the diversification of seed-bearing
invasion of land by plants (Middle Silurian), arthropods plants and, on the other hand, to their frequent
(Upper Silurian) and vertebrates (Upper Devonian). specialization to chasing flying insects. Other groups that
Plants colonized terrestrial habitats by developing rigid gently increased in diversity during the Neogene include
stalks bearing photosynthetic leaves and reproductive frogs and snakes.
organs, a root system to anchor the stem and a vascular The history of biological diversity, however, is not just
system to conduct water and minerals; terrestrial animals one of uninterrupted increase, it was also punctuated by
modified body surface and respiratory organs in order to some major critical events known as mass extinctions.
keep water loss to a minimum. The limited availability of One of the major mass extinctions happened towards the
water also caused both plants and animals to adopt new end of the Devonian. Apparently, it did not affect the
reproductive strategies. vascular plants which had already placed their foot on
Animals were obliged to abandon external fertilization land, but in the sea it had catastrophic consequences on the
and to adopt spermatophores or to evolve internal reef communities and affected with particular severity
fertilization. The susceptibility to desiccation of eggs and trilobites, ammonoids, brachiopods and placoderms.
embryos was prevented either by laying the eggs in water The most severe of all mass extinctions, however, was
(thus retaining, or developing anew, an amphibian life probably the event that marks the end of the Permian (and
style), or otherwise. Many insects developed ovipositors to of the Palaeozoic era), when 70 to 90% of marine
lay eggs in living plant tissue, but the two definitive answers invertebrate species became extinct within a short time
to the danger of desiccation were found later, either in span. Whole previously successful groups such as trilo-
viviparity or in the production of better encased eggs, such bites, tabulate and rugose corals and fusulinid foramini-
as those of amniote vertebrates. In parallel, flagellated fera disappeared completely; others, such as brachiopods,
male gametes requiring water to travel to the female bryozoans, ammonoids and the stalked echinoderms, were
gametes were abandoned by the evolutionary line leading severely affected.
to the flowering plants. The transition to land opened The next major event was the K–T extinction, at the
enormous scope for a new diversification of life, because of boundary between the Cretaceous and the Tertiary. This
the physical discontinuities so widespread on the land is the most widely investigated extinction, marked by the
masses and the speciation facilitating opportunities (inter- disappearance of two well-known and very diverse
specific relationships) mentioned in the previous section. groups, the ammonoids and dinosaurs. Other groups
Arachnids and myriapods were already present in the that went extinct by the end of the Cretaceous include
Upper Silurian, whereas the oldest record for insects only two groups of large aquatic reptiles, the plesiosaurs
dates from the Lower Devonian, and the other major and the mosasaurs, and the rudists, a family of large
group of nonmarine invertebrates, the pulmonate snails, is reef-building bivalves with heavy, odd-shaped
only known from the Carboniferous. More or less at the shells. The K–T extinction also severely affected the
same time (end of early Carboniferous) insects had planktonic realm, especially foraminifera, radiolarians
developed flight ability. and coccolithophores.

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Diversity of Life

Estimates of Current Diversity biological species concept, these living beings simply
demonstrate that not all aspects of life are articulated in
The single most commonly used descriptor of species a biological species; this would imply that describing
diversity is species number. This number is correlated, biodiversity only in terms of species counts is, in principle,
indeed, with some measures of ecological diversity, such as unsatisfactory.
the complexity of food webs, or topographic diversity. An estimate of the number of species named to date is
However, species richness is, at best, just a measure of one given in Table 1.
aspect of the global diversity of life. From a geographical point of view, there are some
To improve the information content of biodiversity prominent hot spots of biological diversity. For example,
estimates, it has been suggested that we need to incorporate the four areas of highest diversity for higher plants are
measures of phylogenetic relatedness among the species Latin America, where one-third of the world flora is at
present in a given area, so to approach a more informative home with some 85 000 species thus far recorded, China
description of ‘character richness’ in the sample. (30 000 species, some 12% of the world total), Mexico
But even estimating species diversity on Earth is not (26 000) and Indonesia (20 000).
easy. This is due only in part to the incompleteness of our A latitudinal gradient of biodiversity, with species
current inventory of biodiversity. There are serious number decreasing from the Equator to the Poles, is
problems, indeed, even with that part of biological broadly observable despite the existence of many plant and
diversity that has been already described and named. A animal groups whose distribution is centred in the
first problem arises because of the lack of comprehensive temperate areas, such as the Rosaceae, the Cruciferae
and reliable monographs for many, if not most, of the and the aphids. These latitudinal differences in species
major groups of living beings. For example, there is no diversity are observed at the local as well as at the regional
recent world catalogue for popular groups such as beetles level. For instance, on one hectare of tropical forest in
(Coleoptera), or butterflies and moths (Lepidoptera): that Ecuador there may be as much as 473 tree species, whereas
means that the current estimates of 400 000 described in a temperate forest a mere handful of tree species (if not
species in the first group and 150 000 in the second may well just one species, as in many forest stands in cold temperate
be some 20% wrong. The major difficulty is not so much areas) may cover hundreds of square kilometres. Historical
retrieving all existing species names from a very scattered factors as well as present-day conditions concur to the
literature, but identifying all synonymies; that is, all cases explanation of the higher species diversity in the tropics.
where two or more different names apply to one and the For instance, it has been suggested that during the
same species. Synonymization requires a critical appraisal Pleistocene the Amazonian forest became fragmented into
of old and new evidence and, as such, requires the time- a large number of small areas that acted as refugia for the
consuming work of many dedicated specialists. Even for a forest fauna and provided opportunity for intensive
well-researched group such as the flowering plants, less allopatric speciation. Later on, when these forest frag-
than 20% of the currently recognized species have been ments joined together again to form the present-day forest,
treated in genus- or family-level monographs during the the species that had differentiated in the separate refugia
twentieth century. had a chance to expand and to become sympatric. How
A more subtle but far from trivial problem derives from
the uncertainties in the definition of the basic unit of Table 1 Estimated number of species named to date
biodiversity. The circumscription of species may be very
different, indeed, if one adopts a biological or a phyloge- Existing
netic species concept. This is well exemplified by a 1992 Described (working figure)
study of the birds-of-paradise, a well-known group where ( 103) ( 103)
traditional classifications, based on the biological species
Bacteria 4 1000
concept, acknowledge the existence of 40 to 42 species,
Fungi 75 1000
whereas not less than 90 phylogenetic species may be
‘Protozoa’ 40 300
distinguished in the same group. Still worse is the case of
‘Algae’ 45 400
organisms with uniparental reproduction, where the
Land plants 270 300
biological species concept simply does not apply, by
Nematodes 25 500
definition. Examples are offered, in the northern temperate
Crustaceans 45 150
regions, by the brambles (Rubus), the hawthorns (Cratae-
Arachnids 80 750
gus) and the dandelions (Taraxacum). In each of these three
Insects 1000 10 000
genera, hundreds of species names have been given to
Molluscs 100 200
slightly different morphotypes, which are perhaps mor-
Chordates 50 55
phologically distinct, but often, occurring together in the
Others 130 300
same spot, do not behave as different ecological units
Total  1900  15 000
within the local community. For the strict advocates of the

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Diversity of Life

much their present coexistence depends on the high proaches. It may be sensible, for instance, to compare the
complexity of the ecosystem or on its high productivity is number of described and undescribed species collected by
still matter for dispute. prolonged sampling efforts in biologically rich and hitherto
The current level of knowledge varies greatly between less investigated areas. Thus, in a very extensive collection
different groups. In the case of birds, if we disregard the of Hemiptera from a topographically diverse area of
problems arising from adopting different species concepts, tropical rainforest in Sulawesi (in Indonesia), the described
we can reasonably expect that no more than a few dozen species amounted to more than one-third of the total, thus
species remain to be described. In the case of mammals, suggesting that the total number of extant species of the
however, recent descriptions of previously unknown same group, and of insects at large, would only be round
species are not limited to small inconspicuous species of 2.5 million, i.e. less than three times the figure for the
rodents, shrews and bats, but also include, quite unexpect- species described thus far.
edly, some large animals such as the bilkis gazelle (Gazella Besides the tropical forest canopy, possibly the richest
bilkis) from Yemen, described in 1985, Madagascar’s reservoir of uncharted biodiversity is the deep-sea, despite
golden lemur (Hapalemur aureus), described in 1986, and the relatively low amount of energy flowing through it.
four large ruminants from the Vietnamese forests, three of Estimating this aspect of biodiversity, however, is even
them representing completely new genera, first described in more problematic than in the case of tropical insects.
the 1990s: the saola or spindlehorn (Pseudoryx nghetin- Global estimates of existing biodiversity are thus quite
ghensis), the linh duong (Pseudonovibos spiralis), a giant uncertain. Figures ranging from 5 to 130 million species
muntjac deer (Megamuntiacus vuquangensis) and another have been recently offered for the gross total. Those given
muntjac (Muntiacus truongsonensis). in Table 1, although quite subjective, are only slightly higher
It is for invertebrates, however, that a truly dramatic than the working figures most often offered in the
increase in species description has taken place in the last literature.
few decades. An impressive example is provided by Species counts are the simplest but not the only possible
arachnids and crustaceans: in these groups, the number way of describing biodiversity at either local or regional
of new species described between 1960 and 1970 equals the level. Interesting comparisons between ecosystems may be
total number of species described in the same groups obtained, for instance, by considering the local distribu-
during the previous two centuries. This example easily tions of species in terms of the average size of adult
suggests that a large percentage of existing species have not individuals or in terms of relative or absolute abundance of
yet been described. the species.
Currently, at least 15 000 species are annually described
as new.
Different approaches have been followed to obtain Further Reading
estimates of the number of existing species. These methods
Briggs DEG and Crowther PR (eds) (1990) Paleobiology: a Synthesis.
generally focus either on less intensively investigated Oxford: Blackwell Scientific Publications.
taxonomic groups, such as bacteria, fungi, nematodes, Forey PL, Humphries CJ and Vane-Wright PJ (ed.) (1997) Systematics
mites and insects, or on some exceptionally species-rich and Conservation Evaluation. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
habitats. The two aspects, however, are closely inter- Gaston KJ (ed.) (1996) Biodiversity: a Biology of Numbers and
related. For example, insects are the main component of Difference. Oxford: Blackwell Science.
species diversity in the tropical forest canopy, as nema- Groombridge B (ed.) (1992) Biodiversity: Status of the Earth’s Living
Resources. London: Chapman and Hall.
todes are in the deep sea floor.
Harper JL and Hawksworth DL (1994) Biodiversity: measurement and
A sample of arthropods collected on just 10 trees in estimation. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London,
Borneo included 24 000 specimens, belonging to more than B 354: 5–12.
2800 species. One of the most abundant and diverse groups Heywood VH and Watson RT (eds) (1995) Global Biodiversity
were the tiny parasitic chalcid wasps: among the 1455 Assessment. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
specimens belonging to this group, 739 different species Hochberg ME, Clobert J and Barbault R (eds) (1995) The Genesis and
could be counted, 437 of these being represented by just Maintenance of Biological Diversity. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Maynard Smith J and Szathmáry E (1995) The Major Transitions in
one specimen each. These and similar data have led to an
Evolution. New York: Freeman.
estimation of the total number of arthropod species in the Minelli A (1993) Biological Systematics: the State of the Art. London:
tropical forests worldwide at somewhere between 10 Chapman and Hall.
million and 80 million. Much more conservative estimates, Reaka-Kudla ML, Wilson DE and Wilson EO (eds) (1997) Biodiversity
however, have been obtained following different ap- II. Washington DC: Joseph Henry Press.

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