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Jenny has been working overtime at a part-time job at a clothing store.

The store needs his help to

promote sales because the Mega Sale rush for the upcoming Aidilfitri celebration has already started.

He also needs money to pay his tuition fees next semester and fix his car so he can drive home for the

long semester break. The upcoming holiday season also means the end of the semester, and

unfortunately, final exams. Jenny had absolutely no time to study for all her exams as well as work

the extra hours she needed. Something had to be sacrificed, and he decided to feign illness on the day

of his Business Management final exam paper so that he could take a make-up exam the following

week, giving him more time to study. He knew that it would not be difficult to get a medical

certificate (MC) from the busy college health clinic saying that he was too ill to take the exam.


 Jenny has been working overtime at a part-time job at a clothing store. The store needs his

help to promote sales because the Mega Sale rush for the upcoming Aidilfitri celebration has

already started.

 Jenny also needs money to pay her tuition fees next semester and fix her car so she can drive

home for the long semester break. The upcoming holiday season also means the end of the

semester, and unfortunately, final exams.

 Jenny had absolutely no time to study for all her exams as well as work the extra hours she


 Jenny knew that it would not be difficult to get a medical certificate (MC) from the busy

college health clinic saying that she was too ill to take the exam.


1. Educators are fair in offering consolation, discipline and potential open doors to understudies

without separation, that is paying little mind to religion, culture and race. The educator's fair

demeanor showed will be seen, comprehended and afterward imitated by the understudies

while cooperating with their colleagues, ie they act reasonably to their cohorts either while

offering acclaim, rebuffing or giving open doors paying little heed to culture, religion and
race. So a socio-profound climate that is socially cordial can made Accord to Apart from the

actual climate, the close to home parts of understudies are likewise vital to ensure a socially

well disposed study hall climate. Feelings as indicated by the Fourth Edition Hall Dictionary,

(2016) are overwhelming inclinations of the spirit like bitterness, satisfaction, dread, etc.

Rizalina Mad Radzi (2014) then again, close to home improvement particularly for

youngsters is the singular's capacity to give a profound reaction to a circumstance or

circumstance that should be visible. To put it plainly, feeling is an inclination and instinct

experienced by an individual and will be shown through their reaction. On the off chance that

close to home An understudy in the class is positive, so in a roundabout way will be an

energizer for them to take part in educating and learning exercises. The proposition for the

understudy's personal perspectives the executives estimates in shaping a social homeroom is

an educator to offer a fair support to all understudies. In making a favorable and social

homeroom, a fair help by educators to all understudies no matter what the orientation, race,

race or accomplishment of understudies. This implies giving similar support of all

understudies without the blessing of bias for instance giving a refinement to the understudy.

Fortifying is partitioned into two sorts in particular encouraging feedback and negative

support. As per Bernanrd, and Auster, (2018) positive impedance can be executed in different

ways like acclaim. Affirmation, GIFT TO REMOVE An individual's way of behaving during

the execution of educating and learning exercises. Uplifting feedback given by an educator to

students, for example, empowering and commendation to the understudy.

2. The reason often used by students to do temporary work is the salary that will be received.

With a salary, it can increase self-confidence and maturity when compared to other

students. Some students will keep the money earned, some of them will use it for

entertainment purposes. It doesn't matter what you want to do with the money you earn,

the important thing is that you have a constant salary or allowance. Whenever receiving a

salary, most students will study or try to save money. Thrift is one of the skills that is not

taught in school and is very important for students to consider when shopping. With this
skill, you can distinguish preferences and desires towards something. Therefore, your hard-

earned money is not wasted. Any individual who works while studying does not have much

free time. Most students have to divide their time studying and working and this is not an

easy task to do. In addition, with part-time work, your activities have to be planned in

advance. If you think positively, it can help you manage your time well. If you are given a

task that needs to be completed in the near future, it will not be a big problem for you.

Some part-time jobs can be related to your future career. There is no doubt that you will

gain a lot of experience and benefits for future use if you work in a related field. Don't

worry, if you plan to do work outside of your field, go ahead. The experience gained can be

categorized as an advantage and is highly valued by employers. Most of the employers

consider students who have work experience to show maturity and have a high chance of

getting a job compared to other students.

3. Although lying can be seen as a threat to civil society, there seem to be some instances

where lying seems to be the most intuitive moral choice. Moreover, if a sufficiently broad

definition of "lying" is adopted, it seems impossible to escape lying, either because of

instances of self-deception or because of the social construction of our persona. Let's take a

closer look at the matter. Lying has been seen as a threat to civil society by authors such as

Kant. A society that tolerates lies - the argument goes - is a society where trust is

undermined and, with it, a sense of collectivity. In the United States, where lying is

considered a major ethical and legal offense, trust in government may be greater than in

Italy, where lying is far more acceptable. Machiavelli, among others, once reflected on the

importance of trust centuries ago. However, he also concluded that cheating is, in some

cases, the best option. How can it be? The first, less controversial case in which lying is

acceptable includes the so-called "white lie." In some situations, it seems better to tell a little

lie than to worry someone needlessly, or become sad, or lose momentum. Although actions

like these seem difficult to support from a Kantian ethical point of view, they provide one of
the clearest arguments in favor of Consequentialism. A well-known objection to the Kantian

absolute prohibition of lying, however, comes also from a consideration of more dramatic

scenarios. Here is one type of scenario. If by lying to some Nazi soldiers during World War II,

you can save someone's life, without any additional harm being imposed, it seems that you

should lie. Or, consider a situation where someone is angry, out of control, and asks you

where he can find your contact so he can kill the contact. You know where the contact is and

lying will help your friend calm down: should you tell the truth?. Once you start thinking

about it, there are many circumstances in which lying seems morally excusable. And, indeed,

it is usually morally excusable. Now, of course, there is a problem with this: who can say

whether the scenario excuses you from lying?. There are many instances where people seem

to convince themselves that they are exempt from taking certain actions when, in the eyes

of their peers, they really are not. Most of those scenarios may involve a phenomenon called

self-deception. Lance Armstrong may have just provided one of the most glaring cases of

self-deception we have to offer. However, who can say that you are deceiving yourself? By

wanting to judge the morality of lying, we may have brought ourselves into one of the most

difficult lands of doubt to traverse.


Helena is an MBA graduate from a Malaysian institution of higher learning. He majored in marketing

and was interested in retail. One day, while browsing, along with his excitement, he

received a job offer from a large and prestigious chain store in Kuala Lumpur. Helena's first

assignment is to assist Mrs. Merina, a qualified buyer in the Food and Beverage Department. Buyers

play an important role in department store management. They select the items to be offered, negotiate

terms and conditions of purchase, set retail prices, organize displays, organize promotions, and are

generally responsible for the operations of the in-store department. Helena was very happy in the first

month of her job. Mrs. Marina respects him as a worker. Several times he received praise for good

discipline. His views and opinions are well considered and the workload is just right. However, an
incident occurred that threatened to destroy all his satisfaction. According to Macam Malina, the

department store had received a delivery of halal biscuits imported from Australia with original

chocolate cream filling. They were well packed in attractive foil-covered boxes, but somehow some

of them had become infected with fungus and insects. Not all the boxes are filled, because only a few

customers return itern after purchase. After a serious discussion, Puan Marina asked Helena to throw

away the biscuits. The people of this area have never had such high quality food. These imported

biscuits will be sold very cheaply, and for most people who buy them, it will be an opportunity to try

something really good.


There was an incident that threatened to destroy all his satisfaction According to Macam Malina, the

department store had received a shipment of halal biscuits imported from Australia with original

chocolate cream filling. They were well packed in attractive foil-covered boxes, but somehow some

of them had become infected with fungus and insects. Not all the boxes are filled, because only some

customers return itern after purchase.


1. Analyze this case from economic, legal and moral perspective. Justify whether Madam

Marina’s strategic views are reasonable or otherwise?


In economic perspective, Madam Marina has committed a capital cost of almost RM 50,000

for the authentic biscuits from Australia. Then, some of them had become infested with

moulds and insects. Some of the customers also returned the biscuit. They will destroy the

company good image. So Madam Marina decided to not continue to sell the biscuit at all the

department store. Besides that, the biscuit manufacturer will not refund them since it is

doubtful whether the infection had occurred during shipment or during storage at the

warehouse. So, they will incur the losses about RM 50,000 if they throw the biscuits. Then,
Madam Marina asked Halena to callMr. Maniam, to sell the biscuits at the mini market

operated by him with very cheap price. So, the people there with the low income cost will

purchase it. So, Madam Marina can get the capitalcost back and will not incur the losses and

the company image will not be affected.


In legal perspective, customer that get the infested boxes will feel unhappy and not satisfied.

They also will get mad. Customer that not satisfied have right to sue the company or the

seller. According to the ‘Section 13A (3) of the Food Act 1983’ states that any person who

provides or sells food, whether manufactured or not included in a sealed package and the

package is damaged and no longer able to contain the contents from contamination has

committed an offense. If convicted they will be fine nit exceeding RM 30,000 or

imprisonment not exceeding 5years or both. Whereas, ‘Section 35 (1) of the Food

Regulations 1983 also states that no one mayimport, provide , sell or advertise any food in

sealed packaging that is damaged. Besides that, according to the Food Act 1983, Food

Hygiene Regulations 2009, food that safe and clean meansa situation or any circumtances

that will not cause any contamination of food with dirt.

iii) MORAL

In moral perspective, Helena has to place herself in the shoes of others before acting. If we

as seller, selling damaged product to the buyers, the buyers are possible to get food

poisoning, vomiting or become worse than that. This shows, we are not being fair to the

buyers. Because, it just gives benefit to the one party only, and the buyers get nothing.

Besides that, as seller we must be honest. We should telling the truth and not lying . So, we

should not sell the infested product and lying to the customer by selling it with very cheap

price. Lastly, we as seller must have responsibility in ourselves. We should accountable for

our actions. Madam Marina’s strategic view are not reasonable because it bring more

badness than goodness.

2. The variety of ethical management gives a lot of importance to organizations. Naturally,

each organization sets ethical codes that each member must follow. The code of ethics that

was created is in accordance with the work ethics set by an organization or companies. In

addition, professional work ethics are also stressed in everyday life. The relationship

between professional work ethics and human life is used to control the behavior of

professional members in order to do and avoid things that cause offense either in terms of

national law or their status as professionals. This variety of ethical management gives a lot of

importance to the organization.

The diversity of ethical management in this era can create a stable, strong and thriving

organization. This is so because each member will practice and follow the set ethics that can

facilitate the affairs of an organization. Ethical management in an organization emphasizes

the rules and application of values that must be followed by each member. According to

Abdullah Zhidi bin Omar (2014), organizational ethics are guidelines for carrying out tasks

such as adhering to clean, efficient, trustworthy, honest, truthful, transparent, responsible

and fair principles. Every organization also needs to create special rules related to values.

According to Weber's theory (1966), an important feature of bureaucratic organizations is

the special or specific rules that determine the arrangement of authority as a structure to

control (reward for conformity or fine for deviation) the members of the organization. Thus,

with those rules, members of the organization will not do negative things such as corruption

and breach of trust. This situation will encourage an organization to be more stable, strong

and continue to thrive.

Next, the importance of ethical management for organizations is to be able to create

an ethical organization. Ethical culture among organizational members is very important in

creating a conducive work environment. The implementation of ethics training in the

organization can apply ethical values to all members of the organization. According to

Rossouw (2002), strongly believes that ethical training should be provided for employees so
that they are exposed to ethical concepts because by having the power and skills to be able

to contribute to ethical decisions. From time to time, training or specifically related to ethics

needs to be created to increase the application of ethics in individuals and to be able to

avoid pressures or dilemmas in carrying out their duties thus encouraging an ethical culture

in the organization. Through ethical training that is carried out, it is also possible to create an

ethical organization.

The diversity of ethical management from all aspects and parts gives a lot of importance to

individuals, communities, organizations and countries. Ethical management that is

structured and created like ethical codes gives many lessons to every individual in daily life.

An individual can make ethical codes as a guideline in daily life. In addition, the rules and

laws related to ethics can make a society pay more attention to ethical values. This situation

will guarantee the peace and well-being of the surrounding community and the country.

Therefore, the diversity of ethical management gives a lot of importance and a lot can be

learned from it.

3. If I am Helena, I will not arrange for the delivery of the biscuits to Mr. Maniam because itis

illegal. The are many act, law, rules and regulations that we need to obey in Malaysia’s

businesses. If we failed to comply with them, we can be sued or the authorities can take

action against us.Next, it is immoral . This is because the seller is selling infected product to

the customers with very cheap price. While, the customers assume that they are buying

good product with very reasonable price. The seller is not being honest for their own

goodness.Next, it shows unethical behavior. I will not arrange for the delivery because it was

for personal benefit and it was unfairly. Immoral dealings amongst individuals or in

accompany builds a work atmosphere of malice and mistrust. This will lead to lower

productivity, promote conflict, and subsequently cripple the company.Lastly, it is not

complying with the religious beliefs and principles that I uphold in my life. I believe that He is
watching everything that I does and He reads what is in my heart. As mukmins, Muslims will

strive to please the Creator above all other worldly interests and obligations.

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