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Mi MI INF iii sf BIOMAY BIOMEDICALS PVT. LTD. EZNad| TECHSUPPORT IMUM ECTIQUS RISK ae PRINCIPLE AND TECHNIQUE The concept is based on the use of the combination pairing “appliance-product” : Nocospray - Nocolyse According to CULBERTSON. infectious risk is based on three parameters The existence of a pathogenic germ Linvsible) + Immune defenses of the individval {variable from person to person) + Theinfecting dose (variable from one germ to another, depending on its toxicity, butin any case necessary to defeat immune defenses) OXY PHARM aim is to reduce the dose of the pathogen toa minimum so that anyone can visit any premises presenting potential danger with : MINIMUM INFECTIOUS RISK CUABERISON:Sundshminbelget SURFACE DISINFECTION VIA AEROSOL (S.DVAA) NOCOLYSE PROPULSION Non-toxic and made up of H.0,, H.0 and AgNO, . plus a surfactant. the disinfecting quid (Nocolyse) is nebulzed to form an aerosol which is then propelled by the Nocospray turbineat80m/secandat37C. The size ofthe particles formed (less than Sp) in the non- wetting fog ensures a slow and perfectly uniform sedimentation on each cm of the treated premises without humidity or corrosion, There's no formation of volatle organic compounds due to the rapid decomposition of more than 99% ofthe fog which leavesnathingbehind onceithasacted. AMPLIFYING THEACTION OF NOCOLYSE The combination of speed and temperature enables the ionization ofthe emitted particles and the degradation of the peroxide to create extremely oxidizing free radicals {superoxideions) witha very shortifetime. 3 Activities Features © High speed Diffusion: Concentration ofthe Nocoyse active principle by desiccation forming adh fog © lonization of radicals Increase of the bactericidal effect © catalytic action of silver atoms. Increase in Nocoyse's rate of action andits remanence As micro - organisms are very hydrophilic, a nucleation process takes place in which each cell is transformed into a “quid crystal’ of peroxide. This is the notion of bacterial mist’, each micro - organism contributes to its own destruction. pe Examples of contamination ‘on surface SELF -DESTRUCTION OF BACTERIA Chlorine is naturally present in micro - organisms and under the action of free radicals it is transformed into active chlorine, destroying the bacteria, The silver atoms which are presentin the salution have an effect on the surfaces of the premises treated, inhibiting the growth of newly settled micro-organisms. R= Misr fection isk OUR tis based on the coupled action ofa liquid product fusion device reatment of a room air and surfaces. The OxyPharm conc (Nocolyse or Oxypy products range) and a di (Nocospray or Nocomax devices range) forth: o> ir Oa WEIGHS DEVELOPED ONLY KG y) FOR INDUSTRY y Y Ca treats treats volumes volumes of up to from26to 580m? SS 20 000 m* 10h ADVANTAGES ace nga Orcs GMa ea a NCEE z Bene) Omar anbe revs 6 a eae ©) com Automated system where Non-allergenic products without CCUG Coes Il of products sufficient er eee Naber Col EE ——___ NOCOLYSE * © © RANGE ‘The Nocolyse range is a set of biodegradable ascorbic acid disinfectant products based on hydrogen peroxide boosted with siver or Used both in medical and pharmaceutical environments, the range has a full spectrum of activity, since itis bactericidal virucidal, fungicidal and sporicidal,as per current standards. Diffused by Nocospray, the product becomes a dry gas (particles as small as Sp) that allows total, homogeneous and ‘non-corrosive action on all surfaces, even electronic ones. And as itis hydrogen peroxide based and does not contain peracetic acd it simply degrades into water and oxygen, so thatthe treatment is odourless and fully biodegradable, / Nocolyse Nocolyse One Shat Nocolyse Food Defeat hysogen pride Disinfectants forced tresiments iinet fore "28 fcogen perce Deodorant product OXYPY ©@®@ RANGE ‘The Oxypy range isa fully effective proup of insecticides that act against all ying and crawling pests Iteradicates scabies, dust mites and bed bugs. The action of Oxypy has been designed nat only to be sustainable over time, but also to have a flash effect for immediate treatment. The coupled action of natural pyrethrins and permethrin works on both larvae and adult insects Diffused by Nocospray. it treats all surfaces ofa room automatically, thereby optimizing the cost ofthe insecticide treatment. Insecticides Oxypy Moy Oxypy + Rees ewcreet schclngsioes OUR ACCESSORIES Various options are available to make the system adaptable to any situation Nocospray is fully customizable ° lil = Wat mounted ozle np race ieee) pene) (eee pene Tease Feden be waefe en ‘ikeradeensies trons Rareanat recat aay SC, Farentente Sites a Soares, OUR Hospitals & Clinies (01 sons. Fauipmen's Premises! Medical Consulting Rooms (0's Laboratories | Hotels & Spas | Malls, Cinema Halls & Food Courts I Transportation (s.Rai& Horse Stables, Poultry Farms & Vet Clinics | Pharmaceutical Industry (hes a

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