Y4 Resources

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24/09/2021 09:47 ManageBac | Sonia Cristina Montone Do Amaral


Tasks & Units Gradebook Messages


Unit Details
Resources: access and responsibility

Week 2

Resources: access and responsibility

Resources: access and responsibility


Transdisciplinary Theme

Sharing the planet

An inquiry into rights and responsibilities in the struggle to share finite resources with other people
and with other living things
Access to equal opportunities

Learning Goals and Success Criteria

Understand why countries have different access to different resources

Analyse demand and consumption of resources in different contexts
Be aware that access changes depending on the context and biocapacity
Reflect upon responsible and sustainable use of natural resources
Connect the water cycle to the access and availability of resources
Design Lab:
No projeto: "Construção de um sistema de reaproveitamento e tratamento de água" as expectativas de aprendizagem
-Criar e produzir um protótipo para a reutilização da água coletada da chuva;

The Central Idea

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Access and consumption of resources may vary according to context.

Lines of Inquiry

How access to resources change

Responsible consumption of resources

Consumption of the resources for different purposes

Key Concepts




Related Concepts




Learner Profile

Knowledgeable Thinkers

Approaches to Learning

Thinking Skills

Critical thinking - Analysing and evaluating issues and ideas, and forming decisions
Observe carefully in order to recognize problems.

Organize relevant information to formulate an argument.

Identify obstacles and challenges.

Forming Decisions
Propose and evaluate a variety of solutions.

Revise understandings based on new information and evidence.

Creative Thinking - Generating novel ideas and considering new perspectives

Generating novel ideas
Practise “visible thinking” strategies and techniques.
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Information Transfer - Using skills and knowledge in multiple contexts

Make connections between units of inquiry and between subjects.

Transfer conceptual understandings across transdisciplinary themes and subjects.

Combine knowledge, conceptual understandings and skills to create products or solutions.

Reflection and Metacognition - Using thinking skills to reflect on the process of learning
Identify strengths and areas for improvement.

Reflect on their learning by asking questions.

Research Skills

Information literacy - Formulating and planning, data gathering and recording, synthesizing and interpreting, evaluating
and communicating
Formulating and planning
Ask or design relevant questions of interest that can be researched.

Evaluate and select appropriate information sources and/or digital tools based on the task.

Data gathering and recording

Record observations by drawing, note taking, charting, tallying, writing statements, annotating images.

Evaluating and communicating

Present information in a variety of formats and platforms.

Media literacy - Interacting with media to use and create ideas and information
Communicate information and ideas effectively to multiple audiences using a variety of media and modalities.

Ethical use of media/information - Understanding and applying social and ethical technology
Differentiate reliable from unreliable resources.

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