How Can We Implement An Information System in An Organisation

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Firstly I will give them some of the advantages of information system in an organisation which are
as follows:
Information system helps a business in its decision-making process. With an information system,
delivering all the important information is easier to make better decisions.
 In addition, an information system allows employees to communicate effectively.
After the importance I will introduce some the step for implementing information system which is
as follows:
Step 1.
Analyze business procedures and create a visual map of all business systems. Conduct interviews with
business managers and employees to understand how information is gathered, processed and used.
Analyze the product outputs and then trace back through all steps used to create products and services.
The goal is to have a strong understanding of the overall business and existing systems.
Step 2.
Pinpoint all data that should be captured in the management information system. Include all data that is
manually input, data that is imported from external sources, such as distributors, and information needed
to run the business. Review all existing reporting to establish how data is aggregated and disseminated.
For each data point, look at the type of information collected and requirements, such as data length.
Step 3.
Identify the hardware and software needed to create an effective management information system.
Typically, the system will need a strong database foundation, custom interfaces for employee interaction,
built-in security features such as password access and reporting. Publish a system requirements document
that outlines the needs and objectives of the initial system. Review the proposal with business executives
and management to ensure it will meet their needs.
Step 4.
Purchase needed software and hardware. Choose equipment that has sufficient capacity to meet initial
requirements and has the potential for expansion. Work with the software development staff that is able to
modify or create the software to include work flow processing, data input screens, daily reports and long-
term summary data analysis.
Step 5.
Test the system. During development, schedule frequent system testing schedules and project checkpoints
to ensure quality, minimize errors and keep the project on track. These tests help minimize system bugs
and ensure adherence to the project specifications. Whenever possible, solicit testing assistance from the
end users of the system.
Step 6.
Launch the management information system and conduct training. Training should occur at all levels of
the business to ensure the system is being used properly. Carefully monitor all parts of the system and
correct any bugs or problems quickly. After the system is in place, establish system maintenance
processes and review desired upgrades with management.

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