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03595K | RTO Provider ID: 70252

Assessment 1 – Questioning – Written Assessment

Student Name Gurpal Singh Student ID Number AHMI1643

Unit Start Date Unit End Date

Assessment Due
Date Submitted

This cover sheet is to be completed by the student and assessor and used as a record to
determine student competency in this assessment task

The assessment process and tasks were fully explained. Yes / No

I am aware of which evidence will be collected and how. Yes / No

I am aware of my right to appeal an assessment decision. Yes / No

I am aware that I can locate the RTO’s Complaints and Appeals Policy and Yes / No
Procedures their website at (insert website address)

I have discussed any additional educational support or reasonable adjustments I

require in order to undertake this assessment with the Student Support Services
Yes / No
Officer and Trainer / Assessor, (if applicable). e.g. Student Handbook and Access
and Equity Policy(insert website address)

I have access to all required resources? Yes / No

Cheating & Plagiarism Declaration

Student Declaration: In accordance with the RTO’s Plagiarism Policy, I hereby acknowledge
by signing this declaration that I have not cheated or plagiarised any work regarding the
assessment tasks undertaken in this unit of competency except where the work has been
correctly acknowledged.
NOTE: Student must sign this prior to submitting their assessments to the assessor

Date ______ / ______ /

Signature Gurpal Singh : 20______

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Assessment Satisfactory or Not YetSatisfactory

Results (Please circle the assessment result for this task)

Feedback to Student - Please provide general feedback on the Student’s performance

Student Declaration: - I verify that the work Assessor Declaration: - I verify that I have
completed is my own and that I was adequately explained and negotiated the
adequately informed of the assessment assessment tasks with the student prior to
process prior to commencing this assessment commencing assessment.

Student Signature: Gurpal Singh Assessor Signature

Date Date

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Context and Conditions of Assessment

This assessment will ensure that the elements, performance criteria, performance evidence and
knowledge evidence required, and conditions are adhered to demonstrate competency in this
unit assessment task.
● Read the assessment carefully before commencing.
● This is an open book assessment and will be conducted at the RTO address.
● Your Assessor will use the assessment criteria in this document and will provide
feedback / comment.
● You must answer all the questions in the assessment tasks in your own words and own
● This assessment will be required to be completed in 8 hours
● Your Trainer / Assessor will inform you of the due date for this assessment task.
● Your Assessor will grade as either S – Satisfactory or NS – Not Satisfactory for the
assessment. In all cases your Assessor will provide you with feedback.
● Only when all assessment tasks have been graded as S – Satisfactory you will be
deemed C – Competent in the final result of the unit of competency; if you do not
satisfactorily complete all the assessment tasks you will be deemed NYC – Not Yet

Re-Assessment Conditions

● If the evidence is graded as NS – Not Satisfactory you will be required to re-submit the
evidence. In this case, you will be provided with clear and constructive feedback based
on the assessment decision so that they can improve your skills / knowledge prior to
● Where a ‘NS – Not Satisfactory’ judgement is made, you will be given guidance on steps
to take to improve your performance and provided the opportunity to resubmit evidence to
demonstrate competence. The assessor will determine and discuss the reasons for NS –
Not satisfactory on any of the criteria and will assess you through a different method of
assessment e.g. verbal/oral questioning, problem solving exercises.
● You will be notified within 10 working days of undertaking an assessment of their result in
achieving competency
o If a student does not complete the assessment, they should notify their trainer as
to why they did not complete the assessment and if due to illness, a medical
certificate must be produced. “This process is detailed more in the “Training and
Assessment Policy and Procedure”
o In the above scenario, student will be given an opportunity for reassessment within
5 working days with no reassessment fee charged.
o Students who are deemed to be Not Yet Competent (NYC) will be provided with
information identifying the areas in which they failed to achieve competency.
Students will then have the opportunity to repeat the assessment task within 5
working days of notification with no reassessment fee charged.
o If a student is deemed NYC in the reassessment or if the student did not approach
the RTO’s within five working days with a valid reason for not availing themselves
of the reassessment opportunity, then those students will be given a final chance
to re-sit the assessment and will be charged at $200.00.
o After this no further reassessment attempt will be provided to the student and the
student will be required to repeat the whole unit with full fee for the unit as per the
fees policy of the RTO’s. The student will be made aware of the impact of
repeating the unit may have on their student visa.
o If a student is found to be cheating or plagiarising their assessment, a $200.00Page | 3
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Assessment 1 – Questioning

Written Assessment

1. The most important purpose of this customer service system regards how the service
consultant carries out nine (9) customer interactions from start to finish. Name them.

1 Greeting with customer nicely

2 Ask you name and ask customer too

3 How may help you

4 Customer concern

5 disclose estimated quote regarding customer concern

6 get customer approval

7 need to go for car visual inspection like leakage, damage, window glass crack

8 do your job nicely and make proper job card which describe everything

9 done with car test drive made invoice in favour and deliver car to customer back

2. The service consultant should always welcome and greet the angry customer in the same
manner as a person who is not showing signs of anger.

☐ True or ☐ False

3. The service consultant should allow the customer to vent his or her frustration and do not
make an attempt to interrupt.

☐ True or ☐ False

4. The service consultant should not take anything the customer says personally.
Remember, the problem is frustrating the customer, not you.

☐ True or ☐ False

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5. Complete the following statement about dealing with dissatisfied customers using the
following words
Words: Abusive, Customer, Escalates, Frustration, Issues, Refuses, Technician

As the customer begins to exit the stage where his or her _ Frustration ______________
have been vented, examine the situation and assess the real problem in a professional
business manner. Do not get side tracked into unrelated ____ Issues, ___________ and
the following suggestions may help when a customer’s frustration cannot be controlled:

a) If a customer becomes _ Abusive ______________, the service consultant must

stop the interaction and ask the customer to refrain from using abusive language.
b) If after an appropriate period of time, a customer ____ Refuses _or does not seem
to be able to exit the frustration phase so the issues at hand can be addressed, the
customer must be asked to leave. The ___Customer _may be invited to return
when they are not so angry or set a time and date for a meeting to resolve the
problem, perhaps with management and even the ___ Technician _present.
c) If a customer does not leave when requested, possibly because of being under the
influence of drugs or alcohol, then local law enforcement should be called to
handle the situation before it ____ Escalates______ out of control.

6. How should you identify the real problem and focus statements and the conversation on
the real problem?

1 Why the customer is angry

2 Ask the customer to understand with your assessment that he or she can agree with

7. If the problem was in some way caused by the service facility, offer an apology
immediately. For example, if a stranded customer needed a tow truck and it arrived late
because the service consultant forgot to call the towing company after the customer
called, an apology is necessary.

☐ True or ☐ False

8. Understanding the company policies and how far a service consultant can go to help the
customer by.

A. Watch what is said and how it is said. Page | 7

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9. Complete the following statement about complaints handling and recommending
appropriate action using the following words
Words: Customer, Invoice, Option, Policy, Problem, Solution, Tools

Provide a solution or several options to rectify the ____ Problem ___________ within the
authority of the service consultant’s position.
a) Many service facilities give service consultants a variety of ____ Tools _to help in
a situation. At some facilities, a __ Policy _check, which is an account with “make
believe” money in it can be used, for credit toward a future purchase. Often it is
used to compensate a __ Customer _for inconvenience, a mistake, or other
circumstance where the service consultant felt “money off” the current or future
____ Invoice _was requited.
b) Another option is to ask the customer to suggest a ___ Solution _by saying “how
would you like to see this resolved” or let the customer choose an ____ Option
_from a couple of suggestions.

10. After the situation is rectified, the customer may be embarrassed by his or her behaviour.
This could cause the customer to be too embarrassed to return for future service. The
service consultant wants repeat business and appreciation for the customer’s time for
bringing this problem to the service facilities attention. Followed by a meaningful “thank
you” for the opportunity to rectify the problem is a positive way to end the process.

☐ True or ☐ False

11. If a customer does not accept any of the solutions or suggestions offered to correct the
problem or requires financial compensation for the trouble and anguish caused, then the
problem must go to the next level of authority.

☐ True or ☐ False

12. When management has to be involved, service consultants must.

A. Document everything that occurred, and the conversation with the customer must be
reconstructed as accurately as possible.
B. Embarrassed the customer in front of management by explaining everything that has
C. Both “Document everything that occurred, and the conversation with the customer
must be reconstructed as accurately as possible” and “Embarrassed the customer in
front of management by explaining everything that has occurred”.
D. None of these answers are correct

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14. Complete the following statement about common complex customer issues using the
following words
Words: Condition, Customer, High, Reinstalled, Service

The customers anger is typically because they believe the _____ Service__________
facility did not meet their expectation. More specifically, the ___ Customer ____________
may believe that the vehicle was not serviced properly, that the invoice was too ____
High ___________, that the service facility forgot a request that was important to him or
her, or that the vehicle was not returned in the same ___: Condition ____________ as
when it was left at the facility. The problem may be as serious as a part that was not
installed correctly and has to be ____Reinstalled ___________, or it may be as simple as
a grease spot that must be removed.

15. The service consultants must also always assume that customers have read or
understood anything in the warranty contract.

☐ True or ☐ False

16. A warranty contract may have a deductible that the customer must pay before the
warranty company begins to pay for the repair. Some warranty contracts may even
specify a maximum amount of money or maximum labour rate that the warranty company
will pay for a certain type of repair. The customer must be told about the terms of the
contract and any charges the customer is responsible for, or a dispute between the
customer and the service facility could occur.

☐ True or ☐ False

17. Complete the following statement about customer work standard issues using the
following words
Words: Clamp, Engine, Extensive, Hoses, Loose, Over, Presented, Problem, Service

A customer at Reenrol Auto Repair had an antifreeze leak that was coming from a _
Loose_____ bypass hose at the front of her engine. The hose was relatively new, and the
__ Clamp _______ simply needed to be tightened to fix the problem. The repair was
performed, and recommendations of the technician ____ Presented _______ to her that
the heater hoses were very old (original by all appearances) and worn in some spots. The
technician recommended replacing the ____Hoses __________, but the customer
refused the suggestion. She did not feel that it would be a problem even though her car
was over 10 years old and had _____Over _____ 120,000 km’s on it. A couple of weeks
later, her heater hoses blew apart on the freeway. The customer continued to drive her
vehicle until the ___Engine ____ seized. The angry customer demanded a new engine
from Renrag Auto. After a lengthy discussion with her and her lawyer, which required an
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18. What does the ACL cover?

The ACL includes:

• core consumer protection provisions prohibiting misleading or deceptive conduct, unconscionable conduct and
unfair terms in standard form consumer contracts;
• specific protections against certain defined ‘unfair’ practices, including particular instances of misleading or
deceptive conduct, pyramid selling, unsolicited supplies of goods and services, component pricing and the provision
of bills and receipts;
• regulation of certain aspects of consumer transactions, including:
– a system of statutory consumer guarantees for consumer goods and business goods valued below $40,000;
– a national legal framework for unsolicited selling, including door-to-door trading and telephone sales;

• a national law for consumer product safety; and • robust enforcement and consumer redress provisions.

19. What are consumer guarantees under ACL?

When a consumer buys goods or services, the ACL provides that they have guaranteed rights including that:
• the supplier has the right to sell the goods;
• the goods are of acceptable quality;
• the goods match their description;
• the goods are fit for any purpose that the consumer makes known to the supplier;
• repairs and spare parts for the goods are reasonably available;
• the services are carried out with reasonable care and skill; and
• the services are completed within a reasonable time where there is no agreed date.

20. The ACL is an application law, which is applied and enforced as a law of each jurisdiction
in Australia.

☐ True or ☐ False

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21. Who enforces the ACL?

A. The ACCC;
B. NSW Fair Trading;
C. Consumer Affairs Victoria;
D. Queensland Office of Fair Trading;
E. WA Department of Commerce - Consumer Protection;
F. SA Consumer and Business Services;
G. Consumer Affairs and Fair-Trading Tasmania;
H. ACT Office of Regulatory Services; and
I. NT Consumer Affairs.
J. All these answers are correct

22. Explain the difference between empathy and sympathy?

Empathy means experiencing someone else’s feelings. It comes from the German Einfühlung, or ‘feeling into.’ It

requires an emotional component of really feeling what the other person is feeling. Sympathy, on the other hand,
means understanding someone else’s suffering. It’s more cognitive in nature and keeps a certain distance.
Reference :-

23. Active listening is a skill that can be practised. Name five (5) techniques that you should

1 Maintain eye contact with the speaker when possible

2 Take written notes of important points

3 Don’t be distracted

4 Ask questions to clarify anything that is not fully understood

5 Summarise the main points when the speaker has finished

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24. Closed questions are?

A. Questions that require a one-word answer.

B. Questions that open up communication and help to provide a more detailed response.
C. Useful when expertly used to lead a person who lacks confidence.
D. All these answers are correct

25. Open questions are?

A. Questions that require a one-word answer.

B. Questions that open up communication and help to provide a more detailed
C. Useful when expertly used to lead a person who lacks confidence.
D. All these answers are correct

26. Leading questions are?

A. Questions that require a one-word answer.

B. Questions that open up communication and help to provide a more detailed response.
C. Useful when expertly used to lead a person who lacks confidence.
D. All these answers are correct

27. What are the advantages of using closed questions?

A. Quick to obtain specific information Easy to use

B. Discourages 'small talk'
C. Saves time in some situations
D. All these answers are correct

28. Leading questions are useful for leading a person to reach the appropriate conclusion.
Give me two (2) examples of a leading question.

1 Did you enjoy our excellent service delivery?

2 How much did you enjoy our customer experience?

29. These are advantages of using open questions except for one (1). Select the one (1) that
is NOT an advantage?

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A. Allows the other person to tell you what they think is important
CRICOS Code: 03595K | RTO Provider ID: 70252

30. Be aware of the non-verbal messages that we and others send. Name two (2) ways non-
verbal messages can be sent?

1 Tone of voice

2 Body language

(Reference :- information book on LMS)

31. Most people are unaware of the silent messages that they send. If you learn to interpret
those silent messages you will gain a powerful communication tool. What are five (5)
things that you look for?

1 Tone of voice

2 Eye contact

3 Stance

4 Facial expression

5 Proximity

32. To get approval for a service (signature on the estimate so it becomes a RO) means the
sale was closed, also called closing the sale. To do this successfully, the service
consultant must be genuine in his or her desire to help the customer. If not, he or she
may be seen as an insincere “snake oil” salesman, meaning a person who sells
something that is worthless.

☐ True or ☐ False

33. When treating customers as clients or friends, a service consultant must explain the work
to be performed on their vehicle in a patient, calm, and logically prioritised manner.

☐ True or ☐ False

34. The service consultants must understand the financial options that customers can use to
pay for their service. When customers need some other means to pay for a repair that will
cost a lot of money, a sale may be closed because the service consultant can make the
arrangements for them to finance the charges.

☐ True or ☐ False

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35. If a customer objects to the cost of a necessary repair, which of these is the best
response that the service consultant can give?

A. Offer the customer a discount on the repair.

B. Reschedule for a later time.
C. Explain the reasons for the cost and benefits of the repair.
D. Remove it from the repair order immediately.

36. An upset customer comes in when the service department is very busy. Which of these is
the best way to work with this customer?

A. Listen to the upset customer before offering an explanation or solutions.

B. Ask the customer to come back later.
C. Tell the customer he or she is wrong.
D. Offer the customer a discount.

37. A customer has come to pick up his or her vehicle when the service department is very
busy. Which of these is the best way to handle the situation?

A. Direct the customer to the cashier to cash him or her out.

B. Advise the customer that you are very busy.
C. Review the work performed and the invoice with the customer.
D. Ask the customer to come back when it is quieter.

38. Provide an example of service features and benefits to the customer to replace their
battery after it failed a load test and will not crank the engine quickly enough.

Feature: replace the battery with new one

Benefit: help to start car smoothly even save the starter motor

39. Provide examples of the features and benefits that might be used to up sell a premium

Feature :- replace the battery with new one because car does not crank properly

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Benefits :- new battery helps to start car smoothly and save starter motor

40. One technique is for the service consultant to focus on what the recommended
maintenance will provide to the customer (feature) and how the maintenance will be an
advantage to the operation of the customer’s vehicle (benefit). This technique is referred
to as?

A. Feature-benefit selling.
B. Up selling.
C. Over selling.
D. Special selling.

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41. Common benefits may be extending the life of the vehicle, safety, improved operation of
the vehicle, and reduced operating costs.

☐ True or ☐ False

42. To suggest alternative repairs to the customer, the service consultant should use repair
categories. The three (3) categories for the repairs would be?

1 Must perform

2 Should perform

3 Could perform

43. In order for service consultants to use the feature-benefit selling technique effectively,
they must have something to sell. This requires a list of manufacturer recommendations
for vehicles, seasonal special offers by the owners or managers, and recommendations
from the technician about the vehicle’s condition.

☐ True or ☐ False

44. The tactical environment refers to the resources and the support arrangements needed to
conduct business. Give an example of a negative tactical environment.

If there is unavailable of product and supplier in market of any product and it make
negative tactical environment
For example :- if any particular car rocker cover gasket is not available in market that will
consider as negative tactical environment .

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