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Talk 4: THE 21st Century Virtual Church and Digital Evangelism

Understanding God’s word is what will make you outstanding in the world.

There are three operative words in the topic

1 Cor. 9:22b
To the weak I became as weak, that I might win the weak. I have become all things to
all men, that I might by all means save some.

The 21st century started on January 1, 2001.

Virtual Church
Virtual worlds are real worlds created by man for social interaction.
A virtual Church is a church not in physical buildings but in the virtual world of IP addresses
and shared experiences. A virtual church has the capacity to break down social barriers, unite
believers from all walks of life, and build the kingdom of God with little or no financial
Virtual Church is a service or church that meets in a fully virtual environment (world).
Virtual, online, and digital church are terms used to describe what churches did to engage
people and communities during the lockdown, when they could not gather due to social
distancing. Although these terms are often used interchangeably, it is important and helpful to
more clearly define these terms to enrich our knowledge and understanding.

Effective social interaction.

Digital Evangelism
What is Digital Evangelism?
Digital Evangelism is the systematic and intentional use of internet platforms to spread the
Gospel to the online population. The goal is to introduce people to Christ and then connect
them to a living Church.

One of the under-utilized powers in the Christendom is the power of the media.
In this mountain we find some of the most influential forces shaping our society.

Man is entrusted with 2 gifts. His Mind and His Time. How he uses it, determine, where he
ends up in life. Your mind is a reflection what you allow inside of.…… Mathew 12:34.
What you become is a function of how and where you spend your time.
Your THOUGHTS builds your life. Because when it finally comes out through your mouth in
the form of word, it constructs your destiny. Proverbs 23:7, Mathew 12:34.

Your mind is your most valuable assets, but it can also become your greatest liability, it is what
you allow into it that counts.

Kingdom of darkness and Kingdom of Light

They use media to enforce the agenda of the kingdom of darkness
Initiate children, cartoons, mold them… subconscious mind. Catch FILTER…………. Billions
information at the same time………
influenced the outcome
Romans 12:21
What you focus on, develop the capacity to multiply, itself back to us. Our business is to focus
on things we want, in and out of life. And ignore without thinking the things that are not in the
frequency of our deepest desires and aspirations.

Why Christians Should Use Digital Discipleship

In Matthew 28:19, Christ says, “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing
them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.”
Anything the Church does that is not reaching beyond its four (4) walls is a deviation from
the original mandate.
At Pentecost, the gospel was supposed to move beyond the pulpit, and transform into
practical social, economic and political realities. That is the divine intendment of the
Pentecostals movement. The early apostles waded in the water of this new movement.

Different people at different times have used the technology available in their time to fulfil
this mandate.
For instance
Every revival leader from the book of Acts of the Apostles onward has made use of media
of their times. Paul apostles used letters, William J. Seymour used the printing press to
advertise the Azusa Street revival, and Daddy G.O now televised Crusades, Holy Ghost
services, preaching and teachings.
The use of media for evangelism and discipleship is nothing new. However, a new array of
digital (online) ministers have risen, comprising an army of people who are in their various
homes, workplaces, and communities, who God is working through Joel 2:7-8
[7] They shall run like mighty men; they shall climb the wall like men of war; and
they shall march every one on his ways, and they shall not break their ranks: [8]
Neither shall one thrust another; they shall walk every one in his path: and when they fall
upon the sword, they shall not be wounded.

Digital evangelism and discipleship are important because as Christians, we are to be

spiritually guiding people toward Christ. But first, that means we need to meet people
where they are. Right now, millions of these people are online.
✓ There are approximately 7.8 billion people in the world.
✓ 4.89 billion use the internet. Over 60%
✓ 4.02 billion are on social media. Over 50%

According to, Facebook has over 3 billion monthly active users,

Twitter has 300 million daily active users, and YouTube has 2.5 billion monthly active users.
This is where billions of people who need Christ are.

Christians need to have an online presence to bring light to the dark parts of the web.

2. Considering the divine mandate given to the Redeemed Christian Church of God and
the vision to see the church established in every nation of the world and to have a
member of RCCG in every family of the world, it has become imperative for the RCCG
to comprehensively embrace digital ministry, in addition to the traditional means of
ministry. Today, the internet and social media are where the critical mass of humanity,
from all nations and people, can be found without restrictions. For the fact that people
are situated in their millions, has shown clearly to us that God was the originator of that
vision and that He had the internet and social media in mind at the birth of the vision.

3. Digital Ministry helps us spread the Gospel into all the world at a rate we never could’ve
imagined before. Moreover, it connects us to the younger generation.

4. It is a way to activate the social influence of a church membership, building bridges to

the local community, developing a meaningful understanding of their felt needs and
determining relevant ways to serve the community, both within and outside the church

5. The role of digital means in Christian ministry cannot be ignored. The digital space is
no longer just for entertainment, but it has become the way of life for most people and

6. Is also worth noting that the commandment of world evangelization of all nations of
the world will only be possible with the tools and technology that covers the entire
world, that is, the digital tools in the digital world
7. The digital world is vast and growing at an alarming rate. Many programs and activities
are now scheduled in the digital space. For instance, there is a Church now in the
MetaVerse world.

8. Theologically sound answers to questions are needed for people who are asking, and
Digital Evangelism and Discipleship strive to be that answer and to turn them toward

Digital Armies Joel 2:7-8
[7] They shall run like mighty men; they shall climb the wall like men of war; and they
shall march every one on his ways, and they shall not break their ranks: [8] Neither shall
one thrust another; they shall walk every one in his path: and when they fall upon the sword,
they shall not be wounded

Basic Structure for Digital Ministry Joel 2:7-8

✓ Content Creators
✓ Content Distributors
✓ Content Engagers

Content creators are those who package the gospel message and teachings of Jesus into
various digital friendly formats such as: video, blogs, images, podcasts, etc.

Distributors are organizations or individuals who use digital tools and technologies to share
content within their sphere of digital influence.

Engagers are empathic individuals within an organization, or operating independently, who

engage in online conversations for the purpose of building meaningful relationships, better
understanding needs, and determining meaningful ways to serve others in the community.


Social Media Ministry Tools

Digital tools for evangelism and discipleship are numerous. It depends on the type of work an
individual intends to do or tasks at hand. Here are some of the digital tools for evangelism and

✓ Social Media Platforms (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, etc.)

✓ Zoom, Google meets, WhatsApp, Telegram, Microsoft Team, Webex
✓ Podcasting
✓ Blogging and writing articles
✓ Creating videos, short or long, narrative or documentary
✓ Bible app to study the Bible with people
✓ Email

It is expedient for the church to use all of the above resources, but there are some other separate
lists of digital evangelism and discipleship tools that specifically relate to the church:
✓ Recorded sermons
✓ Church app for teachings and other resources
✓ Financial tithing online
✓ Church Website

How do I begin a Social Medial Ministry?

1. Spend more time in prayer (If you don’t have a ministry, you will live a life of misery).

2. Define your target audience and demography

3. Select a Social Media Platform that is easy for you.

There are about one hundred and thirty social media platforms.

4. Create your Content

5. Test and evaluate your Content

6. Respond and Engage with every Response on your Social Media Platform without any

7. Promote your Digital Evangelistic Content Online


There is a big difference between knowing what to do and doing what you know, success comes
only to those who do what they know. Transformation do not come through the documentation
of information but thru the application of the information

A major shift we must all embrace.

“From one man he made all the nations, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he
marked out their appointed times in history and the boundaries of their lands.”- Acts 17:26.

This time is being marked out for you and I in the agenda of God for this world. No generation
has ever enjoyed digital tools and technology like this generation.

When Jesus Christ was on the earth, the Bible was in scrolls, but in this age, we can possibly
have the entire versions of the Bible on a mobile phone.

The world is changing gradually. If we must reach all the nations of the world with the Gospel
of the Lord Jesus Christ, we must engage tools that can get to all the nations of the world-
virtual and internet tools
God has certainly given us an amazing open door through technology today. We pray the whole
church will embrace it.

Faith is not the expectation of miracles. It is the application of principles. Action is the proof
that man has faith. Wisdom is display through action.


Those who have the greatest dreams, have the greatest fears, and until you overcome your
greatest fear, you will never be able to fulfil your greatest dreams.

Point in history, a date in time.

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