Climate Change

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Anna, Karen, Nina, Alma, Ted, Kyla, Mark, Denny – students

Mrs. Santos – Grade 10 teacher

3 Trees
3 mountains
2 benches

Narrator: In classroom, Mrs. Santos, a science teacher for Grade 10, is discussing about climate change,
its effect and how to fight it.

Mrs. Santos: Good morning class, today we will talk about climate change. Any idea what does climate
change means?
(Ted, Anna, Karen, Nina raises their hands)

Mrs. Santos: Yes, Ted?

Ted: Climate change refers to long-term shifts in temperatures and weather patterns.
Mrs. Santos: Very good. Now, who can give an example of what causes climate change?
(Kyla raises her hand)
Mrs. Santos: Kyla?
Kyla: Human activities have been the main driver of climate change, primarily due to burning fossil fuels
like coal, oil, and gas.
Mrs. Santos: Very good Kyla, you to add something Denny?
Denny: Illegal logging also contributes to climate change since they are responsible for absorbing carbon
dioxide in the air in return for oxygen that we breath.
Mrs. Santos: Correct, so what are the effects of climate change, Alma?
Alma: More frequent and intense drought, storms, heat waves, rising sea levels, melting glaciers, and
warming oceans can directly harm animals, destroy the places they live, and wreak havoc
on people's livelihoods and communities.
Mrs. Santos: So, Karen, how do we prevent it?
Karen: We should restore our forest by planting more trees.
Mrs. Santos: Very good. Any other answers?
(Anna raises her hand)
Mrs. Santos: Yes Anna.
Anna: We should learn how to manage our garbage and keep our surroundings clean at all times.
Mrs. Santos: Very good class. It seems that you have done your homework. So, since we already have
discussed matters with climate change, its about time that we put it in action. With that,
tomorrow we will have a tree planting. Bring at least one seedling of any tree and planting
materials. Is that clear?
Class: Yes Ma’am!
Mrs. Santos: Ok then, class dismiss.

The following day, Grade 10 has gathered in the park with all the materials needed for tree planting.
(Setting: Mountains are in the background with trees and benches)
Mrs. Santos: Ok class, since everyone complied with the materials for tree planting, we will start now.
Please proceed to your assigned areas.

Narrator: Grade 10 students successfully finished their tree planting activity. After 10 days, Anna, Karen
and Nina are in the park taking their snacks. Ted and Mark passes by and just dropped the
plastic wrapper of biscuits they are eating.
Anna: Look, Ted, and Mark throws garbage improperly!
Karen: Let’s call their attention.
Nina: Hey, Ted, why are you not throwing you garbage in the waste bin?
Ted: It’s none of business! If you want, you can pick it and throw it properly by yourself.
Mark: Ted is correct, what you will do now?
(Anna picked the plastic)
Anna: Let us go girls!

(Anna, Karen, and Nina went directly to Mrs. Santos’ office)

Anna, Karen, Nina: Good morning, Mam.

Mrs. Santos: Good morning girls, what can I do for you?
Karen: We just want to report Ted and Mark because they are littering in the park.
Anna: We saw it, Mam.
Nina: We called their attention, but they said it’s none of our business.
Mrs. Santos: Thank you for reporting, girls. Where are they now?
Nina: We left them in the park, Mam.
Mrs. Santos: Ok, let’s go to the park.

Narrator: Mrs. Santos and the girls went to the park, and they found Ted and Mark destroying the newly
planted trees.

Mrs. Santos: What are you doing Ted and Mark?

Narrator: Ted and Mark were shocked and cannot speak.

Mrs. Santos: Go to your classrooms, now!

Narrator: They went all inside the classroom.

Mrs. Santos: Ted and Mark, stand in front, now! I am very disappointed with your attitudes. I expected
too much from you. Instead of contributing to prevent climate change, instead, you are
polluting and destroying the environment.
Ted and Mark: We are sorry Mam. We will not do it again.
Mrs. Santos: You should not. As a punishment, you will clean the park every afternoon before going
home. In addition, you will plant 10 trees each in the park. Is that understood?
Ted and Mark: Yes Mam.
Mrs. Santos: Look class, this should serve as a lesson for everybody. As the younger generations, you
should be more responsible in keeping our planet livable. So, you should be vigilant all the
time in protecting our environment.
Class: Yes Mam.
Mrs. Santos: Start your punishment now, Ted and Mark.
Narrator: Ted and Mark learned their lessons and served their punishments. With the cooperation of all
students, they maintained the cleanliness of the park.

As a lesson, we should put all our efforts in combating climate change. Every single step counts. With the
cooperation from everyone, it will be easy to fight climate change.

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