WORD - Discourse Conversation - Presentation - Group 4

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- GROUP 4 -

Lecturer: Ms. Vũ Thị Thu Thủy

Hanoi, 2021







1. Sequence and structure in conversation 8

1.1. Opening conversation 8

1.2. Closing conversation 9

1.3. Turn taking 9

1.4. Adjacency pairs 10

2. Preference organization 10

2.1. Preferred/dispreferred parts 10

2.2. Insertion sequence 11

3. Feedback 11

4. Repair 11

5. Discourse markers 11



Sequence and Structure 17

Opening 17

Pre-closing / Closing 17

Turn taking 17

Adjacency pair 19

Preference organization 21

Preferred / Dispreferred parts 21

Insertion sequences 22

Feedback 24

Repair 27

Flouting / Violating maxims 27

Overall comments 30


Group number: 4
Signatures of all members:


Time Character Speech

00:03.8 Cedric Diggory Go!

00:15.7 Cedric Diggory Go on, take it. You saved me, take it.

00:18.5 Harry Potter Together. One...

Harry Potter &

00:19.9 Cedric Diggory Two, three!

Harry Potter &

00:24.7 Cedric Diggory (Heavy breathing)

00:33.2 Cedric Diggory You okay?

00:35.5 Harry Potter Yeah, you? (heavy breathing)

00:43.4 Cedric Diggory Where are we? (heavy breathing)

00:51.5 Harry Potter (heavy breathing) I've been here before.

It's a Portkey.
00:57.2 Cedric Diggory Harry, the cup is a Portkey.

I've been here before, in a dream.

01:00.6 Harry Potter Cedric! We have to get back to the Cup. Now!

01:10.2 Cedric Diggory What are you talking about?

01:15.1 Harry Potter (Screaming)

01:17.5 Cedric Diggory Harry! What is it?

01:18.3 Harry Potter Get back to the cup! (Screaming, Groaning in pain)

01:27.4 Cedric Diggory Who are you? What do you want?

01:29.1 Lord Voldemort Kill the spare.

Peter Pettigrew -
01:31.6 Wormtail Avada Kedavra! (Killing Curse)

01:32.3 Harry Potter No! Cedric! (Groaning in pain)

01:45.7 Lord Voldemort Do it! Now!

Peter Pettigrew - Bone of the father unwillingly given, flesh of the servant
01:58.5 Wormtail willingly sacrificed (Screaming)

02:19.8 Harry Potter (Groaning in pain, heavy breathing)

Peter Pettigrew -
02:23.3 Wormtail And blood of the enemy...

02:33.7 Harry Potter (Screaming)

Peter Pettigrew -
02:33.8 Wormtail forcibly taken. The Dark Lord shall rise again.

02:47.3 Harry Potter (Screaming, Groaning in pain)

02:54.7 Lord Voldemort (Screaming) & (Breathing)

My wand, Wormtail.
03:50.3 Lord Voldemort Hold out your arm.

Peter Pettigrew -
04:05.7 Wormtail Master. Thank you, master.

04:09.3 Lord Voldemort The other arm, Wormtail.

04:50.7 Lord Voldemort Welcome, my friends. Thirteen years it's been, and yet here
you stand before me as though it were only yesterday. I
confess myself disappointed. Not one of you tried to find

Crabbe! Macnair! Goyle! Not even you, Lucius.

My Lord, had I detected any sign, a whisper of your

05:29.6 Lucius Malfoy whereabouts...

There were signs, my slippery friend. And more than

05:35.2 Lord Voldemort whispers.

I assure you, my Lord. I have never renounced the old

ways. This face I have been obliged to present each day
05:38.6 Lucius Malfoy since your absence. That is my true mask.

Peter Pettigrew -
05:55.8 Wormtail I returned.

Out of fear, not loyalty.

Still, you have proved yourself useful these past few
05:59.4 Lord Voldemort months, Wormtail.

Peter Pettigrew -
06:15.1 Wormtail Thank you, master. Thank you.

06:21.2 Lord Voldemort Oh (chirping), such a handsome boy.

06:24.7 Harry Potter Don't touch him!

06:26.9 Lord Voldemort Harry. I'd almost forgotten you were here standing on the
bones of my father. Yeah.
I'd introduce you. But word has it you're almost as famous
as me these days - The boy who lived.
How lies have fed your legendary, Harry. Shall I reveal
what really happened that night, thirteen years ago? Shall I
divulge how I truly lost my powers? Yes, shall I?
It was love. You see, when dear, sweet Lily Potter gave her
life for her only son, she provided the ultimate protection. I
could not touch him. It was old magic - something I should
have foreseen.

But no matter, no matter. Things have changed. I can touch
you now.

07:29.6 Harry Potter (Screaming)

07:34.9 Lord Voldemort (Growling) Yeah.

Astonishing what a few drops of your blood will do, yeah,

Pick up your wand, Potter.
I said, pick it up! Get up! Get up! You've been taught how
07:45.0 Lord Voldemort to do duel, I presume, yes?

First, we bow to each other. Come on, now, Harry. The

niceties must be observed. Dumbledore wouldn't want you
to forget your manners, would he? I said, bow. That's
better. And now... Crucio! (Cruciatus Curse) Crucio!
07:59.9 Lord Voldemort (Cruciatus Curse)

Attaboy, Harry. Your parents would be proud. Especially

08:24.5 Lord Voldemort your filthy Muggle Mother.

08:31.3 Harry Potter Expelliar… (Disarming Charm)

I'm going to kill you, Harry Potter. I'm going to destroy

After tonight, no one will ever again question my powers.
After tonight. If they speak of you, they'll speak only of
how you begged for death, and I, being a merciful Lord
08:37.2 Lord Voldemort Get up!

Don't you turn your back on me, Harry Potter! I want you
to look at me, when I kill you! I want to see the light leave
09:09.1 Lord Voldemort your eyes!

09:25.9 Harry Potter Have it your way. Expelliarmus! (Disarming Charm)

09:29.2 Lord Voldemort Avada Kedavra! (Killing Curse)

Do nothing! He's mine to finish!

09:48.9 Lord Voldemort He's mine!

Harry, when the connection is broken, you must get to the

James Potter Portkey. We can linger for a moment to give you some
10:30.7 (Harry's father) time... but only a moment. Do you understand?

Harry, take my body back, will you? Take my body back to

10:40.3 Cedric Diggory my father.

Lily Potter
10:47.1 (Harry's mother) Let go. Sweetheart, you're ready. Let go! Let go!

10:59.6 Harry Potter Accio! (Summoning Charm)

11:06.5 Lord Voldemort No!

● CA Conversation analysis (CA) is an approach to the analysis of spoken
discourse that looks at the way in which people manage their everyday
conversational interactions.
● CA examines aspects of spoken discourse such as utterance sequences,
preference organization, turn taking, feedback, repair, conversational openings
and closings, discourse markers and response tokens.
● Keys issues in CA are:
○ The view of ordinary conversation as the most basic form of talk.
○ The primacy of the data as the source of information.
● Conversation analysts, thus, aim to demonstrate how conversation participants
both produce and respond to opening social contexts, using conversational,
rather than contextual data.
● In CA, the transcription of the data is also the analysis.
● Texts are recorded and then analyzed at the same time as they are transcribed.
● How and for what purpose do we transcribe the data?
○ HOW: listen and transcribe to see how frequently a particular
conversational feature (such as the use of increased pitch) occurs, and, if
speakers respond to it in the same way each time it occurs.
○ PURPOSE: to understand how speakers manage their conversational
● The Jefferson’s transcription system

(.) a brief interval (about a tenth of a second) within/between utterances

(0.5) the time elapsed (by tenths of seconds) between the end of the
utterance /sound and the start of the next utterance/sound
[/] the start/end of overlapping talk/speech
>< talk said more quickly than surrounding
<> talk said more slowly than surrounding
( ) unclear or in doubt in the transcript (transcription of questionable or

inaudible talk)
(( )) transcriber’s description, non-verbal activities
Under stressed sounds or syllables
↑/↓ shift specially into high/low pitch
→ a particular sentence of interest to the analyst
CAPITALS said loudly or even shouted, increased volume speech
Hum(h)our laughter within the talk
= latched speech (no break/gap between talk) , a continuation of talk
:: /::: elongated speech, a stretched sound, prolongation of an utterance
?/. rising/falling intonation
, unfinished intonational contour, a temporary rise or fall in intonation
° whisper or reduced volume speech
(hhh)/ • or (.hhh) audible exhalation/inhalation


1. Sequence and structure in conversation
1.1. Opening conversation
One of the most common examples of opening is what usually happens in telephone
conversation. Summoning in telephone conversation is one of the openings.
Example: Summons-Answer Sequences
Child: Mommy? summons
Mum: Yes dear. answer
Child: Can I have chocolate? reason for summons
→ First utterance is a summons, the second utterance an answer to the summons,
establishing an open channel for talk (three part structure).
In telephone conversations the ringing of the telephone acts as the summons. Additional
potential problems are identification/ recognition

A: (causes telephone to ring at B’s location) summons

B: Hello answer + display for recognition
A: Hi greeting 1 claim that A has
recognized B + claim that B can

recognize A
Greeting 2 + claim that B has
recognized A
B: Oh hi!

1.2. Closing conversation

Closing a conversation can be done by saying, ‘ok, bye, anyway, or other parting phrases like
See you, bye.
A: Why don’t we all have lunch?
B: Okay, so that would be in St. Jude’s, wouldn’t it?
A: Yes
B: Okay so…
A: One o’clock in the bar closing implicative topic (arrangement)
B: Okay
A: Okay? one more pair of passing turns with
B: Okay then thanks very much indeed pre-closing items (okay, alright, so…)
A: - Alright
B: // See you there
A: // See you there
B: Okay
A: Okay // bye terminal elements
B: // bye
1.3. Turn taking
Conversation analysis has also examined how people take and manage turns in spoken
- The basic rule in English conversation is that one person speaks at a time, after
which they may nominate another speaker, or another speaker may take up the
turn without being nominated (Sacks, Schegloff and Jefferson 1974 , Sacks
- There are a number of ways in which we can signal that we have come to the
end of a turn:
+ The completion of a syntactic unit; the use of falling intonation then
pausing; ‘mmm’ or ‘anyway’, etc. which signals the end of the turn.

+ Eye contact, body position and movement and voice pitch.
- Hold on to a turn:
+ Not pausing too long at the end of an utterance and starting straight
away with saying something else.
+ Pausing during an utterance rather than at the end of it.
+ Increase the volume of what we are saying by extending a syllable or a
vowel, or speak over someone else’s attempt to take our turn.
- Turn taking may also depend on factors: the topic of the conversation, whether
the interaction is relatively cooperative, how well the speakers know each other
and the relationship between, and relative status of the speakers (Burns and
Joyce 1997).
1.4. Adjacency pairs
- Adjacency pairs are utterances produced by two successive speakers in a way
that the second utterance is identified as related to the first one as an expected
follow-up to that utterance.
- In an adjacency pair the second part may be accepted/preferred or
- Many actions in conversation are accomplished through established adjacency
2. Preference organization
2.1. Preferred/dispreferred parts
- in an adjacency pair, the second part may be accepted/preferred or
- Preferred and Dispreferred Second Parts to various First Parts:

Second First parts

Request Offer Assessment Question Blame

Preferred Acceptance Acceptance Agreement Expected Denial


Dispreferre Refusal Refusal Disagreement Unexpected Admission

d answer

2.2. Insertion sequence
- that is, where one adjacency pair comes between the first pair and the second
pair part of another adjacency pair. It means a sequence of turns that intervenes
between the first and second parts of an adjacency pair.
Teacher: Will you tell us the answer to question four? (1)
Mike: Is that one page six or seven? (2)
Teacher: Six. (3)
Mike: Oh, okay. The answer is factorial two. (4)
→ Insertion sequence: (2) and (3)
→ Adjacency pair: (1) and (4)
3. Feedback
Another aspect of spoken interactions that has been examined by conversation
analysts is the ways speakers provide each other with feedback; that is, the ways in
which listeners show they are attending to what is being said. This can be done, for
example, by the use of ‘response tokens’ such as ‘mmm’ and ‘yeah’, by paraphrasing
what the other person has just said or through body position and the use of eye
4. Repair
That is, the way speakers correct things they or someone else has said, and check what
they have understood in a conversation. Repair is often done through self repair and
other repair.
A: It’s a glass bottle … um, no… it’s just a plastic bottle.
5. Discourse markers
Discourse markers (Schiffrin 1987, 2001, Fraser 1990, 1999) are items in spoken
discourse which act as signposts of discourse coherence. This includes interjections
such as oh, conjunctions such as but, adverbs such as now and lexical phrases such as
y’know (Schiffrin, 2001). They can be at the beginning, middle or end of an utterance
and can serve both as anaphoric (pointing back) and cataphoric (pointing forward)
reference in the discourse (Mendoza-Denton 1999).
Example: Oh can also initiate a self-repair as in:
There was a whole bunch of oth – I was about – oh: younger than Robert. I was about uh . . .
maybe Joe’s age, sixteen.


Character Speech

Cedric Diggory GO!

Cedric Diggory Go on, take it. (.) ↑You saved:: me, take it.

Harry Potter Together. (.) . One,

Harry Potter & Cedric

Diggory [/] Two, three!

Harry Potter & Cedric

Diggory (hhh)

Cedric Diggory ? You okay?

Harry Potter =Yeah, (.) you? . (hhh)

Cedric Diggory Where ? are we? (hhh)

Harry Potter (hhh) ↓ >< I've been here before. (hhh)

(hhh) It's a Port::key. (0.02)

Cedric Diggory ↑ >< Harry, the cup is a Portkey.

= >< ↑ I've been here before (.), in a dream.

Harry Potter ↑Cedric! (.) >< We have to get back to the Cup. (.) NOW!

Cedric Diggory = ↓ ><What are you talking about?

Harry Potter (Screaming) (hhh↑↑) :::

Cedric Diggory ↑ HARRY! (.) ? What is it?

= <> GET BACK:: TO THE CUP::! (Screaming, Groaning

Harry Potter in pain) (hhh↑↑) :::

Cedric Diggory ? WHO ARE YOU? (.) WHAT DO YOU WANT?

Lord Voldemort °↑ Kill the spare.

Peter Pettigrew -
Wormtail = AVADA KEDAVRA::! (Killing Curse)

Harry Potter = ↑↑ NO::! (.) CEDRIC::! (Groaning in pain) (hhh) :::

Lord Voldemort °? DO IT! (.) ↑ NOW!

Peter Pettigrew - ↓ <> Bone (.) of the father (.) unwillingly (.)? Given (0.5),
Wormtail flesh (.) of the servant (.) willingly sacrificed (Screaming)

Harry Potter (Groaning in pain, heavy breathing) (↓ hhh) :::

Peter Pettigrew -
Wormtail ↓ ↓ And blood (.) of the enemy (.) ,

Harry Potter (Screaming) (hhh↑↑) :::

Peter Pettigrew - [/] ↓ <> forcibly taken. (0.5) The Dark Lord (.) ? shall rise
Wormtail (.) ? ↑ AGAIN.

Harry Potter (Screaming, Groaning in pain) (hhh↑↑) :::

Lord Voldemort [/](Screaming) (hhh↑↑↑) ::: (Breathing) (↓↓hhh)

↓↓↓ <> My wand, (.) Wormtail. (hhh)

Lord Voldemort (hhh) ? >< Hold out your arm.

Peter Pettigrew -
Wormtail Master (.hhh) Thank you (.) master.

Lord Voldemort The other arm Wormtail.><

Lord Voldemort ↑ >< Welcome, my friends ↓ (0.5) Thirteen years it's been,

(.) and yet (.) here you stand before ↑ me ↓ (.) <> as
though it were only yesterday ↓ (0.5) I confess myself (.)
disappointed (0.5) >< Not one of you tried to find me ↓
CRABBE!(.) MACNAIR! (.) GOYLE! (.) >< Not even
you, (0.5) Lucius ↓

My Lord (0.5) (.hhh) >< had I detected any sign (0.5) a

Lucius Malfoy whisper of your whereabouts ,

>< There were signs (0.5) my slippery friend (.) And more
Lord Voldemort than whispers

↓ I assure you, (0.5) my Lord (.) >< I have never renounced

the old ways (.) ><This face I have been obliged to present
each day since your (0.5) absence (.) that (0.5) >< is my
Lucius Malfoy true mask.

Peter Pettigrew -
Wormtail I returned ↑

Out of fear (nhấn mạnh), not loyalty ↓.

(.hhh) Still, you have proved yourself useful >< these past
Lord Voldemort few months, (.) Wormtail.

Peter Pettigrew -
Wormtail Thank you ↑, (.hhh) master. (0.5) Thank you ↓.

Lord Voldemort Oh (.) (chirping), such a hand↑some boy ↓.

Harry Potter DON’T TOUCH HIM!

Lord Voldemort ↑ Harry. (.) I'd almost forgotten you were here (.) standing
on >< the bones of my father (.). Yeah.
I'd introduce you. But word has it you're almost as famous
↑ as me (.) these days - (0.5) The boy (0.5) who lived.
How lies have fed your legendary, Harry. Shall ( ) I reveal
↑ what really happened that night, thirteen years ago? Shall
I divulge (.) how I truly lost ↑ my powers? Yes, (.) shall I?

It was love. You see, (.) when dear, sweet Lily Potter ><
gave her life (.)for her only son, she provided (.) the
ultimate protection. I could not touch him. It was old ↑
magic - something I should have foreseen.
But no matter, >< no matter. Things ↑ have changed ↓. I
can <> touch you (0.5) now.

Harry Potter (Screaming) ( ) (.hhh↑↑)

Lord Voldemort (Growling) Yeah. (.hhh↑↑) ( )

Astonishing what a few drops of your blood will do, yeah,

Harry? hhh(0.5)
Pick up your wand, Potter.
I said, pick it up!? ↑↑GET UP! GET UP! >< You've been
Lord Voldemort taught how to do duel,( ) I presume, (0.5) yes?

First we bow to each other. hhh Come on, now, Harry. The
niceties must be observed. = Dumbledore wouldn't want
you to forget your manners, would he? .hhh (0.5) I said,
Lord Voldemort (0.5) bo::w. That's better. And now:::.

Harry Potter [/] No ( )

Lord Voldemort CRUCIO::! CRUCIO::!

Attaboy (.), Harry::. Your parents would be proud::<>.

Lord Voldemort Especially your filthy Muggle Mother<>.

Harry Potter Expelliar.. ( ) (Disarming Charm) (( ))

I'm going to kill you,(.) Harry Potter. = I'm going to destroy

After tonight (.), no one will ever again (.) question (.) my
powers =. After tonight. If they speak of you (.), they'll
speak only of how you (.) begged for death, and I(.), being
a merciful Lord (0.5) obliged.
Lord Voldemort GET UP!

Lord Voldemort LEAVE YOUR EYES< >!

Hhh Have it your way hhh. EXPELLIARMUS?!

Harry Potter ((Disarming Charm))

Lord Voldemort AVADA KEDAVRA! ((Killing Curse))

Do nothing (0.5)! He's mine (.) to finish!

Lord Voldemort HE'S MINE↑!

Harry (0.5), > < when the connection is broken, you must
James Potter (Harry's get to the Portkey. = We can linger for a moment to give
father) you some time but only a moment. Do you understand??

Harry (0.5), take my body back↑, will you↓? Take my body

Cedric Diggory back to my father./.

Lily Potter (Harry's

mother) Let go. Sweetheart (.), you're ready. Let go! Let go!

Harry Potter ACCIO::?! ((Summoning Charm))

Lord Voldemort NO:::?!


Analysis Utterance Frequency

(1) Opening (1) 3 times

Due to the Cedric Diggory: Who are you? What
sudden do you want?
appearance of (2)
Lord Voldemort
and his Lord Voldemort: My wand,
accomplices, Wormtail
instead of (3)
saying “Hi” or
Lord Voldemort: Welcome, my
“Hello”, the boy
friends. Thirteen year it’s been.
used a question
in order to find
out the people Pre-closing / (1) (1) 1 time
that scared Closing Harry Potter: No! The word “no” shows the disappearance of Harry
them. when the fight between Harry and Lord
(2) Voldemort was happening, and it is also the end
of the conversation as well.
In this case,
instead of
saying “Hi” or Turn taking Hold on the turn (1) (2) (3)
“Hello”, Lord (1) Harry, Peter Pettigrew - Wormtail and
Voldemort Voldemort used a lot of pausing in an utterance.
Harry: I've been here before, in a
mentioned the dream. Cedric! We have to get back (4)
position of to the Cup. Now! Cedric Diggory didn’t pause too long after
hearer as a (2) asking Peter Pettigrew “who are you” and then
confirmation of he started straight away with what Peter
his power. Wormtail: Bone of the father
unwillingly given, flesh of the Pettigrew wanted.
(3) servant willingly sacrificed. (5)
“Welcome” will (3) Voldemort said by extending a vowel (hOld)
normally be
considered as a Lord Voldemort: Welcome, my
greeting to close friends. Thirteen years it's been, and
friends after yet here you stand before me as
many years of though it were only yesterday. I
not seeing them confess myself disappointed. Not one
with a positive of you tried to find me. Crabbe!
meaning. Macnair! Goyle! Not even you,
However, in this Lucius.
case, this (4)
greeting implies
Cedric Diggory: Who are you? What
that the speaker
do you want?
has been
looking forward (5)
to seeing the Lord Voldemort: Hold on your arm.
listener for 13
years with a bad
intention, more The end of a turn

specifically, to (1) (1)
get revenge. Cedric Diggory: Go on, take it. You At the end of Cedric Diggory’s utterance, he
saved me, take it. turned down the voice pitch and used eyes
(2) contact to wait for the response of Harry

Cedric Diggory: Where are we? (2) (3) (4)

(3) The completion of a syntactic unit in these

utterances shows the end of turn of each
Wormtail: Master. Thank you, character.
(4) Lord Voldemort: The other arm,
Wormtail. The end of Jame’s turn is signaled by the
completion of a question then Jame waits for the
(5) response of Harry
James Potter: Harry, when the
connection is broken, you must get to
the Portkey. We can linger for a
moment to give you some time... but
only a moment. Do you understand?

Adjacency (1) (1) 7 times

pair Cedric Diggory: Go on, take it. You Harry responds to Cedric and requires him to
saved me, take it. take the cup together.
Harry Potter: Together. One… (2)
(2) As Harry demands and starts to count, Cedric

Harry Potter: Together. One… responds by counting with him.
Harry Potter & Cedric Diggory: (3)
Two, three! Cedric asks whether Harry is okay or not and
(3) Harry responds.
Cedric Diggory: You okay? (4)
Harry Potter: Yeah, you? (heavy Cedric asks Harry because he does not know
breathing) what is going on and Harry responds by
(4) requiring him to get back.

Cedric Diggory: Harry! What is it? (5)

Harry Potter: Get back to the cup! Wormtail thinks that Voldermort asks him to
(Screaming, Groaning in pain) hold out his arm in order to heal his injury; thus,
he responds by thanking him.
Lord Voldemort: Hold out your arm.
Wormtail wants to express his merit but
Wormtail: Master. Thank you, Voldemort responds by affirming that fear is the
master. reason for his merit.
(6) (7)
Wormtail: I returned. Voldermort compliments Wormtail, then he
Lord Voldemort: Out of fear, not thanks his master.
Lord Voldemort: Still, you have

proved yourself useful these past few
months, Wormtail.
Wormtail: Thank you, master. Thank

Preference Preferred / (1) (1) 7 times
organization Dispreferred Cedric Diggory: You okay? Preferred part. After falling down in a strange 6 times by
parts place, Cedric hopes Harry is okay and Harry Cedric
Harry Potter: Yeah, you?
gives him his expected answer. 🠒 He is so
(2) confused
Cedric Diggory: Where are we? with their
Dispreferred part. Cedric wants to know exactly
Harry Potter: I've been here before where they are instead of knowing Harry has situation
been there before. and he
Cedric Diggory: What are you talking (3), (4) know what
about? Dispreferred part. Cedric doesn’t understand is
Harry Potter: (Screaming) what Harry just said, he doesn’t know what is happening,
happening and he is very confused. Cedric so he asks
expects Harry to explain everything to him, but many
Cedric Diggory: Harry! What is it? Harry doesn’t give him his expected answer. questions.
Harry Potter: Get back to the cup! -> The situation was so urgent that Harry didn't
(5) have time to answer Cedric.
Cedric Diggory: Who are you? What (5)
do you want? Dispreferred part. When the situation is
Lord Voldemort: Kill the spare. extremely urgent. Cedric hopes that strange
person will come to save them, instead of killing
James Potter: We can linger for a
moment to give you some time... but
only a moment. Do you understand? Preferred part. James wants to make sure that

Harry Potter: (Nod) Harry understands what he said, and Harry nods
(7) his head to express that he understands.

Cedric Diggory: Harry, take my body (7)

back, will you? Take my body back to Preferred part. Cedric requests Harry to take his
my father. body back to his father, and Harry agrees with
Harry Potter: (Nod) him.

Insertion (1) 2 times

sequences Cedric Diggory: You okay?
Harry Potter: Yeah, you?
Cedric Diggory: Where are we?
Harry Potter: I've been here before.
Cedric doesn’t answer Harry whether he is okay
(2) or not, instead, he asks Harry where they are.
Lord Voldemort: Welcome, my Because he knows he's fine, and knowing where
friends. Thirteen years it's been, and they are is more important.
yet here you stand before me as (2)
though it were only yesterday. I
Lucius wants to explain why he didn’t find Lord
confess myself disappointed. Not one
Voldemort before assuring his loyalty.
of you tried to find me.
Crabbe! Macnair! Goyle! Not even

you, Lucius.
Lucius Malfoy: My Lord, had I
detected any sign, a whisper of your
Lord Voldemort: There were signs,
my slippery friend. And more than
Lucius Malfoy: I assure you, my Lord.
I have never renounced the old ways.
This face I have been obliged to
present each day since your absence.
That is my true mask.

Feedback (1) (1) 14 times
Cedric Diggory: Go! Harry reacts to Cedric by running.
Harry Potter: (Run) (2) (3) (4) (5)
(2) As Voldemort - his master requires, Wormtail
Lord Voldemort: Kill the spare. immediately obeys.
Wormtail: Avada Kedavra! (Killing (6)
Curse) Throughout the conversation, Voldemort &
(3) Lucius have eye contact by staring at each other.
Lord Voldemort: Do it! Now! (7)
Wormtail: (Use the spell) Wormtail keeps staring at Voldemort while
(4) listening to him, sometimes rolling eyes.

Lord Voldemort: My wand, Wormtail. (8)

Wormtail: (offer Voldermort the Harry stares at Voldemort while he is
wand) monologuing.

(5) (9)

Lord Voldemort: The other arm, Harry follows Voldemort's requirements.

Wormtail. (10)
Wormtail: (Raise the arm) Due to Voldemort's insult, Harry immediately
(6) uses the spell to fight back.

Lord Voldemort: Welcome, my (11)

friends... Not even you, Lucius. As listening to Voldemort’s threats, Harry shakes
Lucius Malfoy: (stare) My Lord, had I his head and mutters.
detected any sign, a whisper of your (12)
After listening to Harry’s provocation, Voldemort
Lord Voldemort: (stare) There were uses the spell without hesitation.
signs, my slippery friend. And more
than whispers. (13)

Lucius Malfoy: (stare) I assure you, Following Voldemort’s saying, Lucius cannot
my Lord... That is my true mask. help him.

(7) (14)

Lord Voldemort: Out of fear, not After listening to three characters’ sayings, Harry
loyalty. keeps nodding to express his understanding.

Wormtail: (stare, roll eyes)

Lord Voldemort: Harry. I'd almost
forgotten you were here …
Harry Potter: (stare)
Lord Voldemort: Pick up your wand,
Potter. I said, pick it up! Get up! Get
Harry: (pick up the wand and stand

Lord Voldemort: Attaboy, Harry.
Your parents would be proud.
Especially your filthy Muggle Mother.
Harry Potter: (Use the spell)
Lord Voldemort: I'm going to kill you,
Harry Potter. I'm going to destroy
Harry Potter: (shake his head &
Harry Potter: Have it your way.
Lord Voldemort: (immediately use the
Lord Voldemort: He's mine!
Lucius: (do nothing)
James Potter: Harry, when the
connection is broken, you must get to

the Portkey…
Harry: (nod)
Cedric Diggory: Harry, take my body
back, will you?...
Harry: (nod)
Lily Potter: Let go. Sweetheart, you're
Harry: (nod)

Repair No Repair is not used in this conversation. 0

Flouting / Violating maxims Maxim of quantity (1) Lord Voldemort violates the maxim of 1 time
(1) quantity because he answers less information
than required by Cedric Diggory. The reason
Cedric Diggory: Who are you? What may be that the lord assumes that he is who
do you want? everyone knows and the answer is not necessary.
Lord Voldemort: Kill the spare.

Maxim of quality: no no 0

Maxim of relation (1) (2) 3 times by

(1) In both cases (1) and (2), when Cedric Diggory Harry

Cedric Diggory: Where are we? asked, Harry replied with a different, unrelated → Harry
(heavy breathing) idea. In case (1), Harry violates the maxim of thinks the
Harry Potter: (heavy breathing) I've relation to announce that he had been here before current
been here before. and it was not clear where they were. situation is
(2) (3) very urgent.
(2) He
Cedric Diggory: It's a Portkey. In cases (2) and (3), Harry also violates this constantly
Harry, the cup is a Portkey. maxim to urge Cedric Diggory to get back to the answers
cup, he does not want to waste time to answer short
Harry Potter: I've been here before, the question due to the current situation. questions to
in a dream. Cedric! We have to get
save time
back to the Cup. Now!
(3) Cedric.
Cedric Diggory: Harry! What is it?
Harry Potter: Get back to the cup!
(Screaming, Groaning in pain)

Maxim of manner (1) Lord Voldemort answers longer information 1 time by

(1) than Harry required. Maybe he wants to assert Voldemort
his power ever lost to Harry.
Harry Potter: Don't touch him!
Lord Voldemort: Harry. I'd almost
forgotten you were here standing on
the bones of my father. Yeah.
I'd introduce you. But word has it
you're almost as famous as me these

days - The boy who lived.
How lies have fed your legendary,
Harry. Shall I reveal what really
happened that night, thirteen years
ago? Shall I divulge how I truly lost
my powers? Yes, shall I?
It was love. You see, when dear,
sweet Lily Potter gave her life for her
only son, she provided the ultimate
protection. I could not touch him. It
was old magic - something I should
have foreseen.
But no matter, no matter. Things
have changed. I can touch you now.

Overall comments The conversation analysis reveals the presence of such conversational features in the sermons as
opening and closing, turn taking, adjacency pairs, repair mechanism (usually self repairs because of the
status gap between participants), feedback and selection of next speaker. Apart from these vocalised
discourse features other non-verbal features identified include, body gesture such as smile, raising of
hands, pointing to the congregation and pointing up to the sky, coughing, exclamation, pause or
silence, laughter, gaze or looking and turning round, looking up to the sky, deep breath, kneeling,
increase in the pitch or loudness of voice, prolonging vowels in a syllable, etc.
In the conversation, the most used feature is feedback (14 times) through how Harry reacts to Cedric by
running and Voldemort's statements, requests, and threats. Next is adjacency pair (7 times) in the pairs
of sentences Harry responds and asks to Cedric and Wormtail wants to express his merit but Voldemort
responds by affirming that fear is the reason for his merit. The next feature used is preferred or
dispreferred parts (7 times) of which 6 times by Cedric. He is so confused with their situation and he
doesn't know what is happening, so he asks many questions. Repair is not used in this conversation.
The least used feature in conversation is Floating / Violating maxims (1time). Lord Voldemort violates
the maxim of quantity because he answers less information than required by Cedric Diggory.
In the film's conversations, we must pay attention to the context and relationships between the
characters; because this nature of context can drive and also structure the anatomy of conversation.
This suggests that discourse analysis studies have a strong connection with characters' lives and also
with social interactions of characters, but understanding language beyond the sentence level can help
understand the function of the conversation and its main characteristics.

Brown, G., & Yule, G. (2012). Discourse analysis. Cambridge Univ. Press.

Gee, J. P. (2014). An introduction to discourse analysis: theory and method.


Gee, J. P., & Handford, M. (2014). The Routledge handbook of discourse analysis.

Paltridge, B. (2012). Discourse analysis: an introduction. Continuum.

Schiffrin, D., Tannen, D., & Hamilton, H. E. (2008). The handbook of discourse
analysis. Blackwell Publishers.

Warner Bros. (2005). Harry Potter and the goblet of fire.


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