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Use this outline to guide you as you take notes during class and/or when reading the


Unit 9: Urinary System Outline

 Identify the structure and function of the urinary system (USLO 9.1).
o Structures:

Urinary Tract:

Urinary Bladder


o Functions:
Excretion: Removal of organic wastes from body fluids

Elimination: Discharge of waste products, i.e., urination or micturition

Homeostatic regulation: Blood plasma volume and solute concentration

 Regulates blood volume and blood pressure

 Regulates plasma ion concentrations
 Helps stabilize blood pH
 Conserves valuable nutrients.

 Identify the structure and function of the nephron (USLO 9.2).

o Structures:
o Renal Corpuscle
o Glomerulus/ juxtaglomerular apparatus

o Proximal convoluted tubule (PCT)

o Nephron Loop (Loop of Henle)/Vasa recta

o Distal convoluted tubule (DCT)

o Collecting duct.

o Functions:
o Filtration

o Secretion

o Reabsorption
 Explain the processes of urine formation (USLO 9.3).
Hydrostatic and colloid osmotic forces


Control of GFR

Hormonal regulation

RAAS system



Autonomic regulation

o Reabsorption and secretion of PCT.

o Reabsorption and secretion of nephron loop

 Counter current multiplication.

o Reabsorption and secretion of DCT.

o Reabsorption and secretion along the collecting system.

 Explain the regulation of urine volume and composition (USLO 9.4).

o Normal Urine
o Obligatory and facultative water reabsorption.

o Regulation of ion concentrations and pH.




 Recognize the micturition reflex and urination (USLO 9.5).

o Urine storage and voiding reflexes

o Micturition Reflex

o Voiding- control of urethral sphincters

 Differentiate homeostatic imbalances of the urinary system (USLO 9.6).

o Incontinence
o Urinary Tract Infections

o Kidney Stones

o Renal failure

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