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Institution: P.I.

Ciuciulea Gymnasium Form: 5th

Student’s Name: ___________________ Date: ______________________

Diagnostic test
I. Read the passage and do the tasks that follow. (18 points)
1 My name is Mike. I have a friend. My friend is a boy. His name is Nick. He is eleven years old. He
lives in Moldova.

Nick has short and brown hair. His hair is straight. His eyes are green. Nick is short and slim. He is
kind and he helps me a lot.

Nick likes to play football. He is a good footballer. He is good at English. It is his best subject. We like
to play together.

No Item Score

1 Circle the correct answer: A/0/1/2

Where does Mike’s friend live?

A. Moldova B. Italy C. France

2 Is Andrew’s friend a girl or a boy? A/0/1/2

A. She is a girl. B. He is a boy.

3 How old is Andrew’s friend? A/0/1/2

A. 15 years old B. 11 years old C. 17 years old

4 Find a synonym for the word below: Find an antonym for the word below: A/0/2/4

nice- long-

5 Write about your best friend. A/0/2/4/6/8

My name is ________. I have a _________. My friend is a ______. His/Her name is

______. He/She is __________. He /She lives in _____________. She/He has
__________hair. His/Her eyes are_________. She/He is __________and tall.

II. Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the word or with the correct form of the verb in
brackets. (16 points)
No Item Score
1-8 Complete the sentences with SOME and ANY. A

1. Please buy ___________ steak and __________ pork. 0

2. There are ____________ chocolate biscuits. 2

3. There is ___________ fruit juice, but there isn’t _________ soda. 4

4. Claudia has __________ great movies and __________ DVDs.

Use AM, IS, or ARE Use ISN’T, or AREN’T

1. I ……… a doctor. 1. Dan ……..drawing.

2. Alex……..writing. 2. Kate……….swimming.
3. Sofia and her mother............... walking. 3. Nick and Mike …….sitting.
4. Kate……….swimming. 4. She …….. a singer.

III Describe your best friend (age, appearance, likes/dislikes) (16 points)

My best friend A
...................................................................................................................................................... 4
...................................................................................................................................................... 3
...................................................................................................................................................... 3

Score: _____________________

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