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Aura Influencer Application

Version 1.1
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Document History

Version Date Author Reviewed By Approved By Change Description

1.0 20-Mar-22 Sooraj Nambiar Nizar Anand Nishad Nazer Baselined

1.1 25-Mar-22 Sooraj Nambiar Nizar Anand Nishad Nazer Review comments added.

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Table of Contents

1 Introduction..................................................................................................5
1.1 Purpose..................................................................................................5
1.2 Scope....................................................................................................5
1.3 Abbreviations/Definitions..............................................................................5
1.4 Inputs....................................................................................................6
1.5 Technical Overview.....................................................................................6
1.5.1 About the product.................................................................................6
1.5.2 Basic functions.....................................................................................6
1.5.3 Technologies to be Used..........................................................................6
1.5.4 Operational Concept..............................................................................7
1.5.5 Operating Environment...........................................................................7
1.5.6 Identification of Modules.........................................................................7
1.5.7 User Characteristics...............................................................................7
1.5.8 General Constraints and Risks....................................................................9
2 Stated Requirements.........................................................................................9
2.1 Administrator Module.............................................................................9
2.1.1 Admin Login......................................................................................10
2.1.2 Admin Dashboard...............................................................................11
2.1.3 Manage Influencer Category of interest.......................................................12
2.1.4 Manage Campaign types........................................................................12
2.1.5 Manage Influencer..............................................................................13
2.1.6 Manage Brands..................................................................................14
2.1.7 Manage Promotions.............................................................................15
2.1.8 Manage Campaigns.............................................................................15
2.1.9 Manage Users....................................................................................16
2.1.10 Manage Users Roles.............................................................................16
2.1.11 Manage Payments...............................................................................17
2.1.12 Manage Disputes................................................................................17
2.1.13 Manage Reports.................................................................................18
2.1.14 Site Setting.......................................................................................18
2.2 Influencer Module....................................................................................19
2.3 Brand Module.........................................................................................34
2.4 Other Details..........................................................................................46
2.5 Non-Functional User Requirements.................................................................46
2.6 External Interface Requirements.....................................................................46
2.6.1 User Interfaces...................................................................................46
2.6.2 Hardware Interfaces.............................................................................46
2.6.3 Software interfaces..............................................................................46
2.6.4 Communications interfaces.....................................................................47
2.6.5 Performance Requirements....................................................................47

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2.7 Design Constraints....................................................................................47

2.7.1 Standards Compliance..........................................................................47
2.8 Error handling.........................................................................................47
2.9 Other Constraints.....................................................................................47
2.10 Attributes..............................................................................................47
2.11 Security................................................................................................47
2.12 Safety..................................................................................................48
2.13 Maintainability........................................................................................48
2.14 Internationalization requirements...................................................................48
3 Product goals...............................................................................................48
4 Implied Requirements......................................................................................48
5 Other Requirements........................................................................................48
5.1 Third Party services...................................................................................48
5.2 Site Adaptation........................................................................................49
6 Requirement Validation....................................................................................49
7 Alternatives.................................................................................................49
8 References..................................................................................................49

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1 Introduction
1.1 Purpose
The purpose of this document is to provide a complete solution for Aura for their requirement to
develop an influencer platform, where brands can connect with social media influencers to promote their
products and services.
This document will act as a single point resource for all the necessary information regarding the
functional and non-functional requirements proposed in the software. Apart from the requirements raised
by the user, the document will describe the complete infrastructure in which the software will function.

# Project/Sub-Project Project Type Nature of Development

1 Influencer Web / Mobile app Custom application development


1.2 Scope
Developing an aesthetic and elegant platform where businesses/brands can connect with influencers for
promotion. A Website and Mobile Application where the brand and the influencer can have a dedicated
profile and dashboard, where the brands can find influencers based on various filters like social media
platforms, outreach, area of expertise etc and the influencers can show how established they are in their
respective social media accounts.
The admin will act as a mediator between the brand and the influencer and can intervene, control and
moderate in the event of an issue/conflict. A dedicated payment gateway is required, a system of
incentives to be devised based on the scale of the brand, the popularity of the influencer, the product that
requires promotion, etc so that there will be a uniform payment system.

1.3 Abbreviations/Definitions
Abbreviations and Definitions shall be as defined in Handbook for Abbreviations and Definitions

# Abbreviations/Definitions Description
1 SOW Statement of Work

2 TL Tech Lead

3 TstL Test Lead

4 PM Project Manager

5 PC Project Co Ordinator

6 PIC Product Integration Coordinator

7 PrC Process Consultant

8 CMS Content Management System

9 INFA Project Code

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10 S Software department

11 E External project

Table 1: Abbreviations and Definitions

1.4 Inputs
The necessary information regarding the proposed system was gained primarily by discussing with the
client and its reprecentatives.
Managerial inputs  Discussions with the client for developing influencer application, the
proposal submitted and the purchase order for the same.
Technical inputs  Project discussion meetings MOM
 Initial Project proposal document
 Purchase Order
Minutes of meeting Project Discussion meetings internal MOM
Client meetings Online requirement collection

1.5 Technical Overview

1.5.1 About the product
Influencer portal and mobile application is aimed towards the brands who would like to promote
their products and services in social media through social media influencers. The application will bring
together the brands and social media influencers. The applications envisage to reduce the cost of social
media marketing for brands and proposes and additional revenue channel for influencers.

1.5.2 Basic functions

1. Aesthetic and user-friendly UI/ UX design
2. Web and mobile application for influencers.
3. Web application for Brand Managers.
4. Campaign Post Tracking.
5. Influencer activity Rating.
6. Dispute Management.
7. Search / Filter Influencers.
8. Favorite Brands.
9. Campaign types and Cost.
10. Online Payments.
11. Third Party API Integration.

1.5.3 Technologies to be Used

Programming Languages / Platforms:
Node JS: Node.js is an open-source, cross-platform, back-end JavaScript runtime environment that runs on
the V8 engine and executes JavaScript code outside a web browser.
React JS: React is a robust open-source front-end JavaScript library for building user interfaces based on UI

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FLUTTER: Flutter is an open-source UI software development kit created by Google. It is used to develop
cross platform applications for Android, iOS from a single codebase.
3rd Party APIs: Third party APIs are APIs provided by other service providers to connect their services with
our application.

1.5.4 Operational Concept

The web application is being developed suing NodeJS for backend and React JS for front End, Flutter
will be used to develop the mobile application. The initial nonfunctional requirements will be,
1. Secure access of confidential data (user and payment details).
2. Minimum down time for the portal and better performance at peak time.
3. Better component design to get better performance at peak time

1.5.5 Operating Environment

The e-commerce portal is a web application that shall operate in the listed browsers.
1. IE 9 and above.
2. Mozilla Firefox 98.X.
3. Google Chrome 98.X.
4. Opera.
5. The website will be responsive and be able to access through mobile browsers.

1.5.6 Identification of Modules

Based on the functional and non-functional requirements identified, the whole functions of the
application are segregated into the following modules.
1. Influencer Module
2. Brand Module
3. Admin Module

1.5.7 User Characteristics

The application mainly focuses the social media influencers and the Brand managers. The focused
user group of this application are the people who knows very well about the internet, mobile and web
applications. The users should have the basic knowledge of browsing / operating a mobile or web app and
managing online payments.

User: Administrator
 The Administrator have the complete access to the backend functionalities of the e-commerce
 Admin can manage and verify the authenticity of the influencers and brands registered in the
 Administrator manages campaign types and pricing.
 Administrator can view the disputes posted by users.

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User: Influencers
 Influencers can register to the application and select the brands / categories they are interested
to promote.
 Influencers can view the campaigns assigned to them by different brands.
 Influencer can view their earnings and request for pay-outs.
 Influencers can view different reports based on campaigns / brands etc.

Influencer Flow - Basic

Campaign Posting Flow - Basic

User: Brand / Brand Manager

 Brands can register to the application and view the influencers who are interested to promote
their brand or category of product / service.
 Brands can send request to influencers for association and shortlist and approve.
 Brands can assign campaigns to influencers.
 Brand can view influencer posts and activity using third party APIs integrated.

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Brand Flow - Basic

1.5.8 General Constraints and Risks

Following performance concerns need to be addressed in this project
1. No interface should consume high CPU and high Memory
2. As number of concurrent users increases, application performance should not degrade drastically
3. As number of products increase over a period, application performance should not degrade
Technology should not add or increase overhead on infrastructure, and it should follow these rules:
1. System architecture should support high and low demands.
2. Technology stack should not be high memory intensive

2 Stated Requirements
The basic requirement is to develop an aesthetic and elegant platform where businesses/brands can
connect with influencers for promotion. The proposed system would support the entire process of the
Admin Module, influencer Module and Brand module. The below section describes in detail the proposed
functionalities of the application.

2.1 Administrator Module

In this module, the assigned administrator would have privilege to create masters
and create and assign other module users.
Sl. ID Description Suggested By Module Priori
No ty
1 S-INFA-E-01-00-Req1.0 Admin login Initial Administrator High

2 S-INFA-E-01-00-Req1.1 Admin Dashboard Initial Administrator High


3 S-INFA-E-01-00-Req1.2 Influencer Category of Initial Administrator High

Interest Requirement

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4 S-INFA-E-01-00-Req1.3 Manage Campaign Initial Administrator High

Types Requirement
5 S-INFA-E-01-00-Req1.4 Manage Influencer Initial Administrator High
6 S-INFA-E-01-00-Req1.5 Manage Brands Initial Administrator High
7 S-INFA-E-01-00-Req1.6 Manage Promotions Initial Administrator High
8 S-INFA-E-01-00-Req1.7 Manage Campaigns Initial Administrator High
9 S-INFA-E-01-00-Req1.8 Manage Users Initial Administrator High
10 S-INFA-E-01-00-Req1.9 Manage User Roles Initial Administrator High
11 S-INFA-E-01-00-Req1.10 Manage Payments Initial Administrator High
12 S-INFA-E-01-00-Req1.11 Manage Disputes Initial Administrator High
13 S-INFA-E-01-00-Req1.12 Manage Reports Initial Administrator High
14 S-INFA-E-01-00-Req1.13 Site Setting Initial Administrator High

2.1.1 Admin Login

Use Case Analysis
User Requirement (UR) S-INFA-E-01-00-Req1.0
User Requirement Administrator should be able to view and log in to the Web application
Description interface

Actors Admin User

Pre-Conditions Portal Admin should have a default login page with predetermined
Username and password
Post Conditions Admin can log in to the application and can perform different operations
Flow of Events 1. Access the application
2. Enter the username and password for the Admin and
click Login button
3. The admin user can login to the system through the admin
login interface.
4. An error message will be shown if the username or password
entered is wrong.
5. Once logged in successfully the admin will be redirected to

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the admin dashboard.

6. A link to forgot password section will be given in the login
Alternative Courses  If the fields are blank, the system prompt the user to fill the
compulsory fields.
 If the username and password does not match, system will show
a message to indicate that the username and password does not
match, also save password option must be present in this
Exceptions The logged in user may abandon the operation at any time
Notes NA

2.1.2 Admin Dashboard

Use Case Analysis
User Requirement (UR) S-INFA-E-01-00-Req1.1
User Requirement Upon Entering website, the Admin will be able to view the dashboard

Actors Admin User

Pre-Conditions Admin user need to be logged in to the application.
Post Conditions Admin can view the dashboard
Flow of Events 1. The Admin login to the application with login id and password.
2. The dashboard is usually the first page that appears when admin user
log in and gives an overview of sales and customer activity.
3. The blocks on the left provide a snapshot of total influencer, business
volume, new deals, and search terms.
4. The graph also shows the average reach of campaigns for a selected
date range.
5. The graph shows the deals and amounts for the selected date range.
6. The tabs at the bottom provide quick reports about ongoing
campaigns and most reached campaign, new brands, and influencers
and those who have done the most deals.
7. The tabs at the bottom of the page summarize the earnings of the
influencers during the time specified.
Alternative Courses The dashboard provides access to various functionalities which can be
accessed by the admin
Exceptions The logged in user may abandon the operation at any time.
Notes NA
Notes NA

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2.1.3 Manage Influencer Category of interest

Use Case Analysis
User Requirement (UR) S-INFA-E-01-00-Req1.2
User Requirement Admin user will create and Manage Influencer Categories.

Actors Admin User

Pre-Conditions Admin user need to be logged in to the application.
Post Conditions Project Configuration Items would be created in Database
Flow of Events 1. Before adding and managing influencer to the platform, the basic
category structure of the influencer needs to be created.
2. Every influencer must be assigned to at least one category.
3. Add Root Category section allows the admin to create main
categories to the site. Like (Industry, Demography etc)
4. User can add the category name, description, thumb image for
category and the category images mainly. Admin can add the meta
details for the category and the display settings. While adding the
subcategory admin need to select the parent category also.
Remaining details will be the same for category and subcategory.
Alternative Courses If any of the compulsory field is blank, the logged in user is instructed to
fill the details.
Exceptions The logged in user may abandon the operation at any time.
Notes NA

2.1.4 Manage Campaign types

Use Case Analysis
User Requirement (UR) S-INFA-E-01-00-Req1.3
User Requirement Admin user can manage campaign types associated with the platform

Actors Admin User

Pre-Conditions Admin user need to be logged in to the application.
Post Conditions Project Configuration Items would be created in Database
Flow of Events 1. Admin can manage campaign type which are pre-defined in the
2. Admin can view campaign types as a list
3. Admin can edit, set and manage campaign settings and basic price
for each condition
4. Admin can add condition like “Influencers with less than or equal to
5000 followers from industry real estate, with engagement rate of

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500 will have a base price of 500AED”

5. Admin can add N number of conditions against a campaign type
6. If an influencer is matched with multiple conditions, then the
condition with highest base price will be taken into consideration.
7. If the influencer is matched with two conditions that have same base
price, then the condition which has the least id no will be consider.
8. Base prices can be overridden by influencer through influencer
9. Conditions will be derived with Industry type, Demography, and
multiple metrics
Alternative Courses If any of the compulsory field is blank, the logged in user is instructed to
fill the details.
Exceptions The logged in user may abandon the operation at any time.
Notes Current phase only considers one campaign type (Regular posting)

2.1.5 Manage Influencer

Use Case Analysis
User Requirement (UR) S-INFA-E-01-00-Req1.4
User Requirement Admin user can manage registered influencers in the platform

Actors Admin User

Pre-Conditions Admin user need to be logged in to the application.
Post Conditions The admin can create, edit, manage and deactivate an influencer.
Flow of Events 1. Admin can add influencer to the site through the influencer adding
2. Admin can edit / Modify the influencer details through edit section.
3. For adding the influencer admin need to first add the basic details of
Influencer like name, email etc.
4. Once admin added the details, an email will be sent to the influencer
with login details. He can complete the profile after logging in.
5. Admin should verify the influencer manually, although this won’t
affect the functionality that an influencer can perform but the payout
can only happen once the admin verify the influencer.
6. Admin will get an alert notification when an influencer join the
7. Admin can view the earning of an individual influencer, their
performance stats, ongoing campaigns, their reviews, Notes, past
dispute notes etc.
8. Verified influencer will be shown a badge as verified. This means the
influencer has verified their social media using social media
verification API.
9. Admin can de-activate an influencer using de-activate option a
custom message from pre-defined template should be selected at
the time of de activation process. This will be shown in influencer

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login and email.

Alternative Courses If any of the compulsory field is blank, the logged in user is instructed to
fill the details.
If deactivate is clicked a popup should reconfirm the same.
Exceptions The logged in user may abandon the operation at any time.
Notes NA

2.1.6 Manage Brands

Use Case Analysis
User Requirement (UR) S-INFA-E-01-00-Req1.5
User Requirement Admin user can manage registered Brands in the platform

Actors Admin User

Pre-Conditions Admin user need to be logged in to the application.
Post Conditions The admin can create, edit, manage and deactivate a brand account.
Flow of Events 1. Admin can add brands to the site through the influencer adding
2. Admin can edit / Modify the brand details through edit section.
3. For adding a brand admin need to first select the category and then
enter the below details.
4. Brand name, Logo, contact details, product / service details, time
zone, short description on brand.
5. Admin should verify the brand account manually, although this won’t
affect the functionality of a brand account can perform verified
badge only be displayed once the admin verifies the brand.
6. Admin will get an alert notification when a brand join the platform
7. Admin can view the payouts of a brand account, their campaign
stats, ongoing campaigns, their reviews, Notes, past dispute notes
etc. and users.
8. Admin can de-activate a brand using de-activate option a custom
message from pre-defined template should be selected at the time
of de activation process. This will be shown in brand login and email.
9. Admin can view the KYC documents submitted by the brand if
Alternative Courses If any of the compulsory field is blank, the logged in user is instructed to
fill the details.
If deactivate is clicked a popup should reconfirm the same.
Exceptions The logged in user may abandon the operation at any time.
Notes NA

2.1.7 Manage Promotions

Use Case Analysis

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User Requirement (UR) S-INFA-E-01-00-Req1.6

User Requirement The admin will be able to Manage promotion packages for influencer

Actors Admin User

Pre-Conditions Admin user need to be logged in to the application.
Post Conditions Admin User can add/ edit/ delete promotion plans.
Flow of Events 1. Admin user will have the option to add / edit / delete promotion
plans for influencers which will provide priority listing in search and
featured listings in home page.
2. Admin can manage and filter users according to the type of
promotions, like demography, industry etc.
3. Admin can also set condition on no of views or listing per search
4. Admin can create three different packages which will be listed in the
website for influencers to buy.
5. Admin can also create custom package for an influencer.
6. Admin can set a price for each package they create.
Alternative Courses If any of the compulsory field is blank, the logged in user is instructed to
fill the details.
Exceptions The logged in user may abandon the operation at any time.
Notes NA

2.1.8 Manage Campaigns

Use Case Analysis
User Requirement (UR) S-INFA-E-01-00-Req1.7
User Requirement The admin will be able to Manage ongoing campaigns

Actors Admin User

Pre-Conditions Admin user need to be logged in to the application.
Post Conditions Admin User can add/ edit on going campaigns.
Flow of Events 1. Admin user will have the option to add / edit on going campaigns.
Edit only limited to campaign information and it wont have any effect
on campaigns on going in the social media unless the influencer
changes it accordingly.
2. Admin can view the campaign performance.
3. Admin can view influencer details and brand details from the
campaign detailed pages.
4. Admin can view the agreed amount by brand and the influencer.
5. Admin can see the payout information of the campaign.

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Alternative Courses If any of the compulsory field is blank, the logged in user is instructed to
fill the details.
Exceptions The logged in user may abandon the operation at any time.
Notes NA

2.1.9 Manage Users

Use Case Analysis
User Requirement (UR) S-INFA-E-01-00-Req1.8
User Requirement The Admin will be able to Manage Users linked to the application

Actors Admin User

Pre-Conditions Admin user need to be logged in to the application.
Admin needs to create user roles prior to do this.
Post Conditions Admin User can add/ edit/ delete users and add access permissions to
them through the customer application interface.
Flow of Events 1. Admin user will have the option to add / edit / delete admin users
and assign user roles to them.
2. Admin can create a user by filling in the following
2.1 Email ID
2.2 Mobile No
2.3 Password
3. Admin can manage and filter users according to the type.
4. Admin can activate and deactivate a user.
Alternative Courses If any of the compulsory field is blank, the logged in user is instructed to
fill the details.
Exceptions The logged in user may abandon the operation at any time.
Notes Only

2.1.10 Manage Users Roles

Use Case Analysis
User Requirement (UR) S-INFA-E-01-00-Req1.9
User Requirement The Admin will be able to Manage Users linked to the application

Actors Admin User

Pre-Conditions Admin user need to be logged in to the application.
Post Conditions Admin User can add/ edit/ delete user roles set menu access levels to
each role.
Flow of Events 1. Admin user will have the option to add / edit / delete user roles and

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select the menu access levels to that role.

2. The super admin will have access to all functionalities.
3. Basic user types will include Brand users, Agency users etc
Alternative Courses If any of the compulsory field is blank, the logged in user is instructed to
fill the details.
Exceptions The logged in user may abandon the operation at any time.
Notes Only

2.1.11 Manage Payments

Use Case Analysis
User Requirement (UR) S-INFA-E-01-00-Req1.10
User Requirement Admin will be able to manage payments received through the Application

Actors Admin User

Pre-Conditions Admin user need to be logged in to the application.
Post Conditions The Admin can account the payments received through the application
Flow of Events 1. Admin can view the payment received in the system
2. The payout flow will be decided later
Alternative Courses If any of the compulsory field is blank, the logged in user is instructed to
fill the details.
Exceptions The logged in user may abandon the operation at any time.
Notes NA

2.1.12Manage Disputes
Use Case Analysis
User Requirement (UR) S-INFA-E-01-00-Req1.11
User Requirement Admin will be able to manage disputes raised in the application

Actors Admin User

Pre-Conditions Admin user need to be logged in to the application.
Post Conditions The admin can view and reply to the disputes raised by the influencer and
the brand
Flow of Events 1. Admin can view the disputes raised by the influencer or the brand.
2. Admin can resolve the dispute out side the application and mention
the resolution details as a reply for the dispute.
3. Admin can change the status of the dispute, like open, closed etc.
Alternative Courses If any of the compulsory field is blank, the logged in user is instructed to

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fill the details.

Exceptions The logged in user may abandon the operation at any time.
Notes NA

2.1.13 Manage Reports

Use Case Analysis
User Requirement (UR) S-INFA-E-01-00-Req1.12
User Requirement The Admin user can generate Reports as per the Business implementation
Description through E-commerce Portal.

Actors Admin User

Pre-Conditions Admin users need to be logged in to the application.
Post Conditions The admin will be able to manage and generate Marketing Reports,
review reports, Sales Reports, Payout reports and business statistics
through the application program interface.
Flow of Events 1. Marketing Reports: A selection of marketing reports, including the
number of brands and influencers in the system, campaigns and
posts etc..
2. Review Reports: The selection of product review reports includes
by Brand and by Influencer.
3. Sales Reports: The reports show the number of subscriptions,
renewals etc.
4. Pay Out Reports: The selection of customer reports includes the
payments and payout details for the influencers.
5. Statistics: Statistics is a tool that reduces the performance impact of
generating reports by calculating and storing statistical data. Rather
than recalculate the statistics every time a report is generated, the
stored statistics are used until you refresh the statistics.
Alternative Courses If any of the compulsory field is blank, the logged in user is instructed to
fill the details.
Exceptions The logged in user may abandon the operation at any time.
Notes NA

2.1.14 Site Setting

Use Case Analysis
User Requirement (UR) S-INFA-E-01-00-Req1.13
User Requirement The admin user will be able to monitor site settings.

Actors Admin User

Pre-Conditions Admin user need to be logged in to the application.
Post Conditions The admin can manage site settings through the application interface. This

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includes City, Country, Tax, Currency, Home Page Banners, Time zone etc.
Flow of Events 1. The admin can manage State, City, Country, Tax, Currency.
2. The admin can oversee Home Page Banners. Set as per the
3. The admin can manage the time zone of the application.
4. The admin can manage the third-party API keys.
Alternative Courses If any of the compulsory field is blank, the logged in user is instructed to
fill the details.
Exceptions The logged in user may abandon the operation at any time.
Notes NA

2.2 Influencer Module

Influencers can register to the website and select the brand / services they would like
to promote. Brands can assign the campaign to selected influencers.
Sl. ID Description Suggested Module Priority
No By
1 S-INFA-E-01-00- Influencer Home Initial Influencer High
Req2.0 page Requirement
2 S-INFA-E-01-00- Influencer Login Initial Influencer High
Req2.1 Requirement
3 S-INFA-E-01-00- Registration Initial Influencer High
Req2.2 Interface Requirement
4 S-INFA-E-01-00- Forgot Password Initial Influencer High
Req2.3 Requirement
5 S-INFA-E-01-00- Reset Password Initial Influencer High
Req2.4 Requirement
6 S-INFA-E-01-00- User Welcome Initial Influencer High
Req2.5 Page Requirement
7 S-INFA-E-01-00- Profile Initial Influencer High
Req2.6 Completion Requirement
8 S-INFA-E-01-00- Dashboard Initial Influencer High
Req2.7 Requirement
9 S-INFA-E-01-00- My Profile Initial Influencer High
Req2.8 Requirement
10 S-INFA-E-01-00- Profile Health Initial Influencer High
Req2.9 Requirement
11 S-INFA-E-01-00- Reviews & Initial Influencer High
Req2.10 Ratings Requirement
12 S-INFA-E-01-00- Search Brands Initial Influencer High
Req2.11 Requirement
13 S-INFA-E-01-00- Favorite Brands Initial Influencer High

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Req2.12 Requirement
14 S-INFA-E-01-00- Messages Initial Influencer High
Req2.13 Requirement
15 S-INFA-E-01-00- Campaign Initial Influencer High
Req2.14 Settings Requirement
16 S-INFA-E-01-00- Custom Proposal Initial Influencer High
Req2.15 Requirement
17 S-INFA-E-01-00- Campaign List Initial Influencer High
Req2.16 Requirement
18 S-INFA-E-01-00- Campaign Initial Influencer High
Req2.17 Details Requirement
19 S-INFA-E-01-00- My Earnings Initial Influencer High
Req2.18 Requirement
20 S-INFA-E-01-00- Disputes Initial Influencer High
Req2.19 Requirement
21 S-INFA-E-01-00- Withdraw Initial Influencer High
Req2.20 Earnings Requirement
22 S-INFA-E-01-00- Transactions Initial Influencer High
Req2.21 Requirement
23 S-INFA-E-01-00- List Social Media Initial Influencer High
Req2.22 Posts Requirement

2.2.1 Influencer Home Page (web) and Mobile app Landing page
Use Case Analysis
User Requirement S-INFA-E-01-00-Req2.0
User Requirement Influencer will be able to view the Home Page of the
Description application via web browser and Onboarding / welcome
page through mobile App

Actors Influencer
Pre-Conditions Influencer user can access the application through an
internet browser or Android & iOS mobile App
Post Conditions The Influencer Home page should be user friendly and shall
display the Project logo, login and register in link at the
header along with the CMS pages of the Website.
The influencer Mobile App landing page / welcome page will
show onboarding information which explains the App in
three slides. The onboarding pages ends with Login /
register pages
Flow of Events 1. Site home page will have Header, Footer and
content sections.

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2. Header section: will have the Project logo, About

us, influencer landing and brand landing pages,
login and register options. Once the user logged in
the Login link will change to My Account and the
logged in users name will be displayed next to it.
The header section will float on top when the user
scrolls down the page.
3. Login: This link will redirect the user to the login
4. Register: This link will redirect the user to the
register page
5. Banner Slider: Banner slider will have multiple
images scrolling below the header section. The
images can be linked to inner pages.
6. Featured Influencers: Below the banner area the
site will display the featured influencers. 5 to 10
influencers will be displayed in featured section with
7. The footer: will contain the links to privacy policy,
usage policy and terms and conditions. The links to
About Us, Contact Us, Help desk information are
also available in footer. Footer will display the
supported payment methods and other quick links.
Alternative Courses If the fields are blank, the system prompt the user to fill
the compulsory fields.
Exceptions The logged in user may abandon the operation at any time
Notes NA

2.2.2 Influencer Login

Use Case Analysis
User Requirement S-INFA-E-01-00-Req2.1
User Requirement The Influencer can be able log in to the application with
Description valid credentials.

Actors Influencer
Pre-Conditions Influencer user should have a login with their Username
and password
Post Conditions To complete the registration and possible verification the
influencer needs to have a minimum of “N” no of followers
in any of the listed social media.
Flow of Events 1. The user login section will allow the user to login to the
system using the username and password.
2. There will be two text boxes for entering username and
3. Invalid username or password will display an error. If

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both username and password are correct the user will

be redirected to the corresponding inner pages.
4. Register Now: Link will redirect the user to the user
registration page.
5. Forgot password: This link will redirect the user to
the password reset page.
6. First time Login: On first time login with the system
generated password, the user will be redirected to the
password change page where they can reset their
7. OTP Login: The influencer can login through OTP
Alternative Courses  If the fields are blank, the system prompt the user
to fill the compulsory fields.
 If the username and password does not match,
system will show a message to indicate that the
username and password does not match, also save
password option must be present in this application.
Exceptions The logged in user may abandon the operation at any time.
Notes NA

2.2.3 Registration Interface

Use Case Analysis
User Requirement S-INFA-E-01-00-Req2.2
User Requirement First time Influencer should be able to register to the
Description application by providing Name, Email, Mobile Number

Actors Influencer
Pre-Conditions Influencer user should have a login with their Username
and password
Post Conditions The Influencer should get registered into the application.
The data obtained should be uploaded to the database.
Flow of Events 1. The user needs to enter the Name, Email, Mobile
Number to register to the system.
2. Brand and Industry influencer is targeting
3. Demography: age group, location, interests etc.
Alternative Courses If any of the compulsory field is blank, the logged in user is
instructed to fill the details.
Exceptions The logged in user may abandon the operation at any time.
Notes NA

2.2.4 Forget Password

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Use Case Analysis

User Requirement S-INFA-E-01-00-Req2.3
User Requirement Influencer can change the password if he/she Forgets the
Description Password

Actors Influencer
Pre-Conditions Influencer user should have a login with their Username
and password
Post Conditions The Influencer should be able to change password
Flow of Events 1. The forgot password section will ask the user to enter
the registered email address or mobile number.
2. If the entered mobile / email is related to any user in
the database, a random password is created by the
system and sent to the user as email or SMS.
3. User can login with the password and change it later
Alternative Courses If any of the compulsory field is blank, the logged in user is
instructed to fill the details.
Exceptions The logged in user may abandon the operation at any time.
Notes NA

2.2.5 Reset Password

Use Case Analysis
User Requirement S-INFA-E-01-00-Req2.4
User Requirement The Influencer can Reset Password

Actors Influencer/Guest user

Pre-Conditions Influencer user should have a login with their Username
and password
Post Conditions The Influencer should be able to reset password.
Flow of Events 1. Reset password section will allow the users to change
their login password.
2. The user needs to enter the existing password, new
password and confirm new password.
3. If the existing password is wrong, the system will
prompt an error.
4. If the password and confirm password entries does not
match, the system will prompt an error message.
5. The password should be a combination of letters
alphabets and special characters and it should contain

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minimum 6 characters.
Alternative Courses If any of the compulsory field is blank, the logged in user is
instructed to fill the details.
Exceptions The logged in user may abandon the operation at any time.
Notes NA
2.2.6 First Time User Welcome page
Use Case Analysis
User Requirement S-INFA-E-01-00-Req2.5
User Requirement The first-time user will be shown a separate page instead of
Description a dashboard. This page prompts the completion of the
influencer profile and verification process

Actors Influencer
Pre-Conditions Influencer user should have a login with their Username
and password
Post Conditions The Influencer should be able to view the list of actions that
needs to be completed to make use of the full potential of
the application
Flow of Events 1. Once the user login for the first time a welcome
message will be prompted
2. This page will also provide the percentage of profile
Alternative Courses If any of the compulsory field is blank, the logged in user is
instructed to fill the details.
Exceptions The logged in user may abandon the operation at any time.
Notes NA
2.2.7 Profile Completion Page
Use Case Analysis
User Requirement S-INFA-E-01-00-Req2.5
User Requirement This page will help the onboarding of an influencer to
Description complete their profile information.

Actors Influencer
Pre-Conditions Influencer user should have a login with their Username
and password
Post Conditions The Influencer should be able to view the list of actions that
needs to be completed to make use of the full potential of
the application
Flow of Events 1. The page will provide an option for the user to

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complete the profile.

2. The page will prompt the influencer to enter their
contact and billing information
3. The page will prompt the influencer to enter the social
media details
4. The page will also prompt the user to verify and
provide analytical access to their social media page.
Alternative Courses If any of the compulsory field is blank, the logged in user is
instructed to fill the details.
Exceptions The logged in user may abandon the operation at any time.
Notes NA
2.2.8 Dashboard
Use Case Analysis
User Requirement S-INFA-E-01-00-Req2.5
User Requirement Dashboard

Actors Influencer
Pre-Conditions Influencer user should have a login with their Username
and password
Post Conditions The Influencer should be able to view snapshot of his/her
activities and social media performance
Flow of Events 1. The dashboard page will list the ongoing campaigns
and upcoming campaigns.
2. The dashboard page will list out the latest 5 brands
which are in communication with the influencer.
3. The dashboard page will provide influencer ranging
4. The dashboard will provide the social media analytics of
the influencer.
5. The dashboard will also list the total and current month
earning of the influencer.
Alternative Courses If any of the compulsory field is blank, the logged in user is
instructed to fill the details.
Exceptions The logged in user may abandon the operation at any time.
Notes NA
2.2.9 My Profile
Use Case Analysis
User Requirement S-INFA-E-01-00-Req2.6
User Requirement Influencer can view and edit the profile information.

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Actors Influencer
Pre-Conditions Influencer user should have a login with their Username
and password
Post Conditions Upon clicking the Profile icon / menu item, the Influencer
can view the profile details and he can edit them if needed.
Flow of Events 1. Influencer can edit all the profile information.
2. The following are the profile information of an
3. Name, email, contact information, social media
links, interested brands / services
4. Category and demography information
5. Description / About the influencer
6. Ranking / influencer score information
7. The influencer will be able to preview his profile in a
way that is viewed by the brands
8. Once details are edited, admin need to review and
confirm the details.
Alternative Courses If any of the compulsory field is blank, the logged in user is
instructed to fill the details.
Exceptions The logged in user may abandon the operation at any time.
Notes NA
2.2.10 Profile Health page
Use Case Analysis
User Requirement S-INFA-E-01-00-Req2.15
User Requirement The influencer can evaluate his/her profile health. This will
Description produce a ranking.

Actors Influencer
Pre-Conditions Influencer user should have a login with their Username
and password
Post Conditions The Influencer can view his/her profile along with personnel
details, brands associated and social media details.
Flow of Events 1. The influencer can view profile health information
2. This includes the ranking, followers, engagement
rate, and other metrics mention in the URL:
3. The influencer can view their ratings and campaign
goals achieved.
4. Each successful campaign and meeting its metrics

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will increase the ranking.

Alternative Courses If any of the compulsory field is blank, the logged in user is
instructed to fill the details.
Exceptions The logged in user may abandon the operation at any time.
Notes NA
2.2.11 Reviews and Ratings
Use Case Analysis
User Requirement S-INFA-E-01-00-Req2.7
User Requirement The Influencer will be viewing the review and ratings
Description received from the brand. And the influencer will be able to
review the brands that he has engaged in the past.

Actors Influencer
Pre-Conditions Influencer user should have a login with their Username
and password
Post Conditions The Ratings and Review submitted by the Influencer should
be updated to the database and on later time its should be
displayed to another user.
Flow of Events 1. Influencer can view the reviews received from the
brands for the past campaigns.
2. Influencer can review the brands after completion of
the campaign.
3. Review will be based on the overall experience,
payout, communication, and meeting goals.
4. Any disputed campaign reviews will not be shown or
will not have the provision to review those
Alternative Courses If any of the compulsory field is blank, the logged in user is
instructed to fill the details.
Exceptions The logged in user may abandon the operation at any time.
Notes NA
2.2.12 Search & Find Brands
Use Case Analysis
User Requirement S-INFA-E-01-00-Req2.8
User Requirement The Influencer can search and find brands in the targeted
Description demography of the influencer.

Actors Influencer
Pre-Conditions Influencer user should have a login with their Username
and password

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Post Conditions Influencer can view the brand page, contact the brand, or
add to favorites
Flow of Events 1. The influencer can search for brands, with the
selected filter and brand name keywords.
2. Featured brands will be listed.
3. Suggested brands will also be listed.
4. Influencer can contact the brands using the
message option.
5. Influencer can add the brands to his/hers favorite
Alternative Courses If any of the compulsory field is blank, the logged in user is
instructed to fill the details.
Exceptions The logged in user may abandon the operation at any time.
Notes NA
2.2.13 Favorite brands
Use Case Analysis
User Requirement S-INFA-E-01-00-Req2.9
User Requirement The Influencer will be able to view the brands he had added
Description as favorite and the brands he is associated with.

Actors Influencer
Pre-Conditions Influencer user should have a login with their Username
and password
Post Conditions The Influencer can view the list of brands he had added in
his favorite list.
Flow of Events 1. Influencer can view the brands that is added in
favorite list
2. Influencer can visit the detailed brand page by
clicking view option.
3. Influencer can remove a brand from the list using
remove option.
4. He can view the brands he is associated with
Alternative Courses If any of the compulsory field is blank, the logged in user is
instructed to fill the details.
Exceptions The logged in user may abandon the operation at any time.
Notes NA
2.2.14 Message Page
Use Case Analysis
User Requirement S-INFA-E-01-00-Req2.10
User Requirement The Influencer can view the messages send and received

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Description from brands.

Actors Influencer
Pre-Conditions Influencer user should have a login with their Username
and password
Post Conditions The Influencer should be able to view and filter messages
received / send.
Flow of Events 1. Influencer can view the messages send and received
to the brands
2. Influencer can click each listing and a message
window with the previous chat history and an option
to type the message will be shown.
3. Un read messages will be highlighted
4. Influencer can reply to the conversations.
Alternative Courses If any of the compulsory field is blank, the logged in user is
instructed to fill the details.
Exceptions The logged in user may abandon the operation at any time.
Notes NA
2.2.15 Campaign Settings
Use Case Analysis
User Requirement S-INFA-E-01-00-Req2.11
User Requirement Influencer can view and update the campaign settings

Actors Influencer
Pre-Conditions Influencer user should have a login with their Username
and password
Post Conditions The Influencer can view and update the campaign settings
Flow of Events 1. Influencer can override the basic campaign settings by
editing this page
2. Influencer can see the current active campaign settings.
3. Any change in this page will only reflects in the
upcoming campaigns and will not affect the old
Alternative Courses If any of the compulsory field is blank, the logged in user is
instructed to fill the details.
Exceptions The logged in user may abandon the operation at any time.
Notes NA
2.2.16 Custom Proposal for brands
Use Case Analysis

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User Requirement S-INFA-E-01-00-Req2.12

User Requirement Influencer can create and send proposals to selected
Description brands

Actors Influencer
Pre-Conditions Influencer user should have a login with their Username
and password
Post Conditions The Influencer can able to do create proposals based on the
engagement plans and send to Brands.
Flow of Events 1. Influencer can create custom campaign proposal for
2. Influencer can fill the achievable metrics and set a
cost for the same.
3. Influencer can add custom message or description in
this proposal.
4. Influencer can share this proposal to the brand by
selecting the send option.
Alternative Courses If any of the compulsory field is blank, the logged in user is
instructed to fill the details.
Exceptions The logged in user may abandon the operation at any time.
Notes NA
2.2.17 Campaign List
Use Case Analysis
User Requirement S-INFA-E-01-00-Req2.13
User Requirement The Influencer can view the campaigns he is working with

Actors Influencer
Pre-Conditions Influencer user should have a login with their Username
and password
Post Conditions The Influencer can view the campaigns he is working with
or completed.
Flow of Events 1. Influencer can view ongoing campaigns
2. Influencer can view completed campaigns
3. Influencer can view the ratings received for this
Alternative Courses If any of the compulsory field is blank, the logged in user is
instructed to fill the details.
Exceptions The logged in user may abandon the operation at any time.
Notes NA

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2.2.18 Campaign Detail page

Use Case Analysis
User Requirement S-INFA-E-01-00-Req2.14
User Requirement The influencer can view the details of each campaign

Actors Influencer
Pre-Conditions Influencer user should have a login with their Username
and password
Post Conditions Influencer can see the details regarding each campaign
Flow of Events 1. Influencer can see the detailed information of an
ongoing or past campaigns
2. Influencer can view the achievements in each
3. Influencer can view the rating received (detailed
view of the campaign)
4. Influencer can write review for the brand after
successful completion.
Alternative Courses If any of the compulsory field is blank, the logged in user is
instructed to fill the details.
Exceptions The logged in user may abandon the operation at any time.
Notes NA
2.2.19 My Earnings
Use Case Analysis
User Requirement S-INFA-E-01-00-Req2.15
User Requirement The Influencer view my profile, edit personnel details, view
Description prescriptions and purchase list.

Actors Influencer
Pre-Conditions Influencer user should have a login with their Username
and password
Post Conditions The Influencer can view the earnings he has got from
different campaigns
Flow of Events 1. Workflow not finalized

Alternative Courses If any of the compulsory field is blank, the logged in user is
instructed to fill the details.
Exceptions The logged in user may abandon the operation at any time.
Notes NA

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2.2.20 Disputes
Use Case Analysis
User Requirement S-INFA-E-01-00-Req2.15
User Requirement The Influencer can view the disputes posted by the brands
Description and respond to them.

Actors Influencer
Pre-Conditions Influencer user should have a login with their Username
and password
Post Conditions The Influencer can view the disputes posted by the brands
and respond to them.
Flow of Events 1. The Influencer can view the disputes posted by
2. Influencer can respond to the disputes
3. Influencer can view the comments / resolution
added by admin on disputes.
Alternative Courses If any of the compulsory field is blank, the logged in user is
instructed to fill the details.
Exceptions The logged in user may abandon the operation at any time.
Notes NA
2.2.21 Withdraw Earnings
Use Case Analysis
User Requirement S-INFA-E-01-00-Req2.15
User Requirement The Influencer can send request for withdraw earning.

Actors Influencer
Pre-Conditions Influencer user should have a login with their Username
and password
Post Conditions The Influencer can view earning details from different
Flow of Events 1. Influencer can view earnings
2. Proper workflow to be finalized
Alternative Courses If any of the compulsory field is blank, the logged in user is
instructed to fill the details.
Exceptions The logged in user may abandon the operation at any time.
Notes NA
2.2.22 Transactions

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Use Case Analysis

User Requirement S-INFA-E-01-00-Req2.15
User Requirement The Influencer can view all transactions including earnings,
Description payouts etc.

Actors Influencer
Pre-Conditions Influencer user should have a login with their Username
and password
Post Conditions The Influencer can view all transactions including earnings,
payouts etc.
Flow of Events 1. Workflow not finalized

Alternative Courses If any of the compulsory field is blank, the logged in user is
instructed to fill the details.
Exceptions The logged in user may abandon the operation at any time.
Notes NA
2.2.23Influencer Social media posts
Use Case Analysis
User Requirement S-INFA-E-01-00-Req2.16
User Requirement The Influencer can view all the social media posts he had
Description done

Actors Influencer
Pre-Conditions Influencer user should have a login with their Username
and password
Post Conditions The Influencer can view all social media posts he had made
and authenticated to be shown in the platform
Flow of Events 1. Influencer can view the social media posts
2. Influencer can tag the post to a campaign
Alternative Courses If any of the compulsory field is blank, the logged in user is
instructed to fill the details.
Exceptions The logged in user may abandon the operation at any time.
Notes NA

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2.3 Brand Module

Brands can register to the application and search for influencers who are interested in
promoting them. Brands can assign campaigns to influencers, view and approve the proposals
from them.
Sl. ID Description Suggested By Module Priority
1 S-INFA-E-01-00-Req2.0 Brand Home page Initial Brand High
2 S-INFA-E-01-00-Req2.1 Brand Login Initial Brand High
3 S-INFA-E-01-00-Req2.2 Registration Initial Brand High
Interface Requirement
4 S-INFA-E-01-00-Req2.3 Forgot Password Initial Brand High
5 S-INFA-E-01-00-Req2.4 Reset Password Initial Brand High
6 S-INFA-E-01-00-Req2.5 Welcome Page Initial Brand High
7 S-INFA-E-01-00-Req2.6 Profile Initial Brand High
Completion Requirement
8 S-INFA-E-01-00-Req2.7 Dashboard Initial Brand High
9 S-INFA-E-01-00-Req2.8 Review & Rating Initial Brand High
10 S-INFA-E-01-00-Req2.9 Search Influencers Initial Brand High
11 S-INFA-E-01-00-Req2.10 Favorite Initial Brand High
Influencers Requirement
12 S-INFA-E-01-00-Req2.11 Messages Initial Brand High
13 S-INFA-E-01-00-Req2.12 Proposals Initial Brand High
14 S-INFA-E-01-00-Req2.13 Campaign List Initial Brand High
15 S-INFA-E-01-00-Req2.14 Campaign Details Initial Brand High
16 S-INFA-E-01-00-Req2.15 Brand Spendings Initial Brand High
17 S-INFA-E-01-00-Req2.16 Disputes Initial Brand High
18 S-INFA-E-01-00-Req2.17 Transactions Initial Brand High

2.3.1 Brand Home Page (web) and Mobile app Landing page
Use Case Analysis
User Requirement S-INFA-E-01-00-Req2.0
User Requirement Brand will be able to view the Home Page of the application

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Description via web browser and Onboarding / welcome page through

mobile App

Actors Brand
Pre-Conditions Brand user can access the application through an internet
browser or Android & iOS mobile App
Post Conditions The Brand Home page should be user friendly and shall
display the Project logo, login and register in link at the
header along with the CMS pages of the Website.
The Brand Mobile App landing page / welcome page will
show onboarding information which explains the App in
three slides. The onboarding pages ends with Login /
register pages
Flow of Events 1. Site home page will have Header, Footer and content
2. Header section: will have the Project logo, About us,
Brand landing and Brand landing pages, login and
register options. Once the user logged in the Login link
will change to My Account and the logged in users
name will be displayed next to it. The header section
will float on top when the user scrolls down the page.
3. Login: This link will redirect the user to the login page
4. Register: This link will redirect the user to the register
5. Banner Slider: Banner slider will have multiple images
scrolling below the header section. The images can be
linked to inner pages.
6. Featured Brands: Below the banner area the site will
display the featured Brands. 5 to 10 Brands will be
displayed in featured section with scroll.
7. The footer: will contain the links to privacy policy,
usage policy and terms and conditions. The links to
About Us, Contact Us, Help desk information are also
available in footer. Footer will display the supported
payment methods and other quick links.
Alternative Courses If the fields are blank, the system prompt the user to fill
the compulsory fields.
Exceptions The logged in user may abandon the operation at any time
Notes NA

2.3.2 Brand Login

Use Case Analysis
User Requirement S-INFA-E-01-00-Req2.1
User Requirement The Brand can be able log in to the application with valid
Description credentials.

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Actors Brand
Pre-Conditions Brand user should have a login with their Username and
Post Conditions To complete the registration and possible verification the
Brand needs to have a social media presence.
Flow of Events 1. The user login section will allow the user to login to the
system using the username and password.
2. There will be two text boxes for entering username and
3. Invalid username or password will display an error. If
both username and password are correct the user will
be redirected to the corresponding inner pages.
4. Register Now: Link will redirect the user to the user
registration page.
5. Forgot password: This link will redirect the user to
the password reset page.
6. First time Login: On first time login with the system
generated password, the user will be redirected to the
password change page where they can reset their
7. OTP Login: The Brand can login through OTP
Alternative Courses  If the fields are blank, the system prompt the user
to fill the compulsory fields.
 If the username and password does not match,
system will show a message to indicate that the
username and password does not match, also save
password option must be present in this application.
Exceptions The logged in user may abandon the operation at any time.
Notes NA

2.3.3 Registration Interface

Use Case Analysis
User Requirement S-INFA-E-01-00-Req2.2
User Requirement First time Brand should be able to register to the
Description application by providing Name, Email, Mobile Number

Actors Brand
Pre-Conditions Brand user should have a login with their Username and
Post Conditions The Brand should get registered into the application. The
data obtained should be uploaded to the database.

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Flow of Events 1. The user needs to enter the Name, Email, Mobile
Number and Brand name to register to the system.
2. Type and Industry Brand is targeting
3. Demography: age group, location, interests etc.
Alternative Courses If any of the compulsory field is blank, the logged in user is
instructed to fill the details.
Exceptions The logged in user may abandon the operation at any time.
Notes NA

2.3.4 Forget Password

Use Case Analysis
User Requirement S-INFA-E-01-00-Req2.3
User Requirement Brand can change the password if he/she Forgets the
Description Password

Actors Brand
Pre-Conditions Brand user should have a login with their Username and
Post Conditions The Brand should be able to change password
Flow of Events 1. The forgot password section will ask the user to enter
the registered email address or mobile number.
2. If the entered mobile / email is related to any user in
the database, a random password is created by the
system and sent to the user as email or SMS.
Alternative Courses If any of the compulsory field is blank, the logged in user is
instructed to fill the details.
Exceptions The logged in user may abandon the operation at any time.
Notes NA

2.3.5 Reset Password

Use Case Analysis
User Requirement S-INFA-E-01-00-Req2.4
User Requirement The Brand can Reset Password

Actors Brand
Pre-Conditions Brand user should have a login with their Username and
Post Conditions The Brand should be able to reset password.

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Flow of Events 1. Reset password section will allow the users to change
their login password.
2. The user needs to enter the existing password, new
password and confirm new password.
3. If the existing password is wrong, the system will
prompt an error.
4. If the password and confirm password entries does not
match, the system will prompt an error message.
5. The password should be a combination of letters
alphabets and special characters and it should contain
minimum 6 characters.
Alternative Courses If any of the compulsory field is blank, the logged in user is
instructed to fill the details.
Exceptions The logged in user may abandon the operation at any time.
Notes NA
2.3.6 First Time User Welcome page
Use Case Analysis
User Requirement S-INFA-E-01-00-Req2.5
User Requirement The first-time user will be shown a separate page instead of
Description a dashboard. This page prompts the completion of the
Brand profile and verification process

Actors Brand
Pre-Conditions Brand user should have a login with their Username and
Post Conditions The Brand should be able to view the list of actions that
needs to be completed to make use of the full potential of
the application
Flow of Events 1. Once the user login for the first time a welcome message
will be prompted
2. This page will also provide the percentage of profile
Alternative Courses If any of the compulsory field is blank, the logged in user is
instructed to fill the details.
Exceptions The logged in user may abandon the operation at any time.
Notes NA
2.3.7 Profile Completion Page
Use Case Analysis
User Requirement S-INFA-E-01-00-Req2.5

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User Requirement This page will help the onboarding of a Brand to complete
Description their profile information.

Actors Brand
Pre-Conditions Brand user should have a login with their Username and
Post Conditions The Brand should be able to view the list of actions that
needs to be completed to make use of the full potential of
the application
Flow of Events 1. The page will provide an option for the user to
complete the profile.
2. The page will prompt the Brand to enter their contact
and billing information
3. The page will prompt the Brand to enter the social
media details
4. The page will also prompt the user to verify and
provide KYC information.
Alternative Courses If any of the compulsory field is blank, the logged in user is
instructed to fill the details.
Exceptions The logged in user may abandon the operation at any time.
Notes NA
2.3.8 Dashboard
Use Case Analysis
User Requirement S-INFA-E-01-00-Req2.5
User Requirement Dashboard

Actors Brand
Pre-Conditions Brand user should have a login with their Username and
Post Conditions The Brand should be able to view snapshot of his/her
activities and social media performance
Flow of Events 1. The dashboard page will list the ongoing campaigns
and upcoming campaigns.
2. The dashboard page will list out the latest 5 Influencers
which are in communication with the Brand.
3. The dashboard will provide the social media analytics of
the ongoing campaigns.
4. The dashboard will also list the total and current month
spending of the Brand.
Alternative Courses If any of the compulsory field is blank, the logged in user is
instructed to fill the details.

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Exceptions The logged in user may abandon the operation at any time.
Notes NA
2.3.9 My Profile
Use Case Analysis
User Requirement S-INFA-E-01-00-Req2.6
User Requirement Brand can view and edit the profile information.

Actors Brand
Pre-Conditions Brand user should have a login with their Username and
Post Conditions Upon clicking the product, the Brand should view the profile
details they entered.
Flow of Events 1. Brand can edit all the profile information.
2. The following are the profile information of a Brand
3. Name, Email, Phone, Address, brand name, logo
4. Category and demography information
5. Description / About the Brand
6. Ranking / Brand score information
7. The Brand will be able to preview his profile in a way
that is viewed by the Brands
Alternative Courses If any of the compulsory field is blank, the logged in user is
instructed to fill the details.
Exceptions The logged in user may abandon the operation at any time.
Notes NA
2.3.10 Reviews and Ratings
Use Case Analysis
User Requirement S-INFA-E-01-00-Req2.7
User Requirement The Brand will be viewing the review and ratings received
Description from the Brand. And the Brand will be able to review the
Influencers that he has engaged in the past.

Actors Brand
Pre-Conditions Brand user should have a login with their Username and
Post Conditions The Ratings and Review submitted by the Brand should be
updated to the database and on later time its should be
displayed to another user.
Flow of Events 5. Brand can view the reviews received from the

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Brands for the past campaigns.

6. Brand can review the Brands after completion of the
7. Review will be based on the overall experience,
payout, communication, and meeting goals.
8. Any disputed campaign reviews will not be shown or
will not have the provision to review those
Alternative Courses If any of the compulsory field is blank, the logged in user is
instructed to fill the details.
Exceptions The logged in user may abandon the operation at any time.
Notes NA
2.3.11 Search & Find Influencers
Use Case Analysis
User Requirement S-INFA-E-01-00-Req2.8
User Requirement The Brand can search and find Influencers in the targeted
Description demography of the Brand.

Actors Brand
Pre-Conditions Brand user should have a login with their Username and
Post Conditions Brand can view the Brand page, contact the Brand, or add
to favorites
Flow of Events 1. The Brand can search for Influencers, with the selected
filter and Keyword, area of interests.
2. Featured Influencers will be listed.
3. Suggested Influencers will also be listed.
4. Brand can contact the Influencers using the message
5. Brand can add the Influencers to his/hers favorite list.
Alternative Courses If any of the compulsory field is blank, the logged in user is
instructed to fill the details.
Exceptions The logged in user may abandon the operation at any time.
Notes NA
2.3.12 Favorite Influencers
Use Case Analysis
User Requirement S-INFA-E-01-00-Req2.9
User Requirement The Brand will be able to view the list of favorite influencers
Description they had added to list.

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Actors Brand
Pre-Conditions Brand user should have a login with their Username and
Post Conditions The Brand can view the list of influencers they have added
to list
Flow of Events 1. Brand can view the Influencers that is added in favorite
2. Brand can visit the detailed Influencer page by clicking
view option.
3. Brand can remove an Influencer from the list using
remove option.
Alternative Courses If any of the compulsory field is blank, the logged in user is
instructed to fill the details.
Exceptions The logged in user may abandon the operation at any time.
Notes NA
2.3.13 Message Page
Use Case Analysis
User Requirement S-INFA-E-01-00-Req2.10
User Requirement The Brand can view the messages send to or received from
Description the influencers

Actors Brand
Pre-Conditions Brand user should have a login with their Username and
Post Conditions The Brand can view the messages send to or received from
the influencers
Flow of Events 1. Brand can view the messages send and received to the
2. Brand can click each listing and a message window with
the previous chat history and an option to type the
message will be shown.
3. Un read messages will be highlighted
4. Brand can reply to the conversations.
Alternative Courses If any of the compulsory field is blank, the logged in user is
instructed to fill the details.
Exceptions The logged in user may abandon the operation at any time.
Notes NA
Notes NA
2.3.14 Review / View proposals
Use Case Analysis

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User Requirement S-INFA-E-01-00-Req2.12

User Requirement Brand can view the proposals send by the influencers

Actors Brand
Pre-Conditions Brand user should have a login with their Username and
Post Conditions The Brand can able to list and view the proposals sent by
the influencers.
Flow of Events 1. Brand can view custom campaign proposal from
2. Brands can accept the proposal or ask the influencer to
make necessary changes, including pricing.
Alternative Courses If any of the compulsory field is blank, the logged in user is
instructed to fill the details.
Exceptions The logged in user may abandon the operation at any time.
Notes NA
2.3.15 Campaign List
Use Case Analysis
User Requirement S-INFA-E-01-00-Req2.13
User Requirement The Brand can view the list of campaigns they are
Description managing.

Actors Brand
Pre-Conditions Brand user should have a login with their Username and
Post Conditions The Brand can view the list of campaigns they are
Flow of Events 1. Brand can view ongoing campaigns
2. Brand can view completed campaigns
3. Brand can view the ratings received for this campaign
Alternative Courses If any of the compulsory field is blank, the logged in user is
instructed to fill the details.
Exceptions The logged in user may abandon the operation at any time.
Notes NA

2.3.16Campaign Detail page

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Use Case Analysis

User Requirement S-INFA-E-01-00-Req2.14
User Requirement The Brand can view the campaign details.

Actors Brand
Pre-Conditions Brand user should have a login with their Username and
Post Conditions Brand can view the details of each campaign
Flow of Events 1. Brand can see the detailed information of an ongoing
or past campaigns
2. Brand can view the achievements in each campaign
3. Brand can view the rating received (detailed view of
the campaign)
4. Brand can write review for the Influencers after
successful completion.
Alternative Courses If any of the compulsory field is blank, the logged in user is
instructed to fill the details.
Exceptions The logged in user may abandon the operation at any time.
Notes NA
2.3.17 Brand Spendings
Use Case Analysis
User Requirement S-INFA-E-01-00-Req2.15
User Requirement The Brand view the cost spendings on each campaign.

Actors Brand
Pre-Conditions Brand user should have a login with their Username and
Post Conditions The Brand view the cost spendings on each campaign.
Flow of Events Workflow to be finalized

Alternative Courses If any of the compulsory field is blank, the logged in user is
instructed to fill the details.
Exceptions The logged in user may abandon the operation at any time.
Notes NA
2.3.18 Disputes
Use Case Analysis
User Requirement S-INFA-E-01-00-Req2.15

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User Requirement The Brand can view the disputes added by influencers or by
Description them.

Actors Brand
Pre-Conditions Brand user should have a login with their Username and
Post Conditions The Brand can view the disputes added by influencers or by
Flow of Events 1. The Brand can view disputes added by influencers or by
2. Brand can reply to the disputes
3. Brand can view the comments added by admin
Alternative Courses If any of the compulsory field is blank, the logged in user is
instructed to fill the details.
Exceptions The logged in user may abandon the operation at any time.
Notes NA
2.3.19 Transactions
Use Case Analysis
User Requirement S-INFA-E-01-00-Req2.15
User Requirement The Brand can view the monitory transactions.

Actors Brand
Pre-Conditions Brand user should have a login with their Username and
Post Conditions The Brand can view the monitory transactions.
Flow of Events Workflow not finalized

Alternative Courses If any of the compulsory field is blank, the logged in user is
instructed to fill the details.
Exceptions The logged in user may abandon the operation at any time.
Notes NA

2.4 Other Details

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2.5 Non-Functional User Requirements

 Normal web page should be rendered within 5sec
 Password should be based on password policy

2.6 External Interface Requirements

2.6.1 User Interfaces
 Client on Internet-Web Browser, Operating System (any)
 Data Base Server
 Development End- Node JS, React JS and Flutter

2.6.2 Hardware Interfaces

Description Configuration Count
Developer Machines [Higher or Intel Core i3or equivalent, 8 GB RAM or above, 250 GB HDD. 5
Equivalent] 17inch monitor with a minimum resolution of 1280x1024
Test Engineer Machine [Higher or Intel Core i3,8 GB RAM or above,250 GB HDD. 2
Equivalent] 17inch monitor with a minimum resolution of 1280x1024
iOS Developer Apple iMac, M1 Chipset, 8 Core, 16 GB RAM 1

2.6.3 Software interfaces

Description Version Count

General Tools

MS Office Excel 2013 or above 1

MS Office Word 2013 or above 1

Configuration Management Tools

GIT 2.3X 1

Development Tools

Node JS 16.x -
React JS 16.x -
Flutter 2.10.X -
Firebase - -
PostgreSQL - -
Testing / Reporting Tools

Mantis 1

2.6.4 Communications interfaces

Application needs to communicate with the third-party interfaces and APIs used for Payment,
Campaign post tracking and other purposes.

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2.6.5 Performance Requirements

The application should provide better response time for a pool of 100 concurrent users including
influencers and Brand Managers.

2.7 Design Constraints

2.7.1 Standards Compliance
The development process will follow the industrial standards and will meet all compliances required for
the same.

2.8 Error handling

Errors are handled inside application using the normal error handling routines. All captured errors will be
logged using the common error logging mechanism. The error log will be instantly saved to a text file by
the routine. There will be maximum size allowed for the error log beyond which older errors will be
purged to make space for keeping the new ones.

2.9 Other Constraints

There can be constraints in the application depending on the behavior and support of 3 rd party APIs

1. Availability: The application should be available to all the users logged in concurrently to execute the
required functions. The business tier applications should be always available over the network. The
availability of the applications can be traced by verifying the crashes occurring in an application due
to critical bugs.
2. Flexibility: The application is designed in such a way that revising the functionality in a particular
module will not affect other modules. This is to be achieved by making separate services for each
3. Integrity: All the registered users are to be provided passwords to login to the application. The
passwords will be stored in encrypted form, which will not be allowed to reverse decryption. Each
user of the application will have a user profile stored in the DB server and a separate password is
assigned to each user

The application is considered to meet the security features that are commonly applicable for a Web
/Mobile application. The security features to be employed in this project are to be deployed in the
following areas:
1. Login to the application: Every user to use this application needs own password to authenticate
the login process.
2. Database server authentication: Application need to have authentication to communicate with
the database server.
3. Payment gateway: Proper authentication to be implemented to prevent unauthorised access of
payment gateway integrated.
There are no other special security considerations to be met for this application development.

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There are no special safety aspects considered in the execution of the application.

1. The applications will be implemented in client provided server.
2. The Mean time to repair any bug reported is fixed as 3-5 business days.

2.14Internationalization requirements
In the present version, the product is to be developed with English UI only.

3 Product goals
The major goals which are to be achieved by using the application are as follows:
 Brands can find influencers to promote their services and products.
 Influencers can connect with their favourite Brands and promote them.
 Brands cans select different promotion plans for different social media platforms.

4 Implied Requirements
In the present version, the web and mobile application is to be developed with English UI only. But at the
same time, UNICODE text support should be taken care of in the software

5 Other Requirements
5.1 Third Party services

Services Description

SMS Gateway Any SMS Gateway Services

Payment Gateway Any Payment Gateway which have SDK’s available

Push Notification Google Firebase

Name Description Pricing

Database Postgress Included in Hosting pricing

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Docker Docker Service Free (Available with Google Hosting)

Private Git Service  Github $16 per month @ development

afterwards $4 per month

API Gateway Apigee (Google)

Hosting Google Kubernetes $100 to $150 per month initially 


TensorFlow Google Cloud

Static Deployment (Optional) Vercel $20 per month

Queue Service Redis Included in caching price

Remote Procedure Call gPRC Free

Caching Redis $35 to $40 per month

Error Handling (Distributed newrelic $20 to $25 per month


InApp Notifications (Optional)  OneSiginal Free tier enough if paid an average of

$30 per month

Advanced Search (Optional) Elasticsearch

5.2 Site Adaptation

The site should be cross browser compatible supporting latest popular versions of major browsers.

6 Requirement Validation
The validation will be done internally based on inputs from the client.

7 Alternatives
None defined now

8 References
Client calls and Proposal document

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