Journal 5

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Ty Campbell

Dr. Simons
Journal #5

One of my favorite topics to discuss with my friends or family will always be music.
Whether it's Drake's new album or something Elvis wrote way back when. And one thing Ive
been finding myself talking about quite a bit is the beatles. The Beatles to my family are the
most iconic musical group that will ever live, as many others think as well. But learning about the
Beatles this last chapter was very eye opening for me. I've heard their names, music, lyrics,
forever but never have I looked into how these songs came about, or how they accomplished all
these things. It was very eye opening to me as a listener of their music. When taking this class I
didn't expect to learn much about how much music has evolved over the years. Listening to rock
and roll music from era to era is very cool to me, and the styles they use to fit their music
specifically is very cool to me. The Beatles are a group like no other, and there will never be a
group that did as much for the music industry as they did. In my eyes.

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