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Ty Campbell


Since I can remember music has always been in my life. As a child I was introduced to

rock and roll music by my dad. He took me to my first concert when I was 14. We went to see

Van Halen one of my dad's favorite bands. It was definitely an experience for a 14 year old me, I

remember it being very loud and packed with people. But listening to their music and how Eddie

Van Halen played the guitar really opened my eyes. I became more interested in not just Rock

and Roll all types of music. I'm really hoping this class gives me another way to look at music

and be able to think differently about the music. As we learn about the culture behind the music,

i thinks its going to allow me to appreciate it more, and treat it more as an art than just a piece.

When I think of this class, it sounds interesting. When I think to do work in other classes it kind

of takes a lot out of me just because there are some things i'd rather not learn about but when it

comes to music I'm always listeining.

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