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Ty Campbell

Podcast assignment

Modern World Civ

Podcast assignment

I decided for my first Podcast I would discuss the article of the negro leagues. I chose this topic because I

am a baseball player at fhsu and I have played my entire life, it was the topic that most interested myself

since I can somewhat relate to the topic. The podcast begins with the discussion of how the negro

leagues changed baseball and how much it did for the game, and how we are gifted with athletes like

Jackie Robinson and Buck O’Neal and how fortunate we are for what they did for the game. Bob

Kendrick is the president of the negro league museum in Kansas City joins the show and discusses what

black folks were doing before baseball became a pro sport, after it became a sport, and how much the

game and leagues have evolved over the years. Kendrick states that “the only difference between the

negro leagues and Major league baseball was that the MLB was better funded, if you were good enough

to play in the negro leagues you were good enough to play in the major leagues.”

Kendrick goes onto discus how Hank Aaron and Willie Mays are 2 of the best baseball players to play the

game and that they both came through the negro leagues. He then goes onto say how sad it is that

nobody knows that nobody knows that either one of those hall of fame baseball players who are

arguably the best ever to play the game were once in the negro leagues. When asked the question

about why Jackie Robinson was the first negro league player to play in the MLB, Kendrick states that he

was the only one capable to do so. He was set up for failure and hes the only one at that time that could
beat the odds. He wasn’t allowed to eat in the same place with his teammates or even stay in the same

hotel with his teammates, Jackie Robinson has impacted the MLB in every way possible.

The second podcast I chose to listen to was the history of cannabis and its use by humans, due to the

fact of how much it is used to today whether it's for medical reason or just pleasure. Being a student,

you see the amount of people doing it gets higher and higher as you get older. Summarizing the podcast

they pretty much discuss the history of marijuana and how far it has come. The man they are

interviewing is an open smoker and has his own podcast. They discuss how agriculture increased the

amount of weed, archeology finds, religious rituals, and even the stereotypes of the drug.

The guest on the show, David Bienenstock, is an open user of the drug who is informing us on the drug,

telling us the history of how it has been used and how far the drug has come. From seeds of the plant

being dug up underground to religious rituals. He also discusses the problems of the drug and how the

police system should adjust to the drug.

What surprised me in the first podcast I listened to was the fact that willie Mays and Hank Aaron both

played in the negro leagues, more people should know about this. What I found most interesting in the

first podcast was that Jackie Robinson was not selected to be the first black man to play in the MLB

because he was the best, he was the only one of the players that was as good as he was and as mentally

tough as he was.

In the second podcast I listened to what surprised me was people have dug up seeds of marijuana and

people also use the drug to perform religious rituals, maybe I could be clueless but those are both things

that caught me off guard listening to the podcast. What I found most interesting was when David said

how race plays an essential role on how cannabis becomes illegal in the United States. That also caught

me off guard, but I can see how it plays a roll, with the Mexican border.
Listening to these two podcasts I learned a lot about the negro leagues Museaum where I have been

before, listening to the podcast gave me a new outlook on the negro leagues and how the players and

leagues adjusted to it overtime. With the cannabis podcasts I learned a lot about how there are so many

uses for marijuana and how everyone should be more lenient on the drug. Multiple religions use the

drug as a part of their practice and other it helps with their mental health it has also began a huge topic

in the sports world as well as it is illegal to use in most professional sports. Overall, I learned a lot about

both topics and saw each from different perspectives.

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