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Soave-Redlich-Kwong Equation of State for a Pure Fluid

Professional courtesy from G. Bolaños (School of ChE - Univalle - Colombia)

Properties Intermediate calculations

Substance Tc (K) Pc (MPa) w
OE 469 7.193999006 0.2 Rg = 8.314
Tr = 0.7100
State Pr = 0.0198
T (K) 333 fw = 0.6723
P (MPa) 0.142726395
Equation-of-state constants
Three real roots (1 or 2 phase region) a= 1181662.0
Z v Fugacity b= 42.17
cm3/mol MPa
0.979867 19007.16 0.13990 Stable phase has the Coefficients in EOS polynomial: Z3 + A*Z2 + B
0.015033 291.61 1.05640 lower fugacity alfa = 0.0220
0.002926 56.75 0.25292 beta = 0.0022
Fugacity ratio = 0.55314
A= -0.9978
B= 0.0176
One real root (1 phase region) C= 0.0000
Z v Fugacity
cm3/mol MPa Equation-of-state roots (Thank god Cardan
Err:502 Err:502 Err:502 Q= 0.10475
R= -0.06777
M= -4.8238E-06
Llene la información de las casillas en verde. Los resultados One real root calculation
se ven en las casillas en amarillo. S T
Para calcular presión de vapor dada la temperatura, use el SOLVER Err:502 Err:502
(Vaya al menú DATA y seleccione SOLVER), y haga que cambie
P hasta que la casilla C18 sea la unidad. Three real roots calculation
Theta Roots
0.010799 0.979867

cm3 MPa/(mol K) Ideal gas constant

Reduced temperature
Reduced pressure
Accentric factor function

MPa cm6/mol2

OS polynomial: Z3 + A*Z2 + B*Z + C = 0

roots (Thank god Cardano did not die at the stake!)

If M > 0 there is one real root

If M < 0 there are three real roots


0.015033 0.002926
Soave-Redlich-Kwong Equation of State for a Pure Fluid
Professional courtesy from G. Bolaños (School of ChE - Univalle - Colombia)

Properties Intermediate calculations

Substance Tc (K) Pc (MPa) w
Freon 12 473 4.14 0.179 Rg = 8.314
Tr = 1.0000
State Pr = 0.3329
T (K) 473 fw = 1.2931
P (MPa) 1.378
Equation-of-state constants
Three real roots (1 or 2 phase region) a= 1596826.7
Z V Fugacity b= 82.30
cm3/mol MPa
#NUM! #NUM! #NUM! Stable phase has the Coefficients in EOS polynomial: Z3 + A*Z2 + B*
#NUM! #NUM! #NUM! lower fugacity alfa = 0.1423
#NUM! #NUM! #NUM! beta = 0.0288
Fugacity ratio = #NUM!
A= -1.0000
B= 0.1126
One real root (1 phase region) C= -0.0041
Z V Fugacity
cm3/mol MPa Equation-of-state roots (Thank god Cardano d
0.87691 2502.52 1.2277 Q= 0.07357
R= -0.04064
M= 5.85354E-05
Llene la información de las casillas en verde. Los resultados One real root calculation
se ven en las casillas en amarillo. S T
Para calcular presión de vapor dada la temperatura, use el SOLVER 0.289028 0.254550
(Vaya al menú DATA y seleccione SOLVER), y haga que cambie
P hasta que la casilla C18 sea la unidad. Three real roots calculation
Theta Roots

cm3 MPa/(mol K) Ideal gas constant

Reduced temperature
Reduced pressure
Accentric factor function

MPa cm6/mol2

OS polynomial: Z3 + A*Z2 + B*Z + C = 0

roots (Thank god Cardano did not die at the stake!)

If M > 0 there is one real root

If M < 0 there are three real roots


T 403 K Coeficientes viriales
P 45 atm Gas ideal
R 82.06 cm3. atm/mol.K Porcentaje de error

# Componente yi Tc Pc Vc w Tr Zc
11 CH4 75% 190.564 45.391 98.629 0.011 2.115 0.28628725
22 C2H6 12% 305.330 48.081 145.560 0.099 1.320 0.27932805
33 H2S 13% 373.100 88.823 98.135 0.100 1.080 0.28470337
12 --- --- 241.215 46.426 120.577 0.055 1.671 0.28280765
13 --- --- 266.645 63.496 98.382 0.056 1.511 0.28549531
23 --- --- 337.518 64.932 120.294 0.100 1.194 0.28201571
v 704.4906 cm3/mol
v 734.8929 cm3/mol
entaje de error 4.14%

B(0) B(1) BPc/RTc Coeficientes dB/dT

-0.044 0.132 -0.043 B11 -14.750 cm3/mol 2.55E+09
-0.188 0.085 -0.179 B22 -93.383 cm3/mol 2.43E+11
-0.290 0.015 -0.289 B33 -99.469 cm /mol
-0.103 0.119 -0.096 B12 -40.951 cm3/mol 4.12E+10
-0.135 0.109 -0.129 B13 -44.411 cm3/mol 5.10E+10
-0.235 0.057 -0.229 B23 -97.701 cm3/mol 3.04E+11
Bmix -30.40233 cm3/mol 3.81E+10
T 300 K Coeficientes viriales
P 10 atm Gas ideal
R 82.06 cm3. atm/mol.K Porcentaje de error

# Componente yi Tc Pc Vc w Tr Zc
11 A 25% 190.000 46.000 99.000 0.001 0.633 0.2920841
22 B 75% 306.000 48.000 153.000 0.100 1.020 0.29246893
12 --- --- 241.122 46.620 124.048 0.051 0.804 0.29227651


1. Ingrese las condiciones de la mezcla T y P

2. Identifique 1 y 2
3. Ingrese el valor de la fracciones molares
4.Digite el valor de las constantes criticas Tc, Pc, Vc y w
v 2264.119 cm3/mol
v 2461.8 cm3/mol
entaje de error 8.03%

B(0) B(1) BPc/RTc Coeficientes dB/dT

-0.793 -1.032 -0.794 B11 -269.267 cm3/mol 2.18E+08
-0.326 -0.019 -0.328 B22 -171.465 cm3/mol 2.48E+11
-0.516 -0.292 -0.530 B12 -225.074 cm /mol
Bmix -197.6811 cm3/mol #REF!

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