Chicken Pox - NCP

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SUBJECTIVE: Chickenpox is an infection After few hours of 1. Provide a health teaching 1. After performing the
 Disturbed body caused by the varicella- nursing containing: nursing
“May mga butlig na image related zoster virus. It causes an intervention the  how important the  This is to prevent the interventions, the
tumubo sa ibat ibang to lesions on itchy rash with small, fluid- child temperature isolation of the child with spread of skin infection child and other
parte ng katawan at the skin. filled blisters Chickenpox is a will decrease also chicken pox because the disease is can family members
nilagnat den siya.” highly contagious disease as decrease of level  the importance of hand be transmitted through air know what to do to
(blisters have grown on caused by the varicella- of pain and will washing using soap before  This reduces the risk of avoid getting the
different parts of his body zoster virus (VZV). It can experience no and after interaction with transmission of the disease when one of
and he has a fever) as cause an itchy, blister-like associated the person who has disease the family members
stated by the mother of rash among other symptoms. complication. chicken pox has chicken pox.
the child. The rash first appears on the  encouraging her child to  The disease can be The patient’s level of
chest, back, and face, and cover the mouth and nose transmitted through air so pain will decrease
then spreads over the entire when sneezing it is also to avoid same as the
body. transmission via airborne temperature will be
OBJECTIVES: Chickenpox can be serious, at the normal range
especially during pregnancy, and he will re-
 Irritability
in babies, adolescents, adults, 2. Educate parents about the 2.This help every member of the establish the healthy
 Appear weak
and people with weakened importance and safety of family not to be infected of this integrity of his skin.
 Fever
immune systems (lowered the Varicella Zoster disease The patients also
 Loss of appetite ability to fight germs and had minimal risk for
sickness). disease
Vital signs transmission
 T-38.7 through following
3. Trim fingernails 3.Trimming the child’s
 P-90 the precautions
fingernails and having the child
 R-20
wear mittens while sleeping
 Bp-110-80
may reduce scratching.

4. Asses patient’s skin on his 4. To determine the severity of

whole body the disease and to identify the
require wound care


BSN 2-5

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