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This chapter presents the results of the qualitative research questions

which served as the catalyst for the data informants produced. The research

questions are as follows:

 What are the insights of the students in the use of spoon game in

improving their oral participation?

 What possible intervention can be proposed to improve the strategy

based on the insights of the students?

After conducting an interview from the respondents, the researcher

transcribed it. The data gathered were analyzed. The analysis of the data

started first with listening and watching the recorded videos of the

respondents during the interview, and then followed by transcribing those

data into text. The data were not just transcribed, but also translated into

English, since the respondents made use of their vernacular language and

first language as their medium in answering the questions. In addition, the

process also involved critical decision making about which data would be

appropriate and were therefore useful for the study, and which data would

have to remain unused for this study because they were unnecessary to the

research questions. Strict focus to the purpose of this study, the expertise of

the panel members, and the credibility of the researcher, as stated by (Denzin

& Lincoln, 1994) which surely affected the result of the study.

During the identification of themes of the study, important phrases that

emerged from the transcripts and comments were identified as thematic

statements. They were listed and grouped accordingly to determine patterns

and connections between themes. In the first research question, there were

five themes identified which is shown in table 1 found in the succeeding page.

Out of the seven sub-questions under the first research questions, only five

were identified as essential. On the other hand, there were six sub-questions

under research question two, but only five were found essential, therefore

only the six were highlighted in table 2. In this study, a theme is notified when

a particular idea or experience was highlighted by at least two participants in

a group. Those that occurred only once were not included in the thematic


Insights of the students in the use of spoon game in improving

their oral participation.

There were five essential themes drawn out with regards to research

question number 1 after conducting the in-depth interview. The respondents

were asked on how they find the spoon game technique in improving their oral

participation. They were also asked if the game was beneficial or not and then

why and how. The respondents were also asked about their perception

towards conventional teaching strategies in comparison to spoon game.\


Table 1.Insights of the students in the use of spoon game in improving their
oral participation.

 Fun filled.
 More definite in terms of who
were to answer the questions
Attitude towards the technique drawn by the teacher.
 Exciting and challenging.
 It is fine
 Enjoyable
 Students are recognized.
 Students have been active in
Benefits from the game  Helps in gaining confidence.
 Students were given the
chance to answer and
participate in class.
 Minimizes students’ shyness.
 Establishment of clear
instructions is best for the
success of the employment of
the technique.
 Instructions always play a big
Instructions in employing the game
part in a certain activity for it
to be successful.
 Instructions is a tool for
achieving a purposeful
 Easy to use.
 Materials are economically
 Materials accessibility is not a
Practicality of the game
 Appropriate strategy in any
 Time consumption is not in
issue in establishing the

 Beneficial strategy for

teachers in terms of looking
for students who will
participate in the class.
 Games are more convenient
than the conventional way in
terms of organization
Perception towards conventional teaching
 Students frequent use of the
strategies in comparison to spoon game
conventional way made them
feel better towards it.
 Good to use in the 21century
classroom because
millennials are interested with
games since these are

Attitude towards the Technique. This is one of the essential themes

identified by the researcher for research question 1 which is shown in Table 1.

Under this, it was found out that the respondents were confident and

excited towards the technique and said that the game is easy to use, fun filled

and more definite in terms of looking for students who were to answer the

questions drawn by the teacher. According to student number. 1 when she

was asked on how does she find the game, she directly uttered:

“Uhm, the technique is easy to use, it is also

enjoyable. It creates so much fun in our classroom.
Also, we were able to make noise with a good
content. It is also easier for us to answer because
instead of calling us one by one with our names to
answer, our teacher just made use of the number to
call us.”(#ArchiveRQ1a1)

Also, when student number. 2 was asked, she simply answered:

“The game is challenging and exciting.” (#ArchiveRQ1a2)


Benefits of the Game. Another essential theme is the benefit of the game.

This theme pertains to something that we gained. When the respondents were

asked about this, they confessed that they have been active in class, they

were already recognized when they want to answer; and they have gained


When student 3 was asked if the game was beneficial or not, she
answered directly:
“It is beneficial because there is a chance for me to be
called in class.” (#ArchiveRQ1c3)

Also, student 1 uttered:

“It is really beneficial because, before it has been

employed in our class, we tend not to speak. We are
all silent. But now, we are all participating since the
raising of spoon is so cool, it also reduces our
shyness.” (#ArchiveRQ1c1)

In consonance with the statement of student 1, student 4 said,

“I am not shy anymore in speaking in the class,

because I am already given the chance to answer
questions drawn by the teacher.” (#ArchiveRQ1c4)

Instructions in Employing the Game. For research question number 1, this

is the third theme generated from students’ responses. In this theme, students

revealed that the establishment of clear instructions is best for the success of

the employment of the technique in their class.

When students were asked if they had a hard time in dealing with the

game, student 1 said,


“We did not have a hard time in dealing with the

activity since our teacher gave a clear instruction, also
it is really better that clear instruction must be
established so that the game will be much easier to
use.” (#ArchiveRQ1b1)

Practicality of the Game. In teaching, one of the basic principles of using

various strategies is the practicality of the materials that are to be used in the

implementation of the strategy. In consonance with this, student 2 revealed

when she was asked if they had a hard time in dealing with the game, she


“Uhm, we did not have hard time in dealing

with game, ahm.. because the materials
used in the game is easily found. The spoon
is so handy and we can keep it easily.

In support to this, student 3 uttered that:

“It is not difficult to deal with the game because it

does not consume a lot of time in employing it. Also,
this game is flexible, this can be used in any subjects
not only in English subjects.” (#ArchiveRQ1b3)

Perception towards Conventional Teaching Strategies In Comparison To

Spoon Game. For research question 1, this is the last essential theme

generated from the students’ responses. When we say conventional, this is

the usual teaching strategies that the teacher used when asking students to

answer her question. And when the respondents were asked about this,

almost all of them said that the Spoon game is much better than the

conventional teaching strategies.


When student 1 was asked about this, she directly answered:

“Yes, it is good to use in the 21 st century classroom

because students like me is interested with games
since these are enjoyable. Even if the topic is difficult,
it becomes easier because it was introduced through
games.” (#ArchiveRQ1e1)

On the other hand, Student 5, opposed to the statement of all other

students. He bared:

“The conventional way is better since we are used to

it.” (#ArchiveRQ1e5)

Possible intervention can be proposed to improve the strategy based on

the insights of the students

In order to determine the answer to this research question, an in-depth

interview was accomplished to the 5 respondents. Several sub-questions were

also used. There were six essential themes drawn out under this research

question after conducting the in-depth interview. The respondents were asked

on what difficulties they encountered while using the technique. They were

also asked if the game was beneficial or not and then why and how. The

respondents were also asked about the things that the teacher must consider

before employing the game. They were also asked about what possible

enhancement can they suggest to improve the game or the technique. And

finally, they were asked about the effectiveness of the spoon game in

improving their oral participation.


Table 2. Possible intervention can be proposed to improve the strategy based

on the insights of the students

 The spoons were being raised at

the same time.
 Size of the spoons and its number
Difficulties encountered in using the are too small that it cannot be
game recognized.
 Teacher does not recognize the
students who are raising since the
spoon is too small.
 Nothing to consider.
 The size of the spoon must be
Teachers consideration before
employing the game
 The numbers sizes and its color
must be enhanced.
 Make the spoon bigger.
 Improve the spoon size and its
number so that it will be easily
recognize by the teacher.
 The teacher must entertain the first
Possible enhancement to improve student who raised the spoon to
the game avoid commotion and for it to be
fair. This is only when the students
wanted to share their ideas, but if
the teachers draws the question,
she must pick a spoon from the
box to identify who will answer the
 Boost confidence
Games impact to students  Motivating
 Develop readiness
 Don’t like to speak in the
Attitude towards oral participation
 Conscious that might share the
wrong idea

 Games must be as enjoyable and

friendly as they can.
 It should not cause pressure or
Manner on the use games burden to the student.
 Giving incentives would give better
 Games should be innovative.

Difficulties Encountered. This is the first theme generated under the

research question 2. Considering that some techniques have flaws, it is

necessary to identify the difficulties in dealing with the game, and to be able to

determine what to improve in the technique.

When the respondents were asked about this, many revealed that they

had difficulty to answer when their co-students raised their spoon at the same

time. Also, the size of the spoon and its number troubled them, because there

were times that they were not recognized since their spoon was too small.

When Student 2, was asked about this, she barely answered:

“I had problem if me and my co-students raised the

spoon at the same time and also the small spoon
and its number also troubled me since there were
times that we are not recognized specially to those
who are at the back.” (#ArchiveRQ2a2)

Also, student 3 said:

“The problem is that sometimes our teacher cannot

see or recognized us because the spoon is too small.”

Teachers Consideration before Employing the Game. After determining the

students’ difficulty in dealing the game, they were asked on what consideration

should be taken before employing the game. This theme is essential since it

will help in identifying the interventions to be taken to improve the game.

When the students were asked about this, they respectfully said that the

teacher must consider the size of the spoon, the numbers size, and its color.

Some also said, nothing more to consider.

As a proof, student 2 and student 3 statements are parallel, and they said that:

“The number in the spoon and the spoon itself should

be bigger so that the teacher can easily identify who
wants to answer.” (#ArchiveRQ2e3 &

Possible Enhancement to Improve the Game. This is the third generated

theme for the research question 2. The researcher aimed to find interventions

in improving the game, the respondents were asked on what possible

enhancement they can suggest to improve the game. When they were asked

about this, they politely suggested to improve the spoon size and its number

so that it will be recognized by the teacher. The teacher must entertain the first

student who raised the spoon to avoid commotion and for it to be fair. Only in

instances that students would only like to share their ideas, not on times the

teacher would draw questions to them.

In consonance to this, student 3 said:

“The number in the spoon and the spoon itself should

be bigger so that the teacher can easily identify who
wants to answer.” #ArchiveRQ2e3

This is also true to the statement of student 4, saying:

“The first person who raised his or her spoon should

also be the first one to be called so that commotion
will be avoided. Also, in order to be fair.

Games Impact to Students. Under research question number 2, students

revealed that the game marked an impact on them. When they were asked if

the game served its purpose they said yes and claimed that it also has an

impact to them.

Student 1 uttered that:

“Yes “ate” it really serves its purpose. It is because I

usually tend to not speak in the classroom since I am
shy, but now I already participate in the class. It is
really a confidence booster.” (#ArchiveRQ2b1)

On the other hand, student 3 revealed that the game developer her

readiness in terms of oral participation. She directly said:

“The game serves it purpose, it really improved my

oral participation, before, when our teacher call me, I
am always shock, but now, whenever my number is
called I am already ready, since I know that I might
really be called due to the picking of spoons.”

Attitude towards Oral Participation. Based on the respondents’ answer, I

was able to create this theme. Through the use of the interview guide

questions, I had heard students revealed that before the employment of the

game, they tended not to participate since they were afraid to share wrong

ideas, they were too shy, and sometimes they did not have the chance to


Student 1 said:

“I usually tend to not speak in the classroom since I

am shy and I am afraid that I might share the wrong
idea.” (#ArchiveRQ1d1)

On the other hand, student 5 revealed:

“I have been marginalized in the class because

sometimes many wants to recite then I was not given
the chance to speak.” (#ArchiveRQ2f4)

Manner on the Use of Games. When the students were asked on what

possible enhancement can be used in improving the game, I had created this

theme. Students subtly suggested various manners on using the game. They

revealed that games must not be a burden for students. It must also be as

enjoyable and friendly as it can. It must also be innovative and it would be

better if external motivations were given.

Student 1 bluntly said that:

“It would really be better and enjoyable if after the

game, there will be prizes that awaits us, because we
will be more motivated to participate in the games.
Besides, games must really be enjoyable not a
pressure.” (#ArchiveRQ2e1)

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