Demolition Discussions

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➢ Demolition is bringing down the building and other

structures safely.

➢ The demolition of structure with the help of explosives

is called as implosion.

➢ The main objective for demolition may be the age of

the structure.

➢ Methods of demolition depends upon the type of

structure, height and surrounding structures.
Demolition of a building

4. Safety measures

3. Preparation of plan

2. Removal of hazardous

1. Surveying
1. Surveying:

The building survey should cover following:

The construction materials.
The existing use the building prior to demolition.
Adjoining pedestrian and vehicular traffic conditions.

 The sensitivity of neighborhood with respect to noise, dust, vibration

and traffic impact.
 Available site area to allow on-site sorting of building debris.
2. Removal of hazardous

Asbestos Containing Material

In the case when asbestos
containing material are discovered,
specialist contractor shall be
employed to remove such asbestos
containing material. The asbestos
waste should be handled, stored and
disposed of as chemical waste in
accordance with the Waste Disposal
Regulation. Asbestos Material

Soil Contamination Material

In the case when possible soil
contamination material is present,
specialist shall be employed to prepare
soil contamination test proposal and
submit such proposal to the
Environmental Protection Department
for comment.

Soil Contamination
3. Preparation of plan:

 A plan showing topography of the building to be demolished

and backfilling, distances of adjacent structures.

 A layout plan of all floors of the building to be demolished,

with adequate sections.

 A plan showing the procedure for the demolition of the


 A plan showing the proposed shoring and temporary support to

be provided to the building to be demolished.
4. Safety measures:

Training and Communication:

Demolition workers, including
plant or equipment operators, shall
go through proper job safety
training and be informed of the
potential hazards by attending
training sessions as well as on-
the-job training.

Equipment Maintenance:
All equipment shall be tested and
examined before use. They shall be
properly stored and maintained.
The equipment shall be inspected
daily and results of the inspection
shall be recorded accordingly.
Electrical Safety
A properly connected power source from a local electric utility supplier or a
mobile electricity generator shall be utilized in demolition sites.

All flammable goods shall be removed from site unless they are necessary for
the works involved. Fire fighting appliances shall be provided and maintained in
working conditions.

 All cantilevered structures, verandas and features attached to the

external walls shall first be demolished prior to demolition of main

 When demolishing the roof structure, all lift machine rooms and
water tanks at high level shall be demolished in “top down”
sequence to the main roof level.

 Floor beams shall be demolished in the order of cantilevered

beams, secondary beams and then main beams.

 Columns and load bearing walls shall be demolished after

removal of beams on top.

 If site conditions permit, the first floor slab directly above the
ground floor may be demolished by machine standing on ground.
 Demolition of the floor slabs shall begin at mid span and
work towards the supporting beams.
 Floor beams shall be demolished in the order of cantilevered
beams, secondary beams and then main beams.
 Wire and winch shall be used to secure the cross beam to other
structural members.
 The concrete is first broken away at both ends near its column
supports to expose the reinforcement.
 Reinforcement shall be then cut to partially drop the beam and
the brought down with wire.
 Secure the column by wire and
winch to existing structure.
 Pre-weakening at the bottom of
1) Break away the concrete to
expose the reinforcing bars.
2) Cut the reinforcing bars at the
exterior half of the column.
Cutting shall be performed
immediately prior to pulling.
 Pulling down the column in a
controlled motion.

A. Ball and crane

B. Dismantling

C. Pneumatic and hydraulic breaker

D. Pressure bursting

E. Explosives
Wrecking ball at rest
A. Ball and crane

Swinging the wrecking ball

B. Dismantling
 Selective or complete demolition of
concrete structures is possible by cutting
elements and then removing them with a

 The cutting process may be by sawing,

water jetting or thermal lance.
 Because the surface of the cut concrete
is smooth and relatively regular, these
methods have particular application
when the objective is partial demolition,
for instance in the creation of openings
in walls and slabs.
 Cutting with a water jet
minimizes dust and
eliminates vibration and
fire hazards. An abrasive
and water-catching
system is required to
clean up during the
jetting process.

Water Jet cutting

Pneumatic and hydraulic breaker

A jackhammer is a pneumatic
or electro- mechanical tool that
combines a hammer directly
with a chisel.

Hand-held jackhammers are

typically powered by
compressed air, but some use
electric motors.

Pneumatic hammer
The jackhammer is connected with hydraulic hoses to a portable hydraulic
power pack: either a petrol or diesel engine driving a hydraulic pump

Hydraulic breaker
D. Pressure bursting

 Pressure bursting can be used

in cases where relatively quiet,
dust- free, controlled
demolition is preferred.

 Both mechanical and chemical

pressure methods are used.
splitting machine operating on
hydraulic pressure in the case
of mechanical bursting,

 or through the insertion of an Pressure bursting

expansive slurry into a pre-
determined pattern of
boreholes in the case of
chemical bursting.

 The split concrete is then easily

removed, either by hand or by
E. Explosives

RDX-based explosive
Building Implosion
▪ Pre-blast Considerations

 The design may include pre-weakening of the structure,

the strategy in placement of the explosives and time
delay so that the building will collapse in a safe
 Pre-weakening of the structure may include cutting out
a portion of the shear walls and other structural
 A test blast may be conducted to verify the strength of
the structural member and to fine tune the explosive
 Protection of the adjacent properties and habitats is also an
important consideration.
Process of Implosion
Ballasting of Charges / Explosives work are carried out in a
controlled manner such that there will be a time gap of 1/100
second between two successive blasts. The trigger of charges
is done in such a control manner so that the noise pollution
and air pollution should be minimum.

Falling of structure:
Once central support/column will be destroyed and adjoining
columns will be weakened, due to its gravity the entire mass
will come down on its footprints

 Itcan be concluded that demolishing/imploding

the building structure will prove very useful,
economical and quickest for reconstruction.

 Leads to a safe and controlled demolition for the

occupants and neighbourhood.

 Development in techniques allows rapid

demolition with no harm to the environment.

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