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Act 2 Scene 2

Extract 1
1. Who is Launcelot Gobbo? What inner struggle is going on in his conscience? What does his
struggle show about the contemporary Christian practice?
Ans. Launcelot Gobbo is Shylock’s servant. An inner struggle is going on in his mind between
his conscience advising him to be a faithful servant and the devil tempting him to leave
Shylock’s service and take up service with Bassanio.
Launcelot’s inner struggle shows the contemporary Christian practice that a person should not be
tempted by the devil and remain loyal and faithful. One should not abandon the faith however
much the devil allures.
2. Why does Launcelot want to run away from the Jew? What does his conscience advise him to
Ans. Launcelot wants to run away from the Jew because his master, Shylock is the very devil in
human form. According to Launcelot, Shylock is a miserly man under whose service he remains
famished. Besides, he fears that he would become a Jew if he served Shylock any longer.
Initially, his conscience tells him not to run away from Shylock’s household and to be careful.
However, when the devil persuades him to flee, his conscience tells him that as he is the child of
a good father or at least a good mother and so, he should stay where he is and not move.
3. Launcelot’s speech provides some comic relief in the play? Why was such a relief need in the
context of the play?
Ans. In this scene Launcelot provides some comic relief in the play. In the context of the play
such a relief was needed because in Act 1 scene 3 that is related to the bond story, depicted a
serious mood where Antonio agrees to sign a treacherous bond that stipulates a pound of his
flesh in case he forfeits the agreement. Also in Act 2 scene 1, tension prevails in Belmont
because if the Prince of Morocco chooses the right casket then Portia has to marry him
unwillingly. Thus to relieve the tension in the play Launcelot’s comic character is been
4. Enumerate the reasons given by Launcelot’s conscience to stay on with the master.
Ans. Launcelot’s conscience advises him not to run away as such an act of fleeing is a matter of
contempt. It adds that he is the child of a good father or at least a good mother and hence he
should stay on with the master.
5. Finally, whom does Launcelot obey-the devil or his conscience? How is the theme of racial
discrimination brought out in Launcelot’s decision to run away?
Ans. Finally, Launcelot obeys the devil. The theme of racial discrimination is brought out in
Launcelot’s decision to run away because he runs away from his master, Shylock, who was a
Jew and takes up service with Bassanio, a Christian. In those days the Jews and the Christians
were not in good terms with each other. Therefore, Launcelot prefers to serve a Christian rather
than a Jew.
Extract II
O heavens, this is my true begotten father!.........turn of no hand but turn down indirectly to the
Jew’s house.

1. Where are Launcelot and old Gobbo? What is meant by ‘true-begotten father’? Why cannot
old Gobbo recognize his son?
Ans. Launcelot and Old Gobbo are in a street in Venice. ‘True begotten father’ means my father
who begot me. Old Gobbo cannot recognize his son as he is more than half-blind.
2. Why is old Gobbo looking for the way to Master Jew’s house? How does Launcelot confuse
the old man while giving directions to him to reach the Jew’s house?
Ans. Old Gobbo is looking for the way to the Jew’s house to go there to find out if his son
Launcelot, who is a servant in Shylock’s household is still working there. Launcelot confuses
Gobbo by giving him nonsensical directions to Shylock’s house.
3. What was Gobbo’s reaction to the directions given to him by Launcelot?
Ans. Gobbo reacted by exclaiming that it was a very complicated way to find Shylock's house.
(By God's sonties, 'twill be a hard way to hit).

4. What present has Gobbo brought to give to the Jew? What does Launcelot say to his father
about it?
Ans. Old Gobbo has brought a dish of dove in a basket as a present for the Jew. Launcelot tells
his father to give Shylock a rope to hang himself with rather than any present because he has
half-starved him.
5. Launcelot plays a comic role in this scene. Give two examples of comedy provided by him.
Ans. When Gobbo asks Launcelot the way to Shylock’s house, the wrong directions which
Launcelot gives him provide real comedy in the scene. The directions are too confusing for Old
Gobbo to follow. The second example is Launcelot asking his father’s blessing. He kneels before
his father. Being blind, his father touches Launcelot’s face and says that Launcelot has more hair
on his face that Dobbin, his cart horse.
Extract III
Ergo, master Launcelot…….a staff or a prop? Do you know me father?
1. Why does Launcelot use high-sounding words in his conversation with Gobbo? What does
Shakespeare want to convey to the audience in this context about the habit of some people in his
Ans. Launcelot uses high-sounding words in his conversation with Gobbo to impress him that he
possesses classical learning and is a gentleman. Shakespeare wants to convey to the audience
that habit of some egotistical individuals of his time who pretended to be what they were not.
2. Why does Launcelot call old Gobbo ‘father’ in the first line of the extract? Give the
meaning of :
…..according to Fates and Destinies, and such odd sayings, the Sisters Three and such branches
of learning,
Ans. Launcelot calls Old Gobbo ‘father’ in the first line of the extract as he plans to reveal his
identity gradually to him. In the given lines Launcelot tells Gobbo that the young man is dead,
according to his Fate or Destiny or the Three Sisters of the ancient Greeks and such other
branches of learning.
3. How does Gobbo react to the news of the apparent loss of his son?
Ans. Old Gobbo is stunned on hearing that his son is dead. He states that his son was his only
support in his old age.
4. How does Launcelot show dramatically that he is Gobbo’s son? Why does the former refer to
his mother’s name in the context?
Ans. When Gobbo asks Launcelot to tell him whether his son is really dead or not, Launcelot
dramatically makes a startling confession that he is Gobbo’s son. But Gobbo does not believe
him. Then Launcelot mentions the name of his mother, Margery, as a proof to show that he is
really Gobbo’s son.
5. How does Gobbo show by words and actions that he is fond of his son?

Ans. Gobbo shows his affection by first being anxious about his son’s health and whereabouts.
He laments on hearing about his son’s death. When Launcelot reveals his identity, Gobbo feels
his face to ascertain whether he was really Launcelot.

6. Give any two humorous situations from this scene.

Ans. Same as Extract 2 Q 5 - answer
Extract IV
Lord, how art thou changed!...........for I am a Jew, if I serve the Jew any longer.
1. What has just happened that makes Gobbo say that Launcelot has changed? What present did
Gobbo bring? To whom does he want to give it?
Ans. Old Gobbo had met his son after several years. So, when he feels Launcelot’s beard, he
realizes that Launcelot was a grown up man now which made him exclaim that Launcelot had
changed. Gobbo has brought a dish of cooked doves to be given to Shylock.
2. Give the meaning of:
a) My master’s a very Jew: My master is a typical Jew, i.e., he is miserly man.
b) Give him a halter: give him a rope to hang himself with.
3. How can we conclude from the extract that Launcelot has been suffering in the Jew’s service?
Ans. In the extract Launcelot tells his father that under Shylock’s service he has grown so thin
for want of proper food that his ribs and bones are standing our prominently and can be counted
with the finger. This shows that Launcelot has been suffering in the Jew’s service.
4. What kind of attitude against the Jews is shown in this scene?
Ans. In this scene the Jews are depicted as miserly, uncaring and insensitive. Launcelot says that
he is half famished under Shylock’s service and adds that he has grown so thin for want of food
that his bones and ribs are standing our prominently and can be counted with a finger.
5.What special privilege would Launcelot have if he served Bassanio? What would happen if
Launcelot were to serve the Jew ‘any longer’?
Ans. If Launcelot serves Bassanio, he will have the privilege of having new uniforms. According
to Launcelot if he works any longer for the Jew, he may become a Jew himself. He means that it
is impossible for him to remain in Shylock’s service any further.
Extract V
Father, in. ……………….I’ll take my leave of the Jew in the twinkling of an eye.
1. How has Launcelot shown that he could speak for himself to be employed by Bassanio?
Ans. Initially Launcelot asks Old Gobbo to persuade Bassanio to take him in his service. When
old Gobbo delays in asking, Launcelot cuts him short and tells Bassanio that he wants to serve
2. What impact is the palm-reading by Launcelot likely to make on the audience?
Ans. The palm-reading by Launcelot provides the audience a comic relief and foretells about the
good fortune that may happen in the life of Launcelot.
3. What does Launcelot predict about his wives and his escape from dangers to his life?
Ans. After reading his palm, Launcelot foretells that he will have a long life. He will marry a
large number of wives (eleven widows and nine maids in all). He will escape thrice from
drowning and will have a hair-breadth escape once falling from a feather bed.
4. What instructions did Bassanio give to the servants after employing Launcelot?
Ans. After employing Launcelot, Bassanio tells the Gobbo’s to go to Shylock and bid him
farewell and then reach his house. He tells his servants to get a uniform for Launcelot with
more decorations or ornamental stripes than those of his other servants.
5. Before this extract Launcelot referred to a proverb which is applicable both to Shylock and to
Bassanio. What was the proverb? How is it applicable to both of them?
Ans. The old proverb that Launcelot mentions is : ‘The grace of God is wealth enough.’ He says
that this proverb is equally applicable to Shylock and Bassanio. Bassanio is a good man and has
the grace of God. Shylock does not have grace of God but he has ‘wealth enough.’
Extract VI
Why, then you must. I be misconstrued in the place I go to and lose my hopes.
1. Give the context in which Bassanio speaks these words.
Ans. Bassanio speaks these words to Gratiano when the latter makes a request to permit him to
accompany Bassanio on his trip to Belmont.
2. Give the meaning of:
To allay with some cold drops of modesty
Thys skipping spirit,
Ans. To tone down your lively spirits by exercising a little moderation. This means that Gratiano
needed to abate his over bold spirit and his unruly disposition if he desired to accompany
Bassanio to Belmont.
3. Briefly summarise the advice given by Bassanio to Gratiano in the extract.
Ans. Bassanio tells Gratiano that he is uncontrollable, blunt and rough. These faults of his are
acceptable to Bassanio and his friends as qualities of his nature but his wild behaviour may be
misunderstood at Belmont. Hence, Bassanio advices him to control his wild behaviour and tone
down his lively spirit by exercising moderation.
4. Why does Bassanio ask Gratiano to behave properly in Belmont?
Ans. Bassanio asks Gratiano to behave properly in Belmont because he fears that for people who
don’t know Gratiano, his behaviour will appear as faulty. His wild behaviour will be
misunderstood at Belmont and Bassanio may lose all chances of marrying Portia.
5. What assurance does Gratiano give to Bassanio about the latter’s advice? What exception to
Gratiano’s behaviour is accepted for the particular night? Why?
Ans. Gratiano promises to behave in a proper manner. He says that he will converse gravely and
will seldom use an oath. He will carry prayer books in his pockets and look most sedate. During
the grace before meals, he will veil his eyes with his hat and solemnly say ‘Amen’. He will do
everything that politeness demands and follow all the customs of good manners, as though he
trying to please his grandmother by showing a quiet and serious behaviour.
Bassanio tells Gratiano that his rude behaviour will be tolerated for the night because of the
party. This is because Bassanio wants that night to be one of fun and mirth. He will be sorry to
see Gratiano in a sad mood. Bassanio would prefer to see him in his wildest spirits

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