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“TRUGWG THPT CHUYEN NGUYEN BINH KHIEM — QUAN A. MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS, 1 PHONOLOGY (10 pis) ‘Choose the word whose underlined and bold partis pronounced differently from ye other three. Aaron B. loudly ©. moldy D. poultry 2.A. basilisk B.bigon basic De basin 3.A. subiloty indebtedness C. combing. bombard 4A. benevolent B. content C. molecules. agchnique 5. A. conggience 1B. beonghitis —C. shutle D. Chauffeur ‘Choose the word whose stress pattern is different from that ofthe other three. 6.A. comic B. Clementine C. climax D. thermonuclear 7.A. diligent B. dimension C. action D- innate B-A-characteristic —B.absence datum D. charcoal 9. A. solicitor B, separately C.spacious __D. sequence 10. A. parachute Barmchair accent D. accidentally Hl, VOCABULARY AND STRUCTURE (20 pts) ‘Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence. |. Assembly lines are useful for producing a large —__of identical products. A. quality B. quant quandary. qualification 2. Only the ofthe building is going tobe remodeled. A. insides B. interior C. indoors D. inner 3, Whether the sports club survives is @ mater of complete ___ to me. A. indifference B. disinterest. importance. intrest 4. After years of neglest there was @ huge program to return the city 10 its former glory. ‘A-restoration __B. preservation C. conservation _D. refurbishment 5. The assistant suggested the next day when the manager would be there. ‘A. we ae coming back B. to come back . we will come Back D. we came back G.Inever gota of sleep after watching 2 horror film. A.wink B. blink C. night D.ounce 7-Asit was Christmas, the at church was much larger than usual ‘A. audience Breonvention —C. congregation D. grouping 8. The sheep were huddled into a _to protect them from overnight frosts A.cage. B. kennel . butch D. pen 9, The jury __ the defendant “not guilty”. Agave Bretumed —C. subscribed. found 10, Many ___erais such as weaving are now being revived. ‘A. customary Bihabitual ——C.tradtional—_D- ordinary 11, He managed to finish his thesis under the __ of his tutor. ‘A. guidance B.help aid D- assistance 12, Mr. Henry was given a medal in__of his service to his country. ‘A gratitude B. knowledge C. recognition D. response 13, Everyone knows about pollution problems, but not many people have ___any solutions. ‘A.thought over B. come up with C. looked into. got round to 14, You as well sec fora fish in the ree as try to do that ‘A. mast B, would should D. might 15, calculations have shown thatthe earth's resources may run out before the end ofthe next century. ‘A.Raw B. Rude €.Crude D. Blunt 16, By the time you receive this letter, |__ for China A.willhaveleR — B.have left —_C. would have let D. will leave 17. Prizes are awarded ___the number of points seored A. resulting from — Baddingup —C. presented to. according to

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