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Problem definition
The Executive body of the Mcgrath high key club held a meeting on november 9, 2022
discussing issues that they are facing. One main issue that they are facing is, not knowing what
members are active or not due to the way the data is collected,Normally the secretary would
write down the names of all present members of the key club and stores it in a file jacket, to be
reviewed manually at the end of the month, are present at meetings determined if they are
active members or not. But key club has a member total of 88 students within its body, so the
method of writing and the sorting is inefficient so when it comes on to choosing active members
to represent the school there is no information due to the way it was stored
Ghant chart
Analysis of problem
Method of problem soiulution
Evaluation of problem solution
Selection of soulution
Justification of solution

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