CSC462 Artificial Intelligence Assignment2

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COMSATS University Islamabad, Vehari Campus

Department of Computer Science

CSC462-Artificial Intelligence
Assignment # 2
Distribution Date: October 10, 2022
Submission Date: October 17, 2022

 Assignment is individual, so no cheating will be acceptable. Do your own effort and however little
it is, it will be rewarded.
 Assignment must be submitted in hand written format. Computer prints or anything typed is
 Appropriate penalty is charged in case of late submissions i.e. losing 20% marks per day

Problem 1:
Given the following graph convert it into tree data structure. In the following graph consider
node 1 as your starting point
Problem 2:
Given the following graphs convert it into tree data structure. In the following graph consider
node a as your starting point.

Problem 3:
Consider the search space below, where S is the start node and H is goal node. Show with the
sequence of diagrams along with table displaying how does BFS work on given tree using simple
search algorithm.

Best of Luck!

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