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TPACK Creating Assignment

Subject Science
Grade Level Kindergarten
Learning Objective K.2 The student will investigate and understand that humans have
senses that
Content Knowledge

allow them to seek, find, take in, and react or respond to information
in order
to learn about their surroundings. Key concepts include
a) the five senses and corresponding sensing organs; and
b) sensory descriptors used to describe common objects and
Complete this sentence by naming the technology tool and the creation activity:
Pedagogy Planning

In this activity, my students are going to use Google slides to create a slide about the five

Activity Students will use their knowledge of the five senses to put together a
slide. Which will contain a picture that represents each sense, and a
short description of the picture that includes the sense.
1. Review with the students what the five senses are.
2. Have students get onto their electronic devices, and access
google slides.
3. Have each student create a new slide show.
4. Depending on how comfortable each student is with google
slides they can choose to make one slide for all the senses, or
a different slide for each sense.
5. Instruct the students to find at least one picture that goes
along with each sense and create a short sentence about the
picture that includes the sense being used in the picture.
6. Once all of the students have finished the slide or slides.

They will take turns sharing with the class which pictures they
chose for each sense.

Web 2.0 Technology Google slides can be accessed on any device that has access to

a browser or app store. The link to the site is linked below.

Link to the example
product you made
pretending to be a

Link to slide
Mobile App Option Google slides is available in every app store for free, and all you
need is a google account to access. Which most schools provide
for their students.

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