Crime Vocabulary From Target 3 2 2 Files Merged

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Crime vocabulary from Target 3

Summary / gapfill

The main similarity of the two 1 ……. is that they are both quite 2 …….
articles from The Guardian, a popular 3 ……. newspaper in the United
Kingdom. Text 4 ……., titled “Huge reduction in meat-eating “essential”
5 ……. avoid climate breakdown”, is an article 6 ……. by Damien
Carrington and published 7 ……. 10 October 2018, while text B, “Inside 8
……. Luxembourg free port storing riches 9 ……. the super-wealthy”,
was written 10 ……. Jennifer Rankin and published 11 ……. July 2019.
Both texts seem to 12 ……. opinion pieces on topical issues, being 13
……. similar in the way they have 14 ……. written, starting off by
presenting 15 ……. issue that some, maybe even many, 16 ……. find
controversial, and going on to provide 17 ……. and quote scientists and
researchers to back 18 ……. said data.
Text A concentrates 19 ……. environmental issues, more specifically on
possible 20 ……. breakdown and its probable consequences 21 …….
humankind, suggesting that the situation 22 ……. be improved to a great
extent ……. everybody reducing their meat intake 23 ……. avoid
destroying the Earth’s ability to 24 ……. its quickly growing human
population. Text 25 ……., on the other hand, deals 26 ……. a
considerably more marginal issue of 27 ……. tax haven in Luxembourg
that 28 ……. an extremely small proportion of the 29 ……. world’s
population would benefit from, namely 30 ……. super-rich, as it provides
them 31 …….. an environment in which they can store 32 ……. sell
luxury items without having to 33 ……. several taxes, e.g. VAT or capital
gains 34 ……., and benefit from lower insurance premiums, 35 …….
raises the question of whether this ……. fair from the viewpoint of an 36
……. citizen who is not that well ……. .
Both articles use sophisticated language and 37 ……. varying in length as
is customary 38 ……. The Guardian, a newspaper geared 39 ……. a more
educated audience than many 40 ……., which is also reported to be 41
……. most-read and most-trusted of the UK’s “quality 42 ……. brands”,
and which at the same 43 ……. enjoys a wide international readership,
especially due 44 ……. its digital edition, which is gaining popularity 45
……. the expense of the printed one.

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