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Indeed all praise is due to AllahSubhanahu wa ta'ala , we praise

him as he deserves to be praised. We ask for his aid and
assistance, we seek his forgiveness, we seek refuge with Allah
from the evils of our wicked actions and from the evils of our
wicked souls. Whomsoever Allah guides, then non can misguide,
and whomsoever Allah misguides, then none can guide. And I
testify that none has the right to be worshipped in truth except
AllahSubhanahu wa ta'ala alone without any partners. I testify
that Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) is
his slave and messenger.

The tittle of my lecture today In Shaa Allah ta'ala will be

At-tabaruj , displaying one's beauty and adornments and the
various forms ofAt-tabaruj .

The first thing that the sisters need to understand is the meaning
of the wordAt-tabaruj. What doesAt-tabaruj mean?

Because we have to know what it means in order to stay away

from it.

Shaykh Abdul-Malikhafidhohullah ta'ala said,

"In the Arabic languageAt-tabaruj is to display one's beauty and
adornment and to go beyond the acceptable limit as mentioned
by Fayruz Al Abaadi in the book"Basaahir dhawi tamyiz ".

Allah Aza wa jal says in Suratun-Noor, verse 60: "....ghayra

mutabarijat bizeenah ..." (in such a way as to not display their
adornments). So this is the linguistic or definition ofAt-tabaruj .

It is well known that this verse was revealed concerning the old
women. So if an old woman is forbidden from displaying her
beauty and adornment, then what about the young women, what
about a woman that is young???

This alone should be a powerful deterrent that should prevent a

woman from displaying her charms and her beauty to strangers.

Al Imam Bukhari, rahimahullah, mentioned in his authentic

collection, that Ma'mar said,

"Tabaruj is when a woman exposes her charms and

beauty,therefore sisters, the origin for a woman is that she
conceals her adornment, her beauty from the eyes of the people.
As Allah the most high says inSuratun-Noor verse 31 ".... And let
them not stamp their feet so as not to reveal what they hide of
their adornment..."

And that is whyShaykh-ul-Islam Ibn Baz Rahimahu

( llah ta'ala ) as
it is found in his majmoo'-l-fatawa said, defining Az-zeenah
( adornment, beauty). What does this mean? What is this referring

Ash-Shaykh Ibn Baz saysAz-zeenah , adornment or beauty that is

forbidden to be displayed is a comprehensive term that is used
to describe everything that emanates from a woman and causes
a man to look at her.

SoAz-zeenah , the adornment that AllahAza wa jal has prohibited

a woman from displaying to strangers, Ibn Baz said it's a
comprehensive term that is use to describe everything that
emanate from a woman and cause him i. e a man to look at her.
Ibn Baz said whether it is a natural beauty or something extra
that she adds to her body of clothing as beautification or

This is the meaning of Az-zeenah and it is clear from the

definition of Ibn Baz(Rahimahu llahu ta'ala ).

Sisters, I asked you the question, why isTabaruj so dangerous?

Why is Tabaruj , displaying of one's beauty and adornment so
dangerous? Why is it so serious? The answer to this is in the
following that the sisters have to pay attention to, so that they
can enjoin good and forbid evil, so that they can educate their
sisters about this matter ofAt-tabaruj .

FirstlyAt-tabaruj sunnatun jahiliyyah. At-tabaruj , displaying what

AllahSubhanallah wa ta'ala commanded the women to conceal
and to hide from strangers is a pre-Islamic practice from the days
of ignorance.

At-tabaruj Sunnatun Jahiliyyah : it is a pre-Islamic practice from

the time of ignorance before the sending of Muhammad (peace
and blessings of Allah be upon him). Allah the most high says in
Suratul Ahzab verse 33 "....and do not display yourselves like they
would at the time of ignorance(pre-Islamic era)..."

So how can the Muslim woman be happy to be associated with

this period of ignorance and Allah has chosen her from the nation
of Muhammad?, that nation about which Allah says ".... You are
the best of nation to have been raised from mankind... "

SoAt-tabaruj, sisters! At-tabaruj sunnatun jahiliyyah. May Allah

protect each and everyone of you from that.

Secondly At-tabaruj is a serious matter to the extent that the

Prophet(peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) made the
abandonment ofAt-tabaruj a condition for a woman's pledge of

So when the women will come to the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬for the pledge
of allegiance, the prophet ‫ ﷺ‬will accept the pledge of allegiance
but one of the conditions for this, is that the women are to
abandon the practice ofAt-tabaruj .

Abdullah bn Amar said, "Umaymah bint Ruqayqah came to the

messenger of Allah ‫ﷺ‬to offer the pledge of allegiance upon
Islam. So the prophet(peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)
said : I accept the pledge of allegiance based upon that you will
not associate any partner with Allah, nor will you steal, nor will
you commit fornication, nor will you kill your offspring, you will
not slander intentionally and you should not wail over your dead,
and you should not display yourself like they did in the
pre-Islamic time of ignorance." And this hadith is collected by
Imam Ahmad and it isHassan (sound).

ThirdlyAt-tabaruj is dangerous; it's a matter to be taken seriously.

It has evil consequences. Because At-tabaruj has been
mentioned along with shirk (polytheism), along with Zina
(fornication) , along with with stealing and other than them from
the major sins as was found in the previous hadith.

At-tabaruj , sisters! Fourthly, At-tabaruj is a major sin from the

major sins and this is established in one or three ways:

Al-awwal (the first) :

There is a severe threat that has been mentioned in thesunnah
for the woman that isMutabarijah (A woman that falls into the
Tabaruj .)
From Andhalah bn 'Ubayd, the prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said,

"Do not ask about this three people: A man who left thejamaa'a
(the community) and disobey his leader and died in this state.
The female or a male slave who run away and died. And the
woman whose husband is away and he left her with everything
that she needs of the worldly provisions and after this she openly
displays her beauty and adornment. Do not ask about them. And
this hadith was collected by Imam Ahmad and it is authentic.
May Allah protect our sisters from falling into At-tabaruj.

One of theUlama ofAl-Islam , they explained the meaning of this

At-tabaruj inAl-fatiha Rabaniy.
"she exposed her beauty and her adornment to strangers."

Ath-thani (the second) :

The second proof to display that AllahAza wa jal commanded
the woman to conceal her beauty and adornment. The second
proof to establish thatAt-tabaruj is a major sin from the major
sins of Islam.

When the prophet informed us that theMutabarijat , the women

that fall intoAt-tabaruj, that they are from the inhabitants of the
hell fire and that they will be delayed from entering paradise. May
Allah protect you from that.

Sisters! This is not a laughing matter, this is not a matter that

should have you there sitting and gossiping to your neighbours.
This statement that we read from the Prophet is serious because
the prophet(peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) informed
us in the hadith that we will read that the Mutabarijat are
inhabitants of hell fire, and that they will be delayed from entering

Imam Muslim in his sahih narrated that Abu

Hurayrah(Radiyallahu anhu) said that the messenger of Allah
(peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: "there are two
types of the people of the inhabitant of hellfire that I have never
seen. People possessing whips like the tail of an ox and they are
using them to flog and beat the people. (and the second group,
sisters pay attention) Women who are clothe yet naked, who had
been calling to evil and make others incline towards it. Their
heads are like the humps of camel, they will not enter paradise
and they will not smell the scent, although the fragrance of
Jannah can be smell from such and such distance.
Subhanallahi-l-adhim! Subhanallahi-l-adhim! This should make
theMutabarijah cry tears before it is too late. Look at what the
Prophet said about theMutabarijat - they will not enter paradise
and they will not smell the fragrance of paradise.Subhanallah!

Sisters this is serious,wallahi this is serious! And we mention

this because we want good for our sisters. We mention this
because we don't want our sisters to fall intoAt-tabaruj . Because
many people are walking around and they are clothe but they are

Ath-thalith (The third) :

The third hadith that establishes thatAt-tabaruj (displaying one's
beauty and adornment) is a reason to be cursed and Allah's
refuge is sought!

And this description is not applied and not said except to

someone who commits a major sin. What is the proof sisters?
ThatAt-tabaruj is a reason to be cursed.

In the hadith narrated by Abdullah bn Amar (may Allah have

mercy on him) he said, he heard the messenger of Allah said:
"towards the later part of my nation, there will be men that ride on
seats that resemble saddles (And the scholars said that this
means a car, as mentioned by Shaykh Al Albani), they will be seen
at the doors of the masjid, these men are descending at the door
of the masjid. The women are clothe but naked, on their heads
will appear to be like the hump of camel. Curse them because
they are cursed. And this hadith is collected by Imam Ahmad and
it is authentic.

Sisters, theulama of Islam mentioned. So, we see, as a result of

At-tabaruj , one of the consequences is a curse and also a threat
from entering paradise, as it is established in these two hadiths.
And that is why Al-qadi Iyad, he considered and he mentioned
At-tabaruj to be from the major sins. And we find from his book
"Al-mu'lim " the explanation of Sahih Muslim.
Sisters, I want to read to you a piece of golden adviceAsh-Shaykh
Alamal-faqih Muhammad ibn Saalih Ibn Uthaymeen(Rahimahu
llah ta'ala). TheShaykh is explaining the hadith when the Prophet
(peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: "there will be
women they are clothe but they are naked. "

He said:

" these are the attributes of the women of hellfire, they are clothe,
yet they are naked. This means that they are wearing garments
but their garments are not beneficial for the purpose, they do not
conceal their body as they have been commanded. And they are
not concealing due to their shortness, transparency and
tightness. And they have turned from the truth and from the
straight path and they incite others to do likewise and this is due
to the clothing they are wearing and the seductive appearance
and behaviour which cause these women to stray and cause
others to stray as well.

O believers in Allah and his messenger! O you who are firm and
believe in everything the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬instructs us of! O you who
will accept the advice of the prophet (peace and blessings of
Allah be upon him) and he is, definitely, the trustworthy adviser.
He informed you about the clothing of the women of hellfire; so
that you may be cautious and wary of it, and so that you may
prevent your women from wearing it.

Do you find anyone from the creation more sincere in advice than
the messenger of Allah? Do you find guidance more complete
and perfect than the guidance of Muhammad (peace and
blessings of Allah be upon him)? No by Allah, You will never find
it, you will never find it! Why? Indeed every believer in Allah and
his messenger, they know for certain, they know for surety that
no one is more sincere in advice, no one is better in terms of their
guidance and no one is better in terms of their path than
Muhammad(peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). But the
problem is heedlessness and blind following has caused us to
fall into what we have fallen into.

O people, indeed those short garments, those short skirts, they

bring nothing but evil. They strip your daughter off their modesty
and they expose them to fitnah and they cause them to boycott
and abandon the legislated garment and covering; the garment of
decency, the garment of modesty, the garment of the rightly
guided predecessors.

We see young girls, maybe 8 years of age or beyond, that and

they wear short skirts and the skirts reaches the middle of the
thigh and she has trousers like tights, and you can see it close to
revealing the private part. Subhanallah! (The Shaykh is talking
about the people that dresses their daughters in this fashion).

What's the benefit of this dress to the society? Will this dress
quality rectify the characteristics of those in the society? Will it
perfect the Iman of the society? Will it bring any rectification? Will
it improve their health? No it will not do any of this.

There are many evils that comes from dressing your daughters in
this types of dresses. It will eradicate modesty and it will get
them accustomed to wearing this type of dresses when they
become old because these dresses, these garments, the evil is
not something that is specific to the young rather now it is
starting to affect the young women who are at the age of
marriage. And sometimes when the wind will blow theAbaya , you
will see them wearing these short skirts.

O Muslims, it is a religious and moral obligation, it makes it

binding upon us that we bring an end to this un-Islamic clothing
and we forbid them and that we safeguard our women from
At-tabaruj . And also we should be protective over our women as
AllahAza wa Jal has praises and protects us over our women. "
Sisters, that was the Muqadimah (Introduction) defining
At-tabaruj . NowIn Shaa Allah ta'ala , we are going to move on to
discuss specific examples, forms ofAt-tabaruj. Sisters you need
to pay attention so that you can advice one another.

Allah Aza wa Jal said in the Qur'an : (103:1-3)

Bismillahir Rahmaani Raheem
1. By time,

2. The whole of mankind is in state of loss.

3. Except those who believe and do righteous deeds and they

advise one another concerning the truth and they advise one
another to be patient.

When the companions meet one another, they will not depart
until they have recitedwal-asr . We advise one another. If we see
someone openly falling intoAt-tabaruj , and it's blatant, it's not
something hidden, then we advise one another for the sake of
AllahSubhanahu wa ta'ala.

After we have given and offered a general definition and

description ofAt-tabaruj, it should be obvious and evident that
the following are the specific examples ofAt-tabaruj .

Sisters, we are mentioning these so that we can learn, so that we

can benefit, so that we can implement the truth in our lives, so
that we can dress as Allah has commanded us to dress, so that
we can stay away from things that anger AllahSubhanahu wa
The first example ofAt-tabaruj :

It is a form ofAt-tabaruj if theJilbab does not cover and conceal

the whole of a woman's body. Like, if theJilbab comes from a
woman's shoulder and not from the head, that is a form of
Why is itTabaruj?

It isTabaruj, because if theJilbab comes from the shoulder it

contradict the word'Ala .' Ala means something that start from
the highest point. We find this in the saying of AllahAza wa Jal in
Suratul- Ahzab verse 59, "....and the women should draw their
cloaks over their whole body..." Alayhinna
( ) so'ala here means
that the Jilbab should come from the highest point of the
woman. The highest point of the woman is the head. The
shoulder is not the highest point of a woman. That is why when a
woman wears theJilbab from the shoulder it reveals the shape of
her body.

Where is the legislatedJilbab that starts from the head? It will

conceal the whole of the body from the head to the chest and
that which is below it because it has come from the head. So
sisters, those who are wearing theJilbab from the shoulder, what
is known as the shoulderAbaya , then this is a form ofAt-tabaruj.

I hope this is as clear as the sun and the sky. Because the
Prophet(peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: "I have
left you upon clear guidance, its night is like its day, no one
deviate from it except they are destroyed". Sisters it's time that
you understand the meaning of At-tabaruj, that you advise those
individuals that have fallen intoAt-tabaruj, that we learn and we
teach our children the meaning ofAt-tabaruj.

The second example ofAt-tabaruj:

It is a form of Tabaruj if the Jilbab comprises of two separate

pieces ; the piece that covers the upper part of the body and the
piece that covers the bottom part of the body. Like someone
wearing a long skirt with a shirt and covering her hair. That is
Tabaruj because this is in contradiction to what we have
mentioned from the scholars of Al-Islam that theJilbab is one
piece that covers the whole body.

And theShaykh said theHikmah (wisdom) behind preventing this

type of garment is to prevent people from playing with this noble
dress. And we see the wisdom becoming clearly evident in the
latter decades. When it was said to women that there is no
specific dress that you have to wear, but the most important
thing is to cover your body. Everyone understood it how they want
to understand it and that is why various types of what they refer
to asJilbab have appeared. Some of them wear jeans and a scarf
and they say that's Jilbab , some of them have something
covering their hair and the shoulderAbaya with part of their hair
out and they say that'sJilbab.

The third example ofAt-tabaruj :

We covered this in the previous lecture butIn Shaa Allah ta'ala,
the reminder benefits the believer. The Prophet (peace and
blessings of Allah be upon him) while teaching his companions,
sometimes he will repeat something, he will repeat a specific
point so that he can be understood clearly.

It is a form ofTabaruj, if theJilbab is considered to beZeenah ,

beauty and an adornment in itself.Na'am , these people that are
wearing feet stockings for people to see, those people that are
wearing diamonds and rhinestones upon their overgarment,
these areTabaruj, sisters.

The wisdom behind theJilbab being legislated is for the women

to cover her beauty and her adornment from the men who are
strangers. As AllahAza wa Jal said ".... And the believing women
should not expose and reveal their adornments and their
beauty...". As we said earlier, whether this is their natural beauty
or something extra, like jewelry or something that they put upon
their clothing. And it is amazing, some of the women know this,
they know that theJilbab should not be a source of beauty, the
Jilbab they know should not be an adornment in itself. However
they intentionally wear theJilbab that has been decorated with
embroidery that will attract the attention of men.

It is absolutely amazing that maybe one of the women, you find

her wearing a badge on her khimar , or she wears a flower upon
her khimar on her head, or she wears some type of jewelry on her
head over the jilbab and the Shaykh said, some of them wear
different colours with a ribbon or flower, or a badge on their head
like the comb of a rooster. This is from the strange affairs, by
Allah, and it shows that the women who wears this type of things
does not understand the purpose ofJilbab or that she's playing
games with the religion of Allah. May Allah protect our sisters
from falling into any of these.

Even though Allah Aza wa Jal has commanded the woman to

remain in her house so that she can be more concealed from the
eyes of the men. As Allah said ".... And remain in your houses..." It
is understood from this clear text that, the more a woman reveals
her adornments and beauty to strangers, the more she's farther
away from fulfilling the requirements of theJilbab and closer to
Subhanallah, sisters it is Tabaruj if the Jilbab, in itself, is an
adornment. Stay away from thoseJilbabs that have Muslimah or
Niqabi written on the front of it. Stay away from thoseJilbabs
that have embroidery up and down the arm. Stay away from
those Jilbabs , the shoulder Jilbabs . Stay far away from them.
Because we do not want you to fall intoTabaruj.

It was mentioned by one of the scholars of the past.Al-alusi (may

Allah have mercy on him) inRuhal ma'aani, he said:

"Know that I hold, likewise, that it is fromAz-zeenah , exposing

one's beauty and adornments which the women have been
commanded to conceal that which is don and worn by many of
the extravagant women of our time, that they wear above their
overgarment and they use these things as coverings when they
leave the house. I'm referring to the coverings that is made of
silk, it comprises of many colours and it contains gold, silver,
materials and fabrics.

And I believe that if their husbands allows them(wives, daughters,

and those under their authority) to wear the likeness of these
garments when they leave the house and allows them to walk
among strangers like this, then it is due to him lacking jealousy
for his women."

Likewise it is a form ofTabaruj, if the overgarment of a woman is

transparent and thin. This is a form ofTabaruj, as mentioned by
Shaykh Albani (may Allah have mercy on him) when he said, "
for the overgarment which is thin and transparent, it does nothing
except to increase the women in herfitnah and in her beauty. And
the prophet(peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said '....
Towards the latter part of myUmmah, there will be women who
are clothe yet they are naked, on their heads appears to be like
the humps of a camel. Curse them because they are cursed."

Ibn Abdil-Barri said, while explaining the above hadith, that the
Prophet intended by this, the women that wear thin clothing
which describes the body and does not conceal. So, apparently,
they are clothed but in reality they are naked. So they have what
you would call clothing upon their body but in reality, Islamically
they are naked.

Shaykh-ul-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah (may Allah have mercy on him)

said: "When the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon
him) said " clothe yet naked" it means they are wearing a type of
clothing but it does not conceal them, so in reality they are
naked. Then theShaykh gave an example of what is considered
to be clothe yet naked. For instance, those who wear belts
around their waist and they make those belts expose the shape
of their body. They are clothed yet naked.

The garment that the women should wear is that which conceals
her body and it should not describe the shape of her limbs and
should not expose the shape of her body because it is thick,
spacious and wide. It should not be a thin garment, a garment
that is tight and exposes the curviness of her body and the joint
of a woman, exposing her buttocks or her forearms or that which
is like this."

So, when you use theJilbab, like Shaykh Al Fawzaan mentioned,

you have sleeves likethawb , so you are exposing the shape of
your forearm, your chest, you are exposing the size of your

The meaning, "the garment should not be thin and transparent" is

further emphasized from that which was narrated by Malik Ibn
Sa'ad upon Umm Alqama. She said:

"I saw Hafsah the daughter of Abdur-Rahmaan Ibn Abubakr and

she was entering upon Aa'ishah (may Allah be pleased with her)
and she was wearing akhimar, but thekhimar was thin and you
could see her forehead, then Aa'ishah said, "do you not know
what Allah has revealed inSuratuln-Noor? She taught her, (She
educated her) Then she took it from her and she tore it. She then
calls for akhimar and dressed her." Where is the Aa'ishah among
the sisters? Where is the Aa'ishah that reminds other sisters
about Tabaruj?

Aa'ishah (may Allah be pleased with her) did not just stop
advising the sisters aboutAt-tabaruj, she said" do you not know
what Allah has revealed insuratun-Noor?" about what?! About the
overgarment of a Muslim woman. Then what did she do? Firstly
she told her that the garment that she's wearing is thin, it is not
the overgarment that the Muslim woman has been commanded
to wear. Look at theTariq ofDawah(approach of preaching)!

Secondly, she took it from her and she tore it. She said, do you
not know what Allah has revealed insuratun-Noor? Educating her,
teaching her what is the legislated Hijab. Then she calls for the
khimar and dressed her. This is the etiquette that we have with
one another.

So when the sisters see someone falling intoTabaruj, don't just

shout at them, don't rip the scarf off their head, don't stare at
them. Go to them, "Sister I love you for the sake of Allah" remind
them about the Ahadith of At-tabaruj ("....curse them because
they are cursed.") say to them "Sister, I don't want you to be
cursed, but right now you are falling intoAt-tabaruj" . Look at what
theShaykh said "I don't want to see you fall intoAt-tabaruj" but
no doubt with gentleness, kindness and words that the person
will accept from you.

Right now, we are explaining the gravity of this matter, but when
you approach a person with gentleness and kindness and show
them that you care, not just to reprimand. Look at Aa'ishah, she
calls for her khimar and she said, yeah take this and she gave her
the khimar; the correct Islamic dressing. So not only does she
enjoins the good and forbid the evil, she taught her what was
correct and she also gave her the garment. That is sisterhood.
Not that we will see people walking around us and know they are
out of package, we know that they areMutabarijat, we just look
and shake our heads and we start sucking our teeth or we go
home and start talking about the sister. That is incorrect.

It is a form ofAt-tabaruj if the garments that are worn by the

women resembles the garments that are worn by men. Like if a
woman use to wear that which we know as the short jacket
(Jean jacket) and then she pose that Jean jacket tight and
everything is exposed. Or going out in a bare trousers or
appearing in jeans and just covering the hair, like the hair was the
only thing to be covered.

We already define whatAt-tabaruj and whatZeenah means. Look

sister, the attitude of the prophet (peace and blessings of Allah
be upon) towards those women who imitate the men in the
hadith narrated by Abu Hurayrah. The Prophet cursed the man
who wears the garment or the clothing of a woman and the
woman who wears the clothing of a man. It was collected by Abu
Dawood and classed authentic.

I just want to close it with one point. Let us go back , because we

follow theSalaf and let us give the understanding of theSalaf to
this matter. We see that theSalaf understand the danger of the
women imitating men, to the extent that they will prohibit the
women from wearing the shoes that were worn by the men. As
we have upon ibn Abi Mulayka who said, "it was said to Aa'ishah
that there is a woman and she's wearing the shoe that are worn
by men and she said the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah
be upon him) cursed the woman that imitates a man". Look at the
understanding of thefaqih ofAl-Islam , don't look at the people in
our time that are calling to this feminist movement, do not look at
those people that say "All they worry about is the women's
dress". However our attitude and approach is that we are
advising the women to dress as AllahAza wa Jal as commanded

So look at the understanding of the faqihah of Al-Islam ,

Aa'ishah(may Allah be pleased with her), the faqihah ofAn-nisaa,
and look at how the scholars after Aa'ishah acted upon this
fiqh(understanding). To the extent that you find the
fuqahaa(scholars of Fiqh) of Islam warning the women from
imitating the men.

And I will give you some narrations from Imam Ahmad.

Imam Ahmad(may Allah have mercy on him) was asked about a

woman that is given men's shoes to wear, he said no. She should
not wear them unless she's wearing them to makewudhoo . And
then he was asked "what about if she's wearing it for
beautification?" he said no. Then he was asked about women
shaving her hair, he said no because shaving of the hair is
specific to the males and not to the females. And this is found in
the masala of Imam Ahmadli Abi Dawood(may Allah have mercy
on him).

To the extent that Al-Imam dhahabi(may Allah have mercy on

him) considered the women imitating the men to be from the
major sins which we find in his book Al-kabaa'ir
" ".

So sisters, we ask you to stay away from these and all forms of
At-tabaruj and there are other examples that we had to cut short,
specific examples of At-tabaruj . We advise the sisters to stay
away far away from these because as we mention in the
beginning, highlighting the proof from the Qur'an and the sunnah
thatAt-tabaruj is something that will destroy the society.

So we ask AllahAza wa Jal to protect the sisters from falling into


Transcribed by Umm Abdillah bint Abdil Hameed.

May Allah preserve her upon Khayr.

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