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Formal Software Development And Verification


Software Engineering Semester-V

LECTURE-4: Linear Temporal Logics-I

Mr. Waqas Ali

Department of Computer Science

University Of Engineering and Technology, Lahore|New Campus

September 27, 2022 Thursday

Outlines 2

1 Objectives

2 Reference Books

3 Review

4 LTL A Few Examples

5 Semantics of LTL
Course Objective 3

Course Objective

Verified hardware and software is one of the grand challenges

of computer science. As the complexity of systems increases
and as computers pervade our day-to-day activities, verification
of systems ranging from cell phones to medical equipment to
aircraft software to secure programs, has become a vibrant and
important field. The field of verification is almost as old as
computer science; some concepts such as the Floyd-Hoare style
of verification is 40 years old. And yet the field has become
a vibrant area of research only in the last 20 years, and has
matured in this period so much that hardware verification is
routinely done in the industry, and software verification tools
such as Microsoft’s SDV (and SLAM) are at the level where they
can be deployed automatically to check software. All this has
been based on a few fundamental techniques and tools, which
we will learn in this course.
Course Contents 4

Course Contents
Finite models and model-checking - Modeling using finite mod-
els, reachability algorithms, Specification logics - LTL on finite
words; automata theoretic model checking algorithms, the SMV
tool, Description Logic, Dataflow analysis of programs with-
out recursion, Handling recursion: pushdown models, reacha-
bility (using games!), dataflow analysis, Symbolic methods for
reachability: Boolean Decision Diagrams, operations on BDDs,
the tools SMV, CTL and CTL model-checking symbolically;
mu-calculus, Software verification: The Floyd-Hoare method
for verifying code, Invariant verification using automatic theo-
rem provers, Satisfiability solvers (SAT solvers); bounded model
checking and testing. Abstraction based model checking, miscel-
laneous topics, Decidable logics and overview of available theo-
rem provers, Predicate abstraction and abstract interpretation,
Handling heaps, Concurrency.
Today’s Objective 5

Today’s Objective

1 Linear Temporal Logics its Syntax and Semantics

2 Some Examples of Modelling in LTL
LTL semantics: intuitions 11
Intuitive Semantics Of Temporal Modalities 12

Intuitive Semantics Of Temporal Modalities

Intuitive semantics of temporal modalities

Intuitive Semantics Of Temporal Modalities 13

Intuitive Semantics Of Temporal Modalities

Intuitive semantics of temporal modalities

Next ⃝, until U and eventually ♢ 14

Next ⃝, until U and eventually ♢

1 □(try_to_send → ⃝delivered)
Next ⃝, until U and eventually ♢ 15

Next ⃝, until U and eventually ♢

1 □(try_to_send → ⃝delivered)

2 □(try_to_send → try_to_sendUdelivered)
Next ⃝, until U and eventually ♢ 16

Next ⃝, until U and eventually ♢

1 □(try_to_send → ⃝delivered)

2 □(try_to_send → try_to_sendUdelivered)

3 □(try_to_send → ♢delivered)
neXt Operator 17

neXt Operator

This operator provides a constraint on the next moment in time.

((x = 0) ∧ add 3) ⇒ ⃝(x = 3)

Finally or Eventually 18

Finally or Eventually

φ will be true either now or in the future,

we cannot be sure exactly when it will be true.

sad ⇒ ♢happy
send ⇒ ♢receive
Some Examples: Safety Properties 19

Safety Properties

something bad will not happen

Example: Safety Properties

1 Safety: it never happens that a train is arriving and the bar is


G(¬(train_arriving ∧ bar_up))
□(¬(train_arriving ∧ bar_up))
Some Examples: Safety Properties 20

Safety Properties

something bad will not happen

Example: Safety Properties

1 Safety: it never happens that a train is arriving and the bar is


G(¬(train_arriving ∧ bar_up))
□(¬(train_arriving ∧ bar_up))

2 The temperature must not be greater than 1200

□¬(reactorT emp > 1200)

Some Examples: Safety Properties 21

Safety Properties

something bad will not happen

Example: Safety Properties

1 Safety: it never happens that a train is arriving and the bar is


G(¬(train_arriving ∧ bar_up))
□(¬(train_arriving ∧ bar_up))

2 The temperature must not be greater than 1200

□¬(reactorT emp > 1200)

□¬((x = 0) ∧ ⃝ ⃝ ⃝(y = z/x))
Some Examples: Liveness Properties 22

Liveness Properties

something good will happen

Example: Liveness Properties

1 Liveness: if input, then eventually output

G(input → Foutput)
□(input → ♢output)
Some Examples: Liveness Properties 23

Liveness Properties

something good will happen

Example: Liveness Properties

1 Liveness: if input, then eventually output

G(input → Foutput)
□(input → ♢output)

♢(x > 5)
Some Examples: Liveness Properties 24

Liveness Properties

something good will happen

Example: Liveness Properties

1 Liveness: if input, then eventually output

G(input → Foutput)
□(input → ♢output)

♢(x > 5)
□(start ⇒ ♢terminate)
Some Examples: Liveness Properties 25

Liveness Properties

something good will happen

Example: Liveness Properties

1 Liveness: if input, then eventually output

G(input → Foutput)
□(input → ♢output)

♢(x > 5)
□(start ⇒ ♢terminate)

□(trying ⇒ ♢Critical)
Some Examples: Fairness 26

Fairness Properties

Often only really useful when scheduling processes, responding

to messages.

Example: Fairness Properties

1 Fairness:: “infinitely often send”

Strong Fairness Properties 27

Strong Fairness Properties

if something is attempted/requested infinitely often, then it will be

successful/allocated infinitely often.

Example: Strong Fairness Properties

1 infinitely often send implies infinitely often recv:

GFsend → GFrecv

□♢send → □♢recv
□♢ready ⇒ □♢run
Equivalences in LTL Temporal Operators 28

Equivalences in LTL

The temporal operators □ and ♢ are duals

¬□φ ≡ ♢¬φ

♢(and then □) can be rewritten in terms of U

♢ ≡ ⊤U φ

U and ⃝ Representation

All the temporal operators can be rewritten using the “Until”

and “Next” operators
Distributive Laws for Temporal Operators 29

Distributive Laws for Temporal Operators

1 ♢ distributes over ∨

♢(φ ∨ ψ) ≡ ♢φ ∨ ♢ψ

2 □ distributes over ∧

□(φ ∧ ψ) ≡ □φ ∧ ♢ψ
Negated Normal Form 30

Negated Normal Form

The following equivalences are useful for generating formulas in

Negated Normal Form.

¬ ⃝ φ ≡ ⃝¬φ

¬(φU ψ) ≡ (̸= ψU (¬φ ∧ ¬ψ)) ∨ □¬ψ

LTL Semantics: Intuitions 31

LTL Semantics: Intuitions

LTL is given by the standard boolean logic enhanced with the
following temporal operators, which operate through paths <
s0 , s1 , ..., sk , ... >:
LTL Semantics: Intuitions 32

LTL Semantics: Intuitions

LTL is given by the standard boolean logic enhanced with the
following temporal operators, which operate through paths <
s0 , s1 , ..., sk , ... >:
1 “Next” X: Xφ is true in st iff φ is true in st+1
LTL Semantics: Intuitions 33

LTL Semantics: Intuitions

LTL is given by the standard boolean logic enhanced with the
following temporal operators, which operate through paths <
s0 , s1 , ..., sk , ... >:
1 “Next” X: Xφ is true in st iff φ is true in st+1
2 “Finally” (or “eventually”) F: Fφ is true in st iff φ is true in
some st′ with t′ ≥ t
LTL Semantics: Intuitions 34

LTL Semantics: Intuitions

LTL is given by the standard boolean logic enhanced with the
following temporal operators, which operate through paths <
s0 , s1 , ..., sk , ... >:
1 “Next” X: Xφ is true in st iff φ is true in st+1
2 “Finally” (or “eventually”) F: Fφ is true in st iff φ is true in
some st′ with t′ ≥ t
3 “Globally” (or “henceforth”) G: Gφ is true in st iff φ is true in
all st′ with t′ ≥ t
LTL Semantics: Intuitions 35

LTL Semantics: Intuitions

LTL is given by the standard boolean logic enhanced with the
following temporal operators, which operate through paths <
s0 , s1 , ..., sk , ... >:
1 “Next” X: Xφ is true in st iff φ is true in st+1
2 “Finally” (or “eventually”) F: Fφ is true in st iff φ is true in
some st′ with t′ ≥ t
3 “Globally” (or “henceforth”) G: Gφ is true in st iff φ is true in
all st′ with t′ ≥ t
4 “Until” U: φUψ is true in st iff, for some state st′ s.t t′ ≥ t:
1 ψ is true in st′ and
2 φ is true in all states st′′ s t. t ≤ t′′ < t′
LTL Semantics: Intuitions 36

LTL Semantics: Intuitions

LTL is given by the standard boolean logic enhanced with the
following temporal operators, which operate through paths <
s0 , s1 , ..., sk , ... >:
1 “Next” X: Xφ is true in st iff φ is true in st+1
2 “Finally” (or “eventually”) F: Fφ is true in st iff φ is true in
some st′ with t′ ≥ t
3 “Globally” (or “henceforth”) G: Gφ is true in st iff φ is true in
all st′ with t′ ≥ t
4 “Until” U: φUψ is true in st iff, for some state st′ s.t t′ ≥ t:
1 ψ is true in st′ and
2 φ is true in all states st′′ s t. t ≤ t′′ < t′
5 “Releases” R: φRψ is true in st iff, for all states st′ s.t t′ ≥ t:
1 ψ is true or
2 φ is true in some states st′′ with t ≤ t′′ < t′
LTL Semantics: Intuitions 37

LTL Semantics: Intuitions

LTL is given by the standard boolean logic enhanced with the
following temporal operators, which operate through paths <
s0 , s1 , ..., sk , ... >:
1 “Next” X: Xφ is true in st iff φ is true in st+1
2 “Finally” (or “eventually”) F: Fφ is true in st iff φ is true in
some st′ with t′ ≥ t
3 “Globally” (or “henceforth”) G: Gφ is true in st iff φ is true in
all st′ with t′ ≥ t
4 “Until” U: φUψ is true in st iff, for some state st′ s.t t′ ≥ t:
1 ψ is true in st′ and
2 φ is true in all states st′′ s t. t ≤ t′′ < t′
5 “Releases” R: φRψ is true in st iff, for all states st′ s.t t′ ≥ t:
1 ψ is true or
2 φ is true in some states st′′ with t ≤ t′′ < t′
ψ can become false only if φ becomes true first
LTL Formal Semantics I 38

LTL Formal Semantics

1 LTL properties are evaluated over paths, i.e. over infinite,
linear sequences of states:

π = s0 → s1 → · · · → st → st+1 → . . .

2 Given an infinite sequence π = s0 , s1 , s2 , . . .

1 π, si |= φ if φ is true in state si of π.
2 π |= φ if φ is true in the initial state s0 of π
3 The LTL model checking problem M |= φ
• check if π |= φ for every path π of the Kripke structure M

φ = Fdone
LTL Formal Semantics II 39


φ = Fdone
LTL Formal Semantics 40

LTL Semantics Over Infinite Words

LTL Semantics for infinite words over 2AP

π, si |= a if f a ∈ L(si )
π, si |= ¬φ if f π, si ̸|= φ
π, si |= φ ∧ ψ if f π, si |= φ and π, si |= ψ
π, si |= Xφ if f π, si+1 |= φ
π, si |= Fφ if f f or some j ≥ i : π, sj |= φ
π, si |= Gφ if f f or all j ≥ i : π, sj |= φ
π, si |= φUψ if f f or some j ≥ i : (π, sj |= ψ and
f or all k s.t. i ≤ k < j :πsk |= φ)
Example: Semantics of LTL 41

Example: Semantics of LTL

start s1 s2 s3 start

{a, b} {a, b} {a}

AP = {a, b}
e.g. T S |= □a (or T S |= Ga) : all states are labeled with a
T hus, si |= □a f or i = 1, 2, 3
s1 |= ⃝(a ∧ b) since s2 |= a ∧ b and s2 is the only successor of s1
s2 ̸|= ⃝(a ∧ b) ands3 ̸|= (a ∧ b)
as s3 ∈ P ost(s2 ), s3 ∈ P ost(s3 ) and s3 ̸|= a ∧ b
TS ̸|= ⃝(a ∧ b) as s3 is an initial state f or which s3 ̸|= ⃝(a ∧ b)
Another Example 42

Another Example

start s1 s2 s3 start

{a, b} {a, b} {a}

T S |= □(¬b → □(a ∧ ¬b))
since s3 is the only ¬b state, and a ∧ ¬b ∈ s3
T S ̸|= b ∪ (a ∧ ¬b)
since, initial path (s1 s2 )w does not visit a state for which a ∧ ¬b holds.


(s1 s2 )∗ sw
3 satisf ies b ∪ (a ∧ ¬b)
Practical properties in LTL 43

Practical properties in LTL

• simple reachability ♢ψ
• conditional reachability φ∪ψ
• invariant □φ
Liveness □(φ ⇒ ♢ψ) and others
Fairness □♢φ and others
Length of a Formula 44

Length of a Formula

Let |φ| denote the length of LTL formula φ in terms of the

number of operators in φ.

1 For instance, the length of the formula true and a ∈ AP is 0
2 Formulae ⃝a ∨ b and a ∨ ¬b have length 2, and
3 (⃝a) ∪ (a ∧ ¬b) has length 4.
Semantics over words 45

Semantics over Words

a language that contains all infinite words over the
alphabet 2AP that satisfy φ
Language of W ords(φ)
1 to every LTL formula a single LT property is associated.
2 Then, the semantics is extended to an interpretation over
1 paths and
2 states of a transition system.
Semantics over Words 46

Semantics over Words

Let φ be an LTL formula over AP.
The LT property induced by φ is

W ords(φ) = {σ ∈ (2AP )ω |σ |= φ}

where |=⊆ (2AP )ω × LT L is the smallest relation with the prop-

erties follows
1 for σ = A0 A1 A2 · · · ∈ (2AP )ω
2 σ[j . . . ] = Aj Aj+1 Aj+3 . . . is the suffix of σ starting in the
(j + 1)st symbol Aj

Note that in the definition of the semantics of LTL-formulae the
word fragment σ[j . . . ] cannot be replaced with Aj .
LTL Semantics for infinite words over 2AP I 47

Semantics over Words

σ |= true
σ |= a if f a ∈ A0 (i.e.A0 |= a)
σ |= φ1 ∧ φ2 if f σ |= φ1 and σ |= φ2
σ |= ¬φ if f σ ̸|= φ
σ |= ⃝φ if f σ[1..] = A1 A2 A3 . . . |= φ
σ |= φ1 ∪ φ2 if f ∃j ⩾ 0 σ[j..] |= φ2 and σ[i..] |= φ1 , f or all 0 ⩽ i < j
LTL Semantics for infinite words over 2AP II 48

Semantics over Words

σ |= ψ if f ∃j ≥ 0 : σ[j..] |= ψ
σ |= Gψ if f ∀j ≥ 0 : σ[j..] |= ψ
σ |= GF ψ if f ∀j ≥ 0∃i ≥ j : σ[i..] |= ψ
σ |= F Gψ if f ∃j ≥ 0∀i ≥ j : σ[i..] |= ψ
Semantics over paths, states, and transition systems 49

Semantics over States & Paths

Let T S = (S, σ, T , I, AP , L) be an LTS and φ be an LTL for-

mula over AP .
1 For infinite path π of TS, the traces are the words that
are valid in the states of the path.

π |= φ if f trace(π) |= φ

2 A state s ∈ S satisfies φ all paths from s satisfy φ

s |= φ if f ∀π ∈ P aths(s) |= φ

3 A transition system satisfies φ iff φ holds from the initial


T S |= φ if f T races(T S) ⊆ W ords(φ) if f ∀s0 ∈ I : s0 |= φ

Semantics for ♢ and □ 50

Semantics for ♢ and □

σ |= ♢φ if f ∃j ⩾ 0 : σ[j..] |= φ
σ |= □φ if f ∀j ⩾ 0 : σ[j..] |= φ

The statement for ♢ is immediate from the definition of ♢ and

the semantics of U .
The statement for □ follows from:

σ |= □φ = ¬♢¬φ if f ¬∃j ⩾ 0 : σ[j . . . ] |= ¬φ

if f ¬∃j ⩾ 0 : σ[j . . . ] ̸|= φ
if f ¬∀j ⩾ 0 : σ[j . . . ] |= φ
Semantics of Negation I 51

Semantics of Negation

For paths, it holds π |= φ iff π ̸|= ¬φ since:

W ords(¬φ) ̸≡ (2AP )ω W ords(φ)

Semantics of Negation II 52

Semantics of Negation

However, the statements

T S ̸|= φ ̸≡ T S |= ¬φ

in general. Instead, we have

T S |= ¬φ ⇒ T S ̸|= φ

Note that

T S ̸|= φ if f T races(T S) ̸⊆ W ords(φ)

if f T races(T S)\W ords(φ) ̸= ∅
if f T races(T S) ∩ W ords(¬φ) ̸= ∅
Semantics of Negation III 53

Semantics of Negation

T S neither satisfies φ nor ¬φ if there are

paths π1 and π2 in TS such that

π1 |= φ and π2 |= ¬φ
References 54

1 Principles of Model Checking, Christel Baier, Joost-Pieter Katoen,

MIT Press 2008.
2 Reactive Systems Modelling, Specification and Verification Luca
Aceto, et al, Cambridge University Press, 2007
3 Slides on Modelling, Specification and Verification of Reactive Systems
4 Slides by Daniel Shahaf: on Temporal Logics I: Theory,
After all... tomorrow is another day.
(Scarlett O’Hara, “Gone with the Wind”)

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