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Teaching Writing Skills - Lesson 7

Productive Skills Lesson Plan (Writing Skills Demonstration Lesson_Product Writing) 

Stage and aim  Time and interaction  Procedure  


Introduce the topic  5 mins   

To engage students  T-S  ● Teacher ​asks the students to​ ​tell their partners about how they celebrate New Year in 
with the topic of the    their country. 
lesson.    ● Teacher plays some background Christmas music to get the students in the right 
S-S  Pairs discuss 
T-S  Feedback to the class​. Students share with the whole class what they were talking about or 
  what their partners told them. 

Brainstorm vocabulary  10 mins   

and ideas  T-S  ● Teacher regroups students. (same nationalities or ones from the same continent in 
To ensure students    one group) 
have enough    ● Students ​brainstorm vocabulary related to New Year celebrations. 
vocabulary to do the     
writing task. To draw on  S-S-S  Group work 
others’ ideas.     
T-S  Feedback to the class: ​Students collect all the vocabulary on the board using a mind map. 

First draft  10 mins   

To get students to  T-S  Working on 1st draft  
write, and organise    ● Teacher asks students to work as a group and write individual sentences about New 
their ideas into    Year celebrations in their country.  
sentences    ● Students are encouraged to use the vocabulary on the board and their own ideas. 

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Teaching Writing Skills - Lesson 7

  ● Teacher monitors the groups closely, supporting them, giving suggestions, offering 
  new vocabulary where needed. 
S-S-S  Group work 
S-S-S  Feedback and peer correction: ​Each group of students exchange their papers with another 
group and the new group checks the sentences for mistakes and adds suggestions. 

Second draft  15 mins   

To improve students’  T-S  Editing 
writing based on    ● Groups swap their writing back. 
feedback and to    ● Groups are asked to improve their sentences based on the other group’s suggestions. 
organise ideas into    ● Teacher asks students to brainstorm how to connect the original sentences and 
paragraphs     organise them into coherent paragraphs in order to write a longer essay. 
  ● Encourage students to discuss ideas and agree on the content of each paragraph. 
  ● Teacher monitors the groups closely, supporting them, giving suggestions, offering 
  new vocabulary where needed. 
S-S-S  Group work 
S-S-S  Feedback to the class:  
● Groups swap the completed paragraphs.  
● The new group provides feedback on the language and the mistakes, as well as on the 
organisation of the text, including suggestions for the opening and closing 

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Teaching Writing Skills - Lesson 7

Review – Final version  10 mins   

To further improve the  T-S  Working on final draft  
previous draft based on    Groups swap their paragraphs back. 
feedback. To prepare    Teacher asks the students to rewrite the text to include the suggestions made by the other 
the final draft    group. 
  Teacher monitors the groups closely, supporting them, giving suggestions, offering new 
  vocabulary where needed. 
S-S-S  Group work 
  Feedback to the class: ​Teacher regroups students in a way that each group has a student 
S-S-S  from all the other groups and students read their pieces of writing to each other in their new 
  Teacher takes essays home to mark them. 

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