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Expedition Proposal

Maxwell B Brule

Red Rocks Community College

English Composition 2

Jeninne Tetamore

September 18, 2022


In my expedition I will be researching the following, what can we all benefit from having

and taking care of houseplants? I am particularly fond of this topic, I myself have fifteen house

plants which I like to collect. For me houseplants are so much more than decorations. I love the

rewarding process of taking care of them and getting to see how the plants grow and adapt. They

have taught me to have more patience and helped me develop a much better day to day routine. I

am so fascinated by all of the diverse genus and appearances of different plants, I like to look at

all the varying characteristics and qualities they have. From this expedition I hope to learn more

about the scientific benefits houseplants can have on us as individuals and possibly on much

larger scales such as the environment as well as more about plants themselves and the cause for

many oddities and questions I’ve gathered from having some. I also hope to become more

familiar with the APA format as I’ve mostly done MLA in the past and hope to further my

understanding of how to utilize it. Additionally I want to develop better writing habits

throughout the semester while expanding my experience with different genres to express myself


Firstly, the annotated bibliographies will continue to be useful through this expedition as

a good point to come back to if I ever struggle with content to write or evidence to support my

topic. These will be used to also strengthen my position as I continue my research and further my

understanding of what I want the end goal to look like. As far as my current understanding of the

workplace and technical genres goes, I believe this will be a more professional analysis of the

subject and maybe some of the applications. Using this genre I will likely explore how to present

my information about my topic in an effective and efficient way. The workplace and technical

genres all seem to be about finding a method of displaying information in an effective way that

grabs attention or gets to the directive. This will be helpful to gain experience in doing exactly

that, providing information quickly and getting the point across. The academic and research

based genres will be where I can really delve into the science of the benefits of houseplants. In

the two sources I’ve already found there was plenty of scientific analysis and use of gathered

data to produce the conclusions and summaries that I mostly focused on for the discussion posts

and other assignments at this point in the semester. These projects will help me develop my

scientific synthesis of data and applications of findings to benefit my position. This will also

further my fundamental analysis and comprehension skills. Additionally, I believe these

assignments will also make me more accustomed to using various genres to display the messages

I need. With the workplace and technical genres I want to challenge myself to attempt a new

genre I haven’t tried before, this will be an excellent learning experience from which I can

familiarize myself with a wider spectrum of genres/methods of written or typed composition.

Simply sticking to a google document won’t broaden my horizons, I want to try more.

My main audience I’ll be catering to will be young adults and teens. The current target

market for house plants is Millennials and some of Gen Z, however, this is not to say that having

house plants has only recently become popular. Plenty of older generations have indoor plants

but for the purposes of my expedition I will mainly focus on the younger generations and have

slight undertones of hope for the future with plants. With this audience in mind, the concepts

mentioned in the previous paragraph of getting to the point and grabbing attention will be crucial

to the effectiveness of my work. I need to grab the attention of individuals and point them in the

direction of plants which some may easily dismiss, but if done right, it will succeed. This

audience will also be a great reminder to keep my points long enough to present the information

I need while still keeping it concise.


One of the biggest possible obstacles this semester would be my work schedule. I am

currently working more hours each week than I am attending school so I will need to value my

time and work on procrastinating less to accomplish what I must with the time I allot. I’ve found

that when I plan ahead my schedule it becomes less sudden and a burden but rather something I

know has been coming up and in some cases can actually look forward to doing the work. This

will be extremely beneficial to my success. Through the years I’ve found great ways to relieve

stress, some of which are listening to music, exercising, or going for a drive. I’ve found these

always help me gather my thoughts and clear my head of irrational emotions. I not only hope to

learn composition but also researching skills, reading comprehension, and how to more

professionally explain my thoughts. I’m hoping to bring the skills learned in this class to

anywhere else I can apply them, being able to coherently express myself.

Plants can benefit us each individually but also more as a whole, I am going to find out

how. What can we all benefit from having and taking care of houseplants? Having something

that can help us lower stress as well as clean our air sounds excellent, and if I can convince

others to share the same passion or even just curiosity then it will all be worth it in my eyes. I am

going to cover many services indoor plants can fulfill and discover new ones throughout the

proceeding time spent with this topic. My proposal is to bring global awareness from the simple

plants we can live with, to show how much of a positive effect they can have on each aspect of

our lives.

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