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Daily routine

Task 1. Read, think and answer the questions below.

Part 1:
1. When do you wake up?
So, I’m a morning person, and I tend to wake up at crack of dawn- at
around 6 o’clock. I formed this habit as a child, and it helps me have more
time and stay healthier.
2. What is your daily routine?
Well, first, I take a shower when I get up, and then I have breakfast with
toasted bread with cheese, butter, and honey. Because I am teaholic, I rarely
forget to make tea with different herbs like clove, thyme and cinnamon.
When it comes to my morning exercise, I’m into jogging and strolling along
the promenade until 10 o’clock. Then I return home and take a quick shower
before going to work. I’d have to say that although my work fills a large part
of my day, I still try to spend time with my family. So, we all together go out
and meet up with our friends, especially at the weekend.
3. What part of the day do you like most?
Off the top of my head, it is the first part of the day from 8 to 12 that I like the
best if we are talking about weekdays. The key reason is that we have more
time to spend together and explore different parts of the city. Not only this, I
have a chance to do weekly shopping and fix any problems at home.
4. Do you think it is important to have a daily routine?
I personally find it so important for some reasons. Most
importantly, you can avoid doing things spontaneously. Otherwise,
there can be a risk of daily stress and strain when you fail to
manage your time. It is not only you but also your family and friends
that feel happy to spend time with you thanks to your well-planned

1. What is the busiest part of the day for you?

I am a procrastinator, so I tend to get extremely busy at night, when all

my work piles up. I love working at those hours though, because no
motivation is as good as the urge to sleep.

2. What part of your day do you like best?

My favourite time of the day would be 7 p.m., which is when I come back
from work and gather around the dinner table with my family. Seeing them
after a long hard-working day can help me feel recharged, so I look
forward to this time of the day the most.

3. Do you usually have the same routine every day?

Answer 1: I used to, back when I was still a student. Now that I have
started working, I don’t have a fixed schedule anymore. Since my working
time is quite flexible, there are days I can just sleep in, but there are also
days I have to wake up really early in the morning.

Answer 2: Pretty much yeah, although there’s a slight change on Sunday.

I usually wake up really late on Sunday and I don’t have any coffee either. I
just want to spend my weekend in my warm bed.

4. What is your daily routine?

Answer 1: My daily activities depend on my work schedule, so nothing is

fixed. The only routine I never skip is writing in a diary, which gives me time
to reflect on my day.

Answer 2: I’m an early riser so I wake up at around 6 o’clock, then I have a

cup of coffee 30 minutes after that before I go to the gym. I stay at home
for pretty much the whole afternoon and I teach English classes in the
5. Have you ever changed your routine?

Yes, I am trying to change my sleeping habit. In the past, I pulled a lot of

all-nighters, and would often doze off in class during the day. These days,
I force myself to go to bed early, and you know what, I have never felt so
refreshed in the morning!

6. Do you think it is important to have a daily routine?

Answer 1: I honestly think it is essential to have a daily routine. Human

bodies have a biological clock that works according to routine. By sticking
to that fixed schedule, we can prevent our body from getting shock.

Answer 2: It’s not something that a person can’t live without I think. It’s
important to me but it doesn’t mean that everyone should follow a routine
everyday. It’s fun to have changes once in a while.

7. What would you like to change in your daily routine?

If time permits, I would love to make exercise a part of my daily routine.

It’s not like I am not aware of the wonders exercise can do to my health, I
just can’t seem to fit a workout into my tight schedule.

8. What is the busiest part of the day for you?

It’s the evening. All of my English classes are in the evening, 7 days a week.
In the morning and the afternoon, I just spend my time relaxing by going to
the gym or playing computer games.

9. What part of your day do you like best?

Probably the morning. I do exercise regularly in my room when the sun

rises, and sometimes I go to the gym. What’s best about the morning is
coffee time. I just love it because coffee keeps me active all day long.
10. What would you like to change in your day to day routine?

Well if I can, I want to cancel 1 or 2 classes in the evening because I

really could use some nights to go around the city. Working 7 days a week is
not a great idea.

Note: These questions will be used in our class discussions on a

regular basis!

Tops to boost your score

Tip 1: Use the tense form correctly. For example, If the question is
about the past time, don’t use present simple or others.
Question: Where did you travel last Saturday?
Correct: I travelled to the north of the city to do some sightseeing.
Incorrect: I travel to the north of the city to do some sightseeing.

Tip 2: Use cohesive devices to sound natural and organized:

Opinion: In my opinion, I guess, from my perspective, what I believe is
that…, I’d have to say, … , I think so..

Agreeing: I totally agree… I see eye to eye with you.. , I couldn’t agree
Disagreeing: I totally disagree.. I’m afraid I don’t share the same
I couldn’t disagree more.. I don’t think so..
Giving reasons/ sequence of points: The major point is that… The key
reason is that… Most importantly, … On top of this, .. Not only this, …
Fillers: Well,…/ Ok,…/ So,…/ Now,…/ Basically, …/ Obviously,…/ just..

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