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W. H . GRIGGS * B. T.


A LMOND GROWERS frequently ask how

long almond flowers can be effec-
tively cross pollinated after opening. All
almond varieties grown in California re-
quire cross pollination by honeybees to
produce a crop. Since the important al-
mond varieties usually start blooming
during warm weather in February, the
bloom period is often interrupted and
prolonged by inclement weather. During
these intervals pollinizing insects may
not be active and any flowers that were
open but not cross pollinated before the
severe weather are lost unless they re-
main receptive until the weather is again
favorable for insect activity. The cross
pollination of flowers that open during
periods of warm rains or strong winds
may also be delayed.
Eight branches were tagged on each of
three mature Nonpareil trees in the Uni-
versity orchard at Davis to determine
the length of the period of receptivity of
almond flowers. The flowers on one
branch on each tree were counted to give
the percentage of fruit set resulting from
natural cross pollination. The Nonpareil
trees were interplanted with pollinizing
varieties and an adequate supply of
honeybees was provided. Flowers on the
remaining branches were emasculated
Almond flowers are most receptive to effective cross pollination for a day or two after February 20, 1963, when most were in
they open and remain receptive for only three or four days, under favarable weather the “popcorn” stage with the petals near
conditions. full size, but not yet separated to open
(see illustration).
During favorable weather, such flowers
will open in from one to three days. In
the emasculation procedure, the petals.
anthers, a n d most of the floral tube are

removed, leaving the pistil exposed. Since
pollinating insects are only attracted to
the resplendent flower parts, the emascu-
lated ones are safe from uncontrolled pol-
lination. ”
The emasculated flowers on one of the
branches on each tree were used as con-
is critical f o r trols (not pollinated). Flowers on the
other branches were cross pollinated with
Jordanolo pollen, known to be cross com-
patible with Nonpareil, after different
EFFECTIVE intervals of time, as shown in the table.
The pollen was obtained by removing the
anthers from Jordanolo flowers and hold-
CROSS POLLINATION ing them in the laboratory until they shed
their pollen. The pollen was applied to
the stigmas of the emasculated Nonpareil

OF ALMOND FLOWERS flowers with a fire-polished glass rod.

Weather throughout the pollination
and fruit setting period of the Nonpareil
almond was ideal for the experiment. On
February 20 the minimum temperature


ranged in the high 60's with a maximum ALMOND FLOWERS, 1963
of 69'F. The mild weather continued Days Number
and there was no rain until March 7. between Number of fruit
Treatments/on each of emoscuta- of flowers set per
Frosts occurred March 15 and 18, but three trees tion and under test 100 flowers
oollination (Mav 13)
the developing fruit was not injured. The
Natural pollination 833 20.1
percentages of fruit set were based on
Emasculated controls
final counts made on May 13, after the (not pa IIinated) 586 0.0
normal period of fruit drop. Date Date cross
emosculated pollinated
The blossoms that were cross pollinated
Feb. 20 Feb. 20 326 18.4
February 23, three days after emascula- Feb. 20 Feb. 21 441 18.3
tion, gave a significantly higher fruit set Feb. 20 Feb. 23 386 30.2
Feb. 20 Feb. 25 375 21.2
(30.2%) than those under any of the Feb. 20 Feb. 27 415 1.1
other treatments (see table). Since the Feb. 20 Mar. 1 410 0.5
flowers were emasculated from one to
three days before they would have opened
normally, February 22 could be consid- linated until seven or more days after The results indicate that under weather
ered the average date of flower opening. emasculation (comparable to five or more conditions favorable for natural cross
Cross pollination on February 23, three days after flower opening), fruit set was pollination, almond flowers are most re-
days after emasculation, was comparable, practically nil. ceptive to effective cross pollination for
therefore, to cross pollination one day Flowers cross pollinated the same day a day or two after they open, and remain
after normal flower opening. Apparently, they were emasculated, February 20, or receptive for only three or four days. The
this was the time the pistil was most re- one day later, February 21 (comparable results also corroborate the conclusions
ceptive. When cross pollination was de- to cross pollination two days and one day of previous workers regarding the length
layed until February 25, five days after before the flowers would have opened), of the period of receptivity. For example,
emasculation (comparable to cross polli- gave lower fruit sets than those pollinated tests with the apple have shown that pol-
nation three days after normal flower February 23. This showed a lower recep- lination must occur within two to four
opening), fruit set was significantly re- tivity of immature almond pistils to pollen days following the opening of a flower, if
duced. When flowers were not cross pol- germination and fertilization. a high percentage is to set fruit.
Previous studies at Davis have shown
that any reduction in total number of al-
Flowering shoot of the almond, to left in drawing, shows third and mond flowers due to frost, disease or in-
fourth blossoming buds from the tip are in the "popcorn" stage and sect attack, caustic sprays, etc., or reduc-
ideal for emasculating. Emasculated almond flower showing exposed tion in the proportion of flowers cross
pistil and base of the floral tube, and peduncle, is seen to right above. pollinated, causes a reduction in the final
Lengthwise section of almond flower is seen to right, below. fruit set and yield. Although the almond
normally produces many more flowers
than develop into mature fruit, the loss
of a portion of the flowers or the failure
of a portion to be cross pollinated is not
adequately compensated for by an in-
crease in the set of-those remaining. For
R maximum crops, therefore, essentially
100% of the flowers should be cross pol-
Since a profitable almond crop depends
upon cross pollination of practically all
flowers, and each flower is receptive for
only three or four days, it is essential that
the grower maintain adequate comhina-
tions of cross-compatible varieties and
provides an abundant supply of honey-
bees. The importance of strong colonies
of honeybees for the almond orchard can-
not be overemphasized since almonds
bloom at a time when temperatures favor-
able for effective bee activity are gener-
ally restricted to one to three hours at
William H . Griggs is Professor, and
Ben T . lwakiri is Laboratory Technician,
Pomology Department, University of
California, Davis.


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