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1<question>Use was/were or wasn’t/weren’t: We weren’t happy with the hotel.

Our room … very small and it …clean.

2<question>Use was/were or wasn’t/weren’t: Mark … at work last week because
he … ill. He’s better now.
3<question>Use was/were or wasn’t/weren’t: Yesterday …a public holiday, so the
banks …closed. They’re open today.
4<question>Use was/were or wasn’t/weren’t: … Kate and Bill at the party? –
Kate …there, but Bill … .
5<question>Use was/were or wasn’t/weren’t: Where are my keys? – I don’t know.
They … on the table, but they’re not there now.
6<question>Use was/were or wasn’t/weren’t: You … at home last night. Where…
7<question>Use could/couldn’t + verb: I was tired, but I (sleep, work, help, run) .
8<question>Use could/couldn’t + verb: I wasn’t hungry yesterday. I (cook, eat,
order, finish) my dinner.
9<question>Use could/couldn’t + verb: When I was young, I (play tennis, jump,
run, speak) fast.
10<question>Use could/couldn’t + verb: When my son was two years old, he
(walk, drive, speak, read, play violin).
11<question>Use could/couldn’t + verb: James (enjoy, see, go, visit, watch) to the
concert last Sunday. He was busy.
12<question>Use the proper verb in the correct form: It was hot in the room, so
I___the window. (open, close)
13<question>Use the proper verb in the correct form: We___our holiday last year.
We ___at a very nice place. (stay, enjoy)
14<question>Use the proper verb in the correct form: When I was a child, I ___to
be a doctor. (want, decide, agree)
15<question>Use the proper verb in the correct form: It is a nice day today, but
yesterday it ____all day.(rain)
16<question>Use the proper verb in the correct form: We went to the cinema, but
the film wasn’t very good. We ____it.(enjoy, see)
17<question>Use the proper verb in the correct form: _____yesterday? – No, it
was a nice day. (rain, sunny)
18<question>Use the proper verb in the correct form: We were tired, so we …
long at the party. (stay, wait)
19<question>Use the proper verb in the correct form: We arrived at the railway
station by taxi. – How much … for taxi? (pay, spend)
20<question>Use the proper verb in the correct form: He ____some new clothes
yesterday – two shirts, a jacket and a pullover. (buy)
21<question>Choose the right preposition: Were you … home yesterday morning?
(at, in, for, on, of, with)
22<question>Choose the right preposition: Usually I walk to school … my own.
23<question>Choose the right preposition: Harry waited … me at the café.
24<question>Choose the right preposition: Last night we watched TV … a long
25<question> Read the text and complete the following sentence.
Children’s parties are getting very expensive in the UK today. Everyone likes a
party, especially when it’s a child’s birthday. A birthday is a very important day in
the year. Children love the presents, the cards and the party. The problem is… the
It’s like a competition for the children and the parents. The children want to invite
ALL their friends, not only one or two. They want a big cake not a small one, new
clothes and wonderful games.
Today on their birthday children like_____.
26 <question> Read the text and complete the following sentence.
They want their party to be special. The parents have to spend a lot of money on all
these things. Some parents pay a party planner to organise their child’s party. That
is very expensive. It is very popular today to have a special children’s show at the
Parents pay a party planner to______.
27<question>Choose the right variant: You can catch a train at the ….
28<question>Choose the right variant: You can park your car in the …
29<question> Read the text and complete the following sentence.
They want their party to be special. The parents have to spend a lot of money on all
these things. Some parents pay a party planner to organise their child’s party. That
is very expensive. It is very popular today to have a special children’s show at the
It is very popular today to ______.
30<question>Choose the right variant: You can get information about interesting
places at the …
31<question>Choose the right variant: You can borrow money at the …
32<question>Choose the right variant: Where can you see the Statue of Liberty?
33<question>Choose the right variant: What can you see at Madame Tussauds?
(wax models of the world’s famous people, famous paintings, modern art
Egyptian mummies, exhibition of butterflies)
34<question>Choose the right variant: What is London Eye?
(a wheel of observation, cinema, tower, monument, part of London)
35<question>Choose the right variant: Which part of London is full of theatres,
cinemas, museums and great restaurants?
(City, West End, East End, Westminster, Manhattan)
36<question>Complete the sentence: Pablo Picasso was Spanish, but he …most of
his life in France .
(teach, see, spend, bring, win, fight, catch, be born, work, die, write)
37<question>Complete the sentence: Yasser Arafat …. the Nobel Peace Prize in
38<question>Complete the sentence: Before the rock star Sting became famous, he
… English in a secondary school.
39<question>Complete the sentence: The Spanish ….tobacco from South America
in the sixteenth century.
40<question>Complete the sentence: My dad … Arsenal play Chelsea when he
was in London.
41<question>Complete the sentence: Martin Luther King ….for the rights of black
42<question>Complete the sentence: I arrived at the railway station late, but I
….the train.
43<question>Complete the sentence: John Lennon …. in Liverpool in the family
of a worker.
44<question> Complete the sentence: W.A. Mozart …music when he was 5.
45<question>Complete the sentence: Lennon… in 1980. He was shot by Mark
46<question>Complete the sentence: After the university my dad ….. as a teacher
at school.
47<question>Read the text and match the jobs with the descriptions..
The worst job
We asked several young people, ‘What do you think is the worst job?’ Here are
their answers. Do you agree with them?
This is probably the worst job in the world! I feel sick when I think about it!
You’re up so high and there’s air all around you. Then they pull you up and let you
go down. Wow – I’m never going to do anything like that!
(rubbish collector, high-rise window, cleaner, actor, farmer, insect-house zoo
48 <question>Read the text and match the jobs with the descriptions..
The hours are terrible. You have to get up really early when it’s dark and go to bed
early. You have to go out when it’s cold and rainy and you get very dirty too. I’m
going to get a job indoors.
49<question>Read the text and match the jobs with the descriptions..
Oh – can you imagine? There are spiders and horrible little things all round you,
everywhere! Some of them are really dangerous too and you have to feed them
and touch them and clean out their boxes! No thank you. I think I’ll work in an
50<question>Read the text and match the jobs with the descriptions.
I’m sure the smell is awful. The food stays in the bags for days or even weeks
and you have to pick up the bags and carry them. Uggh! Sometimes the bags
break and you have to clean up all the mess. I think the people who do this job
should earn lots and lots of money.
51<question>Read the text and match the jobs with the descriptions.
I like watching plays and films but you’ll never see me on a stage. It’s too
frightening and I’m sure it’s very hard to learn all the words. Everyone’s looking
at you and waiting for you to make a mistake. But I admire people who can do
52<question>Read the text and answer the following question.
A near accident
Pam Tyler has just returned from a winter holiday and has a story to tell about a
very near accident.
Pam travelled with her husband, Steve, and her two children, Kev and Lucy.
They were very happy when they started the journey. ‘The children were so
excited,’ says Pam. ‘Christmas with lots of snow. It was the perfect holiday!’
Why were the children excited about the holiday?.
53<question>Read the text and answer the following question.
Suddenly she saw a red light and stopped quickly. She was just past the light.
Steve shouted, ‘Drive!’
‘But it’s red,’ said Pam.
‘Just drive!’ Steve shouted. ‘Now!’
Pam drove and a few seconds later a tram passed behind them. The red light was
there to stop the cars when the trams passed. In the snow Pam stopped the car after
the light and she stopped ON the tram lines. Luckily, Steve saw the tram and saved
their lives!
‘There aren’t any trams in my town in England,’ says Pam. ‘I didn’t know about
the tram lines. We nearly died. We were very lucky. Of course, Steve drove for the
rest of the holiday!’
What did Pam see and what did she do?
54<question>Complete the sentence with the right verb: Hi Daniel. How are you?
Are you going ____ (come) to my party next week?
55<question>Complete the sentence with the right verb: It_________ (be) really
good fun. I want to have some great music.
56<question>Complete the sentence with the right verb: I ______(find) a good DJ.
57<question>Complete the sentence with the right verb: My parents _______ (pay)
for the food and drink.
58<question>Complete the sentence with the right verb: They _______(fly) to
Vancouver next week.
59<question>Choose the right form of the adjective: Your car is _____
(expensive) than mine.
60<question>Choose the right form of the adjective: I’m the ________(happy)
person in the world!
61<question>Choose the right form of the adjective: She’s the _______ (good)
swimmer in the class.
62<question>Choose the right form of the adjective: It’s ________ (hot) in Italy
than in Norway.
63<question>Choose the right form of the adjective: Winter is the _______
(dangerous) time of the year for some animals.
64<question>Choose the right form of the adjective: The ______ planet in the
solar system is Jupiter
(cold, large, high, long, popular, salty)
65<question>Choose the right form of the adjective: The ______ continent in the
world is Antarctica
66<question>Choose the right form of the adjective: The ______ mountain in the
world is Mount Everest
67<question>Choose the right form of the adjective: The _______ sea in the world
is Dead Sea.
68<question> Read the text and complete the following sentence.
Matt Kelsall and his wife are organising a party for their daughter, Katy. ‘It’s
crazy,’ says Mark. ‘But all her friends have big, expensive parties and we have to
organise a big party too! She’s only three years old. What about when she’s a
Matt is organising a big party because______.
69<question>Make the sentence negative: We’ve bought a new car.
70<question>Make the sentence interrogative: She has seen the Queen.
71<question>Complete the sentence: I ……my homework yet.
72<question>Complete the definition: A nurse is a person who ….
(works in the countryside and have animals, builds houses, serves you in a
restaurant, cares for people who are ill, serves you in a shop, works in a restaurant
73<question>Complete the definition: A waiter is a person who ….
74<question>Complete the definition: A farmer is a person who ….
75<question>Complete the definition: A chef is a person who …..

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