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Int J Appl 

Earth Obs Geoinformation 77 (2019) 119–128

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Elevation-dependent warming of land surface temperatures in the Andes T

assessed using MODIS LST time series (2000–2017)

Jaime Aguilar-Lomea, , Raúl Espinoza-Villara,b,c, Jhan-Carlo Espinozab,d, Joel Rojas-Acuñaa,
Bram Leo Willemsc, Walter-Martín Leyva-Molinaa,c
Laboratorio de Teledetección, Facultad de Ciencias Físicas, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, Peru
Instituto Geofísico del Perú (IGP), Lima, Peru
Centro de Competencias del Agua (CCA), Lima, Peru
Univ. Grenoble Alpes, IRD, CNRS, Grenoble INP, Institut des Géosciences de l'Environnement (IGE, UMR 5001), 38000 Grenoble, France


Keywords: In this study, we report on the assessment of elevation-dependent warming processes in the Andean region
Tropical Andes between 7 °S and 20 °S, using Land Surface Temperature (LST). Remotely sensed LST data were obtained from
Land surface warming Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) sensor in an 8-day composite, at a 1 km resolution,
Remote sensing and from 2000 to 2017 during austral winter (June-July-August, JJA). We analysed the relation between mean
High mountains
monthly daytime LST and mean monthly maximum air temperature. This relation is analysed for different types
of coverage, obtaining a significant correlation that varies from 0.57 to 0.82 (p < 0.01). However, effects of
change in land cover were ruled out by a previous comparative assessment of trends in daytime LST and nor-
malized difference vegetation index (NDVI). The distribution of the winter daytime LST trend was found to be
increasing in most areas, while decreasing in only a few areas. This trend shows that winter daytime LST is
increasing at an average rate of 1.0 °C/decade. We also found that the winter daytime LST trend has a clear
dependence on elevation, with strongest warming effects at higher elevations: 0.50 °C/decade at
1000–1500 masl, and 1.7 °C/decade above 5000 masl. However, the winter nighttime LST trend shows a steady
increase with altitude increase. The dependence of rising temperature trends on elevation could have severe
implications for water resources and high Andean ecosystems.

1. Introduction for 1950–1994 (Vuille and Bradley, 2000; Vuille et al., 2003). In the
Amazonian-Andean basin of Peru, Lavado et al. (2013) showed an
An upward trend in air temperature over high-elevation regions has upward trend in the average air temperature of 0.009 °C/year for the
attracted much attention within the scientific community in recent period 1965-2007. Huayao station (in Huancayo, Peru) has one of the
years (Pepin and Lundquist, 2008; Fan et al., 2015; Vuille et al., 2015). longest records of maximum air temperature (1921-present) in the
The Andes are the most important mountain range in the Southern Central Peruvian Andes. The trend analysis of the referred variable
Hemisphere, with a maximum elevation of more than 6000 masl in recorded at this station showed an increase of 0.024 °C/year between
tropical and subtropical sections. The Andes represent, therefore, a 1950 and 2002 (IGP, 2005b) and of 0.03 °C/year between 1965 and
formidable obstacle to the tropospheric flow promoting tropical-extra- 2006 (SENAMHI, 2011).
tropical flow interactions, especially along their eastern flank Analysis of temperature as a function of elevation in the tropical
(Garreaud, 2009; Garreaud et al., 2009). Andes shows continuous warming at higher elevations during the
The limited availability of weather station data reveals several period 1950–2010 (Vuille et al., 2015). These changes in air tempera-
patterns of climate change in the Tropical Andes during the twentieth ture could significantly modify the hydrological cycle in mountains
century. At the regional scale, substantial evidence is reported for the (Nijssen et al., 2001). Thus, in the tropical Andes, a significant decrease
warming of air temperature by 0.01 °C/year between 1939 and 2006 in glacier mass balance has been reported and many glaciers could
(Vuille et al., 2008). This heating rate is similar to rates recorded in disappear in the coming decades, especially those below 5400 masl
earlier studies, 0.010-0.011 °C/year for 1939–1998 and 0.015 °C/year (Rabatel et al., 2013; Yarleque et al., 2018). Glacier retreat in the Andes

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (J. Aguilar-Lome).
Received 16 April 2018; Received in revised form 22 December 2018; Accepted 28 December 2018
Available online 12 January 2019
0303-2434/ © 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
J. Aguilar-Lome et al. Int J Appl  Earth Obs Geoinformation 77 (2019) 119–128

is more evident during El Niño years, which induces higher air tem- year). This decrease in snow cover is correlated with a decrease in
peratures than normal (Rabatel et al., 2013). Nevertheless, apart from precipitation and an increase in temperature; the correlation values
air temperature, the relationship between local/regional climate and vary according to latitude and elevation. Thus, it is possible to assess
glacier retreat responds to many other factors (Sicart et al., 2008, the effect of climate change on snow cover by using data processing
2015). Rangwala and Miller (2012) discussed mechanisms which in- from a weather station and remote sensors.
crease air temperature at high elevations; these include albedo-snow In this study, we analysed austral winter data (June-July-August,
feedback, cloud feedback, water vapor feedback and aerosol feedback. JJA) in the Peruvian Andes because this season is characterized by the
As for the extent to which these mechanisms may be relevant to the highest incidence of radiative frost across the region, associated with
Andean region in terms of future availability of water resources is not low cloud cover, low atmospheric humidity and low soil moisture
yet fully known (Vuille et al., 2015; Buytaert et al., 2017; Vuille et al., (Saavedra and Takahashi, 2017; IGP, 2005a); whereas in other seasons
2018). the presence of clouds in the region generates numerous missing and
Land Surface Temperature (LST) is an essential parameter of phy- abnormal values that affect the application of MODIS LST data (see
sical processes occurring on the Earth's surface at global and regional Figure A.1 in the supplementary figures).
scales. Variations in LST are a response to several surface-atmosphere Given these findings, and that little is known about LST trends in the
interactions, which includes energy flows between the atmosphere and tropical Andes, this paper aims to: i) assess the relationship between
the surface of the Earth (Wan and Dozier, 1996). LST provides in- mean monthly LST and mean monthly maximum air temperature per
formation about temporal and spatial variations in the balance of land cover type, during the period 2000–2015 (JJA), ii) assess the
temperature of the soil surface and is important for environmental austral winter (JJA) trends of daytime LST in the tropical Andes during
studies and management of water resources (Li et al., 2013). Due to its the period 2000–2017, and iii) analyse the relationship between the
importance, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) LST trend and elevation, using winter daytime and nighttime LST data.
recommended including long-term LST data, based on satellite remote
sensing, in global warming studies. This would help to overcome lim- 2. Materials and methods
itations typically found in conventional air temperature recorded at
weather stations (Houghton et al., 2001) in a time period restricted to 2.1. Study area
the satellite era. Quin et al. (2009) analysed warming as a function of
the elevation using nighttime LST data from images gallery Terra/ The study area is the tropical Andean region between 7 °S and 20 °S,
MODIS on the Tibet Plateau (China) for the period of 2000-2006. This above 1000 masl (Fig. 1). This region includes the South American
study showed a rise in the rate of temperature at 3000 to 4800 masl. Altiplano (15° and 21 °S) and Lake Titicaca, which is on this plain.
Salama et al. (2012) analysed LST anomalies trend, retrieved from the Between 3000 and 3500 masl in the study area, there is a biome zone
SSM/I (Special Microwave Imager) sensor on the Tibet Plateau for the called Puna, which is distinguished by a thermal and latitudinal limit
period 1987-2008. This trend analysis showed that the monthly and from other biomes such as Páramo and Jalca (Cuesta et al., 2009; Josse
annual standardized anomalies are changing at a rate of 0.05 °C/year. et al., 2009). The dry highlands in the southern part of Peru and Bolivia
Recently, Mao et al. (2017) reported that during the period 2001–2012, are highly seasonal, with their hydrological behavior controlled by
the LST is increasing slightly in the Southern Hemisphere, although this rainfall variability (Garreaud, 2009; Ochoa-Tocachi et al., 2016). Sev-
increase is insignificant. eral studies have shown that there is no clear relationship between
MODIS LST data has been frequently used to estimate air tem- rainfall amount and altitude (Espinoza et al., 2009; Lavado et al.,
perature (Vancutsem et al., 2010; Zhang et al., 2016; Yang et al., 2017). 2013). In addition, extreme precipitation events are observed on the
Shen and Leptoukh (2011) indicated that LST and air temperature have eastern side of the Andes Mountain range, where precipitation ranges
a close connection due to heat exchange between land and air. from 250 to 6000 mm/year within a radius of a few kilometers
Mildrexler et al. (2011) found a strong positive correlation between the (Espinoza et al., 2015; Chavez and Takahashi, 2017; Junquas et al.,
annual maximum LST from Aqua/MODIS and annual maximum air 2018).
temperature globally. Further, they indicated that in barren areas like The tropical Andes are characterized by a complex topography,
shrublands, grasslands, savannas and croplands the annual maximum diverse climatic conditions and extraordinary biodiversity in their
LST values range from 10°C to 20°C, which is hotter than the corre- ecosystems. In addition, they are constituted by three biogeographical
sponding annual maximum air temperature at higher elevations. zones (Josse et al., 2009):
Regarding the MODIS LST and the air temperature relationship in
snow-capped sub-Artic mountains, Williamson et al. (2017) found that 1) Humid Puna, is distributed from northern Peru to the central-eastern
the LST average is 5–7 °C, which is colder than both the downscaled and side of the Andes mountains in Bolivia, and includes the Lake
MODIS temperature products for grid cells with > 90% snow cover. Titicaca basin. This biogeographic zone covers a wide altitudinal
Although LST and air temperature are strongly correlated (Benali et al., range, from 2000 masl in the inter-Andean valleys to more than
2012). Pepin et al. (2016) showed in their findings that LST and air 6000 masl at the highest peaks in the snow-capped mountains. As
temperature require a careful comparison before LST can be used as an for the climate, there is a clear separation between the warm rainy
approximation of air temperature in mountainous terrain. season and the coldest and driest season. Anthropogenic activities
MODIS products have been used in other research studies in the have reduced the forested areas of Queñoa (Polylepis Spp), which
Andean region. For example, Delbart et al. (2015) found that the de- have been replaced by shrubland and bushes in large areas.
creasing trend in snow cover during winter, for the period 2001–2014, 2) Xerophytic Puna, is distributed mainly in the central-south of wes-
clearly explains the observed decreasing trend in the annual water tern Bolivia and northwest of Argentina. This area extends from
discharge from four rivers (Mendoza, Tunuyán, Diamante, Atuel) in the 2000 masl in the high valleys in the east to more than 6000 masl in
Argentinian Cuyo region. In mountain regions between Chile and Ar- the snowy mountains and volcanoes in the western side of the
gentina, Cornwell et al. (2016) related the melt-season fluvial flows Andean mountain range, and includes the vast high plain -Altiplano-
with the snow water equivalent and obtained an R2 value of 0.80. The which is located in the widest part of the Andes mountain range. The
latter was estimated by a combination of instrumental records in re- climate in the Xerophytic Puna is tropical and markedly seasonal,
motely sensed snow-covered areas and a snow energy balance model. with extreme arid conditions in the dry season, which is noticeably
More recently, Saavedra et al. (2018) found that a large area (34 accentuated towards the south and the west, where the most ex-
370 km2) of permanent snow coverage, between 29 °S and 36 °S, ex- tensive high mountain saline ecosystems of the Earth are found.
perienced a significant snow cover loss (2–5 less snowfall days per 3) Yungas, extend from the north of Peru to the centre of Bolivia,

J. Aguilar-Lome et al. Int J Appl  Earth Obs Geoinformation 77 (2019) 119–128

Fig. 1. Location map of the study area using the digital elevation model GTOPO30 (elevation ≥ 1000 masl). Elevation ranges are shown in the legend; black triangles
indicate the location of weather stations.

passing through the mountainous slopes of the eastern watersheds in The first daily MODIS LST (MOD11_L2) product is calculated from
the tropical Andes, between the Humid Puna (in the West) and the the brightness temperature using the generalized split window algo-
Amazon lowland (in the East). This zone covers altitudes from rithm proposed by Wan and Dozier (1996) only in cloud-free condi-
500 masl to more than 4000 masl. The vegetation is determined by tions.
the incidence of zonal trade winds coming from the Atlantic Ocean, The first daily MODIS LST (MOD11_L2) product is calculated from
which push against the great mountain barrier to generate almost the brightness temperature using the generalized split window algo-
constant cloudiness and fog through the process of convection, rithm proposed by Wan and Dozier (1996) only for cloud-free condi-
which in turn releases heavy rainfall throughout most of the year. tions.
1−ε Δε T + T32
Ts = C + ⎛B1 + B2 + B3 2 ⎞ 31
2.2. Data ⎝ ε ε ⎠ 2
1−ε Δε T31 − T32
+ ⎛A1 + A2 + A3 2 ⎞ ,
2.2.1. Land surface temperature (LST) ⎝ ε ε ⎠ 2 (1)
MODIS LST product (MOD11A2, version 006) obtained by Terra
(EOS) was downloaded from the USGS (United States Geological ε = 0.5(ε31 + ε32)
Survey) database. The MOD11A2 product is an 8-day compound of
Δε = (ε31 − ε32)
daily LST values (MOD11A1) at a spatial resolution of 1 km. This pro-
duct includes daytime and nighttime LST data, period of observation, Where T31 and T32 , are the brightness temperatures in the strips 31 and
zenith angle, quality reporting, amongst other layers (Wan et al., 2002; 32; ε32 and ε32 are the emissivities of land surface in these two bands,
Wan, 2008). From view time layers (day and night), we obtain that the which were estimated using the method based on emissivity classifi-
time of daytime and nighttime LST observation from Terra/MODIS on cation processes (Snyder and Wan, 1998; Snyder et al., 1998) according
the station Huayao (Peru) (12.047 °S, 75.320 °W) are between 09:54- to land cover type derived from the ground cover product (MOD12Q1)
10:54 and between 22:12-23:06 (local solar time), respectively. These and the snow cover product (MOD10L2); the coefficients Ai (i = 1,2, 3),
have a sun-synchronous, and near-polar orbit so they can travel from Bi (i = 1,2, 3) and C are determined by interpolation of the multi-
the North Pole to the South Pole on the sunlit side as the Earth rotates dimensional dataset into query tables.
below. As a result, they pass over Earth at approximately the same local Validation of MODIS LST daily products (V005) with 47 in-situ
time each day to ensure comparable daylight conditions during a day measurements under clear skies (the LST value range being −10 °C to
(Mao et al., 2017). 58 °C and 0.4 cm–3.5 cm for the water vapour column) shows greater

J. Aguilar-Lome et al. Int J Appl  Earth Obs Geoinformation 77 (2019) 119–128

accuracy at 1 K in the majority of cases (at least 39 out of 47), and the reliability (QC_day), it is an average error smaller than or equal to 0.01
root mean square deviation (RMSD) is less than 0.7 K for all cases (Wan, or emissivity smaller than or equal to 1 K for LST (Wan et al., 2004). If
2008). this degree of accuracy is not achieved for the estimated values of LST
and emissivity, the pixel is classified by another quality indicator and
2.2.2. Normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) error estimator which is provided by 4–7 bits of QC_day code (Wan,
The MODIS product MOD13A3 (version 006) NDVI data for the 2007). Only the best quality pixels, having an error smaller than or
period January 2001 - December 2017 was obtained from the USGS equal to 2 K in the calculated LST, have been used for this study.
database and used to calculate dynamic vegetation activity. The NDVI Once these corrections are made, the average monthly LST is cal-
data have spatial resolutions of 1 km and a monthly temporal resolu- culated as the sum of all 8-day products, provided for a particular
tion. The NDVI is calculated with the distribution function, using at- month and divided by all nonzero occurrences. IFOV (Instantaneous
mospheric correction of the surface reflectance (bidirectional re- Field of View) data in degrees Kelvin (K) was transformed to degrees
flectance distribution function - BRDF) masked by water, clouds, heavy Celsius (°C).
aerosol and cloud shadows (Vermote and Vermeulen, 1999; Gao et al., To evaluate the accuracy of LST data, the monthly average of day-
2002). MODIS Vegetation Index product (VI) was obtained using so- time MODIS LST data was selected for 20 areas of 3 km by 3 km, each
phisticated methods to reduce atmospheric effects, clouds and ob- with a weather station; this follows the methodology developed by
servation angle variations (Huete et al., 2002). Besides the vegetation François et al. (1999). The relationship between monthly daytime
index, the MOD13A3 product contains a layer of pixel information on MODIS LST data and mean monthly maximum air temperature for the
reliability which describes the NDVI quality values per pixel. This in- period of 2000–2015 (JJA) per each land cover type was evaluated
formation on reliability is a decimal number that classifies the pixel into using a linear regression. The Pearson correlation coefficient was used
five categories: -1, fill/no data; 0, good data; 1, marginal data; 2, snow/ as a goodness-of-fit test.
ice; and 3, cloud (Solano et al., 2010). Trends for daytime and nighttime winter MODIS LST were calcu-
lated using Sen's method (Sen, 1968) for each pixel, with the following
2.2.3. Digital elevation model (DEM)
The GTOPO30 (Global Topographic Data) digital elevation model
x j − xk ⎞
was developed over three years by USGS, finalized in the late 1996. β = Median ⎛⎜ ⎟, ∀ j > k

GTOPO30 was obtained from various topographic information sources, ⎝ j−k ⎠ (2)
including vectors and DEM images. Grid spacing is 30 arc seconds
Where x j and xk represent data values at times j and k , respectively, and
(0.008333333 ° or 1 km) (EROS Data Center, 1996).
β is the time series slope (trend). β > 0 indicates a positive trend, while
β < 0 indicates a negative trend. This non-parametric method does not
2.2.4. Air temperature data require data to be normally distributed and is not sensitive to outliers.
A mean monthly maximum air temperature (Tmax) dataset was Mann-Kendall's test was used to evaluate the statistical significance of
provided by the National Meteorology and Hydrology Service of Peru the trends. This test has been widely applied in studies on hydro-me-
(SENAMHI-Peru). The average monthly maximum air temperature is teorological trends and other environmental time series (Yu et al.,
the mean of daily maximum air temperatures in any given month. This 2002; Al Buhairi, 2010; Chattopadhyay and Edwards, 2016).
data was collected from 2000 to 2015 during the austral winter (JJA) Human-induced land use and land cover changes are an important
from 20 weather stations distributed above 1000 masl. Fig. 1 shows the driver for the rising trend of LST (Jiang and Tian, 2010). In the plateau
locations of these weather stations, and Table 1 lists the name, geo- region of north-central Nigeria, urbanization and agricultural activities,
graphic coordinates and elevation for each station. including animal grazing, were responsible for the gradual loss of ve-
getation cover and rising average LST (Odunuga and Badru, 2015). Xu
2.3. Methodology et al. (2013) indicates that the contribution of impervious surface to
regional LST change can be up to six times higher than the sum of the
The quality of the LST data is defined based on the layer of contributions of vegetation and water. van Leeuwen et al. (2011) found

Table 1
Weather stations details.
Station Latitude Longitude Elevation Pixel elevation (m) Land cover types

Paucaray −14.050 −73.634 3206 3206 Cropland

Curahuasi −13.552 −72.735 2879 2879 Shrubland
Urubamba −13.3106 −72.124 3863 3041 Shrubland
Yauri −14.817 −71.417 3925 3925 Grassland/shrubland
Ubinas −16.382 −70.857 3551 3551 Shrubland
Ayaviri −14.873 −70.593 3943 3943 Urban areas
Imata −15.836 −71.088 4519 4449 Sparse vegetation/shrubland
Puno −15.826 −70.012 3812 3847 Urban areas
Huancane −15.201 −69.754 3890 3898 Grassland or savannas
Pampahuta −15.484 −70.676 4400 4368 Grassland or savannas
Mañazo −14.8 −70.067 3920 4084 Grassland
Moquegua −17.169 −70.932 1450 1456 Forest/shrubland
Chuapalca −17.305 −69.644 4177 4220 Sparse vegetation
Huayao −12.038 −75.338 3360 3371 Vegetation/cropland
Matucana −11.839 −76.378 2348 2699 Shrubland
Huamachuco −7.819 −78.040 3200 3254 Cropland/grassland
Andahuaylas −13.649 −73.367 2865 3137 Forest or shrubland/grassland
Cajabamba −7.622 −78.051 2480 2631 Forest or shrubland
Huánuco −9.952 −76.249 1947 1988 Forest or shrubland/grassland
La Angostura −15.183 −71.635 4265 4265 Grassland/shrubland

J. Aguilar-Lome et al. Int J Appl  Earth Obs Geoinformation 77 (2019) 119–128

that changes in day‐night LSTs were highly correlated to the spatial 3.2. LST trend
pattern of deforestation in different states of Brazil in the Brazilian
Amazon. Fig. 3a shows the trends of winter daytime LST in the Tropical
The Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) is an indicator Andean region. In Fig. 3a, grey areas within the study region represent
of vegetation health (Kinyanjui, 2011), and has been widely used to non-significant trend values (p > 0.05), or areas that were dis-
give an idea of vegetation cover status (Horion et al., 2013). We used criminated because of land cover change through the NDVI trend. The
NDVI to detect land cover changes. In order to eliminate any abnormal majority of areas show an increase in the daytime LST during winter,
remnants of NDVI values in monthly images, these time series were with highest values in the northern part (˜12 °S).
filtered using spatial-temporal iteration methods and the Savitzky- A negative LST trend is observed between zone boundaries with an
Golay filter to replace the pixels eliminated by quality bands (Chen influence of coastal cloudiness at about 1200–1500 masl. Thus, an arid
et al., 2014; Lili et al., 2015). The winter trend of NDVI was then cal- zone of variable extent is developed under the influence of the Pacific
culated for each pixel using Sen's method (Sen, 1968) for the period Anticyclone and large-scale atmospheric subsidence (Ubeda and
2000 - 2017. The NDVI trends provide information about changes in Estremera, 2013). Moreover, a negative LST trend occurred in the
land cover during the study period (Hutchinson et al., 2015; Xu et al., western Andes and in the south-eastern part of the study area during the
2016), which are explained by an abrupt increase or decrease in the period of study. The LST trends in Fig. 3a increase by a rate of 0.11 °C
daytime LST trend. In the case of the winter daytime LST trend, only per year, considering the whole of the studied area. This positive trend
areas where the NDVI trend did not change significantly were analysed. gradually increases to reach the highest regional value of 0.3 °C/year,
GLOBCOVER land cover product from the European Space Agency for instance at high elevations of section A-A’ in the central Peruvian
(ESA) (Bontemps et al., 2011) was used to identify land cover types Andes (Fig. 3b). Over this region, there is a warming trend that reaches
around weather stations, and to exclude water bodies and permanent a peak rate of 0.29 °C per year on the eastern side of the Andes range.
snow. Fig. 3a also shows a significant downward trend west of the Andes
between 1000 masl to 2000 masl, with an average rate of -0.12 °C/year.
3. Results On the other hand, the cross-section over the Peruvian and Bolivian
Altiplano shows a significant warming trend in areas above 3000 masl.
3.1. Relationship between daytime LST and maximum air temperature This trend varies between 0.07 °C/year and 0.21 °C/year (Fig. 3c).
Mean monthly maximum air temperature for winter season during
The relationship between mean monthly daytime LST (LSTd) and the period 2000–2015 was used to verify the LST trend. Maximum air
mean monthly maximum air temperature (Tmax) showed statistically temperature during winter (average across all the 20 stations located in
significant linear correlations (0.57 ≤ R ≤ 0.82, p < 0.01) (Fig. 2a-d). the Peruvian Andes) is increasing at a rate of 0.10 °C/year (p ≤ 0.01),
The highest value of R corresponds to shrubland and the lowest value to which is consistent with the results of previous studies (López-Moreno
grasslands. The relationship LSTd/Tmax is closely associated with each et al., 2016; Vicente-Serrano et al., 2018). However, LTS trends in the
land cover type. The relationship LSTd/Tmax for grassland in all sta- tropical Andes have not been provided before.
tions located below 4265 masl (black dots in Fig. 2c), and in stations To summarize the average trend of warming as a function of ele-
located above 4400 masl (gray dots in Fig. 2c) are illustrated in scat- vation, we show the average for the winter daytime LST trends for the
terplots; the former is shifted toward a higher temperature distribution, period 2000–2017, at intervals of 500 m (Fig. 4). The LST trend in-
compared to the latter. creases at 1000–5000 masl, indicating that areas at higher-elevations
For grassland, the value of the slope is relatively low for stations exhibit higher rates of increasing LST (up to 0.18 °C/year). Fig. 5 shows
located above 4400 masl (grey dots in Fig. 2c), while in shrubland the the average for the winter nighttime LST trends for the period of
value is higher (Fig. 2a). The average of the differences (LSTd-Tmax) 2000–2017, with an interval of 500 m at 1000 masl. Although a slight
varies from 3.7 °C in shrubland areas (Fig. 2a) to 14.8 °C in grassland reduction in the increasing trend was observed at 3500–4000 masl, the
areas (grey dots in Fig. 2c). The LSTd/Tmax relationship for urban areas warming trend increases slightly at higher elevations, particularly
(Fig. 2d) shows that Tmax is gradually increased from 12.4 °C to above 4000 masl.
19.4 °C. The weather station is located in urban areas between 3812 and
3927 masl and the average Tmax recorded is 16.1 °C (Fig. 2d).

Fig. 2. Observed LSTd/Tmax scatterplot for (a)

shrubland, (b) cropland, (c) grassland for stations lo-
cated below 4265 masl (black dots) and above 4400
masl (grey dots) and (d) urban areas. R values and
linear equations are indicated. (For interpretation of
the references to colour in this figure legend, the
reader is referred to the web version of this article).

J. Aguilar-Lome et al. Int J Appl  Earth Obs Geoinformation 77 (2019) 119–128

Fig. 3. (a) Spatial distribution of the daytime LST (°C/year) trend in the winter quarterly average for the period 2000–2017, with 95% (p ≤ 0.05) significance
obtained using Sen’s method. Areas with land-cover change have been removed. In (b) A-A' and (c) B-B', two transects of temperature variation (points) and altitude
(lines) are shown graphically.

4. Discussion 1.25–2 m, protected from direct solar radiation (OMM, 2008). Whereas
LST is the temperature measured at surface level (Dash et al., 2001).
4.1. Relationship between daytime LST and maximum air temperature LST is defined by the radiation emitted by the land surface observed by
the satellite sensors at the instantaneous viewing angle (Becker and Li,
The month-to-month comparison of the relationship between the 1995; Norman and Becker, 1995; Wan et al., 2004). LSTd tends to be
maximum air temperature and the corresponding daytime LST data greater than Tmax and the difference increases with rising temperature
indicates that correlations vary from one land cover type to another. (Fig. 2a-d). During the same period of study, Tmax stayed below 30 °C
These correlations are significant and admissible for comparative pur- whereas LSTd exceeded 30 °C. The LST can be 20 °C warmer than the
poses. Differences between LST data and maximum air temperature corresponding Tmax in bare soil with sparse vegetation. This variation
among weather stations may be attributed to: of LSTd in relation to Tmax shows that LST and air temperature have
different physical meanings, magnitudes, responses to changing atmo-
spheric conditions and diurnal cycle (Jin and Dickinson, 2010).
4.1.1. Different physical parameters Mildrexler et al. (2011) indicated that the large difference between
Air temperature is measured with a thermometer exposed to air at

J. Aguilar-Lome et al. Int J Appl  Earth Obs Geoinformation 77 (2019) 119–128

may result in different local weather conditions (Mildrexler et al.,

2011). The shrubland land cover type considered includes weather
stations located within the forest biome where the LSTd/Tmax re-
lationship is near 1:1 (Fig. 2a). The leaves of plants actively exchange
absorbed solar radiation through evaporation. Therefore, during day-
light hours, leaves maintain a temperature close to air temperature
(Nemani et al., 1993). Mildrexler et al. (2011) found that the daytime
LST data from Aqua was highly correlated (R = 0.92) with the max-
imum air temperature in shrubland areas globally, and Shen and
Leptoukh (2011) estimated maximum air temperature using daytime
LST data from Terra finding a mean absolute error (MAE) of 2.4 °C for
shrubland areas in central and eastern Eurasia.
The LSTd/Tmax scatterplot shows that grassland areas present
warmer temperatures compared to shrubland areas. For land with
scarce vegetation, IFOV of the remote sensing devices include both
canopy and soil background elements. Consequently, the effective
surface temperature is dependent on the relative proportions captured
within the IFOV of the sensor for soil versus canopy cover (Friedl and
Davis, 1994). Combined, these factors result in the potential for a large
apportionment of incoming solar radiation into sensible heat, resulting
in a high Bowen ratio (ratio of sensible heat flux to latent heat flux) and
Fig. 4. Averages of winter daytime LST trends for all study areas, at 500-m
high daytime LST values (Mildrexler et al., 2011). However, Parida
intervals, in the tropical Andes (7 °S and 20 °S). The values at the top of bars are
the numbers of MODIS pixels at each elevation range. The error bars represent et al. (2008) indicated that among the different vegetation types,
the standard deviation of LST trend for each range of 500-m, mutiplied by 0.1 to agriculture practiced in desert areas showed the highest surface tem-
be visible. perature, followed by rainfed agriculture, irrigated agriculture and
forest agriculture in the Gurajat state of India, with lower total rainfall
(June-October). Several studies have shown that daytime LST data and
maximum air temperature are correlated (Mildrexler et al., 2011; Shen
and Leptoukh, 2011; Yang et al., 2017). In addition to land cover
characteristics (Schwarz et al., 2012; Maeda and Hurskainen, 2014),
there are many factors that can influence the complex relationship
between daytime LST and maximum air temperature such as solar ra-
diation, cloud cover, soil moisture and surface roughness (Vancutsem
et al., 2010; Kloog et al., 2014; Xu et al., 2014). However, Zhang et al.
(2016) indicated that cloud cover mainly affects the fundamental re-
lationship between daytime LST and maximum air temperature, and
Williamson et al. (2014) concluded that MODIS LST data may change
its relationship with air temperature depending on the period of ag-
gregation, since it is often aggregated into multi-day composites to
mitigate data reductions caused by cloud cover.

4.2. LST trend

The trends for winter daytime LST are consistent with the results
presented by Vicente-Serrano et al. (2018), who showed that the
average maximum air temperature in Peru has a positive trend during
all months of the year, but becomes more pronounced during the winter
Fig. 5. Average of winter nighttime LST trends for all study areas, at 500-m months (JJA). López-Moreno et al. (2016) reported changes in max-
intervals, in the tropical Andes (7 °S and 20 °S). The values at the top of bars are imum air temperature during the cold season (JJA), with more het-
the numbers of MODIS pixels at each elevation range. The error bars represent erogeneous trends; while statistically significant trends were found
the standard deviation of LST trend for each range of 500-m, multiplied by 0.1 mostly for the Bolivian Altiplano, during the period 1965-2012. Like-
to be visible. wise, Vuille et al. (2015) showed that the air temperature trend has
gradually increased between 1950 and 2010.
LSTmax (annual maximum LST) and Tamax (annual maximum air The winter nighttime LST trend has a more homogeneous magni-
temperature) at higher temperatures captures the important distinction tude of change than the winter daytime LST trend. According to
between the radiative measurement, registered on the Earth’s surface Vicente-Serrano et al. (2018), in Peru, minimum air temperature
where thermal energy is more concentrated, and the air temperature, showed positive trends for every month of the year; nevertheless, these
measured in a shelter at 1.5 m above the ground. trends did not show an increase as a function of elevation.
Falvey and Garreaud (2009) identified that temperatures on the
coastal side of the Andes were decreasing at a rate of -0.02 °C/year for
4.1.2. Differential spatial integration the period of 1979-2006. This cooling effect on the coastal side has
The meteorological information represents a punctual value of 10- been attributed to a shift towards a negative phase of the Interdecadal
100 m2 (François et al., 1999), and the MODIS LST information is the Pacific Oscillation (IPO) (Vuille et al., 2015). However, in the sub-
product which integrates data for every 1 km2 into a unique value tropical Andes it continues to experience positive temperature trends
where each pixel may well contain several different land types. Each with respect to elevation (Vuille et al., 2015; Vicente-Serrano et al.,
land cover type has distinct interactions with the atmosphere which 2018). This is most likely due to anthropogenic warming, as suggested

J. Aguilar-Lome et al. Int J Appl  Earth Obs Geoinformation 77 (2019) 119–128

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