Risk Assessment & Method Statement

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Date of Issue Comments Ref No. Authorised by Revision

Issued to site 001 INSERT NAME 01


Site Specific Risk Assessment & Method Statement

Authorised by: INSERT NAME Ref No: 001

Site Specific Risk Assessment & Method Statement


Project Title: Installation of a new air conditioning system.

Issue Number: 01

Compiled by: INSERT NAME

Company Position:

Date Compiled:

Date Issued:

Project Details
Description of work to be undertaken:

The scope of works to be carried out by INSERT COMPANY NAME comprises of the installation of a new air
conditioning system.

Please read this document carefully and implement the requirements of this method statement.

Project Technical Details

Name of Contractor(s): INSERT COMPANY NAME



Supervisor Responsible on Site: INSERT NAME


Principal/Main Contractor INSERT NAME

Estimated Duration of Work (Weeks): As Per Contract Agreement

Commencing: INSERT DATE

Completion: As Per Programme

Number of Employees: 1

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Site Specific Risk Assessment & Method Statement

Authorised by: INSERT NAME Ref No: 001

Site Specific Risk Assessment

Risk Assessment Ref. 001
Contract Location: Issue date:


General Activities / Scope of Work:

The scope of works to be carried out by INSERT COMPANY NAME comprises of the installation of a new air conditioning system. All works will be supervised by an
experienced manager from INSERT COMPANY NAME who will liaise with the principal contractor’s site manager ensuring safety standards are being maintained.

What are the Who might be Risk Rating What further action is Residual Risk Rating
Precautions already in place
hazards: harmed and how? Probability Severity Risk necessary Probability Severity Risk

Falling from Serious or even fatal  Sufficient Step-Ups to be available,  Include work at
height injury could occur if all in good condition. height in toolbox talk
an operator falls from 5 5 25 before beginning 1 5 5
height. Others working  Where required platforms, with work on day one.
below also at risk. guardrail to be used.

Slips and trips All operators, and  All operators wear safety boots – ‘no  Manager to check
tradesmen nearby, boots, no job’ policy. on-site
may suffer sprains,  Good housekeeping, e.g. debris put housekeeping
bruising or fractures if in skip, brush available to use to during visits.
they trip over objects, keep work area clear.
such as work debris,  All trailing cables in work area hung  Include in site
or slip on spillages. up or otherwise kept out of harm’s induction before
5 3 15 way. beginning work on 1 3 3
 Safe route to job agreed with site day one.
manager based on site health and
safety plan.
Fire/explosion All operatives in the  Suitable fire extinguisher kept in site  Supervisor to brief
vicinity could suffer office and welfare block. all workers on first
from smoke  Good housekeeping monitored by day on emergency
3 5 15 1 5 5
inhalation or burns. supervisor. arrangements
agreed with
principal contractor.

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Site Specific Risk Assessment & Method Statement

Authorised by: INSERT NAME Ref No: 001

What are the Who might be Risk Rating What further action is Residual Risk Rating
Precautions already in place
hazards: harmed and how? Probability Severity Risk necessary Probability Severity Risk

Manual Operators risk injury,  Where possible, mechanical means  Remind operatives
handling particularly to the to be used to transport materials. of safe system of
back, from lifting and  Where the movement requires short work at site
handling heavy or distances operatives will use induction.
awkward objects, e.g., barrows or where this risk is minimal
5 4 20 1 4 4
Pipe sections. passage of materials between
numbers of operatives.
 All materials will be below the
recommended guidance for manual
handling lifting weight of 25kg.
Hot works  All hot works area to be cleared of  Fire watcher to be
Operators and nearby any debris, fire extinguisher to be appointed who will
tradesmen at risk from kept close at all time, and fire check for
burns/fire. blankets used where needed. Hot smouldering
3 4 12 works permits will be in place and material for a period 1 4 4
hot works guidelines will be adhered of no less than 1
to. Smoke alarms to be isolated hour after hot works
locally. is completed.

Use of hand Operatives could  Management monitor tools for  Sharp tools to
tools – Injuries suffer injuries when deterioration through use. Tools to remain sheathed
to hands, feet, using hand tools. be replaced when necessary. when not in use.
body and eyes  Operatives instructed on the correct
method of use and of maintenance
3 4 12 1 4 4
requirements at induction.
 Suitable eye protection to be
provided whenever there is a risk of
flying objects or pieces of the tool
breaking off.

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Site Specific Risk Assessment & Method Statement

Authorised by: INSERT NAME Ref No: 001

What are the Who might be Risk Rating What further action is Residual Risk Rating
Precautions already in place
hazards: harmed and how? Probability Severity Risk necessary Probability Severity Risk

Electricity Operatives and others  Site manager to supply 110 v  During site induction
risk potentially fatal temporary supply. on day one,
injuries if they receive  Staff know to check all cables, leads manager to
4 5 20 1 5 5
a shock from faulty etc of all powered tools/ equipment reinforce rules on
electrical equipment. before use, and to report all faults to electrical safety.
their supervisor.
Welfare Good welfare facilities  Agreement with site manager that  Tell staff about
reduce risk of staff may use site welfare facilities – facilities at site
dermatitis, help good 3 4 12 toilets, washing facilities with hot induction on day 1 4 4
hygiene etc. and cold water and mess one.
PROBABILITY = Likely (5) - Probable (4) - Possible (3) - Remote (2) - Improbable (1)
SEVERITY = Catastrophic (5) - Major (4) - Reportable (3) - Serious (2) - Minor (1) RISK = PROBABILITY x SEVERITY
* Residual risk is the level of risk that remains after suitable and sufficient control measures are introduced.

Probability Severity 5 4 3 2 1
at Risk
L Pr Po R Im 1-6
P – Public Likely (L) 5 5 C 25 20 15 10 5 Acceptable
E – Employee Probable (Pr) 4 4 Ma 20 16 12 8 4
C – Contractor Possible (Po) 3 3 R 15 12 9 6 3 8-25
V – Visitor Remote (R) 2 2 S 10 8 6 4 2 Not Acceptable
Improbable (I) 1 1 Mi 5 4 3 2 1

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Site Specific Risk Assessment & Method Statement

Authorised by: INSERT NAME Ref No: 001

Site Specific Method Statement

Control Measures to Reduce Risks: Risk Control Systems (RCS) and Workplace Precautions (WP)
Risk Control Systems in operation: Daily / Weekly inspections, Audits, Reviews, Safety Checks, Recording and
Monitoring, Site Safety Tours.
Workplace Precautions in operation: Safety Signs, Barriers, Fixed Fencing, Guards, Protective Equipment,
Personal Protective Clothing, Overall Prevention Policies, Training, Toolbox Talks, Site Inductions, Risk
Assessments and Method Statements.
Other Precautions: All Electrical Tools used will be PAT tested, inspected and recorded
Tools/Equipment Required: PPE Requirements:
 Portable Non Powered Hand Tools  As per site rules (Mandatory)
 Portable Electrical Tools (Drills etc)  Face/Eye Protection
 Hand Held Gas Primus Bottles  Protective Overalls
 Fire Extinguisher  Hand/Arm Protection
 Heat Resistant Mats  Safety Gloves
 Dust Sheets  Safety Boots at all times (Mandatory)
 Water Gauges  Dust masks FFP2S as a minimum

Access to the Place of Work

*Prior to commencement of work all INSERT COMPANY NAME employees will receive a Tool box talk on the
working within occupied premises.
1. INSERT COMPANY NAME vehicles will be parked in a suitable area so that they do not present a hazard to
other road users and the occupiers of the premises being worked within.
2. Vehicles will be restricted to deliveries and operative’s vans; these will be kept to a minimum.
3. Formal contact will be made with the client of the premises to be worked within, prior to INSERT COMPANY
NAME employees entering the premises.
4. The client will be asked to remove all obstructions from the access and egress routes and the working area
(including fixtures, fittings and furniture).
5. The INSERT COMPANY NAME employees will carry out a pre work inspection to ascertain the condition of the
working areas and to identify any hazards within the working area. They will ensure that any hazards present are
controlled by suitable safe practices.
6. INSERT COMPANY NAME employees will at all time act courteously and with respect to the client and to the
7. The use of the occupiers’ welfare facilities will be at clients’ discretion.
Access Equipment to Be Used (Mobile Tower Scaffold & Stepladders)
1. All site rules and conditions must be strictly adhered to and any person failing to do so will be subject to INSERT
COMPANY NAME disciplinary action and may be removed from site.
2. Only trained competent operatives will erect, modify or dismantle scaffolding towers in accordance with relevant
standards and manufacturer’s instructions.
3. Specification for use of tower scaffolds will take into account the site ground conditions expected, height restrictions
and obstructions.
4. Ladder access should be internal and fixed to the narrowest side.
5. Maximum height to base ratio will not exceed 3:5:1 inside use and 3:1 external use without ties.
6. All tower platforms will be fully boarded and fitted with toe-boards and guardrails.
7. Personnel and materials must be removed before the tower is moved.
8. All tower scaffolding shall be inspected on erection.
9. After alteration, towers must be inspected by a competent person.
10. Towers must be inspected every seven days if they remain in place, and the results recorded.
11. Beware Manual Handling hazards - particularly to lower back when raising equipment to height.
12. Stepladders will only be used for short duration work.
13. Top step of stepladder must not be used unless designed for that purpose.
14. Ladder must be checked to ensure correct length, type and condition before use.
15. Ladders are subject to a planned maintenance program.
16. Ladder work is restricted to that which can be carried out using one hand only, and stepladder work to that which
can be carried out ensuring the stability of the stepladder.
17. The ground base for the ladder must be firm and level.
18. Use of ladders will be monitored regularly, to ensure that operatives are not over-reaching or using two hands to
19. Damaged ladders will be removed from site immediately. & Stepladders must be fully open, with cords taut.

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Site Specific Risk Assessment & Method Statement

Authorised by: INSERT NAME Ref No: 001

Site Specific Method Statement

The Workplace
1. The general working areas will be secured / isolated by means of warning tape and signage.
2. Dust sheets will be used to minimise the risk of damage to existing fittings and furniture
3. The work areas shall be clear of all obstructions and safe to work in. In the event of a confined space working, all
work must be carried out in compliance with the specific risk assessment.
Details Work Sequence

*Where required the Client / Principal Contractor must provide risk assessments to INSERT COMPANY NAME
operatives who may be exposed to any hazards from either the Clients / Principal Contractors or other contractor’s
The workplace will be inspected prior to commencement of work and any fixtures, fittings or furniture that may cause
obstruction or become damaged during the installation process must be removed by the client.
1. Isolation of any electrical equipment at a consumer unit must be undertaken by INSERT COMPANY NAME
appointed competent person.
2. Suitable isolation warning tape / sign will be attached to any isolated service to prevent unauthorised
3. All pipe runs where required will be completed prior to the installation of the unit.
4. Dust sheets to be used to minimise damage to existing furniture and fittings.
5. All hot work will be subject to strict compliance with the Company’s health and safety procedures including
permit to work systems.
6. Portable Fire extinguishers will be available at all times.
7. The competent person must carry out a pre installation inspection in accordance with the manufacturers
guidance and installation procedures. I.e. pre installation inspections etc.
8. Carry out the pre assembly of air conditioning unit in accordance with manufactures guidance.
9. Carry out any pipe connection alterations.
10. The outdoor unit must be fitted HORIZONTALLY so that the 4 metal ‘feet’ are flat on a horizontal position.
11. The outdoor unit will then be firmly fixed (bolted) to avoid falling over in strong winds.
12. Supply and fit air conditioning unit following manufacture installation guide.
13. On completion of the installation any refrigeration system will be subjected to a pressure test.
14. At the completion of the work, the area will be cleared and handed back to the client in a safe and good
Brazing and Bronze Welding
1. Efficient planning will take into account: location of welding and cutting work, fire safety/prevention needs,
materials to be worked, available ventilation, other works in progress in the area and statutory requirements.
2. Suitable screens and fire blankets will be readily available to protect flammables and persons from sparks and
3. The minimum numbers of gas cylinders will be kept at the workplace, and these will be upright and secured.
Flashback arrestors will be fitted to all gas regulator sets.
4. All necessary fire prevention equipment and fire extinguishers will be in place prior to the commencement of
work. Management’s role is to check specifically that all required precautions are taken.
5. A check of the work area will be carried out on completion of the shift or the work for any possibility of latent fire
hazards, including smouldering.
6. Operatives carrying out this work will have received extensive trade and safety training and will be trained in fire
prevention and welding safety.
7. Written arrangements will be made for storage of gas cylinders. No work will take place in areas where the
presence of flammable or explosive substances and there is significant risk of fire or heat transfer to adjacent
8. Where ventilation is poor, local exhaust ventilation will be provided.
9. PPE, such as gloves, boots, overalls, aprons, eye protection, as required from COSHH and PPE assessments,
will be provided and worn All Workplace precautions and risk control systems to be adopted
Materials Handling and Storage

Possible use of stair lift trolley where appliance installations are on first floor levels i.e. in flats, apartments or
1. All packs will be transported to site in company vans or delivered direct from suppliers.
2. All packs will be manoeuvred on sack trucks or other suitable mobile trolley.

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Site Specific Risk Assessment & Method Statement

Authorised by: INSERT NAME Ref No: 001

Site Specific Method Statement

3. Team Lifts shall be used were there is reduced space for the use of mechanical lifting aids.

Power Sources and Isolations Required include details of any Permit to Works (Hot work, Electric Isolations
 Electrical sources either connected to the existing appliances or in immediate vicinity
 Permit to work issued by the client/main contractor for isolation and for any hot working.

Training Requirements
 All operatives are to be competent to carry out their work.

Hazardous Substances
1. Reference should be made to the COSHH Assessment Manual for full details of safety requirements.
Supervision and Coordination of Activities
1. The designated Foremen will manage the company’s’ activities on a daily basis and their responsibility is to
control the working areas and interface INSERT COMPANY NAME’ activities with the occupiers, client’s other
trades and contractors.
2. Emergency procedures must be strictly adhered with.
3. They will highlight any unsafe conditions or actions and will inform the company management team to ensure the
correct remedial actions can be taken to correct the situation.
Environmental Considerations

Site environmental considerations issued by the Principal contractor must be adhered to at all times.

1. Under no circumstances must any waste materials, fuels or any other contaminate be allowed to enter the
domestic drainage system.
2. Removal of asbestos containing materials will be subject to risk assessment and normally a specialist contractor
will be appointed for the removal and disposal of all asbestos containing materials.
3. All insulation and package materials will be disposed of in compliance with the company’s environmental policy.
4. These include for general waste, timber, waste plastics and cardboard etc. and special waste.
5. As far as reasonably practicable, noise will be kept to a minimum whilst on occupied domestic premises.
6. Foul and abusive language will not be tolerated and operatives found using such language or gestures will be
removed from site immediately.
7. Transistor radios will not be permitted on occupied premises unless permission has been given by the
8. The use of Mobile phones must only be used were necessary.
Protection of the Public

INSERT COMPANY NAME vehicles will be parked in a suitable area so that they do not present a hazard to other
road users and the occupiers of the premises being worked within.

Local road traffic and pedestrian safety is paramount.

Waste materials will be stored within the boundary of the domestic premises in a controlled manner and away from
pedestrian access routes. All waste must be stored so as not to enter any drainage systems.

All stored materials must be stacked so not to cause materials to fall, slip or be blown into the public highway or
along pedestrian routes.

Under no circumstances will any waste materials be stored on public footpaths or road ways with out specific
authorisation and control measures in place to prevent trips, slips or falls by members of the public.
Waste Disposal Arrangements
1. All waste will be disposed of in compliance with current industry standards and legislation.
2. All waste will be segregated to ensure the reduction of waste.
3. All waste will be removed from the premises at the end of each working day
4. Burning of waste materials on domestic premises is strictly prohibited

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Site Specific Risk Assessment & Method Statement

Authorised by: INSERT NAME Ref No: 001

Site Specific Method Statement

Review of Method Statement

The site specific supervisor responsible for the works will ensure that the work area has been inspected and is free
from risk of injury or that suitable and sufficient measures have been taken to comply with current health and safety
legislation prior to any work being undertaken.

All operatives will attend induction training and receive the method statement explanation. Operatives will be given
the risk COSHH, noise and PPE assessments where applicable. Method statements and all the above-mentioned
assessments will be closely monitored for compliance and where a safer alternative to the system of work can be
improved, the method statement will be updated accordingly and the agreed system adopted. The company will
encourage any new initiatives to a safer system of work by consultation with the work force, Supervisors and Managers
for continuous improvement.

Emergency Contacts Name Contact Number

Safety and Environment Advisor INSERT NUMBER
Off Site Emergency Number Head Office INSERT NUMBER
Out of Hours/24 hr Emergency Number Head Office INSERT NUMBER

Revision of Method Statement Details

Section 1.0

Section 2.0

Revised by Date of Revision Authorised by

Risk Assessment & Method Statement Register

Date Names Signature(s):

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Site Specific Risk Assessment & Method Statement

Authorised by: INSERT NAME Ref No: 001

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