English Essay Draft 1

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Garcia 1

Samira Garcia

Dr. Briones

ENGL 1302-160

9 September 2022

Vocabulary Retention

The benefits of acquiring high vocabulary expansion are known to contribute to a variety

of aspects of an individual's life. Vocabulary improvement is compared to one of the most

essential academic investments, however, it’s at times been minimized in comparison to other

crucial skills. In the world of buzzing with technology, phrases, and slang it’s easy to become

intertwined in a bubble where normal proper conversation can be difficult. While cognitive,

environmental, and social aspects come into play in the type of vocabulary an individual will

become exposed to it’s essential to acknowledge the power of words. Links are found in

individuals who possess a higher level of vocabulary and are prone to be more successful in life.

A robust vocabulary continues to demonstrate the way it connects to all areas of communication

which involve listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Ranging from learning a foreign

language to landing a specific job can depend on the words which an individual can comprehend

and utilize. In the learning environment, “the concept of definition instruction helps students gain

control of the vocabulary acquisition process” (Schwartz 1985). By being able to connect the

way vocabulary is improved by applying it to memorization/ retention techniques it can be easier

for an individual to increase their language acquisition.

For this particular experiment, the subject chose to jot down 10 everyday words

stumbled upon which seemed foreign and incomprehensible. Afterward, the definitions of each

word were written down flashcards. Towards the end of the day, 30 minutes were put aside to go
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over each index card with the information. The limitations of this experiment involved not being

able to go over the time limit of 30 minutes of practice. None of the words written down were

changed and only individual learning was allowed. The words and definitions were not allowed

to be rehearsed out loud. At the end of the experiment, a simple test of each other words was

written to be able to analyze if the definition of the words collected throughout the experiment

were able to be memorized and understood. By factoring in this rule, it allowed the experiment to

flow more fluidly and stand in a solid position in the way vocabulary words can be attained by

retention. It also allowed the experiment to have a better organized

Furthermore, being able to garner an idea in which the human brain can preserve advanced

vocabulary for the reader. In an article involving vocabulary acquisition,

On the third day of the experiment, the subject noticed a difference in the time it would

take for her brain to process and retain the words and definitions analyzed. The subject also

noted being able to obtain a better understanding of words in the context being utilized by

looking up the definition. However, choosing to study over the cards at the end of the day proved

to be a difficult process of having a busy schedule. The subject also noticed thinking about the

words the day after and being able to remember what was written on the index cards with ease.

In a research article found on a flashcard drill technique designed for increasing retention of

reading words students demonstrated to “retain 70% of the words one day after they learned to

read the words during the rehearsal session” (Joseph 2006). The main advantage eminent in the

conducted experiment involves proving incremental rehearsal procedure provides better retention

levels. Exposure to these types of methods allows students to increase their basic reading skills

and gain new vocabulary along the way.

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On the fourth day of the experiment, the subject continued to come across new words to add to

the word list and felt it easier to retain the definitions after going over them for the appointed

time. However, the first words grasped and understood at the beginning of the experiment were

starting to slowly disappear from recent memory. Despite this, the subject felt confident in being

able to remember the definition of the words when the words would be presented in the exam

form. In the process of the experiment, it’s crucial to understand the connection between the way

three dimensions of vocabulary development are needed. The depth of partial to precise

knowledge, depth of knowledge, and reception to productive useability reflect “how they

interface with processes of word learning and use” (Henriksen 1999). Even though, the subject

struggled to memorize a few words from the first day of the experiment being able to retain and

recall the way they were utilized in the context of the reading provided a better sense of


On the fifth and last day of the experiment, the subject took the exam preparation that just

included the words gathered over the five days. The exam consisted of the written words with a

blank space to be filled with the appropriate definition for each one. Throughout the process of

the exam, the subject concluded feeling confident in remembering the definition for each one due

to the type of connections made from the information in which they were obtained. After the end

of the exam, the subject performed at a better level with words that were studied throughout the

middle of the experiment compared to the first and final days.

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The experiment proved to show mediocre results, however, in research conducted

flashcard drill methods have “previously noted to improve word recognition” (Volpe 2011).

Vocabulary seems to intertwine in everyone’s life in a variety of different ways that

include cognitive, social, and academic aspects. Throughout the experiment, the subject noticed

an increase in the way new words could be retained by setting aside time to analyze their

meanings. The process revealed and provided the way flashcard and retention methods can be

utilized to increase vocabulary retention ande development. Gathered research also displays a

correlation between word retention when certain methods such as flashcard drills are utilized and

linked to contexts in which the word can be understood. Therefore, vocabulary development

proves the requirement for definition instruction, context connection, and retention methods.
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Works Cited

Henriksen, Birgit. “Three Dimensions of Vocabulary Development.” Studies in Second

Language Acquisition, vol. 21, no. 2, 1999, pp. 303–317.,

Joseph, Laurice M. “Incremental Rehearsal: A Flashcard Drill Technique for Increasing

Retention of Reading Words.” The Reading Teacher, vol. 59, no. 8, 2006, pp. 803–07. JSTOR,

Schwartz, Robert M., and Taffy E. Raphael. “Concept of Definition: A Key to Improving
Students’ Vocabulary.” The Reading Teacher, vol. 39, no. 2, 1985, pp. 198–205. JSTOR,

Volpe, Robert J., et al. “A Comparison of Two Flashcard Drill Methods Targeting Word
Recognition.” Journal of Behavioral Education, vol. 20, no. 2, 2011, pp. 117–137.,

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