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November 2022

1. What form of poetry is a Haiku?

2. What is the syllable pattern used in a Haiku?
a. 3-2-4 b) 7-5-7 c) 5-7-7 d) 5-7-5
3. The traditional haiku were written on which topic?
a. School b) Nature c) Life d) Flowers
4. The study of birds is termed as __________.
5. The part of the brain primarily responsible for production of speech is
the _________
6. Which bird is known as the ‘farmer of the forest’?
7. How many countries are included in the commonwealth of nations?
8. Where did Queen Elizabeth permanently move to in 2022?
9. London Bridge is Down is an alternate name for the plan that went
into action when Queen Elizabeth II passed away on 8th
September 2022. What is the official title of the plan?
10. Where would you find 70% of freshwater?
11. How much water can be wasted by a dripping tap in a day?
12. What does Lawh-al-Mahfuz means?
13. Which sins were committed by the nation of Thamud?
9 5
14. A kettle holds litres of water. A cup holds liters of water. How
4 8
many cups can be filled with the water in the kettle?

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