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Is the largest single initiative for financing evangelism through local churches in the history of Christendom. The program is best explained by its goal and mission statement. THE GOAL Is to train and have fully operational by the year 2025, over one million Christians in business tithing funds to the local church. This will result in a minimum of 200 billion dollars being tithed to the local church for evangelism. THE MISSION Is to provide a cutting edge training program for pastors, facilitators, and those wishing to become Kingdom Builders over a two-month period, with the provision of ongoing resources.

*A project of Covenant Trust

THE GABRIEL CALL To reach this goal and achieve this mission, the World Centre for Entrepreneurial Studies has developed a unique training program called The Gabriel Call. The program is designed to support the authority of the local church in evangelism and to provide an effective economic platform. The objective is to see the program fully operational in 50,000 churches in the English speaking world by 2025. C O M P L I M E N TA R Y P A S T O R S P R O G R A M

T H E C O M P L I M E N TA R Y F A C I L I TAT O R S P R O G R A M The pastor of each participating church selects a leader to act as a facilitator for the duration of the training period who also participates in the program. The content of the program emphasizes effective meeting procedures, question and answer times, and follow-up and assessment of participants, with an open door to The Gabriel Call Team for suggestions and support. DVDs are provided to help ensure the success of every meeting. THE KINGDOM BUILDERS PROGRAM

Individual CDs Participants receive a minimum of eight CDs over the length of the program. Each CD contains the subject matter for the relevant lesson. Email Service During the program, additional information may be required. The church facilitator has access to a special email service, which responds directly to any questions. Bi-monthly Update A bi-monthly email update is published with information on market trends, economic changes, geo-political shifts, and question and answer columns. Diploma on Practical Entrepreneurship All participants completing the program will receive a diploma signed by the pastor of the local church, the International Chairman, and the CoChairman of The Gabriel Call.

The program is offered exclusively for participation through local churches with pastoral endorsement. Applications from individuals are not accepted. The mailing list is confidential and is not available to other groups, and the records are kept according to strict privacy principles. Churches that desire to participate in The Gabriel Call program must have a minimum of twenty individuals enrolled in the program and meet the following stipulations: Participants must be over eighteen years of age, belong to the local church, and be nominated by the senior pastor. Each participant is required to personally pay a fee of $300 to The Gabriel Call (sponsorships are not accepted).

The Pastors program is supplied on DVD and includes the following subjects: Understanding the business culture How to pastor corporations Meeting business needs Building your own Board of Directors Raising finances for special projects How to create a large, permanent, and ongoing financial reserve Winning business people to Christ How to write books that sell

The eight-week program covers a wide range of areas. The facilitator receives a DVD for each of the eight weeks, covering selected subjects. Participants are required to spend a minimum of 2 hours (one night a week) for at least eight weeks to cover all the subjects. (The subjects are listed elsewhere in this brochure.) The eight DVDs must be returned to The Gabriel Call headquarters upon completion of the program.

Each participant must sign a Commitment Form stipulating that they: accept the authority of their local church; are either in business or will definitely go into business within twelve months of completing the program; will tithe faithfully to their local church; and will attend and participate in all eight meetings.

THE KINGDOM BUILDERS PROGRAM Lesson 1 Introduction to The Gabriel Call the Goal, the Mission, the Background, Work Ethics and the Christian Distinctive, Defining What Success Means to You, Family Life and Heritage Protection, Identifying Entrepreneurial Skills, Learning from the Giants of the Past, Entrepreneurial Principles, Unbreakable Laws of Success, Challenges, and Response Materials. Lesson 2 Economic Protection, Creating a Business Plan, Management, Purchasing a Business, How to Obtain a Loan, Understanding the Banking System and How to Play the Game, Getting out of Debt, Building a Heritage, Creating a Board of Directors, How to Obtain Cash without Loans or Interest, How to Create a Marketing Plan, Franchising, Protecting your Bottom Line, and Exit Options.

Lesson 3 Whats in a Dream, Goal-setting as a Science, Finding Your Goals, Trading Your Life, Energizing Your Goals, Defining Your Goals, Logistics, and Creating a Master Plan. Lesson 4 Choosing a Business Vehicle, How to Create a Business Today with Immediate Cash Income, Understanding Multi-level Marketing, Get Experience the Easy Way, Learning Negotiating Skills, and Looking for Options. Lesson 5 Good Laws/Bad Laws, Conflict, Taxation, Decisionmaking, Protecting Yourself, Motivation as a Lifestyle, How to Gain Consensus, Changing Your Attitude Perspective, Minimizing People Dependency, Aspiring to Something Greater than Yourself, and Welcoming Change. Lesson 6 Time Management, Pushing Past Confusion, Delegation, The Question Technique, Concentrate on the Essentials, Control Your Own Time Zones, Keeping on Track, and Time Alone to Dream.

Lesson 7 Crisis Management, Crisis Controls, Divide and Conquer, Face the Facts, Do Not Give in to Pressure, Finding a Solution, Using Time as a Weapon, Going on the Attack, Take a Break, and Preventing a Failure Recurrence. Lesson 8 Creating an Edge over Your Competitors, The Secret Weapon, Being Fully Prepared, Knowing Your Competition, To Market, To Market, Remaining Cool, Looking to the Future, The Perceptive Key, and The Challenge.

Advertising, mailing, and other expenses to run the program are the responsibility of the participating church. The Gabriel Call can provide assistance in respect to logos, but accepts no offer of payment or finance other than $300 representing each participant. At the beginning of the program, the participating church receives a Citation from The Gabriel Call.

H O W TO B E C O M E I N V O LV E D Application for involvement in The Gabriel Call can only be made by the Senior Pastor of a local church. Individuals or organizations are not accepted. Step 1: Read this brochure thoroughly and if you require additional information, contact The Gabriel Call at: Step 2: When you share the information in this brochure at your local church and believe you have a minimum of twenty people who can participate in the program, move to Step 3. Step 3: Send an email to The Gabriel Call explaining that you would like to proceed ( In response you will receive a promo DVD. A Church Acceptance Form and Participant Registration Forms relative to the number of applicants can be downloaded from this website.

Step 4: All Participant Registration Forms shall be completed in triplicate. One copy must be forwarded to The Gabriel Call office, the second is for the participant, and the third copy is to be retained by the Church. The Church Acceptance Form must be completed in duplicate. One copy must be forwarded to The Gabriel Call office (together with one copy of the Participants Registration Forms). A Fee of $300 per student must be paid into the local churchs account and are non-refundable. A telegraphic transfer (SWIFT) for all participants fees collected by the Church must then be sent from the Church bank to the following account: Neue Bank AG Marktgass 20 9490 Vaduz, Liechtenstein SWIFT/BIC NBANLI22 In favor of THE GABRIEL CALL TRUST reg. IBAN LI08 0880 2001 1897 0010 1 Include the name of your church.

Step 5: Upon receipt of all completed documents and the (SWIFT) telegraphic transfer of funds, The Gabriel Call Kit will be forwarded to your Church. Please email The Gabriel Call office once the telegraphic transfer has been sent. NOTE: Please remember to put the name of your Church on the telegraphic transfer documentation at your bank so that the sender of the funds can be identified.



Gabriel Call Citation. This certificate should be framed and placed in a prominent position in your church. Complimentary Pastors Program DVD. Complimentary Facilitators Program DVD. Extensive eight-part DVD program on practical international entrepreneurship. (The program is internationally protected and must not be used for any purpose other than the training of registered students involved in The Gabriel Call and must be immediately returned at the conclusion of the last lesson.) At the conclusion of each lesson, each participant receives a copy of the lesson on CD. Participants cannot receive the Diploma of Practical Entrepreneurship, or be considered for trade delegations, or receive further information if all lessons are not fully viewed. No exceptions are considered.

A gift DVD for each student at the conclusion of the program to be presented at the Diploma ceremony. A Diploma for each student to be presented by the Senior Pastor at a cap and gown ceremony.




The Gabriel Call will present to any registered participant who blesses their church by a one time or multiple gifts, a significant Gabriel Call medal as a mark of appreciation and honor. Awards will be given in the following categories: $250,000 $500,000 $1,000,000 Bronze Silver Gold

tages, he built a large business in real estate in Australia with South-East Asian connections. He has served on international boards covering the four corners of the globe and has been deeply involved in Christian Outreach throughout the world for more than 46 years. He has conducted, free of charge, up to 1,000 seminars in churches in many parts of the world. Dr. Peter Daniels and Robina, his wife of more than 50 years, promote Christian family values. They have three children and eight grandchildren, all of whom are committed Christians. Peter and Robina attend Liberty Church, with Pastor Bill Nott and his wife Heather, in South Australia. Dr. Peter Daniels has authored over twenty books and created numerous business programs that are used extensively throughout the world. He has been honored by universities, institutions, and governments for his entrepreneurial ability and benevolence. He has worked with some of the most outstanding intellectual business, academic, and religious giants of the 20th and 21st centuries.

The Gabriel Call relies on the integrity of the Senior Pastor and the Church, to ensure that only registered students attend the lessons. Further we invite individual pastors to apply and attend The Gabriel Call International Directors Meeting to offer input, make recommendations, and share their experiences with The Gabriel Call program. Please respond by sending an email to The Gabriel Call at: The Gabriel Call c/o Family Harvest Church 18500 92nd Avenue, Tinley Park, Illinois 60477 Phone: 708 614 6000 Website:

DR. PETER J. DANIELS International Chairman and Founder of The Gabriel Call Dr. Peter J. Daniels is a well-known and respected Australian Christian international business statesman of substance. He came from a disadvantaged background and his early years were plagued by illiteracy and ignorance. He came to Christ on May 25, 1959 at a Billy Graham Crusade in Adelaide, South Australia. In spite of numerous disadvan-

H I S TO R I C A L I N V O LV E M E N T S Director International Corporate Holdings Pty. Ltd. (Multiple business enterprise) Peter J. Daniels Real Estate (1972-1989) Chairman Anglo Far East Bullion Company Chairman Australia Fair Pty. Ltd. (Strategic Intelligence and Bullion Company) President and Founder World Centre for Entrepreneurial Studies International Director Robert Schuller Ministries (1980 - 1999) International Director Worldwide Leadership Council (1993 - 1999) National Chairman and International Board Member Haggai Institute of Advanced Leadership Training (1977 - 1989)

World Treasurer Youth for Christ International (1980 - 1991) Chairman of the Board Youth for Christ Australia (1976 - 1991)

He is the President and Founder of Excellence in Ministry International, a global association of pragmatic Christian leaders dedicated to foundational church growth, ministerial ethics, and personal excellence. He is the International Co-Chairman of the Gabriel Call, a ministry dedicated to training entrepreneurs to fund the Gospel through the local church for the purpose of global evangelism. Dr. Robert Daniels Thompson is the President and Founder of the International College of Excellence, a fully accredited Christian University dedicated to equipping tomorrows leaders. His television program is viewed by millions in the United States and around the world. He is the Senior Pastor of Family Harvest Church, one of Americas most influential and productive churches. He is happily married to Linda, his wife of over thirty years.

HONORS RECEIVED Doctor of Letters Oral Roberts University, Tulsa, Oklahoma Doctor of Humanities March of Faith Bible Institute, Houston, Texas Honorary Ambassador World Expo, Australian Government World Ambassador for Life Youth for Christ International (1986) Special Ambassador of State on Economic Affairs Ciskei, Southern Africa (1986-1989) DR. ROBERT DANIELS THOMP SON Co-Chairman of The Gabriel Call Author of hundreds of resource materials including books, tapes, CDs, and videos, Dr. Robert Daniels Thompson is an exceptionally skilled relational and leadership strategist. With over twenty years of experience in the area of human resource management, he travels the globe, training business executives and mentoring government leaders, including Heads of State, cabinet ministers, and royalty.

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